It’s not their fault he’s not a good dad. That child could be so well taken care of and loved by his family, regardless of him. I would just leave it in their hands, you can’t make the effort for everyone. If they want to see the baby, they can ask. You just need to be willing to work with them so they can. This is what I did, although they never asked.
The more people to love your baby the better. Unless it’s harmful to your child.
If the family is supportive and respects you, yes.
Let me tell you this. I stopped my daughters grandpa from seeing my daughter due to his own sons action and the grandpas wife actions. My daughters grandpa passed away suddenly my daughter didn’t even get to say goodbye. It’s something I have to swallow and live with for the rest of my life. If they want to be in your baby’s life let them.
You sound childish and petty.
Just because the dad is helping support the baby. Your going to withhold love and affection from his side just because your mad at baby daddy
It’s not his family’s fault if he’s a piece of crap. So if his family still wants to see the baby then yeah I think they should be allowed to see it. If they’re responsible and good grandparents and stuff why not?
The family didn’t knock you up. They the baby family to.
I would never stop their father’s family from seeing them, that’s their blood too and I couldn’t imagine if in the future some bitter ex of my son wouldn’t let me see my grandkids. It isn’t their fault he isn’t a good dad.
That’s tricky…have you asked the court for support. The court will also dictate custody. And no to his family as it would create drama and that’s not good for either of you
The family isn’t responsible for supporting the child. Seems like you’re bitter. Poor child.
Take your feelings out of it and think about the child at the end of the day the only person who matters is your kid and what they feel
I would never hold my kids from their dad or his family they love our kids their dads dad (so their grandpa) is also getting old and I want them to have that bond with their grandpa before he is no longer here but more importantly my kids love them and it would hurt them more if I decided to be petty and not let them have a relationship with their dad or their dads side of the family so I would never and could never do that to my kids unless they were being put in harms way which they aren’t and have never been I know they are safe and loved when they go over there honestly at the end of the day if you let your feelings towards their dad dictate the rest of the family or even their dad not getting to see the kids you’re just being bitter and hurting your kid the most yea the dad and family will hurt too but the kid will hurt the most and that’s just not fair if you truly love your baby you would do what’s best for them and cutting off their family when they haven’t done anything wrong isn’t doing what’s best for your kid don’t make your child miss out on the other half of it’s family just because you aren’t happy with their dad
If the babys dad pays child support he’s entitled to see the child by law, unless there is some type of abuse. You should definitely let his family see the baby because if you don’t the baby will grow to resent you. No reason to punish the baby and the baby’s family. They’re still blood.
Of course the baby should see family. The child shouldn’t make payments on the parents’ bad debts.
Why wouldn’t you let them see the baby?
I can’t stand it when people use CS as a reason to not see baby or to see baby. Grow up.
Just because the dad isnt responsible doesnt mean his family wont be.
A child is not about money. It’s about connection. Shame on anyone who restricts that.
Yup as long as the family is responsible and will keep your kid safe.
Answer to youer question is because his family not responsible for his actions I learn this the hard was and a bit more complicated but all kid at some point would like to know ther history and where they come from for a lot of kids it affect them latter on in life and if the dads not responsible for the baby what to say his family is or is not if u not given them a chance I could understand point of view if the harmed child or some think but if they not and the just want to know child gibe them a chance if they not constant lose interest or they not good the walk away as the child get older they under stand at least u gave them a chance even if it don’t work out u can’t judge the family member based on how the farther is or is not life a funny think that way u could find them being good for child regardless of the farther and end up close for the sake of the child worse sernaro is they lose interest or u do and u where u started but u can say u gave a chance with no regret later when the child asked hope it help x
It’s difficult when the other parent doesn’t help, but you need to be the bigger person for your kid. A child cannot have too many people to love them. Unless they’re a danger to your baby, you should allow relationships to be built.
Is there a reason why you wouldn’t want your child to get to know their family? Being stubborn because baby daddy doesn’t pay child support is doing nothing more than punishing and depriving your child of a relationship with their family.
Just because the dad is irresponsible doesn’t mean the family should be punished. The child may grow to resent YOU if you don’t allow him or her to know HIS or HER family. Pray about it.
