Am I being controlling?

Umm the question is why are you not blocking your boyfriend? Because hell no. That’s not even cool. Fantasy my ass.

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I would be saying bye to him. If he was truly in love with you and respected your relationship he wouldn’t be interested in her like that.


I would leave honestly fantasy or not that’s not right . If he is and wants a committed relationship with you and only you he wouldn’t be talking that way with anyone else . It may not be physical cheating but it could be considered emotional cheating. For me I’d always be wondering and worried what else’s he’s doing .

BlOCKkkkkk!!! …. Them both !!!


I wouldn’t force him to do anything but decide if he wants “fantasy” or reality! Sexting anyone is a great start towards and a short step away from cheating. It’s not controlling to want to be treated in a certain manner. Kick him to the curb and go find someone who treats you the way you deserve and who deserves you! It’s NOT him!

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Honey there is always better dick. You can do better than that boy.

No, you should just block his dumb ass.

Tell me they’re fuck buddies without telling me

It’ll just be another girl he talks to :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming: leave his ass

Not controlling and why are we as women still tolerating this sh!t?

Like men know better. They really do

Leaaave your bf, you deserve more, she’s welcome too him :clap::clap:

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Block them both and move the fuck on! :wave:t3::triangular_flag_on_post::running_woman:t4::dash:

Don’t yous wish post like this included fb page so we can all snoop :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::joy::rofl::joy:


Nope! You are not. If he thinks that. Leave him.

He wouldn’t have done that in the first place if he cared for you! You can do so much better!

It would maybe be a little controlling If they were strictly platonic friends only. But texting sexual stuff is crossing the line that’s more than just simple friends so no. I think you’re right in line and he needs to get in line too.

Lmfao he’s a cheater.

Block the both of them.

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Well then don’t control him. Control yourself and LEAVE! He can do whatever he wants with her and you can find someone that respects you. :woman_shrugging:


um if its just a friend there wouldnt be any sexual anything. ur not being controlling its setting ur boundaries on what u will n wont allow in yalls relationship. if hes fantasizing to her and behind ur back that is emotional cheating no telling what else he is doing

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Three months is 2 months and 29 days too long. He’s roleplaying a “fantasy” with another woman - that he knows… behind your back.

C’mon. Self worth is screaming at you right now. I’m waiting for the update that you left him today.


Blocking won’t fix anything. Either forgive him and be able to trust or walk away. Take it from experience.

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No…if they’ve been texting sexual stuff, that is absolutely not ok! Get rid of them both!


If he wanted it to work he would block her himself, so honestly he sucks and is being narcissistic towards you. & you wouldn’t be asking this if you didn’t already know your self worth. I recommend leaving him and making him start all over trying to win you back.

Lmao who cares what she says… um. My question, why would work it out with him?

Hes fantasizing with another girl. That stuff should be done with YOU.

Leave and let them have eachother

I wouldn’t say controlling but I would say wth are you doing with a man you have to mother to make sure he’s faithful? Nahhh girl

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It would be have been over the second I found the messages. Let him go and let her have him.


He’s probably acted on it or would have

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Uhhhh no that’s technically cheating in my book. Sure they didn’t do anything but your talking about doing stuff with someone other then your s/o that alone is wrong. It’s not controlling and if he doesn’t see a problem with what he did then it makes you wonder what else happened behind your back. Whats the line that shouldn’t be crossed to him? Physical? Idk how someone could think that’s not wrong and they were ok with what they did.


I seen a post the other dab about a 10 yr marriage ending up in a divorce! It all came down to because the wife wasn’t “patient” she didn’t allow her husband to do things she nagged him. He got remarried and it’s a successful marriage because she is “patient”. Although he should have taken action when it started and stopped it don’t nag him about it, bring it up once and let it be. If he keeps doing it then you have your answer.

