Would you follow through with being induced or wait?

I went into labor naturally with our first and since my water had broke my contractions were terrible, I couldn’t wait for an epidural. Not to mention while in terrible pain, I waited in a small room in triage while they monitored me and found me a room. I was induced twice after that with pitocin, both times I waited until right before it was time to push to get an epidural ( was afraid to push without it). Unlike what I hear a lot, induction for me and being on pitocin was actually enjoyable with minor contractions even right up until time to push. HoWEVER, my OB was able to wait to break my water until it was time to push. I had no idea that makes all the difference when it comes to painful contractions. Not to mention, with induction you can plan ahead. And instead of waiting in a small room I triage, you walk right in and have a room waiting. Oh and both inductions took less than 8 hours start to finish!!

I have been induced with my 3 boys hopefully this one comes naturally. It is very painful until the epidural don’t Not get the epidural I tried and it was way too painful the nurse was even yelling at me that I was scaring the other mothers lol

I was induced and ended up with a c-section.
My daughter hadnt even dropped yet but they insisted that I was 42 weeks. I used a donor I know exacty when I could have gotten pregnent even after arguing with drs and ultrasonographers insisting I was 2 weeks ahead (which was impossible). Was a very long day. Induced at 930 am. By midnight I was only 7cm. They had me pushed anyways for an hour and had a c-section at 2:20 the next morning.
Id wait if you can.

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Being induced sucks because your forcing your body to give birth they say the pain is worse when induced because your body isn’t ready on its own. I’ve only had one baby and I was induced I had no meds except laughing gas and it was rough. The back labor I had was horrid. They only had to open my cervix for me my body did the rest though. My water broke on it own and I dilated on my own as well.

Sometime it has to be done. Baby just doesn’t want to come out i was just like u with my 1st born i was dilating but wat never broke i went clear up to 41 weeks 2day until i finally gave in and said this baby just ain’t coming out on his own and went ahead and got induced was in labour over 24 hours. So really it depends on baby and ur body just sometime they need a little help coming out.

I was induced at 39 weeks when I was 36 years old.
We got to the hospital 7am. After paperwork I got piticon around 8am & our beautiful 10lb baby girl was born vaginally 4 hours later @ 12:34pm perfectly healthy & still is to this date. If I had to do it all over again I would choose inducing

Wait. If that baby isn’t ready it won’t come and there is a huge risk that you’ll need a c section. I was in labor for 34 hours with my first and then had an emergency c section because baby wasn’t ready. The epidural had worn off so I could feel the c section. Lots of people are induced with no problems so it would probably be fine but you need to know the risks.

I was really bad with SPD I cried all the time but refused inducing, baby came 5 days ‘late’ but she came in her own time when she was ready and both of us were less stressed because of it

I had two of my three induced. My second son was induced bc my water broke and I didn’t know when he was a premie. Longest labor of the three. My youngest son I set up my induction. Best labor ever. I started meds at 930am he was born at 1247pm. I’d be induced again if I was having anymore children.

I was induced and liked it better because it was more kinda planned and if u want an epidural u have a better chance at getting one but with going into labor u might not get a chance

I didnt want to risk my chances of having a c section, so i waited my full 40 weeks. They wanted to induce me at 38 which was completely unnecessary. Was only convenient for the dr. And on my 40th week i went into labor early morning. Gave birth natural 7 hrs later

I would wait I was induced with all 3 of mine I wish had been allowed to go into national labor but I had gestational diabetes so I couldn’t it was a very long process being induced

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I was induced with my first baby in my 40th week because I said that I would wait until my baby decided, but nothing happened … I did not dilate more than 1 cm, so I decided not to wait another week for my baby and I … it was not bad … it was very fast and painless. Good luck mommy

Depends on any and how he/she is doing. I was induced for small mine due to baby size. My last was induced 3 weeks early because he was good to go and HUGE . So do what u feel is best for u and the baby

I was in labour for over 3 days saw my doctor and had to go to the hospital. Got there and my labor stopped. By then I was exhausted. They let me rest put me on the drip that evening and I delivered just after midnight. Honestly I did not mind. And ended up being induced the 2nd time after my labor stopped but my water had broke. Just be in good communication with your medical staff. To have the best possible experience. Good luck!