Keeping the child from the other family is cruel and abuse to your child! If the family is wanting to be apart of your child and no harm to him/her… then why keep them away?
Even though a father can’t/won’t provide for his children doesn’t mean to take that out on his family… also if a father is willing to be a father without giving you what you want and your keeping that child away then your the bitter one in this situation and one day that child will turn on you
My kids dad is a PC of shit to when he has the boys he leaves them with his mom or with a baby sitter won’t tell me address and the address he gives me isn’t his it’s his on and off girl friend who my kids claim don’t let them at her house and there never there… but yet in court cuz he has a lawyer and I don’t we are sent to one week on one week off ugh I just want to go to court and get full. Custody but how can I prove anything how can I win this case
Depends on your relationship with them. If you are close or if they are nice and helpful to you. They are still your child’s family and if they can have a good relationship that would benefit the child. 
If dad is not responsible then it’s ur right to do what u think is best for your child
And wonder why so many siblings or family members having sex without knowing they are related until family reunion comes in play. No matter what the dad does to the child. The child have every right to meet the other side of the family because unfortunately, it’s part of their DNA to. Children have rights to including (legally). This is not about the adults anymore, this is about a child who did not ask to come to this crazy world and now he needs to learn how to survive. Do not punish the child because of the parents wrong choices or mistakes.
Unless they were dangerous I would still let them see the child .
My oldest hasn’t seen her father in yrs and even when he was in contact it was like once a yr , his family never made a effort either , so I know what it’s like for a child to grow up without half of a family and it’s not a nice feeling for them .
I’d still let his family see him. The dads actions shouldn’t affect the babies other family not seeing him. If you’re not comfortable maybe start supervised visitations
My in-laws always saw their grandsons, I divorced him, not his parents
Nope child support and visitation is two different things now if he has visitation from court you can get introuble for not sending them
….that child’s family shouldn’t have to pay the price because their son isn’t doing things right
How childish and petty this is. Responsible or not, that kid still has a whole ass paternal side that can help provide for baby and wants to see him and love him. You also can’t put homeboy on child support and then whine that he’s not providing - he’s giving monthly amounts of money to help take care of the child you share with him. What is your BD not doing that would warrant blocking your child’s paternal side from spending time with their nephew/cousin/grandson?
My childs father isnt in her life but his mother sister and his other 2 children r in my daughters life and sees here all the time
Yes I love my daughters dad’s family they are AMAZING! Even though he is irresponsible and not attentive doesn’t even pay CS. His family is my family lol I love them all.
It’s your job to keep your child safe. Period. If the other parent is unable to provide a safe environment while in their care it’s up to you to keep your child from that and potentially getting hurt/abused. I’d rather others be upset vs my child getting hurt or abused. But make sure you’re trying your hardest to get proof. Because if they take you to court & you have no proof it could backfire & they could give partial custody.
Just because the dad’s being a deadbeat doesn’t mean the rest of his family are. If they want to see the kids, let them.
Why deny that baby all the love that family can give. Along as they are responsible and caring. Why wouldn’t you?
That’s still your kids family regardless of how shitty the dad is. It’s not the families fault and you’re punishing a whole family and really your kids too who could be getting so much more love than they are already getting. Just my opinion though.
My childs dad never paid but I still let him and his family see my child. To me it was more about her and her family and less about me and my finances.
(It’s probably a bit easier to raise a child here in Australia as a single parent. Maybe.) Anyway my child is now 17 and it’s still hard and we don’t see him much but we still see other members and that is great.
To be honest if the Dad is paying child support you will need to speak to an attorney to have it in writing from courts because by law if he is paying child support both sides has rights no matter what you say I have been there it has to be proven that their not responsible
My ex husband doesn’t pay support. And rarely picks up our son, but when he does want him, I let him. Why? Because my son loves his dad and I love my son.
I don’t think it’s fair to hold other responsible people accountable for someone who’s unresponsible. If they’re responsible and kind and want to be a part of your child’s life and your child should have the largest most loving family possible. Even if that doesn’t include dad.
If they were responsible and wanted to, but if they were irresponsible no. But that goes the same for anyone else, including my own family. My kids safety is my number one priority and I dont mess around.
