Would you let your child go on vacation with their dad on short notice?

Would you let your ex take your child to Myrtle Beach? I will not be able to see her for three weeks after because the daycare my other children go to require a two-week quarantine, we do not have any vacation stipulation in our custody agreement, and she didn’t mention they were going, my daughter told me with a ten day notice. What can I try to do to stop them from going?


Yes as long as u trust the dad

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My oldest goes on vacation with her dad every summer. So times I get a month notice sometimes a week.

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If it’s his time, why not let her go?

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Are you in good communication with the father? If so contact him and ask him if he can let you know about all the information you need. Also set a time so your daughter can call you once or twice a day. I feel a family vacation is good for your daughter you don’t want her to miss out.

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I would let her go. I moved 600 miles away with my dad on a 7 day notice to my mom (parents were married so it was a little different). My point is she’ll make some really good memories and appreciate the bonding time with her father.


I would not and you can Contact a lawyer about it to to see want u can do

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just dont send her :tipping_hand_woman:


If you can trust the dad to keep your child alive then let her go. Shes going to be making wonderful memories and will have a lot of fun. Don’t make her stay back and miss out for your own selfish reasons. She will just resent you for that.


Is she going to miss school or get kicked out of day care? If not then just let her go.


If you trust the dad ,why would you want to stop it? If you don’t, why would you let child have unsupervised visits with someone you don’t trust?


Let her go with her dad

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Let her go. Why ruin the fun for her because of it? My sons dad just did the same thing but in the end it makes the child happy and now he’ll have memories to last him a lifetime.


Let her go, she gets to make memories and have fun going away!

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Stopping it will backfire. Hugs.

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Why ruin the child’s vacation??

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Omg just let her go! Please! That’s memories she’s gonna make with her dad. She will carry that with her the rest of her life. Oh well if she has to quarentine… talk to father about her quarantining with him. It’s only 3 weeks, and there is such thing as facetime these days.


Let that child go. You have a lifetime with her. She shouldn’t have to miss out on family trips with her father. A lot of men wouldn’t even try to take their children.


Let her go. My son went with his dad every summer for 3 weeks and he has wonderful memories and experiences I couldn’t give him. I would never deny my child that. He has done things and met more people than I could have provided him with.


I wouldn’t let my kids go if it was short notice. Do to trauma I need a lot of front loading when it comes to taking my kids.

If she wants to go I would let her

I wouldn’t stop my daughter from going on a family trip regardless of how short notice. It’s the memories that she will make with her dad, that matters more over the time that you will lose with her.

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Letting your child go for visitations is one thing, letting them go out of state for a vacation during a pandemic is another


I’d let her go. She’s going to feel like she missed out if you don’t let her. And…it’s her dad, not a friend

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I mean 10 days is hardly short notice. And just because your daycare has a quarantine requirement does not me YOU can’t see your child.


If he wants to spend time with his child, I don’t think you should take that away from the both of them.

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I would let her go the memories will last a lifetime. I would do anything to have more time with my dad but I don’t but I have pictures and memories. Plus this year sucks so let them bond and have some happy moments together.

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Why not let her go? It’s memories of a fun family vacation with her dad, if she quarantines with him then it shouldn’t affect your work or personal life. What if it was opposite & you wanted to take her on a vacation and he tried to stop it… idk about you but I’d be mad! And not to mention that if you (not saying just one time) stop her from enjoying the vacations & fun trips she will end up resenting you & not him.


Not everyone has the luxury of planning vacations in advance. If he is a good dad and she excited let her go.


How old is the child?

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What reason do you have for not letting her go? If you would expect him to be okay with you taking her on vacation, then it works the same way for him. Why deprive your child just because?

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Let her go enjoy herself and spend time with her dad.


You don’t stop her from going :woman_facepalming: You are not her only parent! She’s probably going to grow up resenting you for you trying to keep her away from her father.


Why stop the child?? Dad has rights too and at some point…its not about your feelings…its about your child’s. You may not like it. But thats part of co parenting. And 10 days is a good notice. Ask for video calls daily and let the child go. As kids get older…and as long as there is no abuse…its okay to be flexible in your schedule. Its not about you. Dont deny your child especially if the ex is a good dad.


Do you have a reason not to trust him with her or bring her back? If not let her go … 10 days is not really short notice,hell when I was in kindergarten my my got notice the day my grandparents where leaving out of state that I was going
She will gain so much if u let her go

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why do you want to stop her??

I’d just let my daughter go, memories are good and the other parent deserves to be able to make those good memories with the child also. Honestly I’d take advantage of it and use this time to relax lol.


If you dont allow her she may get upset at you for not allowing her to go. When I was a kid my mom wouldn’t let us go with my dad on a vacation out of state and it really bummed me out at 9 years old. Im 36 and still remember how upset I was with her.