Was induced with all my kids for various reasons (stillbirth, high risk pregnancy, and fear no being able to deliver vaginal due to his size)

The first lasted 1.5 days because they weren’t giving me anything particularly strong. Pitocin with the other 2. Both were born 12hrs and under from starting :woman_shrugging:t4:

I guess I’m one of the lucky ones.

Talk with the doctor, also keep an eye out for your mucus plug, if it’s gone than it increases the risk of infection to you and your baby, but it does sound like you should make sure you have your hospital bag packed and waiting at the door/ in the car

If you’re that dilated the dr may not have to do much to get things started. I got induced with my last, was 4ish cm going in and only had to have my water broken. No pitocin or anything.

Y’all are scaring me cause of medical reasons they are going to induce me around 37/38. I have skin cancer on my lady area and it’s very painful. Some days I have to use a cane to walk from vaginal pain. He wants to induce me so we can get it out and then do the excision surgery as soon as I’m healed. I could wait but I’m almost 31 weeks now and in a lot of pain most days. I am scared of the inducion but I don’t think i could do another 4 weeks after that of pain. Someone give me some good news

I birthed my daughter at 42w 1d. No drugs. She was healthy. My body did what us was supposed to do. About 8 hours labour. I refused an induction and left against medical advice (only reasoning being the date) and delivered naturally that night. I would wait last u fall to the cascade of intervention

I was induced at 39 weeks and had no issues. Good thing cause my baby was a few oz shy of ten lbs :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
There has been a lot of research on inducing at 39 weeks and that you shouldn’t do it earlier but I think waiting is obviously natural and great! I did the foley bulb catheter to induce/no drugs

Everyones story of being induced is different. You do what you want to do and what you feel comfortable with. For every persons terrible story there is a good story. I was induced. Had the teabag and overstimulated to it so they pulled it out. Then tried again with the gel the day after and that got me going. I had contractions through the night, had to have my waters broken in the morning at 6cm and had an epidural. Baby was born at 5.24pm by c-section but that was because she was trying to come face first. It wouldn’t put me off being induced again. Good luck and how exciting that you will have your baby soon :hugs:

I was induced for all three of mine for various reasons. I liked being able to plan and knowing my end date.

They scheduled my induction at my 39 week appointment for 2 weeks out (41 weeks). I got admitted straight from my 40 week appointment because of low amniotic fluid. I say let them schedule you so that you know there’s an end in sight, but my bet is you’ll probably go naturally within the next 2 weeks anyway.

If i could go back i wouldve waited until my son was ready. I scheduled my induction for the night of my 39th week. I went in at 7pm September 11th. Started Cervadil and pitocin drip took cervidil out at 5am the 12th. 3pm broke my water started the epidural it didnt work. I laid in HARD labor til 345am the 13th at 9.5cm they did another epidural didnt work. I was stuck at 9.5 until i finally welcomed my boy at 11:40am on the 13th!

I’ve heard let the baby come natural if your induced there’s something about money big money for them doctors and nurses … some nurses don’t even know how to poke you right .

I would try and wait it out and do things to help prepare your body. Eat and drink healthfully, try to relax and encourage mental/emotional/physical zen. I know this is not easy toward the end.:crazy_face:

Induced. I was there with my first. Contraction for a week stuck at 3cm, they wouldn’t induce me. It was so hard on me I didn’t sleep. By the time I had her I was even more exhausted and could barely stay awake.

I say wait it out. I wish i could of wait it out but for me by 37 weeks i develop preeclampsia and my blood pressure was to high so they had to induce me. Thankfully i didnt have a csection i was able to push.

