Am I a bad mom for not spending Mother's Day with my kids?

I spent my day out with my mother An my sister ( who is also a mom) we spent the day away from our kids lol . We are always with our kids
It’s mother’s day you do what you want to it’s your day!


She’s probably jealous she never got to do that


I went golfing for my mothers day without my kids. :joy: it was fantastic.

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You’re a great mom. She sucks. Sorry :disappointed:

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Mom guilt is normal. But absolutely not a bad mom for having a day of self care !!! No. Don’t let her make you feel that way. She’s probably jealous her husband never did it for her. SMH.

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Don’t feel bad to each their own. People especially in laws will always have opinions and since a different generation will often have a differing opinion. Do what u want to do on that day and forget the opinions

You are not a bad mom sometimes you need to get out enjoy a day without kids your mother in law is not right

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Your not a bad Mum, it’s your day and your present was to pamper yourself!!! She is jealous lol

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Did she spend the entire day with her kids? :face_with_monocle: I’ve learned mother in laws only do stuff like that when they are upset they weren’t more like you when their kids were little. You’re not a bad mom for taking care of yourself on YOUR day!


When my oldest was little I felt like I had to spend the while day with her. Now if I could get away with spending time by myself doing something relaxing I would. But I’m a single mom so that’s not going to happen. Every one raises kids different. If you can relax and be in a better mood for your kids go for it.

This one is simple. Your husband wanted to celebrate the mother of his children. His mother comes over and gives that woman a bad time. Tell her to take it up with her son, not you. If she had done a proper job raising him to be the self-centered old bat that she is, there never would have been a problem.

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No! That was very nice of your husband.


You did nothing wrong. You did what you enjoy doing. So don’t feed into what she’s saying. It’s called Mothers Day where Mothers enjoy themselves.


You did nothing wrong. You did what you enjoy doing. So don’t feed into what she’s saying. It’s called Mothers Day where Mothers enjoy themselves.


It was their gift to you. Hubby and kids sent you off. Just the gift you needed. So MIL didn’t like it. Not her gift to receive.


Don’t feel guilty girl! It’s mother’s day and you spend it how you wish! You have those kids 365 days a year lol. Take a few hours for you. Xx


It was Mother’s Day….You spent time with your family and had you time. I hope your hubby nicely put mom in her place….


did MIL spend the entire day with her kids on mothers day


tell mil to mind her own business.


Your mother in law is a bitch. That is the exact way mothers day should be spent, enjoying yourself, pampering, and self care!

Don’t feel guilty!! Your husband gave you that communication to do for you!! That’s between you and him not you him and mother in law. Your kids were well taken care of I’m sure!!


Pft. All moms deserve a break from time to time. My mother in law took my kids on mothers day for that reason. Don’t let her guilt you into never taking a break, you’ll lose your mind.


I didn’t spend all day with my kids either…I went and did for me…and then I spent time with my kids.


Eff that!
doing things for yourself and resetting is making you a GREAT mom.

you spend 24/7 with your kids. your mother in law is speaking out of her a*s.
like you said, you never get to do these . and because your husband encouraged it. yall were on the same page

take what she says with grain of salt

It’s called Mother’s Day. Therefore I feel that you should spend it being happy whatever that looks like is up to the person. And that being said each one could look different. That’s my opinion.


No don’t feel guilty
Being alone and allowed to do whatever I want without being responsible for anything or anyone else is how I request to spend my Mothers Day every year
My husband is always happy to grant my wish
When my mother in law was alive my husband would take the kids a spend the day with her and every year she would call me and thank me
She never understood that I just wanted to be alone to do whatever I wanted for me

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Tell your mother in law to mind her own business.


Tell your mother in-law to but out

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Don’t loose too much sleep over that!

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That is YOUR day! Every other day of the year revolves around them :woman_shrugging:



Were moms.
Were always with our kids.

Its DADS that should want their day with the kids.
Moms want away on mothers day.
And im the same and noone will make me feel guilty for that.

We all deserve a break.


Ew! Tell your MIL “Karen” to have a seat and mind her own business!


MIL can just shut her pie hole…


You should not feel one bit guilty.Your husband new you needed a day to pamper yourself well deserved!!!

Guilt is a lie. Everyone’s ideal Mother’s Day looks different and yours is allowed to look different than your Mother in laws or any other mother.

mil is incorrect … then again, she has memories etc , let it go

As you said you spent the morning and evening with them. Maybe she is Jealous because no one thought of doing that for her! (Most likely the case🤷🏻‍♀️) This is also your day…you spent your afternoon doing “self-care”, my guess is that was the present you needed. Look at it this way…HER opinions are none of your business. Seriously her opinions are based on her and she is welcome to them, but they reflect her and not you. I hope you had a wonderful day because honestly, there are many of us who would have LOVED a few hours to ourselves!

