Would you force your son to get rid of his mohawk for a wedding?

Yes! It will grow back. The pictures last forever.

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Your son doesn’t need to be part of the ceremony period! As you can see it means a lot to him, if you give in, your relationship will never be the same. Stick up for your son and tell your friend to take a hike! Your baby’s feelings should come before some ridiculous demands from a bridezilla


This is coming from a mom who has a little boy who had a mohawk for over 7 years. From age 7-14+. I dyed his hair every color of the rainbow. He chose the colors and I dyed it!
DO NOT CHANGE HIS HAIR!!! No ifs, ands or buts!!! If your son says no change than the bride needs to deal with it! She knew his hair style when she asked him to be in the wedding! Continue to support your son and allow him to pick his hair color and style!


Nope. She knew he had a mowhawk. Why wait til 2 days out to cause a fuss

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Nope. Not happening. Heck no… it’s your son. She wants you to change YOUR sons hair over one day. Not even a full day. How freaking selfish. Your kid is more important then any friend. Period!!

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I simply would not go to the wedding.


Um, absolutely not. That is your son, he should come before any friend. She also doesn’t sound like much of a friend giving such an ultimatum. Maybe he could just slick it back for the day but if that’s not ok then I would just tell her your son loves his hair, it’s part of him and you can’t force him to change that for her. Sorry but no.


I’d be telling her to find herself a new ring bearer

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Nope. Tell her to find another child bc you wont force your child to change in order to participate.


Don’t force him to change. She can deal with it. She obviously thinks she’s special and all of you are allowing her to bully everyone, don’t let her do it to your son.


Option 3 don’t be in the wedding


Have him wear a formal hat?

It’s hair. It isn’t the end of the world. I let my kids express themselves, too, but it’s someone else’s wedding. Doesn’t matter if you agree with it or not. It isn’t your wedding.


A wedding is like a theatrical performance, the costumes , hair, make up, the set location, the actors , music …
Everything is carefully planned out, orchestrated and rehearsed
The bride is the director.
The director has a vision of how she wants her performance to be presented to the audience
(wedding guests)
The director has decided a ring bearer with a red mohawk isn’t what she has envisioned for this performance.
The current actor for the ring bearer isn’t able to modify his appearance and a replacement will need to be found

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She should have said this from the start. I understand that she is the bride and it is her day but I think she is being a lil much. When she asked for him to be in the wedding if she didn’t mention that he would have to do this then I would say if he doesn’t want to do it no and he doesn’t need to be in the wedding.

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If he wants it let him keep it. If she can’t handle it doesn’t need to be a part of it. It’s ridiculous that she would even ask!


Kids come first, fuck her wedding tbh.

So a child’s hairstyle the bride knew he had when asking him to be part of her wedding is going to spoil her wedding day?? She has give you 2 days notice of this and having a break down over it? I actually feel sorry for the man she is marrying if this is how she reacts over the littlest of things. I wouldn’t force my child to do anything, might of been different if there was more notice and my child had more time to think it over ect shes being ridiculous in my eyes :woman_shrugging:t2:


I don’t blame her for not wanting that in her wedding pictures. I would let him keep the mowhawk, but it’s not hurting anybody to change the color to black for 24 hours.

This is typical in a wedding. Bridesmaid wear hair a certain way and dresses they typically don’t like. When you accept the invitation to be in a wedding you have to do what the bride wants.


Nope…tell her to find a new ring bearer in 2 days. Your son will be a guest but not in wedding party.

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I’d be telling her to look for a new ring bearer


I’d pull out of the wedding entirely. I’m not forcing my child to do some thing they don’t want to to please someone else, when it causes them so much distress. It’s hair, how is it going to ruin anything? She’s missing the point of a marriage if she feels this way

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Nope the so called friend can get stuffed rather her hate you then your own child. Like is it really that important to your son to be the ring bearer? Maybe ask him that.
He is only 8 years old a little child and your child he and his feelings comes first no matter what.

She is forgetting that when she looks back in years to come it will be a precious memory! Let the son decide. Don’t force him!

