Would you stay?

I’m sorry you’re going through all that, I read it all & I’m literally sick to my stomach. He’s a sick human being…:nauseated_face: Do not stay!! Take your son & go!!! Please don’t be intimate with him before leaving, you don’t need a baby with that guy :dizzy_face: all the best to you both. Stay safe & don’t let him trap you!!


Love yourself & your child more than you love or desire male company.

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Please leave. This isn’t healthy for you or your son. Xxx

Please follow your heart & head and leave. Before something happens with him & your son. Don’t take chances on that.

Leave. Not easy but it’s best for you and your son x

Get out now for your son and you. You both need to go. To be safe. Don’t question it

My prayer is for the Lord Jesus to cover you and your son with His blood and to surround both of you with a hedge of protection. I pray you receive wisdom and strength, and for the Lord to meet you at your point of your need’s. In the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bind confusion, perversion and evil. I loose the power of The Holy Spirit over you, your son, and over your situation.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
God has given you a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Bless you little mama… :heart:


Run away and move in with your mom .Stand on your own and show your son to be a better person as he grows . Know and love yourself so you will never run into another relationship so quickly out of loneliness. Love yourself first and your son and you will never allow yourself to be in those situations again with immature boys who are not men. Learn to date somebody for a long time before you ever introduce them to your child. To show their hand as soon as they get comfortable but if a person does not show their hand after being with them for a long time and then it pops up later you will have the strength to leave right away and never put up with that behavior ever again.

Please get out of that toxic relationship, you and you’re little one deserve better x

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Please please please for the love of everything holy, do NOT stay any longer.
It will be tough, it will be very hard, but it will be worth it.
You can do this on your own!

That’s not normal and I think you need to leave. Moving in 2 weeks after dating is way too soon. Leave n don’t go back. You don’t need a man when you should be worrying about your young son! Children come first not a man !

Run as fast as you can out that door…no one should ever have to endure disgust from someone

So many things wrong with this from moving in w/someone after 2 weeks, to him not working, to isolating you from your mom to not helping you w/your child but the one that disturbs me the most is that your bf is staring at your child’s genitals. I read somewhere that pedophiles seek out single moms with little to no support and insecure, in order to prey on their kids. You need to run. Do not announce it. Do not act differently or argue with him. He sounds dangerous. Just go out one day or night and do not come back. Cut off all contact. and never look back. You have a baby and are not stable mentally, emotionally or financially. Don’t date. Get a job and work on getting your own place. Work on getting yourself together through therapy and raising your child around ppl you trust, so you don’t fall into these types of traps.

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Your first thought and your gut feeling are always right ! Think of your child

This dude sounds like a sexual predator. You should be more focused on your son’s safety, rather than staying with this creep.

You need to pack up your things, now, and get out of there.

Gtfo of that relationship… hes staring at your son while you change him, why? Is he a pedo & hasn’t gone full on yet or been caught… have you run his name to see if he’s got a record? If you stay, its not gonna end well… you are strong enough to raise your son without a man’s help…

I think you know what you need to do. Please do not ever leave your child alone with him, not for a second!

I can’t see anything good coming from you staying in this toxic situation. If not for yourself, leave to give your child a better future.


Leave and dont look back. Wishing you the Best of luck. Glad your mom is there to help. Sounds like he’s NARCISSISTIC among other things. Stay safe and keep that boy safe.

You need to focus on being single and parenting before bringing new partners in and out of kiddos life. He’s a giant walking flashing red flag. Get with a mental health professional if you need to taking care of your mental health is so important so you can be the best mom and I know it’s hard to do that. You got this!


Men come and go. Your child is forever :heart:

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Um please leave none of this is normal and you and your son deserve better.
Im not the type to say this usually but so many red flags!!
Hope you’re OK girly, talk to your mum
Honestly please talk to your mumma!

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Get out, girl. Don’t hesitate

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No its not normal…get out while you can…leave and don’t look back!!

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Is that what you want for your life? You teach people how to treat you. If you are a mother it’s not about you anymore it’s about the safety and well-being of your child.


You listed like 30 reasons why you should leave. RUN


Honestly I can’t even believe what I’ve just read. And that your even asking :cry:
Put your sons safety first if not your own and get out, now.

The fact that he stares at your sons privates should be enough to make you run. He’s going to hurt him one day. He’s sick


You deserve so much better :heartbeat:

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You are not overthinking. GET OUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE When he’s not around to be on the safe side. You know you should.

Don’t walk, RUN! that whole making himself throw up for attention is straight up psycho shit on its own but him being weird like that about watching you change diapers is even more concerning. Have you asked him what he wants when he comes in there with you? That’s definitely NOT normal behavior by any man and i would not have him anywhere near my child. Have you looked up his name to see if he’s in any kind of registry? Background check?

Definitely not normal. Go with your gut.

Cut him loose and rejoice.He has shown you that he has nothing to offer.

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Get rid of him ASAP" & run for your life he is Trouble :tired_face:

Oh my! Get away from this guy! Do it for your child if not for yourself. You obviously have a mother who cares, so get your child and your pets and GO!!


