I’m sorry I understand they’re just being paid minimum wage but if they’re going to ask me for a tip they’re not going to get it I especially don’t like it when they ask even before the service is completed. Otherwise I always willingly tip
She is not owed a tip. When you choose that type of job, you do so realizing that you may not get tipped. Now if he would’ve went off on her, everybody would be saying he was wrong.
Pay needs to be changed and tipping needs to go away or people need to stop taking these jobs. The owners are getting their money regardless, why aren’t the workers?
Absolutely not. He does not have to tip her ( although, If good service is provided I hope everyone tips well) but it is what it is. She had no right. Especially since it was an honest mistake…that’s embarrassing
Im sorry regardless if it was an honest mistake or intentional the waitress was out of line confronting him about a tip.
That’s the problem for me is when did it go to have to tip instead of showing thank you for good service. I always tip unless the wait person does not give good service. We should not have to feel like it’s a given.
If he forgot and she confronted him I would’ve not left shit lol it’s an easy mistake and she should’ve never went up to him. Myself have never forgotten to tip but I can understand sometimes you can forget things
I had a bartender in NY grab my arm after i had handed her the paper receipt that said ‘cash’ in tip line. I have pulled out cash and put it in the tip jar. As she grabbed my arm, she said ‘honey, in NYC we tip our bartenders.’ I replied ‘that’s why it says ‘cash’ in the tip line and why I put a $5 bill in the jar for my $12 drink.’ Then she dropped my arm, laughed and said ‘thanks sweetie!’ I was shocked!
I would not have gone back to leave anything and would have approached the manager about it. Tipping is not required! They have a job just like everyone else, I tip when i receive good service, if it was crappy i don’t feel i have to but leave a few dollars to be nice.
If anyone reports the server, it should be the 18 year old. He is too old to have his mother speaking for him. That would be so embarrassing. This is a lesson learned for him. I would give him the choice to report her and why or not to report her.
It was an accident he forgot to tip I would go talk to her manger about that how many other people she bullied like that no he doesn’t have to tip if he don’t want to
I would be making a complaint with the restaurant manager. They should never demand a tip
Usually a waitress will ask if there was a problem with the service to find out the reason for not tipping. But no way should she demand a tip. And if she’s making minimum wage as a waitress she’s going pretty good.
Well minimum wage for a waitress is 2.13. That being said, as a server myself, I would never get on to someone for not tipping. I may get mad but I wouldn’t risk losing my job over one customer.
That is not okay and that is very unprofessional. If I were your son I would have complained to the manager because it is not right to treat someone so horribly!
Maybe waitress had a bad day. It is true they make such little money and rely on tips. Your son did the right thing by going back and tipping. Sorry he’s upset over it but sh*t happens.
I was a server when I was in college and yes I only made $2.13 an hour but that was my choice to work for tips and I never felt offended if I didn’t receive a tip. I would never ask anyone either. I would report her to her supervisor that’s very unprofessional.
I think it should be reported to the manager. I used to be a waitress years ago and I have never done this. This is reduce loud and your son should not feel bad. I have a side gig and I still have never done this. Report her.
Me and my husband at that time went out one evening and had really sh*ty service so we didn’t leave a tip the waitress called us out as we were leaving But she didn’t know we knew the owner so needless to say her attitude ended up with her looking for another job. And yes I have been a waitress in my life and will usually tip excessively for good or great service
A few months ago I was at a restaurant and we got seated. The manager came up and said he hoped we enjoy the food and went on to say remember leave a tip. I was so put off. Of course I always tip, but when I felt like he was demanding it I didn’t want to. ( FYI I did leave a tip). I leave a tip even if the service is bad but I noticed recently this has been an issue and restaurants demanding that everyone tip staff.
This is straight up rude, if someone said something to me I would have said ‘I was going to tip but after how you reacted I won’t’. I assume she had a bad day and they say kill people with kindness so he took the higher road but I don’t think I would have
Waitress was wrong !! No matter what your job is customer is always right. If she came up to me about her tip. I would just ask to speak to manager. Then ask manager if it’s their policy to yell at customers because they forgot the tip.
See on here where servers get three dollars an hour ,not the case in Alberta all servers get 15 dollars an hour … tipping is not manitory it is customer choice according to service
Oh my gosh that waitress was really nervy she should be ashamed for doing that. I was a waitress in high school & was thankful for any kind of tip. Some people truly forget but that doesn’t mean you calm them out for it. Geez I’m embarrassed for her!
