A waitress confronted my son because he forgot to tip: Is that normal?

:rofl: Oh let her work a week in Holland. Her
wage would be better So much! And WE DO TIP But always someone who doesnt tip and is She would say something about It :rofl: oh gosh She would lost her good paying job for it

I agree with others about your son being an adult and he should call and talk to the manager if that’s how he feels. I know your only trying to see if this was acceptable, which I do not feel it is. A tip is based on service and the restaurants I’ve been to have options with the percentage for tip and there is an option for no tip on there. Tips are not mandatory or they would automatically generate them into the cost of what was charged I’m assuming. Although it is nice to give tip. I always imagine how if it were my daughter on that side. We never know someone’s story too. I always help as much as I can. I do have to say I have never heard of this and sounds like very poor customer service. Just my opinion.

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Im a waitress and have been stiffed before and would never say anything to anyone. Wow.


Although I hate that servers minimum wage is less than $4 a tip is a tip not a guarantee. I have been a server many times and even went home 1 night with $4 total. If you do not like the way waitressing pays find a different job. There are thousands of jobs out there right now.


As a server in the past for many years… i would NEVER EVER say anything to a customer if they didnt tip. She was deffinitly out of line


I would have said “honestly I forgot I’m sorry, but now after the way your acting I’m not. And your lucky to get minimum wage when normally a waitress makes like $2.13 an hr, so your getting paid to do your job. It’s not my job to pay your bills” And would have walked off. Probably would have brought it to the managers attention as well.
And before you Karen’s get on me, I’ve been a server before and would have NEVER done something as ridiculous as this and that’s getting WAITRESS pay.


18? He’s 18? Honey let him grow up, stop treating him like an infant. He will survive this. Lesson learned, he will never forget again.
People please stop telling the mom of an 18 year old to call the manager for him. Lord have mercy this is what is wrong with young adults today :flushed:


A waitress also did this to one of my friends so it’s not just him.

She shouldn’t of said anything to him, but maybe she did it bc he is young and thought she was teaching him something on how to tip. I remember when a bunch of high school kids always came in and they never left a tip but always demanded alot of service. I’d always think there parents should teach them about tipping. But I never said anything to them. Working as a waitress these times are probably more stressful maybe she was having a bad night. Atleast he will never forget to tip again probably burned into his head now lol. I know when I get embarrassed like that I never forget

I don’t care where you are, I don’t care who you are, I don’t care how shitty the customer was, you DON’T do that. Yes, we live off tips, but that was wrong.

I can’t believe that happened to your child… he doesn’t need to tip if he doesn’t want to. Even if he did forget, who cares we’re all human. She had absolutely no right to bully him into tipping her. I would be more concerned about the fact that when someone treated him poorly he went and did what they demanded. He needs to learn to stand up for himself when someone is being disrespectful!


No she should never confront a customer…period. it was his gfs role to remind him

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I don’t tip. It’s their job they don’t go above and beyond. Poor kid the waitress should be ashamed.


If I were the waitress I’d say something too! Id say “was there something wrong with my service?”


I served for many years. I never confronted anyone for not tipping, especially if I gave good service. However, it is very disappointing when people don’t tip as that’s how they make almost all of their money. So I can honestly see both sides. Hopefully he doesn’t forget to tip in the future, and hopefully she feels bad for the way she confronted a customer.


I’ve forgotten to tip before, and I do feel bad about it, especially since my state pays waitresses way below minimum wage and they depend on tips. I’ve always gone back to tip when I realize it, but I’ve never been confronted about it. What she did, I get her frustration, but the behavior is completely unprofessional. You don’t demand from your customers. Idk if she was having a bad day and just snapped, but her behaving like that towards a customer is unacceptable. Understandable, but unacceptable.


Yeah no, customers are actually not required or obligated to leave a tip and confronting them to ask for more money when you already have a boss who pays you for your work is RIDICULOUS.


I’m assuming in the states tipping is a big thing here in the uk it isn’t x


Not that big of a deal I’m a server/bartender I wouldn’t have confronted in a mean way but would’ve asked if something was wrong and if they said no I still wouldn’t have said where’s my tip but I take pride in my work and it’s certainly never ok to be rude even if customers are rude to me … but it’s really not a big deal he shouldn’t take offense to it and sounds like he was trying to do the right thing if u still feel some sort of way u can call the restaurant and let them kno a server acted that way and the places I work the managers would take that seriously

I would have him call the manager and tell them what happened.That was unacceptable for her to do.


She had no right to demand anything. Shame on her
And yes I have been a server before.