Ok yup run cuz the only time a male should stare at the private parts is if he is changing the child himself and making sure the child is clean or if he’s a first time father and learning how to properly change and wipe the baby even then the stareing is seconds long run for the hills

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The fact he stares at your kids private’s is a HUGE red flag.

Wow! My son whos near 19 would be nowhere near ready for this!! Far too young!

How can this even be a question? He is staring at your sons privates that’s enough on it’s own to run! If I ever caught anyone doing this to my sons I would knock them out!!! PLEASE get out now for the safety of that little boy and yourself xx


Get rid of him. He does all that no telling what he will do.

I lost count of how many red flags there were.

  1. He quit a job because of an ingrown nail? What?

  2. It sounds like he needs therapy to address the purposeful throwing up. Whether it’s from attention seeking or a symptom of a mental disorder, it should be addressed.

  3. No, staring at a child’s genitals isn’t normal for any gender.

  4. It sounds like he just wants someone to take care of everything for him.

  5. I think everyone should have a private bank account with their own money, but it shouldn’t be kept a secret. (I wish I stashed money when I was in an abusive relationship though.)

  6. Your intuition is telling you to get out. Do it. Listen to that voice and hold on to it. I was in two DV relationships where I was taught to distrust that voice. I’m relearning to listen to it.


Sorry to say but wah to many red flags, look after you and your son

Each and every time you allow a behavior to continue, you are teaching your spouse that it’s okay. Subconscious or not, your spouse is learning that it’s okay because you didn’t stop it. Talking about the fact that it’s not okay, or nagging at them, or threatening to leave, yet continuing to allow it, is a contradiction. You must actually stop allowing the behavior altogether.

So yes, while we cannot change the behavior of our spouse, we can change the way we respond and accept their behavior. Do not allow yourself to be mistreated and hurt by ongoing toxic behavior from your spouse. Be careful of what you tolerate. You are teaching people how to treat you.
#marriage365 #ichooselove


Move in with your mum asap


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Please for the sake of your son GET OUT!! that’s not normal at all you need to leave now!

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This just sounds like a whole childish mess. Moving in so fast is stupid expecially when you have a baby! It doesn’t matter how long you have known them, you test the waters first and see I its going to last before you introduce your child! Your child must come first, and jumping into something that fast is not putting them first! Leave him, he has a lot of growing up to do. Go home to your mother, I’m sure she will help, and at 19 you need that help and have some growing up to do too. You may be lonely, or think your a grown up, but you are jobless, with a baby, living with someone a after merely weeks dating, thats wreckless, dangerous and immature. Think first next time. I had 2 children when I met my partner and my rule has always been a minimum of 6 months before introducing my child the most important thing in my world and 1 year before considering living together. We must protect our babies!


Please, please, please leave!! And until you do, see if your mom can keep the baby!! Do not leave baby alone with him!!

The first reason was a clear enough sig to leave him, and then it kept getting worse. Leave asap

The second you started questioning your sons safety in any way shape or form it’s time to go. Way too many red flags. Go with your gut and do what’s best for you and your babe!!

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Please leave. There are just so many things wrong here. Especially because you should not be leaving your son with him. I pray you and your child find safety

No negative comments? Is there anything positive to say here? :woman_facepalming:

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What would your advice be if it was your best friend/ sister telling you all this. Follow that advice My parents use to tell me all the time write my problems down on a piece of paper then read it as if its a letter from my best friend or one of my sisters. What would I say or what advice would I give to them. Follow that advice…

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If hes making you uncomfortable and if you can’t trust him with you son then leave

Really? no male figure in your life or not, use some common sense…of course it isn’t right for anyone to stare at a baby’s privates, like why the hell are you still with him?


Wacky n unhealthy for sure …is this post for real ?

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Are you serious??? PROTECT your SON! Number one rule of being a mom!!!


Literally only read the top part and decided you should leave do it now! Your so young just remember you’ve only got one life to live don’t waste it on this waste man… just enjoy being you and your child and your life you got this x

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Tell your mum he physically follows you into another room to watch her grandbabies privates!! Watch how angry she gets… Girl, she will be out for his blood!! THAT should be your anger and reaction too!! If u want to stay and put up with all that sh*t then at least give your son to your mum where he will be safe. I’m sorry to sound harsh but you seem way more concerned with his failings as a boyfriend to you than you do about protecting your child. :broken_heart:


Nope you need to leave now! He will snap one day and hurt or needless to say sexually abuse that baby!! Hate to sound mean and say it but you’re kidding right!?!? Who gives a fuck about this guy!! Your son is #1 always! No one else matters, you protect that baby! Ugh this made me nauseous :sweat::confounded:

Quit his job because he has a hangnail wow being gross around your son I would have kicked his ass & left already why r u asking & not leaving your to young to deal with any of this bullshit go home

You need to leave this boy as soon as you can. And don’t let his crying about it fool you to stay.

No I would not stay. Get out of there. Now.