His minimum wage is different from her minimum wage. But calling him out was unexceptional.
Tips are not mandatory. If so they would be added to your bill. She was WAY out of line. And could be fired for it. If she don’t like the pay she gets then she should look into another job. It’s really not the customer to make sure she gets the pay she needs to survive.
You son hasn’t any right to be upset because he generally forgot. People forget to do things all the time. She should be the one to apologize to him. And maybe she needs to look how she’s doing her service. If she’s THAT bold to come up to a customer asking for tip money. Then many others have shorted her too. Maybe she doesn’t get she’s not doing a good enough job to get good tips. Or the place is just not a good place people tip at. But if she came up to me like she did your son. I would of apologize for forgetting to tip her but would of 1) gave her a penny for her rudeness to do such a thing. 2) tell her for her rudeness I’m not going to tip and an maybe ask to talk to who is in charge so she gets explained or reminded the does and don’t on dealing with customers that don’t tip.
It is not patrons responsibility to get you paid above your wage. Fight for better wages, and tip but don’t confront people like it’s a necessity.
Hate to say but I bet they get shafted no tips with poor wages. No I don’t think it’s right to say something but it’s also not acceptable to not tip. Both kinda wrong.
I’ve been to Japan where it is an insult to tip a waitress
It’s not right nor normal to demand a tip. If the service is adequate or better, I tip. But there have been instances were the service can’t even be considered adequate. They only get a mention to the manager. It’s my hard earned money they expect…
I’ve been a waitress before and I personally think it’s a shitty thing to ask someone to tip. They forget, they don’t have the extra money, or maybe just had a shitty waitress.
TIPS actually stand for “To insure prompt service”. I waitressed and bartendered for years in my teens and twenties. I knew they were never guaranteed. I always received the most $ from my regular customers. But there were always times with no tips even if everything was prompt and customer seemed happy with service. I didn’t know their situation and just moved along to the next.
If you look at receipts nowadays or at least the ones Ive been to, as soon as you pay it charges you a tip because it shows the tip percentage that it charged you on the receipt. I dont know if anyone else has noticed that or not.
No, I would not ask an 18 yr. Old for a tip. At that age they are not used to paying the bill & Im sure he just forgot .
As a waitress it is not acceptable to ask a customer for a tip. But in the other side the gov uses a percentage of our sales to determine what we should be taxed on our tips. So basically if you dont tip your meal costs us money
That is disgusting and should not be tolerated. No need to tip a disrespectful person and if did in this case would be a penny. And never go back there again. That’s bullying!!!
To all of the people saying that his mother is making excuses for him or if we don’t tip to stay home, you guys are the problem. His mother clearly states he is only 18 and has an anxiety disorder. Also, I do not tip all the time if I go out because if the wait staff is horrible, why tip them? Does anyone else get paid for a job they did horribly? In most cases no they don’t. I don’t want to hear crap about them being short staffed either, that is not an excuse for bad service and attitude. I am not saying to blame them for things like long wait time or being out of something you order. If they have attitude and only see you to take your order, drop off the food, and give you the check when they are not busy, that is not good service. A tip should not be expected, it should be earned.
I’ve never had one approach me but then again I’ve also been one to 15% I always had a client who wouldn’t tip but I always tipped more for her. I can say how some of them are treated maybe why. We went to a Dennys and this couple with a kid behind us was ridiculous. There was 1 waitress that’s it doing it all the guy was so loud how she was slow and he wanted his sauce and wouldn’t eat whatever it is without it. The bacon wasn’t cooked to the kids liking and other things. They have them 2 free meals out of 3, the waitress and I were talking. She has to pay for the meals she told me. It’s so sad.
It was rude to go after him for a tip, what if he didn’t have enough money? Yes I understand that the waiters and waitresses are paid minimum wage but honestly, it was like peddling for money
Don’t give it a second thought, I’ve been in that situation where I’ve completely gapped on a tip because life gets in the way.
As have many people that I served in the industry over the years.
A tip should NEVER be expected unless there’s an auto gratuity at the place of business!
I made minimum wage most of my life and brought home MORE than enough to cover the bills.
Confronting your son was in very poor taste.
If it were my kid I’d have called her boss!
It goes both ways. I’ve been chased out and thanked for over tipping
Nonsense like this is what keeps me home instead of eating out, it was an honest mistake taken wrong and some people just suck!