Doesn’t matter
It’s WHO he is and should not matter

Mine wouldn’t have hair like it anyway…


Hell no dont make him change the bride must of known your sons hair style before she asked him so she needs to pull her head in

Absolutely do not go… I be looking my absolute sh#t no way would I cut my child’s hair or colour it, or cut the colour off ect. Temporarily spray colour you can buy cheap in clairs assessories if it comes to it.

Could he maybe comb it down for the ring duties then style How he would afterwards. I totally don’t agree with her demands though. Once back up
You can get beautiful pics of your family how you all actually look that you can cherish.

You tell your friend your son doesn’t want to change his hair and if he doesn’t want to go to the wedding at all anymore because of this, also tell her that; and let her know she can use her backup ring bearer.
Oh she doesn’t have a backup ring bearer, then say he’s happy to do it with his mohawk.


Don’t make that baby cut his hair for YOUR friends wedding.


Nope. My child decides for himself and will not adjust for a shechild bridezilla. She better check her attitude for breaking down over a kid’s hairdo. I felt pitty for the groom.


She waited until 2 days before to tell you she has an issue with a hairstyle and colour he’s had over a year… no, I would not be touching his hair


I wouldn’t go. I would not upset my son over something that is going to last 1 day. He loves his hair and that bridge should not be that nit picky.


If your child had his hair like that when she asked for him to be the ring bearer then why is she just now saying something the way I see it. She knew his hair style she still asked and well she can get over it. Your child should be comfortable and not be unhappy because he was forced to change for someone else. Also I would not want my child thinking that just because someone wants you to change that you have to. A person should be free to be who they are especially a child

Nope she was suppised to talk earlier , anyway tell her to find someone else

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I’d tell her use the back up ring bearer and not go because she’s being a bridezilla she knew what hairstyle/color he had before asking.

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Why did she wait until two days before the weeding knowing he’s in it to start complaining about it?

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It’s her wedding. She is having photos done etc. She has a requirement. It’s up to you now on whether you want to abide by that. If your son doesn’t want to change his hair. He simply can’t be in wedding.

Our kids come first before anyone. She knew what his hair looked like when or before she asked for your child to be a ring bearer. I’m interested to hear what happened ? Did y’all end up going to the wedding?

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No I would not change his hair!

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Nope not a chance . If she asked him be in the weeding she knew what he looked like before hand …… not a chance I’d shave it off unless he asked for it to be shaved off . Sorry not sorry find a new ring bearer then .

Not really a friend in my eyes, if her hubby to be had a mohawk would she ask him to shave it off, well actually she probably would. Your lil lad keeps his hair and how he wants it or she gets a new ring bearer

Uhmmm id say screw her wedding? She’s not your child’s mother therfore its really not her choice at all… if she is trying to force something on him then he doesn’t need to be there or apart of it ? So called friends dont worry about tiny things like that… bad case od bridezilla

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Absolutely not. Tell ol girl she can find another ring bearer. Maybe lay it down and don’t style it into the mohawk, but a wedding is one day. His self esteem and character is everything. By changing who he wants to be will teach him he’s not accepted as he is and that it’s okay to fold to meet the needs of others. Issa no go


DO NOT SHAVE THAT CHILDS HAIR. At best use a temporary spray, nothing more.

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Nope. I wouldn’t change a thing about my son’s hair. If it were my son and I in this situation, he just wouldn’t be the ring bearer. She can carry her own rings. He’s has this hair for a while, so there’s a chance he had this hair when she asked for him to be in the wedding. Controlling makeup and everything else, including for the bridal shower… your friend is a bridezilla! His happiness and comfort is more important than whatever she thinks she gets out of his hair being taken from him. Please, choose your son in this situation.

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Honestly I wouldn’t do eaither option she wants the wedding to go will then she needs make a compromise. Changing his hair isn’t gonna effect her day regardless if she likes it or not. He likes it then leave it. If she tells u u can’t be in wedding cuz of hair then she the one with the problem she needs get over his hair

No. What message are you sending him if you make him alter because she doesn’t like it. Be true to your child stand up for him. It will go a long way later in life


Tell her to find another kid and stay home. She can’t except him the way he is that is her loss.


Nope nope nope. She knew going into this what his hair looked like. Shame on her for the last minute ultimatum.


Nope. My step son had one for our wedding and it was faded pink. I also requested my husband have a Mohawk for our wedding and he had one when I met him.

