I would write the manager - NO ONE IS OBLIGATED TO TIP - shame on her!
Umm where do you people all live ? why are yous being so rude and acti like it’s compulsory to tip wtf
No one tips me for doing my job. I get paid to do my job. So does the waitress. “Expecting” a tip is rude asf. No one HAS to tip anyone. If I can afford it I will tip if service was worthy of a tip. But most times it isn’t. So y’knoow
That usually means bad service. I was always told even if bad service leave a penny or or somwthing to so you didn’t forget. They didn’t forget Jody, with that said, I usually leave 20% even if it’s bad service.
I’m a bartender and have worked for tips for more than 20 years. I would NEVER confront someone who stiffed me. Talk about them when they leave maybe, lol, but that waitress was TOTALLY out of line.
He forgot? BS. No he didn’t. Your story clearly reads that he used a card- wtf did he think that line was for?
If you can not or will not tip- for whatever reason- when you go out, you don’t go out.
Wrong to call out a customer but most servers “minimum wage” is 5bbucks. Way less then minimum wage most places so I can see where she is coming from being a server myself.
I work in food I love those who tip because they decide how fast I can get my home and pay my bills but I choose my job and no one is obligated to ever tip me and I would never demand one
Having been a waitress myself, I can say the waitress was way out of line and it was unprofessional on her part to go after him and embarrass him. Waitstaff know that can happen on occasion, and you need to be grateful when you get a much larger tip. NOW, for the uneducated person who may not be aware. MINIMUM WAGE FOR A WAITER/WAITRESS is typically $2.18 an hour compared to $10 for regular jobs. This is to balance out with the tips they get in an hour.
As a waitress who makes $3 and hour i feel her pain but i also disagree with the way she acted. I have plenty of times i dont get tipped by my customers but i would NEVER be rude and demand them to tip me. She is very unprofessional
Not ok don’t care if ur making min wage or not still not ok for her to do that
It is rude for a server to ask about a tip from a customer!!!’ I was a server for 10 years and never ever did this
My mom worked with a waitress who would take kids outside and tell them how important it is to tip.(they were kids so they probably didnt pay much attention to their parents tipping or wasn’t taught to tip) But no you dont have to tip if you dont want to. Especially if you have a bad server
Many many things to say here… For one she should not have said anything whatsoever. It’s not her business as to if a customer tips or not… It’s the customers choice. Sometimes people can’t afford a tip. Don’t want to tip. Or received bad service/food… As to what other people here are saying. If you can’t afford a tip don’t go out? That’s total crap. Others are saying min wage is not high enough… Then go get a different job. No one said you had to be a waitress… I’ve been a waitress before and have never ever been upset someone didn’t leave a tip…
I am a server and have always lived by the quote, “Tips are a privilege, not a right” You don’t have to tip if you don’t want to
Why would you add the disorder? Is that an excuse you’re using for him not paying the tip? I mean she shouldn’t have confronted him bad call but come on thru only get paid $2.25-$2.50 am he. That’s waitress/waiter minimum wage.
I’d call place of establishment they need to correct her ways! Tell your son he did Nothing outrageous so no worries!
Now I know why some waitresses ignore me
Well one observation was he went back and tipped her. I guess it paye d off for her, I would not have confronted him as I was a server, but you see I would have missed out.
from my perspective 10% of the bill is what the customer tip the waiter…being a waiter your tips are infact your wages!! but what I think about that waiter is that she pushed her luck why because your son is 18 years old I bet she wouldn’t have pulled that stunt on a grown ass person…
I would absolutely call that restaurant. I work in a tipping industry on the side and I would never call someone out for not tipping. Does it annoy me? Yes. But I work in customer service too and she needs to realize she’s going to get customers that don’t tip whether intentional or not. If she has a problem with it then she needs to get out of the industry. Life is not roses and fairytales. Suck it up buttercup.
Tips are a monetary “thank you” for good service, NOT a requirement. Many restaurants add a small percentage (10-20%) as a “gratuity” onto the bill.
Don’t go out to eat if you can not afford to tip. Anxiety or not, this mom should have taught him better
Anywhere I’ve EVER worked, it was against policy to ever ask for a tip. That’s unprofessional af
He may have a disorder that causes him added anxiety because he was confronted but we also don’t know that waitresses situation and I can’t imagine most waitresses saying anything about missing out on a tip but maybe she really counts on the tips🤷🏻♀️ I don’t think fault can be placed either way…
Forgetting to leave one is one thing, I would’ve only gotten confrontational if somebody has stolen tips or left me a fake $.
