Would you not pick a baby name just because it's popular?

Who cares what other people think. If you love those names, then you pick one of those names.

It is your kids so name them whatever you want. My boys’ names are Anthony and Daniel. To me that’s the name that popped in my head when I saw their faces on the ultrasound. Before then I would’ve never pick those names. I wanted something unique or at least unusual for each of them but that’s not how it turned out. It just fit them🤷 You pick what you think will fit them. It’s your kid. Nobody else’s option matters

You should name your child whatever you want. It’s your child. If they don’t like it they can have their own baby and name it whatever they want :woman_shrugging:t3:.

It shouldn’t matter if you love the name you love it i had a major thing about names that could be shortend names just stick I’ve got a logan mason and a layla logan should have been a Riley very popular at the time mason I heard on a kids show and fell in love with it and have no idea where layla came from but they fitted when they were born it just slots into place when they come into the world popular or not your baby your choice x

For me… yes both of my kids have at least moderately out of the norm names but if you love either of those names they are both adorable and don’t worry about what others think.

I would not pick one if its popular unless I’m really in love with it

My kiddos are named Wyatt and Eliana. I didnt look at the popularity. If I liked the name. Your baby. Your choice. :heart:

I just loved my daughter’s name. I did write it down with other spelling.

When you see your baby you will know I believe it’s something that just comes… I absolutely hated naming my daughter Harley … it’s so much of a popular pet name but her father wanted so bad and before she was born I wanted to name her Amara but when she was born Harley fit so perfect… I also have a son named Greyson… you will know and screw what everyone else says it’s your child your choice!!

I always have two names picked out for each gender before the baby is born… and a list of alternative names just incase baby is born and the names don’t fit… however neither of my born children have normal names. XD Zandra and Levii. I’m struggling to find names for a girl this time though, still have the boy names picked from when I was 13 lol hopefully I’ll get to use them this time

If you want something different, look up meanings of names and maybe it will help you choose. One of the things I love about being traditionally raised is when we get our names, no one is allowed to take that name until we pass on, and if someone wants your name they have to ask. They can’t just take it.

Pick what you like… I tried being a little different and it totally backfired. I named my daughter Becca and now everyone has gone from Rebecca/Becky to Becca. It’s her actual name not shortened. My other daughter is Ciarra… not super popular but the spelling is different with the a instead an e.

Personally I’d really only steer clear of the super trendy names going around. Like I have seen sooo many babies names Addilynn or some variation of it. And it’s a beautiful name just seems like everyone’s using it right now. Also not a fan of alternative spellings for names that just make it unnecessarily extra. But ultimately choose whatever makes you happy not anyone else. Those are just my personal preferences.

I wouldn’t change it… I had a boy name picked out for years. I knew if I ever had a son, I would name him Liam because my dad’s name is William and Liam derives from William… I got pregnant in 2019 and a few months before I had my son Liam was ranked #1 for boy names and I didn’t change it…

The one thing that would deter me most from naming my child a popular name is the chances of them being one of a number of children in their classes with that name and being called by the name and your last name’s initial (i.e. Madison B. or Olivia B.) There was 3 Jackie’s in my third grade class (all of us spelled it differently but it was pronounced the same so we had Jaci M, Jacki S and Jackie R)

I named my 6 year old thor cause i love the name and he seemed like a Thor my older 2 have common names so i did want something uncommon but its ur choice as a parent which name u choose

My daughters name is Olivia. She’s named after my Mom who passed. Having a popular name bothered me. Olivia was supposed to be her middle name actually. Came down to what I cared more about and honoring my was it. But instead we just gave her an unusual nick name. Instead of Living or Liv, we call her Via.

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Its ur kid if u like the name go for it. Mine are hailey Elizabeth patyton lee and kenzie marrie.

Pick whatever name you want honestly. It’s no one elses business what you name your child🤷‍♀️

It’s what you and daddy decide screw everyone else. I just had my little one on Friday and we picked the name phoebe Ann. People turned their noses up and honestly I bite my thumb at them

I like both names do what you like you have to be taking care of them.

My oldest daughter’s name is “Madison Olivia” lol I agree with others, name your baby what you want don’t mind people’s opinions about it.

I definitely skipped over several names with all of my kids because they were too popular. I didn’t want my kids in a class with several others who had the same name.

My sons are named Austin & Brandon what are common. Austin is a high school senior and never had another child with same name in class. Brandon has once. So it’s really in how popular in your area if your truly worried.

I named my daughter Ember. Not a common name, but I’m forever correcting people that it’s not Amber, it’s EMBER.

I have four boys
Maybe common , I don’t know
But i chose these names because it’s what I wanted to name my boys
Names a choice, it’s what I wanted … and I still would pick these names

I’m someone who would not pick a name because of it being popular. My daughter is Everly, and her name became popular after I named her that. It’s irritating. I like names that are not popular, but also not too hippie crazy. My kids are Kaysen Jeffery, Everly June, Rowan Leo, and Luna Opal.

We have a Claire (classic), an Emma (popular), and a Tobin (less common). We picked names that worked for us. Where it comes from or how popular it is doesn’t really matter in the scheme of things.

Nothing wrong with traditional names. I don’t understand why people would want to name their kids something odd just to "be original ".

Your kid your choice. Don’t listen to anyone else. You have to say and listen to the name for the rest of your lives lol. So pick something you like who cares about everyone else!

I gave my oldest a very popular name, he hates his name :rofl:

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I like both of those names. Flip a coin and which ever side it lands on that’s the name.

Pick what you love. I personally didn’t want a name in the top 10 but that’s because I am an Amanda and grew up in the 80’s when almost everyone was Amanda or Jennifer. I think one year I had 5 Amanda’s out of 25 kids. It was ridiculous.

Pick what you want…but do know that your kid may be in a class with other kids with that name and will be called madison M. Or madison F. Or Maddy. My sister told me before i had my daughter you will now be known as “emma’s mom” so make sure you’re okay with that and saying the name over and over and over again. If you’re good with all that :+1: But names may not be as popular as the list says. Our daughter is 2 and her name is Emma which was suppose to be the top ranked name for a few years, we have met 1 other Emma after 2 years of pool time, preschool, playdates, etc. I went to school for years with 3 other Lindsey’s. Never bothered me.
Remember if you pick a extremely unique name you run the risk of people not being able to pronounce or spell it. Which to me personally would become more annoying than someone else having her name. Good luck!

It’s your child so do as you want. The name may be popular in a few years. When I named my first daughter, her name wasn’t that popular but it is now. My son and second daughter have more unique names, and I chose them because they’re not all that popular. Abigail, Harrison and Sadie.