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Controlling, no. Settling,yes

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Oh hell no, once sexual talk or acts begin its no longer best friend status and the friendship is over or the relationship, his choice💯


They’re not just friends if he’s sexually fantasizing about her and talking about it to her behind your back. That’s really inappropriate. I have a guy best friends and we make inappropriate jokes sometimes but would never talk like that in anyway even joking if either of us were in a relationship. That’s just extremely disrespectful. I wouldn’t stay with someone who was doing that and thought nothing of it. It will only get worse.


No you’re not. Dump him.

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It would be over… He’s just going to unblock her when you’re not around and do what he wants to do regardless. If he respected you he would have never been doing it in the first place…


Umm sounds like your mad at the wrong person and blaming her vs blaming your man. He should of cut her off himself not because you forced it.

Fuck that!!! They both playing you. She wants to say you’re controlling to fuck with your head so you blame yourself. He is a FUCKIN loser to treat you this way and allowing his so called bf to hurt you. You should be his reality dont settle for a man who is chasing fantasies.

If you “make” him, he will just find other ways to contact her. My ex does every time he caught so did my kids’ father when I caught him.


Wouldn’t even want him. He’s literally an actor and you’ve met the representative. Once they show you who they are, believe it, not make excuses .


Sounds a lot like my ex. He’s probably already done something.

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Why is he playing sex games with her and not you. And what kind of person is she playing fantasy games with another women’s man. They’re making you out as the fool.

Is this post a joke? :eyes:

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I mean he’s your boyfriend. If he doesn’t want you to control who he speaks to sexually then he shouldn’t be. Sounds like he also should be reminded this isn’t fantasy it’s real life.


Yea…aight…“best friend”!!!:roll_eyes:

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That’s called cheating and she’s called a side chick…

You are being controlling. Just let him go… he would obviously rather be living a fantasy than respect his real situation so let him have it but no need to sit around and be disrespected… do yourself a favor and move on

I would not trust him

Heck no you aren’t. I would tell him to kick rocks hope she’s better than I am because that’s a MISTAKE

My bf hid a girl for our whole 8 year relationship. They apparently love eachothet but live in difforent countries so they were never more than friends… shes married and he just wont let her go. He blocked her when i found out then secretly unblocked her and talked to her again since september. I had to compromise by saying if he wanted to keep talking to her there was no sexual stuff no roleplay and no pictures and if i found out there was i was done and no more compromise. Only the future will tell if he sticks to it.

I had a guy best friend (rip) and I never once had a sexual fantasy about him or even looked at him in that manner. Something is going on or he wants it to. Why would you want a man you have to make do something? He should respect you!


It wasn’t just texts.
Just leave dude. Find a way and go.


Uh that’s cheating. Id leave him 100% let him have her. He clearly wants her.


It ain’t gonna work. If they want to talk they will find ways. Take my advice and just leave.

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Leave him, that ain’t only thing that’s going on I’m sorry to say. They’re good for each other If that’s how they want to treat you, you deserve better! And you will find it! :heart:

If he can be so disrespectful to you he doesn’t love you.

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I’m sorry but if he doesn’t see that this bothers you and hurts your feelings enough to stop it, then he doesn’t respect you and doesn’t deserve you! Time to move on! <3

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There are obviously trust issues there already or you wouldn’t be searching his phone and reading his texts. Go with your gut.

No that’s not controlling !! He had no respect for you when he was doing that . And if he actually feels bad and wants to change for you then he would underrsand why you want her blocked and block her without any problems !


Let me ask with a question …
Do you think he is valuing you by doing this?
Do you and him have healthy boundaries?
Are you on the same page with the relationship and where it is going?
Why would you want to be a option in someone’s life?
How high do you value your life?

Um ew, why would you wanna be with a guy like that. Huge red flag. I don’t blame you


How is he still ur bf??I would of left!Why waste ur time!!U should be his fantasy!!!