I was always to nervous to wait. I know someone who lost their baby in late pregnancy so as soon as the doctor allows I get them out. I’ve had three and only one went perfectly but I’ll do it every time. The two that were harder both had their cord around their necks, one came out as blue as a Pepsi can I can’t imagine if I had waited would that have happened and I lost him…

Definitely a personal choice. I was induced and I liked it because I was in control of the whole situation. But wait if you want to wait!

I was induced with both of my girls. First born, I got the balloon done and was in labour for 9 hours, whereas second time round, I had the gel and was in labour for 1hr 45mins. I found my contractions were more painful second time round then my first

All 3 of my babies were 10 days late. The first one I was not, the second and 3rd I was. In retrospect I would have waited so they could finish whatever they were working on in there.

My last 3, we scheduled inductions because I live far from the hospital. 2 we induced 39 weeks, 1 day and it went well, I got an epidural and was able to plan ahead and arrange childcare for my other kids easily. My last had a day scheduled but came on her own at 37 weeks, 6 days :laughing: I was surprised it happened naturally.

I was induced and I had zero issues from it. In fact they kept having to restart the pitocen because it wasn’t doing a damn thing for me. It wasn’t until they broke my water that I went into labor. I feel like unless you have issues or you’re not past your due date… see what your body does. Also pitocin can put baby in distress.

I was scheduled to be induced at 41 weeks. We scheduled it at my 39 week appointment. I did NOT make it to my induction. I had my 40 week appointment while having slight contractions, got swept, and had my daughter the next day. I would schedule it as a safety net

I was Induced with my second baby I was about 3cm they broke my waters and contractions started right away and I had with within 2 hours it was like 0-100 real quick but everyone’s different I wouldn’t care if I got induced with my next kid

I would wait until 40 weeks. I was 40 weeks and 2 days when I was induced. I was still thick and high, and 1 cm dilated. I almost wish I would’ve waited another week. It is ultimately up to you though.

I’ve been induced with both mine and already have my induction set for baby girl. I love it. There’s no question when I’ll have my children.

It’s funny but for me my doctor always scheduled an induction date for my late babies and they chose to come out on their own right before it :smile: It’s like they know lol

I was given pitocin to induce me at 37 weeks. I didn’t have an option because it was medically necessary but if I had the choice, I would have waited. Labor was way more intense. I was in labor for 19hrs and it was my first child. I guess it just depends on how miserable you are towards the end of your pregnancy. Good luck and I hope you have a safe and speedy delivery! :baby::baby_bottle:

I went into labour naturally at term with my 1st baby, my 2nd baby was stillborn at 42 weeks, I went on to have 4 more natural deliveries and they were all induced at 38 weeks. Do what feels right for you, induced labour is mire intense but I would prefer a safe monitored labour and a healthy live baby at the end over anything.

I was 2 weeks past my due date when they finally induced me with my second child. She was 9 pounds…big baby. She even had a full head of hair.
I would hate to think how much bigger she would have gotten had I waited.
In some cases, it’s a good thing. It shouldn’t be a decision to take lightly. If your baby is more then a week overdue I would consider it an option. :slightly_smiling_face:

Being induced was easier for me because I knew what to expect. I’ve been induced all 3 times. Sometimes your body needs help. My oldest was imduced after being 2 weeks late. My second was induced because if she got any bigger I wouldn’t have been able to have her. And my last was induced because of blood pressure issues and being border line pre-eclampsia. I dont know if it was worse or not because I never experienced any other way. But I also didn’t get the epidural all. Everyone is different.

I was induced with all three of mine. I did not have to get Pitocin, but my labor just would not start on its own. It’s a very personal decision, and there is not a right or wrong

I was induced at 41 weeks with my only child and it hounestly wasn’t all that bad for me. I had her all natural and went super fast.

I was induced with my 2 kids! I had pain…but survived with the miracle drug Epidural!

A natural birth is no way near as intense as being induced. Ild wait for nature to take its course instead of being induced it really sucks.