I’d call up there and lodge a complaint against that waitress. I’d become Karen 5.0
The waitress needs to be taught a lesson.
Without a tip, a table COSTS a server money. They have to tip out the bartender, bus kids, at times a hostess and at times a food runner/ expo.
If there were a flaw in service then the server definitely shouldn’t say anything but if everything went smoothly then why not? What is the harm is asking “was something wrong with the service? I’d like to improve”. If it was an oversight then problem solved… server makes money and everyone else in that domino effect And the table doesn’t come off like a bad guy.
If there were a problem… then it’s exposed and the table doesn’t have to walk away upset in silence.
Its not acceptable and she ought to be ashamed. What if he didn’t have anymore money sometimes just eating out is a big treat and hard to pay for. But everyone needs a break once in awhile
Tips are not mandatory, what I leave depends on the service I get! I worked in the food service industry a lot of years so I know what goes on in a restaurant. The tip depends on how you treat your customers given the circumstances at the time, be it extremely busy, training, or what have you. I once asked the waitress if she had to split tips with the cooks, because although the service was good, the food was less than delicious. Thankfully she did not so I tipped her accordingly You treat customers bad you’re gonna get shitty tips! You’re not going to make me feel bad because you work for minimum wage, so you depend on tips! Do better, be nicer!!
End of rant
As much as I’d need money I don’t think I’d ever demand a tip from customers, seems rude… I’m happy with any tips and I make $3/hour
I think it’s totally acceptable in today’s standards for somebody to call out something like not tipping. The waitress didn’t know your sons circumstances….he didn’t know hers. Life. Next!
Lol no , you need to tell the manager - that’s not okay at all .
I think the waitress should be called on the carpet. Call the manager and explain the situation.
I would be major mad if a waitress came after me for a tip. There is tons of jobs for minimum wage that the workers can’t even accept a tip .Like gas station ,clerks,etc.
Well, confronting someone means they didn’t deserve it anyways…
A tip isnt mandatory and i swear… if i ever got confronted for one… id be back in that restaurant demanding some of my initial bill money back for the extra bad service.
Its your job as waitress to bring my food to me. The restaurant pays you that. If its not enough… get another job.
I will only tip if i feel youve gone extra to provide good service… otherwise, youve just done the job your already paid to do.
As a server, you NEVER do that!
I’m from the UK and we don’t really tip… they get a wage why is it your responsibility to pay them more? I mean I do tip them if they aren’t miserable shits. But this woman doesn’t sound like she deserves a tip being so confrontational and demanding!
Worked in food places and it’s rude to ask for a tip… I d call let manager know for simple fact your not really even suppost to look at tip til people left table… doesn’t matter what the waiter deal is she was honestly in the wrong…
Well this certainly isn’t a service industry group.
Alot of time some restaurants have deducted the tip already in the bill. So when I got home and just browsed on the receipt I noticed i was charged for a tip even though I always leave cash out or personally will give to my waiter I don’t go out much at all cuz its expensive but I have noticed this. I’m sorry that your son experienced this. He must have felt humiliated. I can’t imagine a waiter saying…" hey you forgot to leave a tip. That’s nerve
I’m a server and just got no tipped on about $500 tonight from a couple groups of kids. Because they didn’t tip me, I have to pay 4% of that $500 from other people who did decide to tip me. I definitely get the frustration but you still don’t call somebody out for it.
People on here don’t realize most servers get paid less than minimum wage. Also don’t buy the whole “they’ll pay you up to minimum wage if you don’t make more with tip” no true. They’ll pay you the federal minimum wage which is 7.25 which is about $3 less than the state minimum wage where I live. Some states it’s even more money lost. Don’t be a dick, please tip.
This Didn’t Happen So Much That It Actually Unhappened Things That Had
I only tip if I feel it is deserved and I’ve had good service. I wouldn’t go back to that restaurant that’s for sure
I don’t tip unless I get good service she definitely wouldn’t of gotten a tip from me even after the confrontation more of a reason not to give one they know what the pay was when they got the job if they needed more money they would of got a better paying job
She should not have demanded a tip but asked nicely if he forgot. I hate when the waiter or waitress asks if I need change back. I always tip and pay in cash.
If it was an honest mistake and he corrected it….no harm, no foul. I do feel it was very unprofessional of the waitress to say something, they are aware of what they are getting into as far as pay goes when they choose the field. I personally feel Poor Service=No Tip…Mediocre Service=Mediocre Tip….Excellent Service=Excellent Tip.
Also, while you have good intentions for wanting to call the restaurant, he is 18 and needs to be able to learn to handle these things on his own or let them roll off his back.