I wouldn’t see a problem if the father’s people wanted to see the baby. You never know they could probably help you with whatever the baby needs & want to be a part of the baby’s life. You should feel lucky to have his family wanting to be involved with the baby. Not a lot of fathers family wants anything to do with the father’s kid…
Yes because in my situation his family was way better than him when it comes to my daughter. They even came and visited us when we moved to Alaska. They dont forget a birthday or holiday. They even send her stuff for Valentines and St Patrick’s day and just because. They always video chat or call and I have never had to buy any clothes for her since she was born. She even sends stuff for her sisters that have no relation to them. If they want to be in her life I try to make it happen. She deserves as many people in her corner as possible even if her father doesnt
Yes I would absolutely allow his family to see the kids. It’s not their fault that he is messing up. So why should they be punished? And why punish your kids for it too because at the end of the day they will always be family to your kids. It’s never a bad thing to have more people loving and supporting your children.
The only pertinent question is what is in the child’s best interests.
My children’s dad was dangerous and couldn’t trust him at all but his mother and sister I loved as my own and even when me and him aren’t together and with other people we still all get along and go to family events for the kids.
My daughters dad left us when she was like 1 and a half and he wasn’t close with his family really. I pretty much took them out of our lives and they don’t even care. I think she is better off without them at this point and we have no contact. She is about to turn 4 and they still haven’t reached out. Every situation is different but I wouldn’t put myself through the stress. Her dad is back in her life but he also has no issue with what is going on. I have a huge support system on my side and that is her family.
When my son’s dad walked out, I wasn’t sure what I would do. But then I thought about my Sunny and how he would benefit from the relationships of his great grandparents, his Gran, extended family, who all love them. So they continued their relationship with him, 18 years later, I have a well adjusted boy who knows where he came from and where he belongs
Thik about the kids…
Yeah as long as they were making the effort to see the baby as well and of course they weren’t toxic for the baby, bc us moms want the best and safest environments and family member when it comes to our babies
The family has nothing to do with the father. That’s your child’s family. Yes they should be able to see their family
As long as the baby’s fathers side of the family is safe and responsible and respects you as their mother they shouldn’t be held accountable for him not being present. If they love your baby and want to be in their life I would count that as a blessing. Your child deserves all the love they can get. It shouldn’t matter if it’s not your family as long as they respect you and are a safe place for your child.
You dont get to decide to abolish his rights just because you dont like what he is doing, or should say not doing. Kids need both parents in their lives, as well as extended family. That is just more love your kids can receive. Even if you Seperate them, someday the child is going to want to know their dad and why he wasn’t in their life.
Some times in these types of situations the baby’s fathers family may step up to be more of a source of support then he is ready to be. There are levels to it you see what you are comfortable with. See whether you feel they are attentive enough and go from there.
i wish your babydad and his family the best of luck they are in for a veryyyyyy long 18yrs
You put that he’s on child support and that he’s not providing. Are you meaning he doesn’t pay much? Or he’s not involved? The family should not be punished nor should the child for the dads actions. The more people to love on that baby the better.
Not a baby or child.
They have nothing to do with him being an a$$hole. If they aren’t bad people or treat your child wrong, I don’t see why they shouldn’t be able to see them. That’s their family whether you like it or not. Put yourself in their shoes. If he is paying child support he has rights as well. No matter how much of a skeeze he is.
I don’t think material objects is a good reason to deny a child ANY love, but that’s just me.
On your actual question though, what the fuck did his family do? They can’t control him any more than you can. Don’t be a bitter baby mama it ain’t cute.
Don’t punish the child for the parents mistakes
Depends on the grandparents. If they are good grandparents I would.
The more support, the more blessings for the children.
I would be devastated if my son was a deadbeat and I couldn’t see my grandkids.
I let my baby daddy’s family see them when we lived close by. Once we moved it was really only his sister and 1 cousin who kept in touch and the sister got weird and shady so I cut her off. But initially I wasn’t opposed. I wouldn’t let them have access to my kids alone though. My ex is dangerous and his family inconsistent about how accountable they hold him.
I’m so thankful for the relationship my girls have with their paternal grandfather. Their father might not be doing what he’s supposed to, but I wouldn’t trade that for the relationship with their grandparents. Grow up.
I tried to let my daughter’s grandmother see her, but she decided that neither I or my daughter exists. Their loss.