I got induced at 42 weeks. I actually wish I had waited one or two more days as it felt I was starting to go into labor on my own.

My induction failed, 30 hours of labour then a csec. It has flow-on effects for my next birth being a csec.

I would have loved to walk around more and get in and out of the shower/bath during the birth to get the baby in the right position. Instead, the contractions were too hard, too fast, and i was drugged up, dehydrated and basically hooked up and restricted to the confines of the bed which I hated. It makes you feel like a vulnerable patient with minimal options/choices.

I wouldnt recommend it unless you have problems. I was induced 3 weeks early for preeclampsia and needed An emergency csection bc her heart rate kept dropping with every contraction. Our next babe is due early November and we’re doing a csection again bc i cant have a Vbac with preeclampsia again.

I loved being induced! Knew my daughter was coming and didn’t have any surprise early morning ‘oh shit we need to go to the hospital’ moment lol

Absolutely not! Went through 28 hours of labor only ending in an emergency csection. You’re dilating all on your own and not last due so I’d would say no. Let it happen natural

I do not go into labor. I have been induced 3 times. First two natural child birth. 3rd epidural and much pain. Each birth is different

Please wait. Risk of complications and interventions goes up with induction. And sometimes they don’t even work so they send you home. Baby will come when ready :heart:

Wait for sure If baby seems to be right on track☺️
I went over a week and she still wasn’t ready but my doctor induced me at 41 weeks because of covid cases starting to get higher and her feeling better about me having her at that point

I was induced… 46 hours later I had a c section… afterwards I had a lot of trouble (pain and infection) due to the extra fluids and pitocin they gave me. I ended up back in the hospital for 3 days with a 1 week old. I would NOT do it again.

I would only get induced with an epidural. In my experience going from barely 2cm to fully dialated within maybe an hour, without slowly adjusting was the most horrifying experience of my life, and that was my 2nd child.

My first was amazing. Second sucked. But if I would have waited baby would have been too big and I would have ended up in c section (almost did bc he was too big for my body just about)

I’d just wait. My Dr. told me that waiting is safer and healthier for the baby if there are no complications.

I decided against induction and carried over 42 weeks then had to have emergency C-section. Second child accidentally triggered labor bc I had eggplant parmesan and told by a nurse that something in eggplant puts labor in motion which I thought was absolutely crazy.

I was forced to induce bc of gestational diabetes. Turns out I managed my and the babys weight just fine and couldve waited. I wish i did. Induction was terrible and led to 2 days in labor and 3 hours of pushing before they grabbed the vacuum

Yes get induced my second pregnancy needed to be induced I was almost two months overdue by the sizeable my baby head.she was born exactly 5: minutes after my shot of induction med.she fine today drives me crazy but good.

I’d wait. Inducing is more painful, plus you could dilate farther before going into active labor.

I think it depends on your situation. My ex husband worked a job with a completely unpredictable schedule and was often called out of town. We scheduled induction to make sure he was there. :woman_shrugging:t2: you have to do what’s right for you.

Wait it out. Went 40 weeks and 6 days and water broke that 6th day on a Wednesday. Was scheduled to get induced that Friday.

I liked being induced both times. So I would go that route personally but it’s different for everyone!

I was induced twice. The first was 8 1/2 hours start to finish and the second was 7 hours and would’ve been less if they found he had turned. I didn’t have any problems with either

Wait! You’ll spend way less time at the hospital… both my girls were all natural and only a 1 & 1.5 hrs in labor.

I went over nearly 2 weeks with my first so if everything ok I’d wait x good luck x

I would only be induced if medically necessary. If it can be avoided I would avoid it. I’ve seen way too many inductions turn into c-sections.