No… I bartended & never ever asked for a tip! She should be ashamed for putting your young man in that spot. That would be awkward for anyone. I’d say some ppl would’ve called the manager up for her TIP.
That waitress overstepped for sure. I am a waitress and I would NEVER.
I don’t think she should of said anything. Very unprofessional in my eyes. But I also don’t think people should go out to eat if they can’t tip. These people are working to serve you and it’s not for free!! Maybe this is a lesson both can learn from!
I know of two waitresses that were fired for confronting a customer for not tipping. Though I believe all should tip, a waitress should not confront anyone.
After 15 years as a waitress, I can tell you that tipping is NOT required and is considered “earned”. I’ve had multiple people over the years find it funny they “stiffed” me and some honestly forget, but I would NEVER stoop low enough to confront someone about it. Thats highly unprofessional and should not be allowed. Someone is in the wrong profession. I loved being a waitress. I would never have treated the son so badly.
Honestly, if the server approached me about not tipping, I’d just walk away. I understand they make shit wages and rely on tips to survive, but they have no right to demand a tip. But I also tip based on the service I get, not the price of the bill. I’ve walked out and paid a $5 tip on a $100+ bill because service was shit, but then I’ve also paid $20+ on a $40 bill because the service was absolutely amazing. MY OPINION
Sounds like you are Making excuses for him. As a waitress I would never confront a customer very unprofessional however you should have taught him at home if he gets good service he needs to leave a good tip. Seriously people don’t forget to tip
Totally inappropriate of the Server and management needs to be informed so they can inform ALL servers never bully a customer to tip
When I worked in a restaurant one of our servers went to the door as the customer was leaving without tipping and said “thanks a lot.” He was fired immediately. Some people tip well, some don’t and some not at all BUT a server should NEVER confront the customer about the amount of the tip or not tipping. The manager of the restaurant should be told how the server reacted and how it made your son feel.
Tips are optional, you want a higher wage , earn it and educate yourself. Minimum wage goes up every year in my state , the highest minimum wage state . Servers are making more than certified nursing assistance, they do not get tips . Let that sink in
It’s rude to approach a customer and demand a tip. Usually no tip means shitty service and you didn’t earn a tip. I think it has more to do with the “participation trophy” generation that feels entitled and think they should get everything for nothing. As a protective momma I would dispute the charge in the card for the tip. Have a conversation with my son about the importance of tips. Lesson learned
If it looked like he forgot, then yes it is acceptable, though I wouldn’t have worded it like she did- I would have said “excuse me, you left the tip line blank. Please complete it so I can turn it in for my records”… giving the benefit of the doubt… if you truly can’t afford to tip at a restaurant, you can’t afford to eat at restaurants.
Tips are NOT EXPECTED and if that server confronted me, yeah no tip sorry. It’s rude. Don’t beat yourself or allow him to beat himself up. People make mistakes but a tip is simply not to be expected.
Most servers make under $3 an hour. Maybe it wasn’t a confrontation but an attempt to educate him on tipping. When people don’t tip the serve is literally paying out of pocket for others’ dining experience. More people should be called out for not appropriately tipping. I said what I said, don’t @ me
I’m a waitress/bartender. Totally unacceptable on her part. Although, it’s upsetting to not get tipped (I seen it was an accident so it’s totally fine on his part!), it’s not okay to confront. I’m so sorry for your son feeling that way! Tell him it’s okay some people are just entitled that isn’t his fault.
A tip is not mandatory. A tip is a way of commending a job well done. It is not the customer’s responsibility to make up for what their pay lacks. No wait staff should ever demand a tip. Yes, he forgot and that happens. But she was way out of line. And yes, I have been a waitress before.
I used to waitress and I would NEVER confront someone for not leaving a tip!
I have worked in the restaurant industry for over 25 years.The way this server acted is completely unacceptable.You need to make a manager aware of this situation. Myself as a manager would not allow my staff to act like this or treat customers like this.
That’s extremely rude. I would be mortified. I understand tipping is part of the experience when dining out and everyone should tip but that is just uncalled for…
I have taught my children that a tip is earned not required or just given. The amount you tip depends on the service you recieve. There have been a few instances where a server didn’t recieve a tip from us when we have been out as a family and on the tip line I left just that a tip saying if you want to recieve a tip next time work on your customer service skills.
He shouldn’t have Paid the tip and should have brought it up to the manager that his staff is doing stuff like that.