Why would you want to stop her from going? 10 days notice is better then one day notice. It’s not about how you feel toward the other parent it’s about what’s in the best interest of your child at the end of the day. As long as you know they’ll take proper precautions with COVID and such I don’t see why you wouldn’t allow her to go. It’s memories and time she will be able to spend with her dad and I’m sure she’ll have lots of fun. Most dads only want to see their child the “required” days of the court order… some don’t even do that… you should be happy he wants to take your child with him. Just my opinion though. :woman_shrugging:t3:


You are BOTH parents to the child. Dont let the child miss out because you and dad dont get along. Let her go.

Let her go. It’s about her not u!!! Not everyone can afford to go to places like this and if she can go dont deprive her of a great time!!

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Be happy that her dad wants to take her! It’s important for both of them…unless you feel she’s unsafe with him, then that’s another story…


Stop being a b*tch and let her go :roll_eyes:


What’s the big deal? Let her go.

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if no trust issues are present why would u stop here from going?? its sad how many people subject a child’s well being and family relationships to what a piece of paper says so. thats only there if 2 immature adults can’t come to an agreement or if there is some type of violence occurring. but this is your child’s right not ur or the dad’s. especially if she wants to go and ur the immature parent here trying to control ur ex with her. it’s her right to make memories and be able to do these things at peace w both her parents! bcz if it was u planning a “spontaneous” trip (which btw a 10 day notice is far from spontaneous) im sure u wouldn’t protest

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If it infringes on your court order time, you can stop it. If it doesn’t, I don’t think there is really anything you can do.

Why would you have a problem with it aside from you not seen her for 3 weeks after? if it’s just because you’re feeling petty…grow up. and let the dad take the kid on vacation!

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Why would you stop her from going. Don’t be ridiculous.


Ok but what if it were reversed… I’m thinking you would be livid


I don’t know why people are being so harsh to you. Don’t people realize we are still in the middle of a pandemic?

I don’t think it’s safe and honestly there are different ways to be safe and still have fun with family.

I’d just be cautious. Be safe, reminds your child of safety measures. I get he’s the dad and making memories are important. In my honest opinion this year just shouldn’t be for traveling places where we all shouldn’t be. :woman_shrugging:


Ok guys, she hasn’t said anything yet if the child’s father is a drug addict, abuse, etc…

Who have the courts appointed full custody?

I would notify the courts/lawyer. Good luck to you girl!

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Let her go.



I don’t understand why you wouldn’t be able to see her for three weeks after? You just have to keep the kids apart, correct? But it sounds like you could still see your daughter. I wouldn’t let this situation prevent me from seeing my child, personally.

As long as the ex is safe/trustworthy and missing school isn’t a big issue, I would let her go.


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: is he a good dad? If so why would you want to stop her from spending time with her daddy…i don’t think a 10 day notice is short…


If she wants to go why would you stop her? Unless he is unsafe there is no reason to ruin it for her

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I heard Myrtle beach is amazingggggg!!! I’d let her go it’s a great experience!


Lord, I’m just going to keep my ugly thoughts to myself. Let the child go. :woman_facepalming:t3: I will say, be glad she has a dad who wants to be in her life, some kids would love to have that. :roll_eyes:


Not right now. Why allow that risk into your life? Keep your child in your bubble


If you trust your ex with his daughter than i would let her go.

Whew! If someone I trusted told me they wanted to take my child on vacation for three weeks! :raised_hands:t4::joy:

Let her go. We are in a pandemic, so just make sure they’re staying safe.


Um you’re not her only parent


Why stop it? Sounds like a great experience for the child…


Dont be a bitch and let her go with her dad…its females like you the reason kids dont have daddies. “What can i do to stop them?” Smh

Let the child go…the other parent has rights to do what you able to do :roll_eyes: unless they’re dangerous…let them have fun. Just make sure they’re being safe during these times


Why would you stop it. My ex has taken my kids to Greece, Bahamas and other places


Let the little girl go with her dad!!! You thought enough of him to have a child with him, certainly he can be responsible for her care. Let her build memories with her father. Don’t be selfish and hateful!!!Your lucky he wants to do these things. And hey you get a break. Go relax and enjoy yourself some time off. You the child and the ex will all be happier.


If it was you wanting to take her would you want him to tell you no? Most dads get 4 days a month with their kids.


Yes he is one of the child’s parents just like you are.

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What does your child want to do.


Let her go. You are only hurting your child by not letting her go. Unless she is in danger with her dad, and she’s obviously not because the 2 of you have a custody agreement, it would be selfish of you to not let her go!


Let her go. Enjoy the break.


I wouldn’t stop it at all if she really wants to go. If that’s the only reason u dont want her to go.

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Um , that’s the child’s father … she should be allowed to go


I feel like under normal circumstances letting her go would be fine, but it’s not normal right now. There’s a pandemic going on still, and being around that many people at the beach, airport, plane just sounds like a terrible idea. The beach will still be there next year.


If she wants to go, I would allow her to go​:heart: He asked, she wants and you probably could use a lil break :wink: it’s a win win situation :woman_shrugging:

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Everyone has their own circumstances! Do what feels right to you as a mom! I don’t understand how all these people can tell you what to do??? They aren’t in your shoes! If he has been there and had all best interest for the child(ren). I don’t think covid is an excuse. For granted my kids are back in school and that wouldn’t be ok for them to miss it. See… circumstances.