I would wait unless and go natural. Unless you go past 40 weeks then get induced … I was 2 cm dilated for 3 months with my first I started having contractions 2 days before my due date and they broke my water 12 hrs in and then had my first the day before his due date my second I was 3 cm dilated for 2 months had him 4 days before my due date and currently 6 months pregnant with my 3rd boy

I was induced, I was just ready to get it over with! I had him real quick. Honestly if your ready, then I say go for it!

I got induced due to size. My labor went fine. I dilated to 10 in 4 hrs. He was just too big. 4 hrs of pushing and then ended up with a csection. If he wouldnt have been over 9 lbs i woulda been fine. :person_shrugging::rofl:

We tried waiting it out but in the end had to be induced. Which then led to an emergency csection because of some issues. But my oldest was due on the 15th and she finally came on the 24th.

I didn’t enjoy being induced at all, it felt as though my body couldn’t cope as it went so fast. This time round I’ve refused any form of induction x

I bet you go anyway, 3 cm is pretty far already! I wouldn’t stress… your not even due and pitocin can really be tough .

Induced with my second. For me the contractions were worse but I liked picking the day of delivery and would do it again. With my 1st I went naturally but it seemed like it took forever for the day to come.

Had my son at 41 weeks induced wasn’t dilated but ended up having emergency c-section cuz he was rolling on the cord with every contraction. Much more recovery time than natural birth.

Wait!! I ended up needing a c section because my body did not dilate. I wish someone would have discussed with me the increased risk of c sections with induction.

I’m 38 weeks today! No plans on being induced. Never was induced with my other two and don’t want to be in the hospital any longer than I need to be.

Wait. Being induced hurts much worse than actually going in labor. Plus the baby will come when he/she is ready :heart:

I was induced as I was already 3cms and had a sporadic birth. It was shorter than my 18hr first labor. Both were posterior

If your already dilated id wait coz baby could come before hand anyway. I was induced with my first baby for medical reasons. It was horrible. It seems to drag out the labour. All 3 of my other babies labours were fast and without induction. 5 to 6 hours compared to 24

Everyone’s who has been induced there stories are all different, I was induced with both of my babies my son due to being almost 2 weeks over and my daughter due to her growth slowing down I was 37+1 with her both inductions for me were quick and fast no problems but I have heard other stories of inductions not being nice for them! Xx

If you nor the baby are having issues, let the baby come when he/she is ready. Nature knows best.

I scheduled to be induced and let me tell you i wished I had just waited and seen if she’d come on her own.

Just wait it out. Especially if it’s your first baby, your body might not be ready yet. My kids were both past due. They just needed some extra time to cook. :joy:

I never wanted to be induced but i scheduled one cause my boyfriend deployment was on my due date. Our son decided he wanted to come on his own a day before my scheduled induced.

If I could do it over I wouldn’t have been, but I was positive for step B so needed to be so I Could be on antibiotics before I had my daughter.

At 38 weeks I would wait it out, unless your to uncomfortable. But don’t have any fear about the baby coming early, at 38 weeks your considered full term

100% wait. I wish I had. My body fought it terribly.

Being induced was the worst! I went 42 weeks with second one so didn’t have to be induced again !

You can wait, but don’t wait until you are post term, as it can be risky for baby.

I have 4 and not once experienced natural labour due to medical issues. Being induced is intense there is no gradual build up. On a plus not i delivered very quickly once they broke my waters last baby was here in 40 mins

Ask what kind of induction they would like to try at 3/4cm they may just pop your waters and wait for labour itself, they might do pessary or pitocin. Ideally wait because induction has a higher rate of emc as baby isn’t actually ready yet and it’s tough on your body

I got induced. My youngest was 8 days late. Wasn’t even dilated though.

I got induced with my oldest, tbh… I would wait it out and let it happen naturally.

I was 41 weeks and got induced. Im glad. I couldnt wait anymore. My boy was too cozy.

I was induced at 41 weeks and after all that I had to have an emergency c section because I wouldn’t dilate past 3cm. Everyone is different. Go with your gut

Induced 3/4 of my kids. The longest I was in active labor was 6 hours. Everyone is different.