Simple he says I forgot sorry let me go and take care of it 20% and forget it happened…
My husband, the kids and myself went out to dinner. My husband and the kids went home and I went to the grocery store in the same parking lot. When I came out of the store the waitress came up and told me my husband didn’t leave a tip and she wanted him to come back to leave one. My husband is usually a good tipper not sure why he forgot but he’s a grown man I’m not responsible for what he does or doesn’t. So approaching me was wrong. I told my husband when I got home he got really upset like I knew he would. He said she had a lot of nerve and since she basically asked for a tip he said he had no intention of going back. He not only didn’t go back that night but we never had dinner there again. We were regular customers usually spending between $50-100 once or twice a week
Its unacceptable for a waiter or waitress to confront a customer over not tipping.
Good thing preachers don’t do that!!! And by the way…most waitresses get more than God does of our money! No THAT should make is feel BAD
Omg it’s done and over with, give it a rest and forget about it, seriously there’s more important things in this world to worry about.
Honestly if you can’t afford to tip don’t go out to eat. It’s just rude to not tip.
No that should never be done it should be reported tro the restaurant
Not professional for the waitress to ask for a tip and not professional for the restaurant that she has not been trained properly.
It honest mistake and waitress was on the wrong
Im just going to throw this out there and check for your opinions. I understanding tippingbin a restaurant where you are seated and are served at your table. But. How do you all feel about subway and take out pizza places asking for tips at the counter for something you pick up yourself? Opinions?
Waitress shouldn’t say anything but he shouldn’t forget to tip …
And at that moment I’m getting in my car headed to the restaurant she about to get a Tip alright the tip of my foot in her ass. Play about a lot of things but my children will Never be one of them.
Forgot to or just didn’t? And yes it’s normal.
This mama would go up there and request the same waitress. I would school her on manners!!
Just like DoorDash .
Many people don’t tip so many people food is waiting at the restaurant getting cold…
No tip No service!
How can somebody forget to tip ?
That’s just an Excuse!
Im an Aussie and we dont tip unless u have done an exceptional job
A tip is earnt not a given
This doesn’t make sense. If he already paid on the card, and had to go back to add a tip - he didn’t forget.
Also, minimum wage vs. tipped wage are different.
Most places would probably fire the server for doing that but since this whole post and story sounds like it has some Swiss cheese sized holes, it’s less about how the waitress acted and more about how it was presented to us to begin with
Shame on your son and shame on the girl friend.
I would call her boss and explain it embarrassed your son that is uncalled for
Gratitude is a Gift…period.
NOT an Entitlement!
Tipping isn’t required and I would be one pissed mama. I will be calling to speak to his/her Manager
Oh heck no that is not normal!! That waitress and I would be having some serious issues!
I would call the restaurant and complain that she confronted him. And ask for a refund.
I would call the manager. This is totally unacceptable.
Just the nerve she had to confront him is way in the wrong.
Should not call people out for Not tipping.
Shes unprofessional. If i saw two young people on a date i wouldnt even be that upset. Kids dont know everything
Bottom line, it was wrong of her to do that.
Glad we dont have to tip in New Zealand
I wouldn’t have gave her a dime…
You have every right to be angry! Shame on her.
I would call the restaurant and ask to speak to the manager and tell him about the waitress
Sad she don’t deserve a tip for talking too him like that what if he dont have money for a tip …
Very rude of her…call the resturant and tell the manager…
The waitress was wrong in her actions.
That is outrageous! Terrible customer service.
Like someone said earlier if someone doesn’t tip it’s normal to mumble an annoyance to yourself but NEVER to go after that person! Definitely complain to her boss
He deserved it. I’m proud of that waitress for standing up for herself. It’s your responsibility to teach your kid what to do , he forgot to tip my ass… he didn’t see that giant tip line on the credit card slip. Bet he won’t forget again
I would notify the manager of that place what happened.
It’s a TIP!! It’s not required.