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I do half n half. First half of the day with my kids, in the evening we go out for a nice dinner

Why can father’s go fishing on father’s day but mom’s can’t go do stuff they like on mother’s day. This double standard is awful, don’t listen to her.


Don’t let her bring you down. That’s exactly what she wanted when she said that. Jealousy rears it’s head in a lot of ways.

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Mil needs to shut up

Don’t let her foul mouth control your feelings…hurt people hurt people… She is probably hurting

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Absolutely not. Don’t allow anyone to try to dictate how you feel. Glad you enjoyed your day ! I went away on Mother’s Day.and my children 27 & 25 were home.

#1 your husband sent you out to pamper yourself for mother’s day #2 you spent morning and evening with your children and #3 your mother in law sounds like a complete fuckn delight! There’s nothing for you to feel guilty about…how you spent your day was between you and your family not you, your family, and your mother in law!

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Oh hell no. It’s for u to spend how u like. I’d love a day of peace. That be best day ever. U had morning and dinner. Yes u deserves ur time. I’m doing that next year for sure

Well honey, get over feeling guilty. Because this was YOUR Mother’s Day gift. Given to you by your husband. He appreciates you, he recognized your needs and he gave it to you. Plus he got some good quality one on one time with his kids. What a perfect day!!!
(Ignore all other jealous opinions) Happy Mother’s Day! :heart:

Didn’t even need to get past the first line:

No girl. Go.

Shes jealous , she never had the opportunity to go out herself on Mothers day.

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She’s old school that may be why she said that. Don’t feel guilt you spend every waking moment with your kids a few hours away on Mother’s Day is not a bad thing it’s a great thing
It’s Mother’s Day not family day

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Girl, forget your MIL. She is just jealous. I wish I got to do what you did for mother’s day! Shiiitttt.

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Nothing to her. That is your business and besides. We are with our children every day of the year. Doesnt hurt for you to take some time for yourself no matter the day.

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Your husband sent you!! He should’ve set her straight. I spoil my son because I feel lucky to be his mom. But that’s me. I’m all for self pampering. I just don’t get the chance.

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Girl mamas need breaks too. Mothers day is a day of appreciation so you took that and appreciated yourself, nothing wrong with that

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You have a very thoughtful husband. Your mil is wrong. Your husband did it just right.


That’s Rediculous… Nice hubby….

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Sometimes you have to do what you want to do


You deserve to do what ever makes you happy!
Don’t let your Mother in law guilt you !!!
All Moms need some me time. Listen to your hubby, he knows you deserve time alone. :kissing_heart::heart::grin:


You did ok don’t feel bad.

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She’s a bad mom for speaking negatively about her son’s wife in front of him

Do whatever makes you happy

Wait so how’d you know she said that tho your husband told you or your kids told you cuz that absolutely would effect how I feel about it either way it doesn’t make you a bad mom dude fuck that

Lmao. Your MIL is trash. Throw her out :wastebasket: Mothers Day is about YOU as the mom. What YOU want. She as a mom wants to be a horrible wretch of a woman obviously. You needed a break & your husband was kind enough to do that for you.

Baby it was Mothers day, we have our entire lives to spend with them, a day out for YOU is well deserving :heart:


You should never feel guilty for taking time for yourself.

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Your mother in law sounds like she wants to find something wrong with everything. Mamas need breaks too!


My husband stayed home with the kids, I went out with my mom friends and had mimosas in the morning. For dinner I went to my mom’s and she cooked me breakfast

You’re a mother every single day and take care of everyone else, so don’t feel bad for taking a day to yourself! Especially on the one day we are celebrated. She sounds bitter. Don’t let her negative remarks make you feel like you don’t deserve to take care of yourself as well.


Don’t feel guilty you have nothing to feel guilty for

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Did your son spend all daybwithbthe motherin law?Your husband gave you a gift Tellher to backoff,

No you got your day to relax and celebrate. You still went to dinner with them all please don’t feel guilty at all. Your husband gifted you time to yourself nothing wrong with that.

Your MIL should be ashamed of herself. You did nothing wrong. And your husband sounds like a keeper.


Your Mother in law is jealous of you and the way your husband treats you .So please take everything she says about you good or bad with a grain of salt .It is not you it is her.

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It sounds like that was your Mother’s Day gift from your husband! Do NOT feel guilty mama, he even knew you deserved it! :heart:

Your MIL is a hater, ignore her l.

“Let it go, let it go🎶”

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Don’t feel bad, your mom in law needs barriers for het mouth! Good for your husband for doing this for you

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Your MIL was wrong. You are always with your children. You needed time to refresh and that’s what you did…

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Your fine after all Mother’s Day is for us to pamper yourself and you had dinner with your family

What the funuk hell nah you deserve it. Screw her what she think.

