Am I being irrationally angry?

Today was my baby’s first birthday party. He got a lot of presents so because I had the rest of my kids in the car, my mother in law took the presents home.

She opened every.single.present. Without me or the baby around. She called my husband to come get the presents and they were all heaped together with no cards even! My husband thinks I’m overreacting for being so mad. I can’t even send thank you cards! Am I in the wrong?


I would be upset, those are not her presents to open. She is not the child or you (a parent). She can be involved with the party or get together of the baby opening them but she doesn’t have a right to just open them on her own, especially without asking you. Also the fact that now you can’t send thank you cards is pretty messed up.

I would be proper raging if anyone ever did that to my child. What a fun sucker.

I’d be furious, shes a bitch

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I being irrationally angry?

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Not at all, she oversteps her boundaries


Uhm yeah that’s ridiculous honestly

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You are soooo not wrong! I was angry just reading your post. Why on earth would she open them? That makes no sense what so ever!


Wtf hell no id be so upset


Wow so a boundary over step like wtf I would have flipped !!

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Wait. She did WHAT?!


Wow what thats totally ridiculous why would she even do that


No way I’d be pretty furious! They weren’t her gifts or her own kids for that matter. I loved spending time with my baby’s helping them open their own presents, ripping the paper is half the fun for the little one. Not only that but I also like to personally thank people for their gifts or send photos of the child playing with the toys or wearing the clothes to them which you can’t do unless you ask everyone individually what they bought now that they are all muddled together


Probably looking for money in the cards.
I’d flip my shit. I’d publicly shame her to every guest that attended, & let them know that you don’t know who gave what, so you can’t offer proper thanks. People will likely say what they gifted without you actually having to ask. Then you can make sure it’s all accounted for.

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That’s freaking ridiculous

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Is this even real? What kind of Grandmother would do that :pensive: Definitely wrong!!


Wow! She just took the fun family time right out of that… I would be furious!


Why would a person even do that. That seems like a purposeful action. Not an honest mistake and I would be so upset.


Thats crazy behaviour

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That’s madness far from normal


What made her even think that was ok?!


Are you serious, I’d be so pissed… Dont let her get to comfortable disrespecting you, say something and put your foot down… You’re not over reacting :triumph: (p.s your husband is to used to his mothers behavior that he sees her doing no wrong)…


No that’s really just bullshit of her to do. I’d be super upset too.

That is ridiculous and really rude of her and over stepping boundaries. That is a memory with your child you won’t get back…. I’m sorry but your not over reacting

Not in the wrong at all…she should have asked you or at least waited for ya…but then again if she wants to make sure what she is gonna get you u didn’t already get etc…still should have asked, in my humble opinion


And just wth does she think she is? Lol. She needs to Rem shes the grandmother not the parent. Id be pissed


Who does she think she is

Mother in law is a cunt!

Your baby is not your MIL’s baby. She definitely overstep boundaries, and don’t let her get away with “what’s the big deal?” And “I didn’t think you would mind” or “i was only trying to help”. Your husband should have defended you.


She was very wrong but Why not opened at the party?


I would be pissed #Period

Totally out of bounds

That’s such a selfish thing to do. I wouldn’t invite her next year.


What a piece-of work she is

You’re not in the wrong for being angry whatsoever… What your mother in law did is not okay. She didn’t just cross a line, she jumped right over it…
I can’t even comprehend why she would do what she did. She is in the wrong, and your husband should be standing by you… The fact that he’s not just as angry as you are, leads me to believe she’s exhibited crazy/toxic behaviour like this for a long time and he maybe sees it as normal… Which it’s far from it.
I’d be furious. I’m angry for you just reading your post


Yeah that’s a strange thing to do. She definitely didn’t have the right to do that and it’s very odd.




But that’s just rude!

She was wrong Wrong on all levels .

Id be more then just angry. Id be livid. And yelling my man that is mother is an absolute idiot for doing that. Took all the joy of watching a 1 yr old at least try and open the gifts. I’d be calling everyone that gave a present to make sure the bitch didn’t steal anything either.

I can’t imagine why she would take away a child’s chance at happiness. I would ask her just that. “How? Why? You took away a joyful moment of Precious Memories that we all would have cherished.” She is trying to hurt you by hurting him. I can’t image. So wrong.


What kind of monster opens someone else’s birthday presents? Who tf raised her? Wolves?


That sounds incredibly childish and spiteful. :woozy_face:


Wow!! That’s a HUGE NO!!!

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Wtf those aren’t hers. You are not over reacting. What’s her problem.


Wow that’s wrong on all levels that you can never get back


That’s seriously fucked up. That’s overstepping to the fullest! I’d be pissed af and so would my hubby.

I would be mega pissed,
She had no right to open any as there wasn’t for her nor did she have the child who’s they was with her
Like u say you don’t know who’s got what


Ummm whhaaat…helll noo!! Thats disrespectful on every level

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That’s a pretty odd thing to do :roll_eyes:


Call her out on every level…u can’t even thank ppl now!!


Wow, oh no that was not right of her to do that! That was very disrespectful of her! You need to speak up and tell her to stay out of your life! Maybe it’s time to distance you and your children from her. I would tell your husband his mother overstepped your boundaries.


I’d go mad an never trust her with another thing again…


I would honestly be beyond mad!!!

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It wasn’t her stuff. I kinda feel sorry for your husband that he has a mother like that


I would be so mad u wouldn’t want nothing to do with her and make it known to your husband and her! She sounds as if she is controlling you.


