A waitress confronted my son because he forgot to tip: Is that normal?

Wow so rude and unprofessional!!!

Honestly she needs to be fired

Waitress was out of line

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The waitress was wrong!

I would of told her to fuck off

She should not of done that

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Another thing I don’t understand is if you are say at a family restaurant and order breakfast and the next time dinner. I know dinner is more expensive, but waitresses don’t do anything different when serving either meal why does someone have to tip based on the cost of the meal?

The waitress was out of line

I would call the manager

Waitress should be fired over being so ignorant and chasing a customer down. Wouldn’t get nothing from me. Pathetic

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I hope he never forgets again!

She was totally wrong

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Propina no es obligatorio

Completely unprofessional

He forgot and she’s rude.

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Waitress makes 2.25 hour


Never ever!!! If he has anxiety he probably just wanted to pay n get out of that situation fast.My friend has bad anxiety and paying at places like grocery stores is very difficult. CALL HER PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT AND ASK IF THEY THINK ITS OK OF HER ACTIONS. She had no problem asking him about his actions. BELIEVE ME WE WANT TO ASK ANY1 WHO DOESNT TIP.We just dont. Its ignorant!!! What if he didnt have more $ cuz the bill was more then expected. Kinda pathetic for a server,we know some ppl dont tip.MOST nights other ppl make up for the non tippers. Servers make alot of $$$ no reason to do this. TELL U WHAT ALSO- Let a server ask me where tip is…Id go play the Craine machine w it. They’d def see me spend it. Or go tip the cook w it​:joy::joy: We tip well over,but when their obvi neglecting tables(phones,smoking,talking) I give it to them during meal and say to give to cook. You’d be amazed how the service changes.:joy:

Tipping is obsolete. It is no longer necessary to tip. Look at the prices restaurants charge.

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A tip is not a privilege it is earned. If he honestly forgot, then kudos for fixing the situation. But I would definitely call the manager and inform them of the incident…it’s not acceptable

That not right I would not go there again

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NOT only would I have NOT tipped her I would have complained to the manger and then Corporate… she would have been out of a job…

If this waitress is chasing down customers and harassing them for tips she needs to find a new job.

It’s life let him grow!!

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I suffer from severe anxiety disorder as well. I’ve also worked in hospitality for 15 years. And yes I have confronted customers who were well aware of what they were doing by not tipping. If I am following every demand and fulfilling every request while I have other tables to attend to it can get quite frustrating when you’re left with nothing. If you know he suffers from these disorders than maybe relate him for the real world? People aren’t going to be nice just because you have a disorder which you can’t even tell that they have. Not trying to be rude but def being 100% honest. Nobody cares and the world sucks. Sorry.

No, that’s really unprofessional. I worked in the service industry for quite a while, and have been jipped on extremely high tabs. You are never supposed to follow someone out and ask for a tip. The city I’m in, that would lead to being fired. I’m sure the waitress was having a rough night and simply over it, but still not the way to go about it.


Speaking as a former server, I’ve seen multiple servers do this – confront a teenager about not tipping. Usually it was their last straw – they weren’t as upset over the isolated incident as much as they were to a series of incidents. They’d had enough. Teens come in all the time and don’t tip. She had no way of knowing the other things about your son.

All that said, those servers also usually got fired for doing so.


Yes the waitress felt cheated — most would never confront the customer since then he can complain about her for doing so —- kudos for your son going back and taking care of it —- servers and other workers are getting the shit end of the stick right now —- we are working short staffed and getting bitched out by customers and patients for long long wait times and not being compensated by employers for doing so— :two_hearts::two_hearts:


I would have went to that restaurant to confront her and talk to her manager that was unprofessional of her. Please go to that restaurant and speak to her manager.


Nope not normal at all. I used to work in a place with alot of foreigners and they always forgot to tip, ( sometimes I think they knew they just didn’t care) if it was ever in question or we thought it would be an issue (big parties too) my manager would add the base tip already to the final bill just in case. But you never ever just go and say something to the person about it.