She should never demand it however it should be normalize to remind people because accidents do happen… and it’s also not right that when he forgets to tip that she still has to tip out the host, busser, food runner and bartender NO MATTER WHAT
Honestly no! That is definitely not normal. Everyone is struggling and just because waitresses mainly get what they’re tipped doesn’t give them a right to confront someone for not tipping! If I was your son id definitely be contacting her boss about it that’s highly unprofessional to do.
To my knowledge there is no law that you have to leave a tip!
I have owned a few restaurants and would have appreciated this type of behavior being reported to me. Please report to management. Not acceptable, she needs to be reprimanded…if this is a patterns she should be dismissed. Sorry for your experience.
I’m a waitress and I make $3.67 an hour. No i will not ask someone for a tip. It’s not my place. Yes i do survive off tips but what that waitress did was unprofessional.
I had a waiter yell at us in a restaurant in NYC because we didn’t leave enough tip! I didn’t leave my normal amount because we had really bad service. My friend was so embarrassed she took out more $ for him. I wasn’t going to give him more!!
He needs to call and file a complaint with the manager that was not okay
I’m a waitress now and never is it acceptable to go confront a customer. They can get in trouble for that
I’ve been a waitress in the past and had I ever done this to a paying customer my boss would probably had fired me. That is completely rude.
Probably just educating him. Honestly if you aren’t going to tip don’t go out to eat. Stay home. Nobody needs to pour your drinks and get you extra ranch if you can’t be bothered to leave 15% minimum. Find it hard to believe people can “forget” when it’s right there on the receipt as you sign it.
In his case with the waitress confronting him I wouldn’t have tipped her anyway. That was wrong she should have never confronted ur son.
I was a waitress and nope not allowed at all u needa go mama bear and go down there and report that u never ever do that what so ever if u don’t get a tip u just don’t I worked for $4 an hour and with that even I didn’t get one then what could I do but u never do that ever u needa go and tell her manager cause that’s not right to do to anyone what so ever if he forgot he forgot it happens ro us but she was in the wrong
I definitely see where she’s coming from, but in no way is confronting someone like that normal.
I think it’s awful that she confronted him BUT he won’t ever forget again so lesson learned.
I certainly wouldn’t call the restaurant and try to get her into trouble, IF that is what you are getting at…
I had a waitress attack me verbally in front of my small children bc i did not leave a tip we were traveling they were hungry i did not even eat she knew that bc i was strapped she still demanded a tip
Nope and HELL NO… if that’s local I would get that name and report her… I completely understand that servers are mostly dependent on tips however that is unacceptable and needs to be addressed with her manager… she definitely wouldn’t have gotten anything but a mouthful from me… my eldest son is the same age and HF ASD and this would have caused serious anxiety for him … you never know someone’s situation you just don’t walk up on someone like that you never know what you’ll get… and I agree that’s harassment!!
I wore many hats in the restaurant business, including a catering license. I always told coworkers and staff, for every bad tip someone will come in and over tip. The server was rude.
You know that servers pay tax on your food purchased right? So if you don’t, the waiters take a hit off their 10 dollars an hour. State law in MN, educate yourself. I still would never not tip. Being in the food service industry for over 27 years, tipping is a part of our culture, if you don’t want to tip or are forgetful stay home.
With that being said… approaching a guest for a tip is a good way to get fired.
No thats not normal… And its a mama bears job to be a bit over protective of your son… I am of mine…
Every where I ever worked as a waitress I would have been fired for such a thing! There were times I didn’t get tipped & I was very unhappy about it but I would never go after someone like that! People do sometimes get distracted & don’t realize they didn’t tip. I do say if you don’t plan to tip go somewhere it’s not expected. Most people don’t realize minimum wage for servers is less than every one else because they are expected to make tips
Not acceptable! I work in a restaurant! I know for a fact that any server that would have done that would have been wrote up
I would go back to the restaurant and let the manager know
We live in Australia, tipping is rarely. Our waitress wages covered in the cost of the food.
Most restaurants etc, have a tipping jar that gets split between the staff.
When us Aussies go abroad we take on that countries tipping program however do find it hard.
It is not acceptable to confront someone to tip. It happens and you just have to deal with it.
Not acceptable for wait staff to tell someone that they are supposed to tip.
Okay so yeah it happens, people forget. Butthat was unacceptable for her to do that to him. Most place a will fire you for doing that.
Honestly for acting like that after an honest forgetful mistake I wouldn’t of given her one she should have been embarrassed to ask or say anything
Had this happen at Olive garden the tip wasn’t enough , we haven’t been back
This happened to myself and my husband. We were confronted by the same waitress the next time we went to the restaurant. She TOLD us we hadn’t tipped the time before! This is wrong! You get a good tip if you do a good job!!