Tell her her very nicely to. Piss off xx

Nope, if he doesn’t want to change his hair and she feels so strongly about it, she should start looking for another ring bearer.

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I’d tell her that my child will no longer be in the wedding party. 1 that is extremely last minute to demand and 2 to require hair cuts for a wedding is nuts. How would she like it if she were in your wedding party and you required all women to get a Bob haircut? Clothes I get. Hair styles for updos I get. Cut and color? No. If she backs down fine. If she demands it, then bue bye. My kids are more important than someone’s opinion.

She either has him in the wedding the way he is or he isn’t in it. Her choice. She knew what he looked like when she invited him to be in the wedding.


Yeah, it’s gonna be a no. She asked him to be in the wedding, and I have to assume she knew he had his own unique hair style. Then she waited until just a few days before the wedding to demand you change it?

The most I’d be willing to do would be e temporary color. I wouldn’t make my child shave off his Mohawk for a 6 hour event because my friend suddenly decided she was want ok with it.

fuck that she can deal with his hair how he wants it or find a new ring bearer. she has absolutely NO RIGHT to tell anyone how to have their hair

And she’s being dramatic, a mental break down over a child’s hair!?!? :woman_facepalming:

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She better be finding a new ring Bear cause I’d be going somewhere with my son and not that wedding


Absolutely not !!
That is the style he has chosen well before this occasion. And for an adult to have these options for a child because I’m my opinion , they don’t want it in pictures is absolutely disgusting.
This is who he is at this time in his life.
Don’t change for anybody sweetheart

Adults really need to look in the mirror. How shallow they are.

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Why do people do this! She knew what his hairstyle was when she asked him to be rung bearer! Can you style it down for the day? I

Its her wedding but hes your child.d9nt force him to do something he loves just for her.tell her to get another ringbearer

Tell her to find a new ring bearer.

First thing that came to mind. Did he have the Mohawk when she asked him to be in the wedding? If he did then I don’t think he should have to change his hair then, she knew the style he had and asked him to be in the wedding anyways

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Sorry but keep him out of the wedding and let him keep his hair. It’s her wedding day and she does get to decide what she wants just like he gets to decide he wants to keep his hair as is

When I had my wedding - I didn’t give a hoot what you wore, how you looked or any of that. I was happy that you CHOSE to share the day with me. I was not aware of every second of all my guests were doing. It’s madness to dictate everyone’s everything for a wedding.

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Don’t do anything to your child’s hair. If she is petty enough to exclude him from the wedding g party, then she can find another ring bearer 2 days before her wedding. Your friend is dumb.

Not a chance. She asked him to be ring bearer knowing his hair was like that. I would tell Bridezilla the options are either it stays and you keep your thoughts to yourself or my kid isn’t in your wedding. If you are in the wedding I would add that too. How dare she dictate what you or your son look like. Either he is in it with the hair or neither of you are and I’d think twice about attending after she insulted my son.

We wouldn’t be participating in that wedding if it were me and my kid :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Your friend sounds like a controlling snob and honestly if that’s how she views people with fun hair I’d be ending the friendship. Sounds like a bridezilla.

Not only that but it’s only red? I feel like bright red is so common, it’s not even green or blue or any other color. It’s freaking red. My kids get vivid colored hair each summer (they attend private school during the year so I can’t do it then or I’d continue it). We are a typical suburban family and I see nothing wrong with his hair. If I was a bride I’d laugh and say okay red Mohawk it is!

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I would absolutely NOT shave his head or change his color. If she doesn’t effing like it, then that’s too bad! I’d be HAPPY to have an 8 year old with a mohawk with red tips as my ring bearer. She’s being ridiculous. I would have her find a new ring bearer if she’s that particular about it. Your son won’t have a good time and you’ll be resentful if you end up doing it. IMHO.

I mean it’s her wedding, so either change the hair or let her know so she can get a new ring bearer in time


Hell no! She is being ridiculous! You can’t demand someone shave their hair or change the color regardless of what day it is. She should have said that was her preference when she asked him to be in the wedding, so he could decline or agree. She’s being a brat and no wedding/marriage has ever been made or ruined bc of someone’s hair style.