Well, I think it is a life lesson, that if you go out to eat and have a server, you leave a tip. That is how they make a living. Take it as a life lesson and move on! If this is a big deal, then life is going to be a very hard thing for him. It’s tough out there. :four_leaf_clover:


No. But… Right now servers are at the end of their ropes. And, depending on your state, minimum wage for servers is far lower than regular minimum wage The fact that he’s 18 probably added to her decision- my teenagers are prone to forgetting. She may have been trying to educate him. And I’m guessing it worked - he won’t forget again.


Unfortunately in America, customers want to pay less for the meal, and that means tips are necessary. Until this country gets on board with everywhere else and raises prices to maintain a livable wage for employees, tips are necessary and it’s not okay to “forget” to do so when dining out. The server shouldn’t have to chase anyone down, nor is it exactly polite, but it’s the expectation that you get tipped for service, period. As embarrassed as your son may have been, the server was equally hurt and frustrated. No one likes to be called out, but he fixed it and the world didn’t end and now he will probably never forget to tip again. It is what it is. It isn’t necessary to make it any bigger than that. Recommend to the restaurant that they raise their prices to pay servers more by the hour, maybe others will follow suit. It’s an inevitability that tipping will become obsolete, but until then tipping is required for service. It’s not optional. Anyone who thinks so should not be dining in full service restaurants.


I’d say that’s pretty bad on her part. But if you’re going out to eat- no matter how much you make- you should be tipping, and when you sign your slip there is a spot to tip… so I find it hard to believe he forgot. Either way he can’t control her unprofessional behavior, but he can recognize that if he’s going to go out to eat, he shouldn’t forget.
Lastly, let your son handle the situation. If he’s 18 with a girlfriend and going off to college, he can handle something as small as this. There are bigger situations that will come up before he turns 19, and this is a small learning experience to help in the future.


That waitress deserves to be fired. I was a server for over 10 years making $2.85 and hour and I would never do something like that. And she is making minimum wage on top of tips? Totally unacceptable.


I don’t think that normal practice, she shouldn’t have went that far. Some people dont tip but no one goes after a customer to demand a tip


As someone who served for over a decade, NOPE she’s probably lost her job over it. I’ve only ever once regarded anything “negative” to a tip and it was after one guy said he got the tab and tip and not to worry… it was a $600 tab and he left $2 for a tip I gave it back and said obviously you need it more then I do, have a great day… every one else at the table got pissed shamed him and then each left me a $20 bill :sweat_smile:


I’d report her! It is our choice whether we tip or not. I always do, but never hold it against those that don’t.


Omgish. Please call the owner and complain that’s not way to treat anyone and if that had happened to me I would have not been ok at all.


And as someone with severe anxiety. There’s nothing you can do or say that’ll erase that embarrassing scary situation for your son. He’s just gonna have to find it somewhere in himself to not have the immense amount of guilt and to move on from it.


Although I don’t condone the waitresses behavior, coming from someone who works in hospitality, minimum wage for servers is much less than general minimum wage. She is probably correct that she counts on her tips to make a living. I’m sorry for the poor experience your son encountered but also see that this is a very hard time for the hospitality industry; very short staffed, over worked and under paid and may have just been the last straw for her.


No she shouldn’t have came at him saying anything about a tip. Quite frankly with her attitude she deserves nothing. I would let management know about her actions because she has probably done it before and will continue to do so.


You’re not required to tip, and after service like that I wouldn’t tip at all and I’d complain about her. That’s uncalled for.


Not acceptable in the least .Never ever should a server do this. I was a server for almost 30 years and I would never confront a customer about not tipping.


Go back right now and take the tip back! Her behavior is super unacceptable! And she does not deserve a tip anymore! I went to Vegas for my 21st and I worked for tips and before I even could think about it the taxi driver said, mind you I was going to tip it’s in my blood how I make a living too but he said we tip around here… I said well sir where I come from we don’t tip for no good reason and you just lost mine. :woman_shrugging:t2: her feeling was not hurt that bad and she does not have any right!