If that waitress confronted me I sure wouldn’t tip them just because they’re demanding one. Does she do that to everyone who doesn’t tip? Chase them down.
Tips are not a requirement, in fact in some countries they are frowned upon. It is unfortunate that the American system is so archaic that the service industry still requires tipping in order to make a decent wage. Also to be considered, if this waitress already made minimum wage, she is doing much better than servers in other restaurants.
Still tip, and usually tip well, but I have wondered whether as states change salary policies, patrons will still be expected to tip. Prices of meals will have to raise in order to compensate paying higher salaries. I would rather take on the higher price of my meal and ensure that everyone receives a decent salary than pay a tip and have it be hit or miss for the individual.
NO WAITRESS, has the right to harass anyone, let alone follow someone outside. These older managers need to retrain the staff on good stewardship and manners. This society has gone too far…Some don’t deserve a tip, Some of them get orders wrong, and are very rude…
Tipping is earned … you need to take into consideration if it not the servers fault… please don’t take it out on the servers
No! I have worked as a server and my husband is a GM of a restaurant. It is inappropriate for a server to ask or complain about a tip. It sucks when you don’t get tipped but it looks bad on the company for allowing that to happen. Call to restaurant at let them know. The next time their sever does that it might not be to someone as nice as your son and get killed. As a sever you never chase tables down for running on the tab and tipping. I could get you hurt.
I’m an Australian and we don’t tip because ours get paid a pretty good set of money just to work
My mom had that happen to her years ago. But the service we got was horrible so the woman didn’t even deserve a tip. And then the woman had the balls to ask my mom why she didn’t leave a tip so my mom told her what she thought of the horrible service we received.
I think the waitress was very cheeky and the young man should have told her so, he paid for his meal and she got her wages for waitressing anything else is totally up to the person eating there
Of all the great waitresses I know I can’t imagine that any of them would confront someone that way. Most understand that sometimes you forget and there is always the possibility that the customer only had enough money to pay for meal. A waitress at a local restaurant that I go to a lot( and I always leave a tip once asked me the day after I had been in for a meal if I knew I had given her a much larger tip than. usual the day before. She wanted to return the larger amount because she was sure that it was a mistake.
Restaurant owners need to pay a decent wage…or lower the food prices. I always tip even if it was bad service, but I not obligated to tip.
Not being over protective mom. It was rude and uncalled for and bad server/waitressing of her to ask, hint or anything about a tip. Had it been me I would’ve said yeah I was just heading in to take care of it, however thanks to your rudeness I won’t. Lesson learned. But then ppl think I’m a bitch lol.
If it was me I have her written up that was very uncalled for everyone is under the gun with everything going on how dare her you didn’t mention the name of the place I would just to shame her now if that was adult would she done the same
She was pretty rude asking. I always leave a good tip. But I would not have given her anything!
I think he should complain,she bullied him as he is young,she wouldn’t have done it to someone older than herself or someone who looked intimidating
I used to waitress. She has NO RIGHT to treat your son like that or even confront him. He truly forgot. I wouldn’t have tipped her at all. That was so rude of her. Your son is too nice. Had she acted like that with me I’d have left the bill with the same and told someone. Tips are included in your pay, budget your money if you are truly upset you didn’t get a tip. I hope your son is gonna be ok. He didn’t deserve that
No not at all being over protective,she was being a_____ you should never ask for a tip very unprofessional
A group of 6 of us went to dinner back in 1999, 3 checks. Two parties tipped 30% cash, while the 3rd check tipped 30% on his card. The waitress followed him out the door and threw a fit that he stiffed her, even after he produced the receipt showing the tip. This is a place we had gone at least 2 Friday’s per month, that really changed our routine.
I would have told her I only tip for good service just to turn the table back for being rude.
I was a bartender- server for years. You never ever ask for a tip. That is absolutely ridiculous. She should be embarrassed of herself
Shame on her , that is just so wrong in every way . Your son was the bigger person in this for going back in to tip this RUDE lady …& I use lady lightly . I suffer from anxiety & panic disorder so I feel for your son . I believe the majority would have flipped the gal off when she demanded a tip & walked away & to be honest I think I would have walked away . Everyone are struggling to make ends meet & this might sound awful but tipping is getting out of hand , we all r doing a service in one way or another & I wasn’t getting a TIP when I was working !!! Your Son is a man in every sense of the word .