I woukd have went in a told her a mouth full
Complaining about a job pay , YOU choose to stay in is your fault, SO UNPROFFESSIONAL , TIPPING IS NOT MANDATORY ,
I would’ve demanded to speak with the manager on duty. 100% unprofessional, and down right ignorant. Tipping is optional.
Very RUDE of the waitress!
I had a waitress in South Dakota tell me she earned just over $4.00/hour and a waiter inTexas tell me he earned just over $2.00/hour, so it varies state to state. Awhile back I researched it and only six states required minimum wage ($7.25) for tipped workers.
As a waitress I would never do that. She or he was totally out of line. I would call the restaurant and tell the manager because every place I’ve ever worked would fire someone over that. And before someone says I’m wrong to do that. I’m not the server needs to learn a lesson from this
Oh no !!! Me and the waitress and her manager would have a meeting and I would also explain the significance of tipping. YES you should always tip BUT it’s not the law and mandatory
Yeah being overprotective!!! Although it was rude of waitress to chase him down and ask for one - I am firm believer if you cannot afford a decent tip then don’t eat out. The state takes out a percentage of pay every hour for expected tips being made so if waitress does not make that up in that hour - she’s actually making well below minimum wage.
If tips were that important than they would add gratuity to the check yes I have been waitress most of my life and tips are definitely helpful but if somebody doesn’t tip it is never okay to go and confront them
No one mentioned how good the service was. Anyone who is that rude is probably not a good server
I spent 23 years in the Culinary Union and I can tell you we would have been suspended or fired for sure
Tips are optional, not obligatory. I would had to told the server’s boss that she confronts customers that didn’t tip.
Had a waitress do this to me but at a Chinese BUFFET like all she did was seat us…. Nothing else. We got up and got our own drinks and food but then brought us the bill and when I didn’t leave a tip she followed me and stopped my car then when I still didn’t leave a tip she stomped all the way inside
No you are not over protective! Rude waitress!!
Ask your server how much they made in tips last pay period and how much they were paid by their job. They don’t make shit. They should be able to say something.
Though I always tip, I feel this is very unacceptable! I would’ve given this server a big piece of my mind. That is not the way to treat paying customers or gain returning customers.
Tips stands for To Insure Prompt Service.
So many now think it is part of their wage and they don’t have to work for it. I owned a restaurant and those that worked for their tips got them and those that were lazy didn’t make much. If I had found out one of my waitstaff confronted a guest for not leaving a tip, accident or not, they would no longer have a job.
No you’re not the young lady was very rude by coming out there and embarrassing your son that way. When I used to waitress tables I didn’t always get a tip some people have the money and some people don’t. No matter what you should always be nice to your customers when you get a tip or not she was being an ass.
I wouldn’t have tipped after that! They know dang well what they sign up for. ESP making min wage. That’s a lot for waitresses.
Tips do not equal entitlement.put effort into earning it
Personally, if it were me I would have told her to f off, but I’m mean like that.
I have read that 10% tip is the minimal amount, if the service sucked. IDK
She shouldn’t have said anything.
You dont have to tip if you don’t won’t to.
She wasn’t forced to take THAT job. And a tip is EARNED, and should NOT be expected
Not ok to not tip.
Absolutely not ok for her to confront him. Take it as a loss and move on. She was totally out of line. I’m so sorry that happened to him.
That was completely uncalled for by the waitress she had no right to follow your son out and complain about whether he left her a tip or not. I feel so bad for your son. I know it was a simple mistake for him he didn’t mean it but she needs to learn shit happens and that is not how you handle your self. Hell I almost would call the restaurant and let them know about the quality of workers they have there that is not professional that is crossing a line
I’d have turned her in to management. I tip well, but tipping is always at my discretion. I look at it as my insurance policy for good service. Any wait staff who would confront me on tipping would automatically forfeit their tip from me.
I didn’t tip 3 days ago at Apple bees because I waited 15 min b4 someone acknowledged us at the table. We were hungry but after we started to leave is when someone came over
I would have explained the situation but then not tipped her because she has no right to confront someone like that. She’s not owed a tip, and if she’s tired of making $2 something an hour plus tips then she should get a better paying job.