Block him and send him return to sender


Psychologically he has already departed himself from you and and he has already done things too unlove you… He doesn’t sound like he wants to be there not because you’re probably not amazing as it is but because he is just an ungrateful piece of c*** that needs to find somebody else that will tolerate his bad treatment.


Yes, I think it is controlling to tell him to block someone. If you are put in a position to be controlling then its time to end the relationship. All down hill from here!


Wish I did before I married mine

Why is he still your boyfriend is a better question? Y’all built differently anymore.


I’d just get rid of him. If it’s not with her he will find another female……

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You’ll learn that men who don’t do this on their own accord are not worth your time. Although your ultimatum is not necessarily wrong, it is controlling.

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You can do better, that not good honey my heart goes out to you?

Yes, that’s controlling. That’s unhealthy. If he’s being flirty with other women then it’s only a matter of time before he’s doing more than that

This shit people put up with in relationships now a days is wild to me not to mention asking if your the one in the wrong? Baby leave that man and go find someone who worships you or at least matches you efforts

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Run and don’t look back. No respect for you !!!

I see where you’re coming from but I would definitely leave him because if somebody wants to cheat they are always going to cheat and you can never stop them. They will always find a way and it might be his girl best friend now but he could have an affair later with someone else. it’s a shitty situation either way

Leave his ass! It won’t stop

So his fantasy is being with his best friend? Girl just go. You are not loved nor respected


That ain’t a girl best friend - I have a guy best friend and that’s off limits - I mean we’ll talk about our relationships and he’d tell me when he met a new girl etc but nothing between the 2 of us. She’s a fancy peice!

He would no longer be my bf

They’ve slept together already I’m sure

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No your not wrong IF you work it out it i would tell him he no longer has her in his life period. It’s you or her. He crossed that line and that isn’t something that can be repaired and you will always wonder if he’s allowed to continue the “friendship” it is possible not to throw your whole relationship away and repair it if BOTH of you put in the work for it. It’s not easy but it can be done, but not with her in the picture and not without him whole heartedly fixing what he didnworng.


If he’s even questioning blocking her then he doesn’t actually want to work things out

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You need to run :running_woman: and bounce on out of there. You’re not being respected and you won’t be.

Throw the whole man away

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The BS women accept as an excuse. There is no good excuse for this. He doesn’t respect or cherish you and the relationship. Do better…leave…

No, just no. Leave that “man” you deserve happiness and you’ll never get it with this on the back of your mind

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The more you try stop him the more he’ll want her. Dump him and move on. You’ll never be able to trust him again.

They done already slept together…move on! He’s definitely going to find a way to talk to her.


Is this for real??? I would have already left his ass if he was being sexual with his “girl bestie” or whatever he calls it… YES HE SHOULD HAVE ALREADY BLOCKED HER HIMSELF!! You shouldn’t even have to tell him that.

What kind of manipulative shit is that hell no u not controlling that’s so freakin disrespectful if they were “friends” sexual fantasies would not be discussed in that manner i have male best friends and never ……they are my brothers ….shit is disgusting

That is not controlling and they shouldn’t be texting like that at all. He should respect you enough not to be doing stuff like that anyway, if he will do that stuff with her, he will do it with someone else as well

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They always say we’re controlling when they’re guilty. There is no way you’re in the wrong by having him block her that he can unblock her when he’s not around so that doesn’t always work either get rid of him

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They should just be together at that point right? :roll_eyes: gross

Let her have him :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Not controlling at all!

What a weird and messy situationship (yes I said it)… move on and be happy girl! You don’t need that bs.

No and f that girl she sound like a moron.

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If he feels that comfortable texting her like that…she allows it and surely more going on. They can have each other :v:t3: move on. Don’t need that headache.


I’d leave that boyfriend in the dust. Tell him to kick rocks.

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Throw away the whole man !!!

Dump him! He’s a player and a waste of your time@ sorry! Reality checks have to be hard on all of us. You can see it you just don’t believe it!