Would you expect your house to be clean before you moved in?

Nope, I’d be pissed too. It just shows what kind of land lords they will be. Don’t be surprised if they don’t really fix anything if u ever were to need something fixed in the future. SMH! Goodluck to u guys and I pray its not a bad place to live.

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Nope. It should have been cleaned for you

No! You should complain and if you paid a deposit make sure you get all of it back.

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That is uncalled for

You should ask for free months rent. Or compensation for cleaning. As for bf complaining you were upset did he help you with the cleaning.

When I took my place I told the last tenants I would deep clean it before I moved my things in and that they didn’t need too moving with kids is stressful enough … even if it’s spotless I still clean it anyway so it’s how I like it but I also clean for a living lol :person_shrugging:

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Hell no! It should’ve been cleaned! Take pictures and ask for money off rent.

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Yes it is matter! That is why people pay a deposit! I hope you took pictures & videos of the condition of the property. Because you will need them to get your deposit back. They should of cleaned it before you move in, they excepted you to clean it when you move out or keep even charge extra if you don’t.
I had to take my former landlord to court & won! It doesn’t matter how long you live somewhere a judge can/ will dem the house was unfit /clean before you’ve in. You can be awarded all of you deposit back plus!

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Yea it suppose to be clean and also make sure you took pictures of EVERYTHING cause if your landlord couldn’t clean up his rental you may be in for a not good experience down the road with the landlord

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Not at all. That’s really gross.

100% complain. That should of been taken care of no excuses.

Ewwwww yes should be cleaned

I’m pretty sure they are required by law to clean and even repaint between tenants. At least here in RI it is. Repainting doesn’t always happen but that’s not as big of a deal as it not being cleaned.


I would complain ASAP!! That’s not ok!

You need to say something too.

Yes it should be clean before you move in

That’s disgusting of course it has to be cleaned usually when the last tenant leaves it gets professionally cleaned or they can’t get their one back

Complain and dont let it go smh

Some landlords don’t clean. I moved into 1 that was disgusting. Grease on the stove & walls, floors filthy, food all over etc the worst part was when my baby found a roach (weed) & my teen found a hyperemic needle in the closet. Landlord didn’t care. I looked into it. It’s not a law or anything that a rental is clean when you move in. It’s considered a courtesy. Good luck if you choose to complain.

Places need to be cleaned between tenants especially now. I will almost bet they never refunded previous tenants deposit. We have only had to rent three times in our lives and 2 of the places were clean but when we gave notice, cleaned the unit, and ask for our deposit we were denied for damage that was there when we moved in. Dated pictures of the damage did no good and it would have cost us more ro fight it. The third place I consulted an attorney and put the rent into an escrow account at the bank that could not be accessed by the owner until attorney and I signed off on it. U better believe he came and replaced the collapsed stairs off the porch and replaced the broken out basement windows!!! I only had to threaten to do it again for him to take care of his responsibilities!!! When I moved out a year later he said I was best tenant he ever had!!! I painted at my expense and floors and surfaces were clean enough to eat off of!!!


It’s an apartment and part of the reason people pay deposit. They are ABSOLUTELY suppose to be deep cleaned between tenants. I would be PISSED. Document and complain. You’re bf is 100% WRONG.


No. It sounds gross and it is the landlord’s job to make sure it’s clean before you get in. That’s part of what a deposit it for. I clean when I get in anyways because I’m particular and don’t trust people but that’s just unprofessional of them.

If it’s an apartment yes. That actually happened the last apartment that me and my husband rented the woman that was supposed to clean it never came in and cleaned so the leasing company took the cleaning fee off of our deposit.

It’s supposed to be cleaned and considered habitable before moving a tenant in. You can report it to the health department

Get your deposit back atleast.

This is why you need pics before moving in. I have moved into a home that wasn’t super cleanly due to past tenants and the landlord took off a portion of first months rent and apologized but legally I don’t think they have to and if you are already moved in they can claim an agreement was made.

I would take lots of pictures and send a cleaning bill

I would be disgustex too. It should be clean and move in ready. Keep those photos and show the landlord. Ths complex I live in is the same way. I hear the women complaining about it.

I’m a landlord, I’ve never rented a place without the new tenants looking at the place first, so if you looked at it and agreed to rent it without mentioning that it needed to be cleaned that’s your fault.

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You are right, you should have called the landlord right away to come over and see what the apartment looked like, that’s not acceptable

Did you look at it before moving in? You should have asked them if it would be cleaned first. Either way I’ve always done my own cleaning when moving, even if it looked clean. It should have at least been presentable but I’m not sure why you wouldn’t ask about it before agreeing to take it.

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Always take pictures when you move in and move out, even if the landlord does a walk through

I would take pictures definitely…to show what condition you had to deal with

That’s disgusting. If it’s apart of your lease agreement they can either give you the damage deposit back or clean it.

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I would definitely complain and demand they place me into a new (clean) apartment if one is available. Either way, THEY need to clean it.