Very unprofessional…I served for 15 yrs and never demanded a tip from anyone. I would have been fired lol its important to understand that not everyone can tip the same and its usually a treat for most people to go out to eat. Despite some not tipping, you provide excellent service and hospitality :heart: Serving is not for everyone! I have had customers who simply forgot and came back :blush: your son handled it great!!


As someone who’s been a server and bartender for an insane leNgth of time. What that server did isn’t ok. At the same time I hated serving younger people because they’d never ever tip and were so rude and obnoxious.


No. The waitress should not have said anything. Not every person has money to tip and not every waitress or waiter deserves a tip. The act he forgot doesn’t even matter. I tip based on service I received or amount I have to tip. In that profession it’s a roll of the dice and they enter that employment knowing that.


Tip or no tip. She shouldn’t be confronting customers about anything. I honestly wouldn’t of went back in to tip her just because of that. Very unprofessional.


So unprofessional. I am so sorry for your son. I have anxiety, social and general. I can’t even imagine how would I feel.


That is not normal & just plain out rude! The main manager & possibly owner of the restaurant need to know about this. I have worked as a waitress, yes some forget to tip & some just don’t tip. That does not give the server the right to confront the customer!


Depends on if the waitess or waiter does their job n is polite n not crabby. This one deserves nothing. She was rude n unprofessional to demand he goes back in n gives her a tip. I’m sorry but I would told her I forgot the tip n have no cash on me and I would not have gone back inside to add it to my bill. And knowing me I would have jump in her crap n walk bk inside to see the manager.


A tip is not a necessity it is for good service. Obviously she did not deserve if she has the balls to confront customers if I was her boss she wouldn’t be making minimum wage at my establishment. I was in thee restaurant industry for 28 years .everyone should be able to go out for dinner without being harassed


Nobody has the right to demand money from someone who technically doesnt owe it to them. Many of us are on minimum wage and dont act like that. Disgraceful.


Ha! She’s lucky it was my child. I’d find her & demand the tip back because she’s not the only one on minimum wage! A guy trying to be a nice boyfriend, being embarrassed liked that… I don’t think so! She’s lucky because I’m not the one!


Nope you don’t do that. I was in the service industry for years, & would neverrrrr no matter what. Yeah, of course people need to tip & it sucks bad when people don’t… but that’s just not their place to hunt a customer down & address them. As a waitress/waiter/bartender, you take that risk of no tip. I’d be calling that restaurants manager.


Super unprofessional…as a waitress and working behind the bar…you treat your customers the same whether they tip or not. You never know what they are going through…maybe he had just enough to go to dinner, and though it sucks you can’t always count on getting tipped. She chose the profession, she knows you can’t always count on it—-it’s ridiculous calling someone out for it.


Totally unacceptable. I doubt the management of that establishment would be okay with employees harassing customers. Not okay!


servers need to remember a tip is exactly that…an optional extra for good food and service…


A waitress should never have confronted him. As someone who has worked in the service industry, you know that not every customer will tip. Does it suck? Yes.
Are we allowed to say anything? No.

As a parent, you aren’t wrong for being upset that he was confronted. I would remind him the next time he goes out to leave a tip IF the service warrants it. Not everyone gives great service.


As a waitress myself, yes it could get very frustrating when people don’t tip especially when they want to run you around and feel entitled to anything and everything or completely just rude for no reason and don’t want to tip. the more and more that happens and more frustrated servers can get. We also don’t make minimum wage we make maybe $4 an hour. So I don’t think she meant to get your son worked up but as a server myself it works us up when we don’t get tipped for what we work for. Everyone knows when you go out to eat you’re supposed to tip your server. And it’s how much you wanted tip considering how good their service is right? So when a server is busting her ass and making sure that their customers are happy and taken care of oh, well we expect you to take care of us. No one wants to go out and have a shity server and no one wants to go serve tables all night or all day and not get tips for