I’d tell my friend to find a new ring bearer :woman_shrugging: bridezilla

Screw that wedding then. Kids happiness comes first


NO ONE is controlling my child’s self expression and right to their own body. If he says no it’s NO! I hate people that ask others to change their body for 1 event. His mohawk won’t ruin it, she will.

Never. Sure, it’s “just hair”, but it makes him proud and happy; don’t force him to give that up for anything. Your friend is not only an adult, but has had more than 2 days to talk to you about her feelings and, quite frankly, your son is more important than her attitude.

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She knew he had a colored mohawk when she asked him to be in the wedding…I would say no way.


I would go with option 3 and tell her she needs to find another ring bearer. She asked him to be in the wedding and I assume she already had seen his hair. It is ridiculous to have him change it…why ask him to begin with? If she’s having a mental breakdown because of his hair then she needs to get over herself. I wouldn’t even go to the wedding if it were me….the momma bear in me wouldn’t let me go deal with that mess. It wouldn’t be worth the drama and she doesn’t sound like a very great friend to begin with.



She needs to get over herself, it’s not her body :joy:.

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He can go as is and she can photoshop the pictures and change his hair color… :woman_shrugging:t4:

I wouldn’t be altering my child and their hair for a 1 day event… she can kick rocks

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Don’t change his hair. Obviously your son loves his hair and get rid of that friend.

If she’s your friend and knows he likes his hair a particular way then she shouldn’t expect for him to change it 2 days before the wedding. If it was going to be an issue for her she should have never asked for him to be in the wedding.


My opinion? Tell her to kiss your ass and find a new ring bearer. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Nope. Let your kid be a kid. Do not make him change his hair to make one person happy for one day. You’ll do more damage. Especially long term to your kid if ypu make him do this.

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Did your son have his red Mohawk when she asked him to be the ring bearer? If so, then she knew what his hair looked like and asked him anyway. Do NOT cut or color your sons hair. All that is doing is telling him that he has to conform to what others want.

My son went through the colored Mohawk phase, around the same age. His hair was red, pink, blue, green etc. My mom always had a comment about it. Its his hair and his choice.

I would tell her you’re not coloring or cutting his hair. I’d assume that she has been planning the wedding for a while and asked long ago for him to be apart of the wedding. Hair grows, so I also assume it’s been recolored, probably several times since he was asked to be a part of the wedding. She should have said something at the beginning, so his hair could have been colored a “normal” color prior to and then recolored after, not waited until a few days prior to the wedding.

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I wouldn’t make him be in the wedding. Absolutely DO NOT make him shave it!!

Nope Mohawk stays it is who he is

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She knew his hair was like this when she asked for him to be in it. Don’t do it

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I’d tell her that he won’t be in her wedding. If it was such an issue, she should’ve talked to you about it before.

  1. Do neither of those things, leave your sons hair alone and tell the bride to eff off :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

Respectfully decline the position of ring bearer on his behalf.

Something like:
I recognize that it is your wedding and you want everything to be a certain way. (Son) really does not want to make any changes to his appearance that will affect him long term for one day. I support him in that decision and for that reason I feel it’s best for everyone that he not be in the position of ring bearer.


I wouldn’t change a thing for one day.


I would not force my child to change his hair. I would politely request that he’s demoted to guest if she chooses not have allow his hair.


Tell her find another ring bearer! Don’t make your child change for someone else!


Perhaps rethink this friendship.


Absolutely do not get rid of his hair. He will remember you not standing is his corner for the rest of his life for something that is purely vanity. Looks like she needs a new ring bearer :woman_shrugging:t4:

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I for one definitely wouldn’t shave his hair for 2 she has knows his hair was this for awhile she should have brought this up to you guys sooner my and also if you already tried suggesting a different color to him tell her look it’s his hair his choice I can’t force him to change it (this is coming from a mom who’s 5 year old has purple hair rn lol)

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No I’d stand by my son and I’d just simply not go, since your child can’t be accepted how he is and it will " ruin" her wedding. Don’t make him change to her expectations, she should have chosen someone else if she had a problem with it.

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Yes I would absolutely make my kid change it for a wedding. But I also wouldn’t see myself letting my kid have that hairstyle for any length of time… maybe a month in the summer when school is out.

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