They are supposed to have it cleaned and perfect before a new tenant moves in.

The house should’ve been left clean, ready to move into!!

No, you’re not making too big a deal. It should be clean when you move in. Granted, I always clean for myself when I move in, but what you described is different. Bugs, grime in the kitchen, those things should be taken care of before you move in. Best of luck to you❤

Oh absolutely it goes without saying it has to be cleaned !!! I used to clean for a living and when I moved I would often offer to clean it myself for money off the deposit!

If it’s not professionally cleaned when you leave you will be charged. Document, document, document. Make sure you complain in writing.

I’ve moved into nasty places, I’ve moved into clean places. Either way, I always clean myself before any of my personal belongings are brought in.

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It should have been cleaned

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You should complain! That’s horrible!

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No not at all it definitely should of been CLEANED b4 u got there

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This crap happened to us when we moved into our house. Moving 1,200 miles away, confirmed it was to be cleaned before we moved in. It definitely wasn’t. I couldn’t believe how disgusting the people were before us. :rage:

So did you not see it prior to moving in? You chose to rent it. I’m confused. You should have known what it looked like beforehand. You either say “I’ll take it” and deal with the cleaning as part of getting it ready to make it your space or you say “we would love to set a move in date, but will you be having this cleaned prior to us bringing in our belongings and pets?” :woman_shrugging:

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I’d just be getting a room and revoking my contract to be honest-this is a sign of things to come

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He doesn’t want you to complain, but is he helping you clean?

I don’t care if a house was cleaned or not before I move it. I am going to clean it again any way.

That’s nasty! Yes it should be cleaned! I would complain too.

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Hope you didn’t pay a deaning deposit also hope you took pictures

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He sounds like a loser

The best condo ive ever lived in is the one I still live in. It was so immaculate. Still, i mixed bleach and water and let it sit overnight. If the place is dirty, you are in for some problems down the road. Or, you can threaten the lady due to the rent moratorium and i bet that place is professionally cleaned in a day.

It definitely should have been cleaned. Call you management office and ask what their policies are, if they say they spot clean but its really up to the tenants then fine, if they say they thoroughly clean each apartment before they rent each apartment then id complain and ask to be compensated

I wouldnt be happy with it being that gross. But each time i moved i cleaned before unpacking

Not at all!! And I’d be fuming if your paying deposits etc I’d expect it cleaned fresh lick of paint everywhere and carpets cleaned! Tbh most of my landlords in the past have done this, if they’ve had a previous tenant in for quite sometime before it’s going to be grimy in places and mucky

You are the one that view the place and agreed through contract to live there. Unless it was stated in your lease that they had to clean it before you moved in, you’re SOL and I’m really sorry about that because I’ve been in the same situation many times.

Check with the property manager and ask why the apartment was not cleaned. Tell them that there were areas that were gross and having dead bugs was not a great greeting either. You are doing the correct thing by taking pictures and documenting everything. If the property manager states that they can not do anything, ask them if they would reimburse you for the cleaning supplies and materials to clean something they should have. If they are company owned place go to their web site and put in complaints with them and let them know that the property manager refuses to clean. That will make heads roll.


Should have been deep cleaned , especially with Covid ,and some states even require paint and carpets cleaned


That’s gross. It should’ve been cleaned. When I moved out of my apartment, I hired a cleaner to come in and do a deep cleaning of it. It actually was probably clean enough after I got done moving out, but my landlords were very good to me the 5 years I lived there, so I wanted to make sure I left their place extra clean.

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I would complain too. My house was empty and had been for awhile when we bought it. I cleaned and painted everything even though it wasn’t dirty. I sure wouldn’t unpack my stuff in what you described.


No you are not making too big a deal of this. It absolutely should be clean when you move in! Keep track of the hours you cleaned and the cleaning materials you used. Submit a bill with pix to the landlord.


I expect a clean place, especially because I have to clean the place I am leaving so I can get the deposit back. Make it a “BIG DEAL” and stick to your guns about that. My son moved twice in college and both times he had to clean up before or as they moved in! Yuck people, how can you live like such animals!

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You are absolutely in the right. Every landlord charges a deposit or cleaning fee so if it’s left in a mess they at least have some money to clean it with. Also as said by others with covid it should have been deep cleaned either way. I wouldn’t be happy if I walked into a messy new home.


Absolutely! Especially during these times. I think they’re required to paint, shampoo the carpets and have the place cleaned. I would take pics.


Should have been cleaned, guarantee they charged a cleaning fee to whomever left it that way…sounds like they pocketed the money instead of spending it to fix the mess.


I’ve always have to clean every place upon moving in, but they were never that dirty. So yes, I would complain about that.

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Should of been cleaned but I deep super clean myself anytime before I moved in to any place.


I moved into an apartment and experienced the exact same thing. My husband was just as disgusted as I was and he was the one that complained to management. Of course we were the ones that cleaned it even though we shouldn’t have had to.