Not at all. I would be MAD!

I would be mad as well

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Absolutely nothing pisses me off more than a mother-in-law that doesn’t know her place! Don’t even get me started on your husband… Not a big deal? Doesn’t see anything wrong? Bullshit

Wow she definitely crossed the line! Nope would not let that slide.
I’d get petty and make it super clear to everyone because of her actions you can’t thank people for their gifts because you don’t know who gave what because the presents were open without you or hubby around. so do a mass thanks.
And then thank her publicly for unwrapping them all… Guess it saved you time … :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


I’d never speak to her again. That is extremely selfish.


I’d be pissed too it’s your kids first bday that’s childish af on her part.

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Omw I know how you feel I had a mother that scratched in all my private things that is why I don’t open nothing of others not my children or my friends its their private stuff. Your mother needs to know where she stands even if your husband does not like it .Nobody is entitled to invade a persons privacies

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I would never talk to her again for that stupid crap

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Yep that’s ridiculous and unacceptable behavior.

Omg I would have gone mental…how dare she do that !! Your husband was brought up by her so he sees her disgusting behaviour as normal…what a horrible woman…I hope on your baby’s 2nd birthday she stays the hell away…don’t let this happen again…tell your hubby to grow a pair when it comes to his awful mother !! :face_with_raised_eyebrow::england:


I would be pissed! And I’m the type of person who would let her know what she did was wrong!

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Mayra Maciel :face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes:

“If it’s not yours don’t touch it” did she not learn that as a child? What a douche bag for real, I’d be mad af to… I would have made her wrap all that shit back up. :joy::joy:

She was TF out of line and needs to be STERNLY TOLD no matter what anyone thinks!

That is really weird!!! Who does that to a kid?? :woman_facepalming:t2:

She did it to know exactly what your child was given from everyone, so that she can be sure who she’s competing with most and rob them of the satisfaction of you singling out how lovely others gifts were one by one.
Take what you know and channel it into strict boundaries and never let your guard down, this is a woman that will get between your marriage and run you down as a person and mother if you (rightfully!) go up against her.
Get your husband on the same page asap!!


I’m only curious as to what her motives were, why would a grown woman want to open a 1 year olds presents, unless she was looking through to see if anything is worth selling. Would you know if she took anything out and sold it? Nope, would she tell you? Nope! I’d be absolutely furious and tell her where to go and have nothing more to do with her. I mean it was the 1 year olds for the 1 year old to attempt to open, how will they learn if you don’t let them try!!


So out of line, I would be pissed off… but u will never win just get even… :laughing:
just wait till it is her birthday and open her gifts … hahahaha


Not overreacting. You have every right to be upset! I wouldn’t put myself in that situation to have her “help”
ever again, so it won’t happen in future.
I agree with other suggestion to give mass email thanking your guests for the presents and stating that they were all opened without you so you cannot thank them individually, as you had wished. Then take some time to be less upset so you can explain calmly to your MIL how disappointed and offended you are by her actions. Then leave it alone and put it behind you. It’s not worth creating WWIII in the family.
Just remember this and know she cannot be trusted and keep her at arms length.


Disgusting behaviour… sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong… feel sorry for your husband for having a mother like that. Hope you said something

Stupid insensitive jealous bitch !!
Put her in her place…

Your not wrong. I would be fuming. There is no logic behind her having to open any thing belonging to your child. Very odd.

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Yeah that’s beyond stupid and weird and just. No. They stepped every boundary. Ask your husband why they want to take that joy away from their grandchild.

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What the actual fk? She needs her head read. Who does that?

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Might have hit the age where she needs her own nappies

I would be mad. I would also be telling your Husband to pack a bag for the weekend if he wants to take he’s Mums side and think that what she did is okay. How do you know if you got all gifts back?

I would be putting up a post thanking everyone but, also say that you have no clue who got your child what since the MIL opened everything. I would also ask for everyone to private message you what they got your son so you know everything is there and she hasn’t hidden something or sold something. Example: money in cards.


That sounds backwards asf

WOW that’s out of line she’s crossed boundaries here :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Unbelievable. That’s so incredibly rude. You are not in the wrong to be absolutely irate about this one!


You have every right to be pissed off. That is so wrong

I would be annoyed. What a strange woman to do that

Oh hell no I’d be loosing my shit

What gave her the right to think she could even open them in the first place how would she like it if it was done to her?? . They were for your son not her I’d be livid also and your husband should back you up on this as your mother in law was our of order.


Rude much… I would be super peeved

I seriously want to go uppercut the mil myself. She had no right to do that, so no you are not overreacting.


Wow !! So disrespectful of her !!

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Is there some new thing where kids don’t open gifts at the party anymore?

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How rude of her !!! I would let it be known what she did & it would be along time asking her to ever be involved in the children’s lives it would be with boundaries restriction I think should be watching a few parties on video and not impressive

No I’d be pissed too. We save the cards so I’d be asking for them all and telling her to rewrap them so he can at least have pictures trying to open them

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No definitely not wrong…I’d be fuming … I have grandchildren and no way would never do that

Omg what an interfering mother in law what a dam cheek and I would tell her so🤬

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Is she trying to catch hands? And where are the cards Barbara ???


No I would be livid, why on earth would she open them… and alone? Would make more sense (still a piss take) if your child was with her and they opened it?! But piss right off, if my MIL did that I would be fuming x

I would be effing raging! They are not her presents presents open!! I want to High five her straight into next week.