Call the restaurant. If she approaches 1 customer then she has approached others
In my country we dont tip… so I’m very interested… we dont earn any extra on the job if we get payed minimum wage… may I ask how much is minimum wage? Were you are
Wow, waitressed for many, many years and would never have gone after or said something to a patron that didn’t leave a tip. No excuse… the server is obvi an entitled b*tch for doing that to a customer.
Waitress extremely wrong. It is not her place to confront your son on tipping. Please call the manager and report her.
Not cool of her to do that, regardless of reason. Her actions would have cost that restaurant my business after a stunt like that.
you dont have to tip it’s an option but if she would have confronted me esp outside she definitely wouldn’t have gotten a tip
I think you’d be surprised how many people just Do Not Tip and they are taxed as if the were tipped. I taught my girls at 13 and 11 years old if they wanted to eat inside local restaurant by our house that they had to pay tip and how to calculate 20%. Told them if they couldn’t afford tip then do not go inside to eat. Very bold for waitress to confront your son but maybe no one else as tipping that day or she thought he didn’t know about tipping?
She had bad manners to do that what he had only enought for the meal some one needs to have a good strong talkwith her .about manners
Once a waitress told my dad he didnt leave enough tip…my dad walked over to the tip he DID leave… took it and left nothing…
He did the right thing!
No this in unacceptable, tipping is not Mandatory and this waitress should be ashamed!!
I wouldn’t of gave the waitress a dime. Don’t get in my face demanding anything. If the service was acceptable you would get a tip, otherwise you wouldn’t.
I have to wonder how many customers this waitress ran off chasing them down and demanding a tip?
Perhaps it was a momentary lapse in judgment brought on by stress with the virus these tipped workers have made next to nothing. It’s possible she might not have had the gas to get home or the money for diapers for the night without the tip.
It’s not really appropriate but I can understand what might drive a tipped worker to that point.
Also i’m not sure how the waitress was supposed to know that your son is employed at a minimum wage job you’d be surprised how many 18-year-olds with connections end up in positions making a lot of money and you can’t just assume by someone’s age how much money they make.
As far as tipping is concerned it’s not based on what the diners profession is it’s a percentage of the bill something the guest controls via what they order and should leave some cushioning for a tip.
Mini tipped careers actually make less than minimum wage not that long ago I was a tipped worker and in my state they only had to pay me $2.50 an hour. I needed to make almost $8 in tips every hour just to make minimum wage and many people assumed I was ranking in money because I served drinks in a nightclub they thought I was paid ten bucks an hour plus tips and would tell me to my face so they weren’t tipping me because I made enough money between my $10 an hour and all the other tips I was getting so when somebody said that to me I felt it was appropriate to correct them and let them know how much I was actually being paid and yes I really could use that .50 tip.
Waitress over stepped her boundaries! Big time!! You, however, need to let it go. You’re son will learn eventually.
I would call the resturant that wasn’t cool. The weight should be on restaurants to start paying more. They get away with murder. Tipping is gracious but not mandatory
Did you understand the Son just forgot as well as having some emotional issues. Her Boss needs to fire her
I feel that it is disrespectful on her part for “confronting” your son for not tipping her. It’s not anyone’s ones responsibility to tip her just because she chose to waitress. She could very well get a better paying job if she will continue to rely on tips. That’s completely unrealistic on her part to even expect from people. I just can’t believe she even went up to him and said something about the tip. If that happened to me, I wouldn’t tip. I feel that it’s our choice as a customer to want to tip. Even if it’s a big order. Doesn’t matter. I personally auck a tipping. Like sorry I’m poor but I can’t afford it. Being a single mom n all, I need every penny I can save… But, People shouldn’t be expected to tip. It’s insulting in a way.
I had a Grubhub driver yell at me when I opened my door to get the food that “a tip would have been nice” he was very rude. like excuse me? Maybe people shouldn’t work a job where they depend on tips. Especially during this time, you’d think people would be more understanding.
Youre not always going to get a tip. And to confront someone about it is just plain unprofessional and very pitiful.
Take it this is the USA cos here in England our staff are paid a decent enough wage you don’t have to tip
I lived for 30 yrs on my Tip’s ,Yes it is very important to a Server that they be Tipped ,I started out for 20 day + Tips sometimes I verily made my bill’s ea mo.buy I also had wonderful customers, If they didnt have much to tip , they’d bring me a Smile and some Mater’s ,lol ,If you cant give a Tip go fast Food that solve the Problem .
She had no right to do that regardless of whether he should have or not.