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I’d expect it to have been cleaned however I do my own cleaning bc I know how I clean is NOT the same as how others clean

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I’d be going into the office and pitching a fit most likely they took the cleaning deposit and pocketed it instead of using it to clean. Very rarely have I come across a place that doesn’t clean after each tenant


It should definitely have been cleaned before you moved in. I agree with calling a cleaning company and then send a copy of the bill (keep the original), as well pictures of the condition of the apartment (verify that time stamps are attached), and send a letter with (make a copy and send via certified mail so it has to be signed up receiving it so they can’t say it wasn’t received) stating the condition of the home, what the cleaning bill is for and state thatvyou would like the amount of the bill to be reduced from your rent as you had to use money out of your own pocket to have it cleaned to the correct standards of living.


With covid happening?! GROSS. I’d be pissed. My cats are too important also. Boyfriend is being unreasonable. We’ve always cleaned our properties thoroughly before new tenents. I’m sorry you’re having to clean that up.

Disgusting! I would have complained and demanded it be cleaned!! If that’s how the landlord left the place, than that goes to show you what they think of they’re tenant’s…


I would definitely complain. That is disgusting, they should ALSO compensate you for time a cleaners…

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They should definitely clean it! I’ve worked for two different apartment complexes and we had everything cleaned before move in!

Honestly I would have probably refused to move in until they hired someone to come clean it. I am a housecleaner and I clean empty rentals and houses before they are sold/ before people move in sometimes and I would definitely consider it a necessity before moving in!!


Yes an apartment should be cleaned before you move in a house you’re at the mercy of the people who moved out unless it’s a rental and then it should be cleaned as well

Not at all!! When I had to sell the family home I cleaned every room, closet etc so the family who bought it had a nice clean place to move into! They were expecting their first baby …that arrived prior to closing!

Check your states housing codes. Best you can do. Not all landlords have to clean between tenants. It would just be good to do so. Now purchasing a home nope doesnt have to be cleaned at all. Thats on you

Nope. That’s not ok.
It should have been cleaned and I would have asked for another unit or someone to come clean it.
Otherwise, why have a deposit.

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Definitely not! It should be in clean, move-in ready condition!

That would the ideal thing to do but unfortunately, as far as I know and have experienced, if you want a clean apartment you do the work yourself. I’ve always had the apt painted before I ever moved into a new one.

Oh gross. I moved into a new apartment in September and the entire place had been deep cleaned. I could still see the lines in the carpet from whomever vacuumed. It was amazing. I would’ve been angry had it no been cleaned

Definitely deep cleaned. No way is that acceptable. Every place I have moved they have professional cleaners come in and do a thorough cleaning.

I moved into the house I’m in for an emergency
Nothing was done :rofl: the carpet wasn’t cleaned the walls wasn’t painted and nothing was really fixed
But coming from a house fire can’t be to picky…
The person should have cleaned that up before renting it

I would make a huge deal thats discusting and completely unprofessional. Id tell them you want a cleaning fee added to your account because you had to clean uo the stuff they didnt . Unless they want to gice you a different unit thats completely deep cleaned .

I always clean before I move in any place because I’m OCD, but it should have definitely been deep cleaned by a professional cleaning company prior to your move in!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

It should’ve got cleaned when last tenants moved out that is just gross the place I live now was so dirty when I moved in I spent 12 hours just cleaning I made them deduct my work off my rent especially with cornavirius it’s a really big deal

Same thing happened to me, I complained and they gave me money back, reduced my deposit and gave me a month free. I would’ve cleaned the place regardless, but once I saw how nasty it really was I freaked.

Should be cleaned. My last complex charged me an arm and a leg because my cleaning wasn’t up to their standards. But I dont think the new complex I moved into even vacuumed.

No you are not! Most places will charge a cleaning deposit for when you move out! The place should have been cleaned before you moved in, check on Renters rights

Seriously it depends on where and the price you are paying for the place, also depends if you renting from a realtor or a private owner. I’ve experience the worse with private owners and refuse to ever rent from any ever again.

When looking for an apartment I expect the ones I’m shown to be clean… definitely better be clean by move in.

Clean I expect it to be clean, if not by the previous renter then by the owner of the rental.

It should of been cleaned and yes I’d be pissed and would complain.

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Yes, it should have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. If former tenant was not required to do it then realtor, etc. should have.

If,you purchased the home then seller should have been respectful enough to at least clean commonly used area. If a rental property then check rules for the state. Most at least require a cleaning clause but not always painting.

Be sure to photograph and document it all

If it was a rental then yes I would expect the landlord to have cleaned it…if it was a house, I will still expect it but I don’t think there is anything you can do.

Yes , I would like the place I’m moving into to be cleaned but I still scrub things down before unpacking.

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Yeah it should be clean & then on top of it I usually do my own move in cleaning but it’s not horrible which is what that sounds like. I’d talk to the office for sure with pics

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