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Do not feel guilty . back when me and my sons father were together it was the same, he worked all day everyday , so on mother’s day i took the day off and spent it doing what i wanted to do. Dont let anyone make you feel bad for doing What is best for you, the kids and your husband. If yall are ok with it . then screw everyone else!

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Get over it it was your day

No problems with that. you were being treated by your husband, MIL was going by what she wanted, not what might have been good for you. Kids probably had enough time as well. Different gneration.

You are definitely not a bad mom! You come back better when you take time for yourself! It took me way too long to understand that!

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In my opinion if you’re even worried about writing a post like this you are definitely NOT a bad mom. Clearly shows this has been on your mind and it’s not something you blew off, So in my opinion no I think that’s awesome. When I was little me and my stepdad bought my mom a spa day and sent her away for the day :slight_smile:

My perfect Mother’s Day is having the day to myself without any kids! Absolutely do not feel bad!

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Absolutely not. Hope you had a great day

No. What do fathers do on Father’s Day? Many go golfing, and they don’t take their kids unless they’re older.

I think you celebrated the best way possible. You took care of yourself. Mothers need that.


You deserve time for yourself. Your husband told you to go so go enjoy a few hours for me time. He can tell his mom to but out. You spent morning and evening with the family and had alone time. I just wish my kids had time for me. But all busy with their own things and families. Tell your mother in law to but out of your family affairs…probley mad because you weren’t there to see her.

I did the same and it was GREAAAAATTTTTT not hearing mom every 13 seconds.

Your MIL should mind her business.
You’re doing just fine!!!
And good for your husband giving you a great gift.

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First off, why is your husband telling you what your mother in law said? If anything , he should’ve defended you and then not mentioned it to you… especially knowing it was negative and would affect you.

Unless it was one of your kids who heard and let you know? In which point I would confront her and tell her not to speak about me negatively in front of my kids ever again.


It was Mother’s Day and you spent it pampering yourself, you did spend time with your kids that day, you spend time with them every day! You should NOT feel guilty for spending sometime on you for Mother’s Day (or any other day for that matter).


Your not bad a bad mom. She’s a bad mother.


I also ditched my kids for Mother’s Day. It’s MY day. I’ve spent mothers days with them, and spent some without them. Did my own mom guilt set in? Hell yeah it did. But did I brush that shit off? Hell yeah I did. Brush of others opinions. All that really matters is your own.

Stop it !! Stop feeling guilty !! You have an amazing family who cares about you !! Did YOU have a nice Mother’s Day? Was it because of your family? Then your MIL is wrong !!

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Never allow anyone to place guilt on you

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Huny it is called… :rose: MOTHERS DAY​:rose:
NOT… mother-in-law put u down & make u feel guilty day!! It’s a special day to recognize the hardest job there ever was!! I think it’s great what u done!!! Mother’s day is the perfect day to do something just for YOU!!! I never ever put my self or my needs & especially my wants b4 my kids!! But a couple x’s in Mother’s Day, especially when they got older, they wud run me a bath, light me some candles & put my book I was reading on top of my towels. Also had me a little sumthn–sumthn to eat & drink ready!! I wasn’t allowed to come out for at least 2 hours!! Best presents EVER!!! So PLEZ sweety… ENJOY!!! Sounds like u deserve it!! :two_hearts: :two_hearts: :two_hearts:

Darlin, it was mother’s day! Who cares what you do on mother’s day? The whole day is about YOU and making sure YOU feel appreciated and loved. You havent always had your kids in your life, they were part of your life when they came into the world, but to your kids you are their world. You are their first protecter, their first friend, and their number one supporter. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are a bad mother because in my eyes as long as you fight for your kids, and you work hard for your kids to make sure they have everything they need (and/or want) you are a good parent. No amount of parenting books or things of the sort can prepare you for the battles and sacrifices you make for your babies. Parenting is not easy, parenting is not fun all the time, sometimes you just need a break. Its mentally, physically and emotionally draining and exhausting. If you need time to yourself, there is no guilt you should feel. Breaks are needed, you arent a bad mom for spending the day making sure you are okay for your babies. I hope you had a good mothers day despite what your MIL did/said. Time alone is not a crime. It has never and will never mean you’re a bad momma. I hope you can find peace, honey!

Don’t feel bad. You deserved that day to yourself on way or another. It was a present from your husband and he should of said that to his mom and told her that you did this morning and planned on going out to eat for diner.

Don’t feel guilty about a day you earned for being a mom and being able to relax and enjoy it.


don’t feel guilty. You were with them in the morning and then for dinner. It was your day after all.