That waitress was completely out of line and became she “confronted” me I wouldn’t have gave her a tip….at 18 what if he didn’t realize what his abd his dates bill came to and genuinely overspent.
The waitress was way out of line. With an attitude like that, never mind his issues, that may be why she didn’t get a tip. I would definitely contact the restaurant and speak with the manager, because that was definitely out of line.
My tip to her would’ve been to have a better attitude.
Lmao. She wouldn’t have got a tip at all and i would make sure I was always seated in her section and never tip ever.
Honestly I wouldn’t have been happy to be run down like that. With that said she should have ad more tact to it. I would still want to tip too but the way she came at him was rude
Tipping is a courtesy and is not required at all…it’s nobody business how much you make per hour you choose that job not me…‘I would report her the manager and corporate office as well
She did wrong, she should be ashamed. I would’ve just ignored her and walk away.
It is completely unprofessional. Yes you should tip, yes it was a mistake. But it’s not a law to tip. She had no right to approach him.
Something very similar happened to my husband and I in Utah a few weeks ago… We are Idahoans… I went down for a medical procedure… We went to lunch afterwards… We left an 18% gratuity on the table in cash after paying for our meal… Our waiter felt that was not enough… So, he followed us to the front door of the restaurant the whole while telling us his life story and why 18% was not enough!!! I thought that a $9.00 tip on a $45 bill was enough… A bit OVER 18%!!! I will not be going back to this particular restaurant when I go back for the monthly procedure… I was a waitress in the late 80’s at a very busy restaurant in my hometown… It’s a fast paced, on your feet, hard job… Kudos to those that do work in the service industry… But, I would NEVER have done this to a customer… It’s rude… What I leave for a tip depends on many things… And, it’s a “gift” in appreciation for you serving me… To complain about the amount or demand more is very ungrateful… And, I absolutely do not want to hear your story… I have one of those myself… I may get into trouble for my feeling’s on this, but… They are my feelings…
I waitressed and bar tended for years. It’s either feast or famine. Very unprofessional of the server to confront your son, she should have been sent home or written up for that. However, if you’re not going to tip, stay home or go to a fast food place. Hopefully your son now knows this social etiquette!
Not normal!!! That’s just plain rude!! I absolutely would not have went back and put a tip on the bill!!!
I’ve seen it time and time again. If your kid can afford to go to dinner then he should be able to afford a gratuity, and if he signs the slip, how can he forget the tip?
If the service sucks, that’s one thing, but for the server to come out and talk to him is not acceptable at all.
I’m sorry but you don’t just forget to tip. It’s on the bill. He looked at the bill, he signed the bill and he had to put a total on the bill. Your son making minimum wage at his job is much more than a server making minimum wage, unless he is a server as well. Minimum wage for a server is $2.14. If he is going to forget basic things like tipping, then maybe someone should be with him until he gets used to being on his own. Or maybe a quick reminder of things before he leaves for a date.
As for the server, as long as she wasn’t rude about it, I see nothing wrong with what she did.
Waitresses that demand tips should not be waitresses. Especially if they are making minimum wage. Most waitresses make up to $3-5/hr so minimum wage is already a blessing.
She followed him outside ?? I would’ve told her to get the manager & now she’d be looking for another job !!
The waitresses minimum wage is $3.14 an hour.
That was outrageously abusive behavior on the server’s part. She missed the memo in kindergarten that you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit
Maybe she should further her Education so she can get out of the minimum wage job
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. A waitress confronted my son because he forgot to tip: Is that normal?
I’m sorry your son had to go thru this. So sorry
You don’t forget to tip
with her snotty attitude I wonder what kind of service she gave.
She was ridiculously out of line. Should be fired.
I wouldn’t of given her shit for being a b*tch.
I would say heres a tip dont be a bitch and I would have given you some money. Good job triggering my mental illness though. I dont appreciate guilt tripping people demanding voluntary stuff. She should get another job
Nope she is a disgrace!
I feel you are completely validated here.
Tip or stay home. Simple as that.
Rude Of The Waitress
He should call and complain
I would get fired so quick