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Complain to the manager

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He forgot, it was an honest mistake. No big deal on his part. For. The waitress to confront him is wrong imo. If she was rude and damanding I would have told her to flip off. If she would have handled herself decently then I would have tipped.

Inappropriate behavior by the server. Probably bc he’s young. she felt it was ok to speak out or shame him. Thats a sure way to lose customers.


I mean, I wouldn’t chase someone down, but at the same time I think it’s hard to “forget” to tip when you’re filling out the credit card receipt.


Absolutely not. She should not have said anything to him - it’s actually waitresses like that that are the reason people don’t tip point blank. I would’ve looked at her and said “that was an honest mistake. I truly forgot… but since you want to be rude, here’s a tip: don’t approach customers sideways”

Hell no that’s not okay to call anyone out for not tipping. A tip is not mandatory anywhere. But we do it either way. My dad tested me to always tip even if I pick up to go. But they should not expect it

People should tip, but it’s different if he just forgot. She shouldn’t have said anything

I only tip if the service deserves a tip if it’s shitty well bye bye tip… I remember my dad tipped a server 4c :rofl: the worst worst service ever and the server even insulated my mom Infront of my dad… He came asked why :rofl: my dad said well it service sucked ass and you insaulted my wife so 4c tip for u and walked out :rofl:

I thought the whole tip culture only happens in Egypt :grimacing: it’s absolutely terrible, they’d compliment ur dress and expect a tip :roll_eyes:

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She should have never gone up to him and demanded a tip and I’m most places be fired for that but it’s important to teach our children of tipping and not forgetting to tip. Until the system changes and menu prices go way up to accommodate paying servers a fair wage tipping your server for providing good/great customer service is the only way for them to receive a paycheck.


If you can’t afford a tip stay home. He’s a grown man,this is a lesson he should have been taught long ago. American workers are fed up and standing up for themselves, it’s a new day. Sorry he was “traumatized “ by being told the truth. Let him grow up.


If call the owner tbh like that’s uncalled for especially to confront him in front of his gf. He’s a kid still too.


That was wrong of her. I get her forgot and I’m sure he felt bad. But I wouldn’t have tipped her anything for her making a big deal out of it. That probably did embarrass him.

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No nobody forces anyone to tip absolutely not fk that she must have been very desperate to confront Him for A tip


Very unacceptable she was in the wrong for confronting him! Tips are not required if you do good then yes to them but if it’s a crappy waitress then nope


A tip is for service above and beyond basic service.


No it is not normal! I would fire any of my team members for doing that to any of our guest!:heart:


You say he OBVIOUSLY makes minimum wage too but how would she know? What she did wasn’t professional but if he was kind all night & she did her job she probably wanted answers. As for he “forgot” I dont believe that because you said he paid by card, so he literally had to have looked at and purposely skipped the tip line when filling in the total line & signature… Or you never taught him the importance of tippy? Because it’s obvious to all us that you coddle your child even at 18 by bringing this situation public :rofl:


She is rude AF even if I had made a mistake by forgetting I would have told her to go to hell and I used to waitress for a long time.

She was out of line. You don’t bully people into tipping.

Minimum wage waitress?? . If the waitress is making that, then technically tips are not a given.
Waitresses used to make less than min wage because of tips. Not sure what protocol is now…
However, if you get crappy service, its your call. I do need to check this min thing out though. Because i always left regardless. However if they are making the min, ill wint feel bad not tipping if i get bad service.

A tip is just that A tip

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She’d lose her job on the spot. We’ve had people treat my extraordinary child in a degrading way and all have been fired on the spot by manager. We don’t put up with it. Tips are a privilege not a right…the waitress needs the lesson taught not your son.


I woulda laughed… Wtf she think she is.


In England that would be a big no to treat a customer that way . Not sure where you are


I wish someone would do that to MY Mijo…:joy:
My son know his mama don’t play that.

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I’d complain to the manager. Tips are out of the kindness of your heart, not a mandatory thing… she chose that job knowing the pay was minimum.


Im sorry what? No it is absolutely not normal or acceptable for a waitress to come find and confront a customer while theyre leaving for not tipping her. And it is absolutrly not acceptable or permitted to demand a customer to give them money outside of the bill. That was a civil guilt mugging right there. I hope someone complained so she loses her job that is so wrong wtf.


It’s complicated. What the waitress should have done, perhaps, was…since she confronted him, asked “was there a problem with my service tonight? I just wanted to ask because there was no gratuity included, etc”

At least that’s a more reasonable way to address the situation since she felt the need to speak up. Since it was an honest mistake, your son would have then realized and taken care of things, and all would have been right on both sides of the fence.