Send her with a mask, clean undies and say bye baby!!! Have fun with your dad!!! Then just communicate ur concerns about the pandemic if thats what its really about. U unfortunately DONT get to control their time together and what they do on his time.

Why do you want to stop them? How old is your daughter?

How old is she? She sounds old enough let her go and just have a quite chat to your ex and ask for more notice next time so you can make the arrangements on your end.

In a normal world yes , during this pandemic no . My ex has to give to me in writing any vacation plans at least 30 days in advance …


She will love it and gave great memories with her dad, I don’t see a problem.


How old is your kiddo? School aged? Is the schooling virtual or FTF? I’ve noticed that schooling varies everywhere. If it’s virtual, I would let her go🤷‍♀️ FTF that’s something that you and her father should probably discuss

Let her go if she wants to go. I seriously don’t see a problem :slightly_smiling_face: no biggie

Why did your child tell you about it and not the other parent? In this case the dad? I wouldn’t allow it at all during the circumstance of hearing it from a child and the way the pandemic still is.

The whole world could use a vacation and with everything going on this year. I bet she could use a vacation and good memories with her dad. She can always quarantine when she gets back.


Not on my life right now. No planes, no heavily populated areas nope nope nope.

I dont see a reason to try and stop her.
He’s not a danger to the child and she’ll have a fun time for a couple days away from the stress of quaruntine…dont be selfish because you want the control in the mother father relationship.


I wouldn’t let my kids go, honestly. Pandemic or not. If dad can’t tell me himself and the child has to…? No. He’s not just using his time, he’s using yours. 3 weeks away from your child?? Nope. I get along well with my ex and they wouldn’t be going anywhere out of state with 10 days notice from the child instead of adults. You don’t have a vacation situation set up in your agreement, so if your gut is telling you to keep your child home, listen to it. I get why people are saying to let her go, but I also get keeping her home. Whatever you decide is what’s best for your family. Just follow your gut hun.

Honestly unless you tell the daycare they won’t know if your child went or came home from there, I get trying to be respectful, but you don’t have to be ridiculous

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I’m from a married household so this is a difficult situation to have an opinion on. I think if I were in your situation, I would strongly want to say no. It’s technically short notice, considering you won’t be able to see her for 3 weeks due to the daycare and Covid circumstances. There is no vacation stipulation, so you can say no. Daughter’s dad should have talked to you directly. The beach will be there later. I would honestly say to say no right now.

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Why stop? If she can spend time with her father than i see nothing wrong be happy that she gets to see him, there are alot of kids that never spend time with there father’s. My opinion only!


I would be extatic for my children if they had that opportunity! Unfortunately, their bio dad chooses not to be in their lives.
Sounds like a great opportunity for her… and its not all about you :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: Not trying to be rude but sometimes us Moms get so wrapped up in our own emotions and worry that we overlook what’s best. Also, JMO but we can’t keep our children locked up forever bc of Covid. Its not good for them mentally or emotionally. They need to be able to be kids.


Why would u stop your child from having a vacation, honestly, there is more important things in this world to be moaning about , yeah I understand she would need to quarantine for two weeks after so u won’t see her for those two weeks also but there is phone calls, video calls and things like that , u really want to be the parent that your child remembers as the one who didn’t let her go on holiday because that’s exactly how it’s going to go , let her go and just enjoy the free time and just make sure u give extra phone and video calls

So many children are out here with no father figure due to deadbeat dads or spiteful mums

Why would you deny her a break with her dad?
Very strange

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It’s your childs father. Not just “your ex”. :roll_eyes:


don’t try to stop them. that is selfish of you to try and stop any time a child has a chance to spend QUALITY TIME with her father. this is very important for their bonding and you have no right to take that away.
you will have plenty of time in the future with her despite a small quarantine compared to a lifetime of bonding with her also.
let her go with her father.


I think you should let her go 10 days is more than enough notice. Sounds to me like you are being a little selfish. Not trying to be rude but why would you want to stop her are they bad parent? Is there neglect involed ?? Or is there some other reason other
than you just dont want her to go??


Honestly let her go. The memories she will make with her other parent are going to mean so much to her especially if they don’t get to see each other often. It will suck to not get to see her for a bit but she will always remember this trip and how supportive you were for her to be able to spend time with her other parent too


I don’t understand why you won’t be able to see her for 3 weeks. Is she NEVER exposed to people? I really don’t think daycare can ask you to do that if she already has visitation with her dad and she’s not leaving the country. I would let her go. She will resent you if you don’t and you shouldn’t try to keep her from Dad unless he is unfit


I feel 10 days is enough notice. If there’s nothing in your agreement then there really isn’t anything you can do. And yes it may be an inconvenience with the other the kids but at the same time its her dad and they need to spend time together. Maybe mention to him next time maybe he should give you a 2 week notice if possible so you can make arrangements for the other children. Maybe she can help with the kids if she’s old enough and it’s after school