You are single, You just don’t realize it yet. Go NOWW!! Loser!! It won’t get better!! You need to evaluate your choices, first the prisoner now this guy…girl!!!

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I felt sick reading the part about him watching your sons private’s my god get out nowwww


This entire thing is a red flag…leave asap of course. Maybe stay single for awhile while you work on your mental state also.


Shouldn’t even be a question….leave! That’s disgusting :face_vomiting: :rage::triumph:

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So many red flags,

Leave go live with your mom till you can get back on your feet, get a job save your money. Find a place for you and your son , don’t worry about having a boyfriend till you get you and your son in a better place. When you’re ready for a relationship make sure he’s the right kind of man willing to step up


Really nothing nice to say so I’ll be blunt…


If yall live in a house, potty train outside. As far as this fool goes, you should have ran with him quitting over a fucking hang nail. Hes not areal man. Time to move on!

It’s time for you to leave and move on with you and your son. Ask your mom if you can stay with her until you saved up some money to get your own place. Cut ties with him for good. He is showing you too many red flags. He shouldn’t be someone you want your son around or learn from. You deserve so much better but you have to know that for yourself.

Honestly just needed less than the first quarter to tell you look mama you can do better if he is already doing this he gonna keep on and get worse he quit over somem stupid like you gotta think about it like this ok do you want your son having only these two men as their male role models do you want him to think its ok to act like that the #1 person you gotta think about at the end of the day is your son because he is just if not more affected by it cut it off now before it gets worse

Red flag he wanted to step and take on your son so quick yet sounds no signs of wanting to build as a family and build verbally abusive in front of your son and to top it off staring at your sons genitals that is far from normal and no dad or male figure should be doing that it’s very strange that he would stop watching tv to come and stare the only reason he would do that sorry to say but is if his a pedophile which sounds like he is.

Please leave!!! :weary: Please. This is not okay.:pleading_face: For you or your son. NONE OF THIS IS OKAY. :x:


Girl when your not feeling right second doubt about your son run girl

Get out asap I think you know this is what you must do don’t delay

[ think he is a child molester in training , no man i have ever known would deliberately stare at a baby being changed , watch out when he starts wanting to change the baby , my advice to you is to get out of this situation’and as for him making himself throw up . that in itself enough for you to start running , get out

Everything happened way too fast in this relationship but that’s beside the point run mama and don’t look back

Please leave and don’t look back


Sorry he’s looking at your sons private parts the whole time why his nappy is being changed should be the biggest red flag going there for you, I would get out like now, your son will eventually enjoy running around your living room naked when he’s a bit older which will give him more of a chance to stare at your sons private parts

How serious was that damn fingernail for him to quit his job bc of it🧐 seriously though…you and your baby deserve better and can do better!

Run. Run as fast as you can

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I think you need to leave and maybe stay with your mom , something is definitely wrong with him and it’s not your job to fixit , so fir your sake and your son’s run

1000% leave. You got this mama!

You need to get far, far, away from that man. Trust your instincts. There is a reason you’re asking this, your mama gut has already told you what to do.

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Leave. There’s everything wrong with this story to me.


Run…don’t walk. Run!

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Please leave for your child’s sake. That’s not normal, nothing about him staring at your child’s privates is normal, that’s fucking WEIRD.
For everything else, also leave.
Fuck him!

Definitely not normal for him to stare at your sons private area while being changed, huge red flag. You need to get away from that fast. This is just the start and it will get worse. I know I don’t know you but message me if you need to vent. I’m always open to talk :heart:

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Dear god. Leave don’t look back

Girl! Throw that whole damn man away! Go home to your mama. Something is up with this one & it ain’t right!

Every single thing u said is awful! Please leave! Don’t stay with someone cause u may be scared to be alone … u could be blocking ur blessings for something better… this boy is damaged and u have to do what’s best for ur son! Leave before u find out something even worse that he’s done or is planning on doing! Good luck :heart:

Maybe your son cries when he hold him because he has done something to your son. Why aren’t you gone already?


I know you’re young and I know things are done differently these days but, it’s not going to get better, only worse. If you’re not happy with what you have, look away and move on. You have a whole lifetime a head of you and you want someone who will show your son how to man up not how to be a loser. Son comes first.

You should definitely leave. Especially after the way he’s started looking at your son.

J3sus Christ why are you even still at his house. Leave him and go move in with your mum untill you can get back on your feet and get your own place.

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Please, please, please take you and your son and RUN - don’t ever look back! You are young, smart, and beautiful. You can do this, mama. All your son needs is YOU. Safe, happy, and healthy you.

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Just a different pov as There’s a part of me curious to know if this man has ever changed a nappy before? If he hasn’t maybes he’s watching to see how it’s done and embarrassed to admit he doesn’t know how!? On everything else u are without a doubt clearly unhappy and no1 should ever feel that way when they don’t have to. Please talk to ur mum/friend or other family member for some help and advice & don’t struggle on ur own. I’m sure there is plenty of support out there for u. Good luck xxx

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