Being a bartender and a server for 14 years, I have been ripped or just plan stiffed on tips multiple times, and as bad as I want to confront the customers and wish that I could, I never have because it’s not professional and although most people know to tip and leave tips, it’s not a law or required so technically the customer is obligated to do it, so all confronting would do is make the customer embarrassed or pissed off and lead to me loosing my job, so it’s not worth it


I feel it all depends on the service. But suffering from social anxiety myself and also a mouth I can’t control if someone was to ever do that to me I probably wouldn’t be able to control what comes outta my mouth… No he wasn’t wrong and he shouldn’t feel any type of negative effect.


Go talk to her manager!!! All these people sticking up for her are wrong. Waitresses are NOT supposed to do that. I was a waitress for 7 years. Yeah you can be mad or disappointed when you don’t get a tip but you cannot confront a customer about it


This is the job she chose to do. Some people are in the same boat as she. They might not could afford a tip.


I would have not tipped just because she was rude in my opinion! I don’t ever see that being acceptable!!


Completely unprofessional, rude and unacceptable behavior regardless where an individual works or the field of employment. There are risks with this profession and they are not unknown. Your son returning to pay a tip is far too generous.


That was uncalled for, and the waitress had no right to do that.


I think your being overprotective of him. He’s an adult, and should have tipped. Tips are necessary for waitstaff and if you can’t afford to tip you shouldn’t go out to eat. Although I would have thought it was weird that she came and confronted him over it. Either way it’s done, and in the past I wouldn’t spend too much time stressing over something that already happened.
Young men need to learn lessons on their own.

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I’m a server and in FL we do not make minimum wage. We get under $6 an hour.
$8.65 is the minimum wage.
Also, some ppl are just tired of being treated like servants instead of humans. Maybe, she had a breakdown. Idk I’ve had ppl not tip on very large bills and it really makes me angry. I basically lost money because, we servers pay a percentage of our sales out to the bar tenders and the busers.
I haven’t told a customer that they have to give me a tip.

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It’s not normal behavior but when she says minimum wage she means less than $3 an hour. Wait staff are just fed up. I’m sure he’s a great young man and it was a genuine mistake, tell him not to beat himself up over it

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Most people get minimum wage some less money than others if she’s not earning enough change her job

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They aren’t supposed to say anything. But also… make sure that as a parent we let our kids know what that was about. I have a 17 year old and he’s got his own CC… I’ve been making him help me when the check comes so he knows what is appropriate to tip as well. But yes… very rude and unprofessional indeed.

I always leave a tip… how large depends on the service & attitude… But remember …tipping is not mandatory … it’s customary in many circumstances…BUT NOT MANDATORY!!!

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I know waitress make minimum wage and I get they depend on tips as I was a waitress but,I would never run after a customer and demand a tip .That is rude.


She was out of line.

It’s unfortunate that most of the restaurant business is set up that they depend on it, but regardless if he forgot or just didn’t want to, tips are not a right.

I’ve forgotten to tip, I’ve under-tipped because the service didn’t justify it, and I’ve tipped very well when warranted. Tips are based on service, period.

When somebody didn’t tip me I took a look at my service. If it was on point, then I knew either they forgot, couldn’t afford it, or were just that kind of person.

Of course, it helped that I wasn’t forced to share my tips with anybody. I didn’t have to tip out based on tips I didn’t get it.

But still… she was out of line.

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Sounds like maybe she didn’t deserve a tip if she was brazen enough to confront someone about it. If I forgot to tip and a waitress confronted me you can be sure that she would NOT be receiving a tip from me ever and I would report her to the manager. Your son was very kind and respectful. Im not that gracious!:joy:

That was completely inappropriate for the waitress to do. Tips are not mandatory. They are given for good service. Who is to say she gave good service? A complaint needs to be made to her manager.

The server should not have confronted your son. He genuinely forgot to leave the tip but a tip is left if the person wants to. Honest mistake for your son. He was probably already nervous being on a date And then go be embarrassed in front of her!