It’s over and done with…let it go. Just remind your son the proper protocol when dining out accordingly so that issues as such don’t happen again.


If he is going out to eat he should be able to tip. Plain and simple. This is America.

My question is did he really forget to tip if he was paying with a card to begin with? You have to sign the reciept. So you would see the tip area right there. If he paid in cash, then he wouldn’t have had enough to tip (because he used his card to tip). So he should have put the whole thing on his card.

Waitresses dont normally do this and i think you know that or else you wouldnt have posed the question.

All that said let him be a grown up and handle his own situation. You wont be able to be around while he is in college and beyond to protect him in these situations. So let him deal with it and learn and grow from it. Embarassment is only a mere moment and then it is in the past.


Was not acceptable on the waitresses part.

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Rude as hell! Who does she think she is. A tip is not mandatory. Period. Call her boss an report her. Do not let this slide. Your son deserves to be treated better. How dare her! She is lucky it’s not my child. I would embarrass her beyond words. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Nope he learned an important lesson. Servers are getting tired of putting in effort to get nothing. He’ll be okay and I bet he won’t
“forget” again :joy::joy:


I would have reported her :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


She was in the wrong.

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Not acceptable for either one. Lol who forgets to tip


I bet he don’t “forget” again.

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I’d be making a scene and complaining
I had a waitress get fired from my work for doing just that!


If i get good service I tip good to my server but if they gave me attitude. No tip at all. I was a server once and i dont mind if people if dont leave me tip. Thats why we’re there to work we have salary i dont rely on tips.

I would complained in the management right away. They dont have the rights to do that.


Anyone can make a mistake no sense beating yourself up I always tip at least 20 percent in cash so the server gets the whole amount even if they are subpar everyone has a bad day at least they are working


Come get a waitressing job in New Zealand! Where tips don’t exist. You survive solely off what you make. Your poor son!


You are not being overprotective because I honestly she was in the wrong for confronting him. If I have good service when I go out to eat I leave a damn good tip, but if the service isn’t good at all I won’t give a tip. And honestly if I was your son I wouldn’t have tipped after being confronted. It was rude and unnecessary and me personally I have anxiety and social anxiety and PTSD and depression, if it was me that would have been confronted I probably would have been in tears. Tips are earned not just given

That was messed up of her to do that to him. I’d complain to the restaurant manager.


I’m wondering how he forgot??? It’s right there on the receipt. Maybe your son isn’t telling you the whole story. :woman_shrugging:


She should be taking it up with her manager, that she doesn’t make enough. And request a raise then. Not chase down a customer! I would have laughed in her face!!! And she would not have gotten anything from me!


Giving a tip is soley the customers choice! You should only tip if you feel you want too, you shouldn’t feel obliged too! I’m from the UK and it’s not a huge thing here as it clearly is in America. I have only ever tipped when I’ve wanted too not because I’m expected to top up a waitresses wage. Has anyone ever thought that some people may not have the money to tip on top of paying to eat at the restaurant? I’m sorry but it’s not the customers fault if the waitresses don’t get payed alot! What this waitress did was in poor taste and bang out of order, i would be reporting her or encouraging my son too if it was me. She should be ashamed of her greedy behaviour.


Complain to the manager because I tip on service if you’re a good tipper you get more from me if you’re a crappy waiter/waitress you’re lucky to get $2


As a retired server, this is no normal nor is it acceptable. Her job could very well be on the line for that.


I’m a firm believer in tipping. But it is unprofessional as a waitress to be confrontational about a tip. Tips are never guaranteed. You swallow your pride and move along.


This is so petty from both sides ! If he forgot or not that’s just embarrassing from her side and for him to let this go carry for so long ! I wouldn’t have tip at all just because ! But I wouldn’t let this ruined my day

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Both were wrong in my opinion. He will survive and like everyone else said, im sure he won’t forget again.


My opinion she shouldn’t of confronted him. When I was a waitress people wouldn’t tip and I thought well maybe they need it more than I do. It was a mistake she was in the wrong.

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The whole service industry needs to change. I always tip well but I think it’s ridiculous. Servers should make at least minimum wage. Tipping should be what it originated as- a little something extra slipped to someone on the sly for exemplary service. I shouldn’t be expected to give someone 20% of my bill just for doing their job- and often not well. Now there are tip jars everywhere.


Server over here!

Sure not getting tipped sucks …. But who cares!

You leave zero. The next person will leave $20 for one beer! At the end of the day it levels out :slightly_smiling_face:!