Seriously?? Ummm YES they can see baby and be a huge support system for my child… unless they are toxic I’m not keeping my child away from family just because 1 jerk wants to ruin it
Yes not the families fault
Yes you let them see him🙄 Why take that away from the child.
If it’s court order dad has too. No state has grandparents rights so family ain’t gotta see child.
Why punish the family because he’s a jerk?
If they are good people then yes
Think about what’s best for your kid. The more family they have to love them the better.
Don’t be petty and nasty.
I have a few friends that have nonexistent baby dads but the dad’s family is still there for the children and help substantially. Just bc he might be a crappy person doesn’t mean his whole family is.
Your child’s grandparent is not your child’s father. Don’t purposely hurt them because the father is a twat.
If they are good to the baby and respectful of your boundaries as the momma i would say yes
My daughter doesn’t see her dad.
But still regularly sees his family, without him.
It’s not their fault that he chooses to not see her, & it’s not fair that she misses the love from them just because of him.
Unless they’re unsafe also, then I see no issue.
Okay so you said he’s paying child support yet you say he’s not providing for him… what else do you want? Baby daddy does not mean he’s your personal walking, talking ATM. You’re being a parental alienator and you’re committing child abuse. Grow up for the benefit of your child. I hope the baby daddy takes you to court and wins. Mother’s like you need to lose full custody.
Child support and visitation are separate issues
The grandparents should be able to see there grandchild if they want to be in the child’s life .Don’t punish them cause the dad is a loser
100% situational but don’t keep your kids from people who love them out of spite
Yes of course they are still there family 2 even if u guys didnt work out
So he’s paying child support and your not allowing the child to know the other part of the family seems selfish on your part. If they will meet for visits in a neutral place I don’t see why not
You sound toxic. Let him see the baby.
You so-called “mothers” really need to stop treating your children like they are possessions. They’re not your property. And the children’s fathers are not your personal walking, talking ATMs.
That child should not be kept from their father because he doesn’t pay child support.
What is best for the child is a relationship with both parents. Period. The child support and financial stuff is between you and the father… should he pay yea… but you say he’s irresponsible in other areas?
Quit having kids with people you don’t think are responsible.
But since the baby is here, pay the consequence of your choice to lay with that man, and be the bigger person for the sake of your child. Let that man and his family love that baby, supervise if you must… but don’t act like you’re better than he or his family…
My daughters dad is a full on dumpster junkie drug addict has nothing to do with his child. If his family weren’t all crack addicts I’d let them be part of her life. Only person in his family not fucked is his sister and she’s involved in her nieces life. Don’t punish the child due to dad; just protect them from toxic family.
Yes, I did. Mine are 21 and 18 now and no one could say I kept them away from his family. The grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are important to the kids. It’s not their fault he isn’t doing his part.
Yes you need to keep them in his life, you might regret it later if you don’t.
Of course why wouldn’t I but also I would never keep kids from dad for not paying support. I let the state handle collecting the money and Consequences if he doesn’t pay. His seeing LO has nothing to do with child support. Always put whats best for the child first even over money ffs.
Bc it shouldn’t cost money for them to have a relationship
Yes! A child can’t have too many, who love and support them.
Cs equals him providing. If his family wants to be active let them unless it’s unsafe for the baby.
yes his grandparents did not make the decide to make the baby you and your boyfriend/ex did so be responsible and let them see each other.
It’s not the family’s fault if he doesn’t do his responsibilities as a father this is a stupid question. The family is still family regardless. They didn’t knock u up he did and ur child deserves to see the family also the grandparent can fight for visitation rights it is a thing in some states
Depends on the family and if they will be good for your kid to be around
The only time you should keep a child from family members is if there are serious concerns of neglect, abuse or fears of kidnapping. Anything else is petty and for your satisfaction, not your child’s.
Is he paying child support? You said he’s on it but is he paying? If he is, he is providing for the child still regardless of him not seeing the baby.
If his family wants to see the baby, why wouldn’t you want them to? The more people who love your child, the better.
Why wouldn’t you? I don’t think your son will care who paid what when they find out later that you kept him from his family and people who live him.
As long as they are safe, reasonable and consistent then the child has a right to know them. Plus they might become a big help to you later