No. I think their employer should be giving them a living wage. Tips are for good service. I don’t like the idea of tips personally but always leave one because you’re supposed to

Besides if she’s taking her time to go comfort a barely adult her other tables are lacking in customer service and she would should focus on them.

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You should call the company and report her. My husband fired someone for this.


Exactly how do you forget to leave a tip on a credit card? TBH, people “forget” all the time, they take the wrong slip on “accident” and generally just suck. Even if it were an accident, she had no way of telling the difference.

Not acceptable. Maybe things have changed but years ago you didn’t get paid minimum wage. Tips were supposed to “make up the difference”.

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He’s 18 and an adult… he needs to get used to other adults confronting him.

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The waitress was rude for demanding a tip. He made a mistake but that gave her no reason to be rude


No this isn’t ok, I would report her, and I’m sorry but if this would have happened to my son that waitress would never be the same, I would have went up to that restaurant and let her have it… I’m pretty sure she would never confront any one else for a tip

He is a newly turned adult he’s not even old enough to drink in America that waitress was way out of line. And I personally would not have gone back unless it was to make a complaint about said waitress, I certainly wouldn’t be paying her a tip for being rude.

The waitress should not have said anything to him. Had she confronted me, after an honest mistake, I wouldn’t have tipped her on principle. If she felt the need to say something she should have been polite about it. Say something along the lines, “I’m sure you didn’t mean to forget a tip.” Then your son wouldn’t have felt attacked and she would have received the tip she was looking for.

He’s not obligated to tip. He doesn’t owe it. What if his service wasn’t good? I don’t tip if my service is shit. I’m not giving away the money I worked hard for for someone not doing the same. If she deserved the tip, I understand her being upset but it’s not something that is mandatory or owed to her. That would have made me say “I’m sorry I forgot but now I’m not going to just because of your behaviour”

I’m a server myself. When people don’t leave a tip, we don’t confront them…in my part that would be a little rude for the employee to demand a tip from a customer that didn’t leave a tip. I just go on to the next table. Most of the time the next table makes up for that missing tip.

I live in the UK and tipping is obviously nice but no one gets as worked up about it as people in the US. When we holidayed there, tipping was very much in your face which was very uncomfortable. Tips are not a right, but then I get that workers in the US are paid particularly poorly.

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First of all no that was not ok for her to do that!!! And if no one tells her manager what she did then they wont know so yes go back and talk to her manager!!! Second of all he should have not left her anything !!! I would have just left how unprofessional can one person be😡

My boy 18 year would’ve known better. He has been diagnosed with anxiety to and would not have the balls to tell me he forgot to tip. I am an Information and Electronic Technician and make decent money, but have always waitressed for extra money so he could play sports and have nicer things.

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You should always leave a tip . I used to Be a server and I know how it is. That being no server should chase anyone down. A tip is not a mandate. It’s not running out on the bill. I can’t even believe an establishment would allow that.

Wow!! How can people defend a server for doing this. 100% not ok.
Does it suck that some places are not paying there staff better absolutely. If you are at a place where you need to chase someone outside for a tip, its time to quit and go somewhere else.

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If someone did this to my kid…I would have absolutely none of it! My son is on the spectrum (autism ) which you can not tell by looking at him. It’s completely possible for a 18 yr old to forget. It’s a mistake. To act like she did is completely wrong. The emotional ramifications her reaction can have on someone like my son or a person with anxiety is significant. It shouldn’t be done. I would absolutely complain

I’m a server. We NEVER ask for a tip. You need to call the owner of the restaurant snd let them know. That will absolutely lose them business! That is SO NOT acceptable!

As a server myself that is completely unacceptable. I really hope you or your son called the resturaunt and complained about that server.

I appraise him for going back, but no way would I ever go back and tip a server who had the audacity to confront me like that and demand a tip, especially in public view as to embarrass me.

You need to chill out. Tipping is fundamentally racist anyway and the tides are changing, BUT that lady needed a tip.