I would have told the waitress where to go! ( but I get that’s not your son’s personality, poor guy ) :disappointed:


Well if he’s going to eat out he should tip unless the service was really bad. The way the waitress handled it wasn’t the right way. At most she should have politely asked if anything was wrong with the service. Are you sure he forgot to tip? It’s usually right there on the receipt you need to fill out. Either which way if he really forgot no reason to beat himself up about it. Mistakes happen.

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Where the fuck is that bitch working that giving minimum wage!?

We make $2.13 hr. round here.

No way! Ok he forgot…it happens…but she way over stepped…if this had happened to my husband she would have had her ass handed to her!! I was a waitress many years ago when I had my first 2 babies and there’s no way I would have ever done that, i would call and make a complaint against her!!

No one is perfect and people forget things. She was extremely unprofessional. Tips are not guaranteed and she should have not have said anything to him. I would have said I honestly forgot but it is unprofessional of you to demand a tip. I would inform the restaurant manager and corporate. Plenty of people need jobs.


Oh I would’ve given her a tip….but it wouldn’t have been monetary.


I dont think its ok to confront someone but you have to understand these people work hard and are damned tirednof how they have been treated through this covid stuff. Again confrontation was unnecessary probably a bit of frustration pouring out… i would just tell him to be more mindfuk and more thankful of those who serve him.

That was unacceptable for her to do to your son!


No….I’ve spent over half my time alive being a waitress. We can usually tell when it’s intentional. It’s never professional and it’s frowned upon to call someone out.

However….you’d be surprised at how many teenagers just simply aren’t taught by their parents. Or grown adults who repeatedly come in to eat and just feel the do not have to. It’s infuriating. I let the kids pass…bc, they’re kids. But these adults…I let it slide twice. On the third time you sit in my section and run my ass with no tip….I take one for the team and let you know exactly how rude it is, with zero remorse.

Call the restaurant, what she did was totally unprofessional


No!!! It’s part of the job. Someone made up for him not tipping. I would be calling the restaurant.


I have told teenagers that if i gave them good service then they should tip me but i was very nice abt it they truly didnt know i made 3.50 an hour


Are u kidding me? Thats why its called a TIP…i would have said ok…i forgot…then kept walking to my car…lol​:laughing::laughing:


That was so rude on her part. A tip is not automatic it is earned.

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She should be embarrassed for confronting him. How unprofessional, let alone a little pathetic.


I wouldn’t have tipped her at all. A gratuity is for service well done acting like an entitled snot is not


That is so rude, what if he didn’t have anymore money to leave a tip. How embarrassing to be called out for not leaving a tip, if I was her I would be embarrassed. Maybe that’s why she is “only making minimum wage”. Who knows if she has done this before. I wouldn’t even feel bad after that if I was your son.

W.T.F!!! A waitress should never ask for a tip!! Its up to the individual whether to tip or not. I’d call the manager of that restaurant and tell him or her about the situation , that it disgusted you and your son. Let the manager deal with it. Frankly, if she did this to your son, she probably did this to other customers. Not good business!!!


Omg. This day in age yes. We went to the red apple cafe spent 200 dollars. And we tipped 20 dollars that’s all we had left and the manager the damn manager camne chasing us out the door asking for a bigger tip it’s was on mother’s day too.

As a server, I would’ve never ran up to a customer and tried demanding a tip… Where I serve I only make $2.33 an hour and I still would NEVER do something like that. Unfortunately, lots of people have no idea that most servers don’t make more than $3 an hour… My opinion is, DO NOT come out to eat if you can’t tip your server OR AT LEAST don’t run them around in circles if you don’t plan on tipping.


She shouldn’t have confronted him. Don’t let him feel bad about that.


smfh i wouldnt of gave her shit tf

You SHOULD always tip but also to chase a customer down because they didn’t? That’s super unprofessional :frowning: Your son was obviously raised right and made everything right in the end but he deserved to be treated better.


do to the simple fact that she confronted him sounds like she doesnt deserve a tip :woman_shrugging: that’s not good costumer service at all


Some of these comments :flushed: if I go to restaurant and the service isn’t good I leave like $5. But if it’s good service I do 20% even when we do take out or get delivery. People please remember tips are NOT mandatory and that’s a fact. Yes servers survive on tips and we all know that but seriously give the kid a break, the server was totally in the wrong and could have handled the situation in a more mature respectful manner.

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Stupid ass waitresses/ waiters feel so entitled to tips. They decide to become a server no one obligated them. When I served tables tips were great but never mandatory or expected. I would never!

Honest mistake on his part. Her confronting him on it is wrong! She should apologize and find a new line of work. Just for confronting him, I would have told her I honestly forgot but her attitude and confrontation warrants zero tip and left it at that.