Waitress for 6 years here, I’m not BEGGING for a tip. If they tip me that’s on them. Idc who it was you NEVER confront a customer especially a child for that matter. Call the restaurant and complain because that is unacceptable
I would call and speak to the GM and explain to them your son’s disorders and explain the them how embarrassing that was for him, especially in front of his girlfriend. That was completely unacceptable and unprofessional.
That was not right for her to approach him at all…
I have a son who is very much the same way. Who I can see in this same situation. I do not think it is right that she confronted him. Hugs to your son and let him know it is ok.
I feel like paying for the meal, pays for the service also. A tip isn’t mandatory. Obviously if service is worthy, a tip won’t be forgotten.
They either tip or not,but you never confront them
I waitressed for awhile, and I knew the score of the job, some people tip, some don’t, and no where in my job description did it say to nag a customer for the tip. Sometimes people are lucky to afford that cup of coffee or burger and are working hand to mouth with their pay. If your a waitress and you think tops are a requirement of your customer your dead wrong. It’s a courtesy. How shameful for him to be treated this way.
This has happened to me before. I was out with my sister and 3little ones. And completely forgot to add tip. The waitress came up to me when we were headed to my car and was rude and wanted to know where her tip was when I told her I was sorry ant forgot to put it on there she kept on with being rude so I told her since she was being rude infront of my kids and little sister I wasn’t going to leave her one now and we left
I think your son should call, not you. He is a young adult now…Mama stay out of it now.
My boys learned as little guys how to figure out the tip. It was fun for them and they always wanted to figure the tip when the bill came. When the boys started dating and double dating with their friends I recall how ticked off they were when their friends didn’t tip even making it a rule if the buddies wouldn’t tip they didn’t dine together anymore in a sense they ended up teaching many of their friends. That being said people have so much going on that it is possible that he forgot. It is never NEVER ok to confront a guest about not tipping!!! I’m a server /bartender and very rarely does this happen and almost always someone will make up for it!!!
A newer customer just learning to pay for themselves… May not think of it. I have kids this age. Even as an adult… I tip according to how the service was from waitress. I sometimes dont put tip on paper and leave cash. If i forgot… And the person came with attitide to me… I probably wouldn’t just caise that alone. I get they dont make whatever and have families too. Maybe stressed over family life. I try to be mindful. Ive also left leaving no tip cause no cash… Went and got some…usually more than what had in wallet and got a bag of chocolates and returned to place to hand to waitress.
Why wouldn’t the person who collected on the check not say anything?
- The waitress should, deserves to, be fired. Absolutely.
- A tip is not, is NOT, mandatory.
- Bitching about getting minimum wage in a low skill, entry-level job… maybe get a better job that pays more? I can’t help ya there.
- Tips are not supposed to be what wait staff live off of.
Tips are gifts from customers, strictly.
They aren’t supposed to be your main pay. - The fact that restaurant owners have gotten away with taxing tips is abhorrent and is in no way the customers’ fault.
And you, the worker, agreed to have your tips taxed when you took the job.
So it isn’t any customers fault that you don’t make much money. - If you think that customers are SUPPOSED to tip, you have missed the point of what a tip is.
And 7. I base my tips off of certain criteria.
The bartender pours my beers and the chefs prepare my food.
The waitress/waiter writes down my order and then walks my order to me.
So good food and drinks aren’t on them.
I pay attention to their attitude/friendliness and their promptness on getting my drinks filled or refilled.
It’s the owners responsibility to make sure all of their employees receive minimum wage. Even if they don’t get the tips !
Coming from a work industry of 15 plus years of being a waitress. When we all go and apply for a waitress/waiter position it doesnt specify in the application “PLUS TIPS” if you decided on going for that position and knowing how much you are getting paid for and you still take the position then thats on the person. Do not expect the tips. I didnt realize that until someone brought it to my attention. Waiters/waitress get paid to serve. If a customer leaves a tip then its appreciated but if they dont just move on never confront the customer about it.
Rude waitress, we stop going out to eat, lots of rudeness out there.
I taught my children to tip no matter how much it is. I told them if you don’t have enough to too after paying your Bill than don’t go out to eat.
Yes, it was tacky of her to say something to him.
Your son is grown!!! Some of y’all are not in the service industry and it shows🙄
Things happen, forgetting to tip happens. But your HIS MOM NOT HIS WIFE.
Allow your son to grow a pair
If he honestly forgot and sounds like he was nervous and on a date
She was wrong for showing her butt u don’t do that…