Am I being irrationally angry?

No your not over reacting id of ripped her a new one

I. Would. Be. Pissed.

Totally out of order.

This can’t be real surely :flushed:

I would be FURIOUS!! That isn’t her place!!!

I would be angry! Although your baby at one can not physically open presents without the help, their first birthday is a special one, it’s their first milestone. A milestone that should be witnessed by at least the mum and dad if not other family and friends. This is not acceptable behaviour. Have you spoke to her to find out why she done it? Have you been offered any sort of explanation on why she thought it was her right to take that special moment from not only you but your precious little bundle. They were not her gifts to open, and the fact that there were no cards makes it even harder. As you say you are now unable to give out thank you cards to people so that in itself can cause alot of issues that you do not need. I would try to get to the bottom of why she has done this and also find out why your partner is willing to just brush it off. It’s a magical moment that should be witnessed by the persons mum and with the child around

What was her logic? You don’t open presents out of respect for the person who they belong to. I’d be upset too.


MIL overstepped for sure


AND if I were you, I’d be very firm w her and tell her whats up. How dare she!

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Why would you think you are in the wrong. I wouldn’t have been happy at all and she would have been banned from every stepping foot in my home ever again. Period


Hell NO you are not wrong!! You absolutely need to tell her she was wrong and why!!
Omg I’d be FURIOUS


I believe she stole the money and gift cards.


Fu** that! Naw sis, she def took something away! I’d be in touch


She overstepped her boundaries

No that’s absolutely ridiculous. I save all cards for my daughter, that would have crushed me.


I would be a little pissed too :woman_shrugging:t3:
Maybe she was just trying to save you time though.

Why would someone do that???

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Why did she feel the need to open the gifts? She was doing too much.

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An owl bitch she would never step in side my house again the poor child

You are not wrong. I would have had words with her. It would have not been pretty.

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No!! I’d be mad too!

I would definitely be upset

Absolutely not in the wrong! I’d be furious!

I would be Mad, not her place to do that!!! Way out of line!!!

wtf ?? i would of been heated why would would she open gifts that aren’t even hers smfh


Th we y are the baby’s u should be mad

She had to know not to do that! That was a real Asshole move!!That’s going to piss any mom off! I’d call her right up and ask her why she did that?? Why would she take the fun part out of your child’s bday by opening their gifts! Who TF does that!! Call her! I’m pissed I’ll call her!

I think she stole the money and gift cards and the cards. I’d be madddd.


Umm I’d be livid where are the cards??? Those to me are the most important I love cards I’d be so angry.


MIL off her meds. Who does that


He only thinks that because it’s his mom. I would be upset also.

No I would be pissed I would call and personally thank people and tell every one what she did them I would let her know what you did if she gets pissed then she knew what she did was wrong if not then she is ignorant either way do not let it happen again


She is wrong and your husband is dumb


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I being irrationally angry? - Mamas Uncut

I would be at her door by now. Where are the cards? She would be explaining herself, producing those cards and getting herself to … :woman_shrugging:t3: No room for that in my childs life, or mine. And if hubby thinks its ok? Hes part of the problem :angry:


That was rude of her. I would have a discussion about it, so it wouldn’t happen in the future. This was the first birthday, so solve it now. Good luck. Be :100:


That was very disrespectful the gifts were for your baby to open with you and your family. For what reason she did that is beyond me but I would’ve been super mad. Very disrespectful of her and I would tell my husband either you address how rude and disrespectful this was or I will your choice is what id say


Absolutely not !! That was very rude of her !! Be ye angry but sin not


Oh hell no, I would be having a serious talk with her, that’s b****hit. That was definitely for you and your husband and baby to open not her, she crossed the line there and I would be pissed…


I would be livid! She is totally out of order. That was for you and your husband and baby to open together, and like you say now you don’t even know who gave you what!

First of all she should have dropped those presents off at your house. Second of all your husband should have given you your place with his momma. 3rd of all looks like she is one of those controlled mother in laws. Honey next time open up the presents at the party. We do. Oh and if I was you I’ll be calling her to get the cards and letting her know that she will be the one sending out thank you cards since she took it in her hands to opening every single present.


I’d be pissed!! She had no right to do that. The fun part is having your baby open their presents and being able to thank those that gave gifts. You are not in the wrong at all!!


I’d be STEAMING PI$$3D!!! That is disrespectful af! What was she thinking!? They did no belong to her, they did not belong to her child, they didn’t even belong to someone that lives with her! You have every right to be angry.


Not over reacting. One, that’s an expiernce for the parents to have with the baby even though they baby usually doesn’t care but also for the reason of the card and knowing who it’s from. She literally had no business doing that.


You are absolutely right to do that. Those were your presents, from your baby shower, not hers.

She was extremely rude.

No, that’s so awkward. Did she feel the need to be in charge and ruin everything

She had no right to do that. Way overstepping boundaries!

No cards?? What if there was money in those cards… that is totally out of line


No no no, she should not have opened them, make a poi t of asking her who bought what so u can send cards, she may not k ow and will then feel awkward.

No that’s so disrespectful, they weren’t hers to take

Hell no that’s just plain rude :unamused: tell her straight never to do it again and tell your husband to grow a pair of ball’s. Good luck xx


You :clap: have :clap: every​:clap: right​:clap: to​:clap: be :clap:angry!!!


Weird! Why would she do that?!


That’s just weird and yes I’d be really angry.

Oh hell fucking no!!! Why would she even do that??? So beyond wrong and rude AF.


Life is too short to be angry. As long as your baby had a great time and had fun. Send thank you cards to everyone you invited. That’s what I do. Even if they couldn’t attend. Thank them and hope they can attend his birthday next time and say you missed them.

That’s a really bizarre thing for anyone to do lol what a weirdo :thinking::woman_facepalming:t3:

Not worth keeping a grudge though, she obviously doesn’t understand boundaries so getting cranky will only affect you, not her.

No I would be livid!!! She way over stepped

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No, absolutely not. I would be LIVID.

No way. I’d be in a rage !

I would have been livid.

That would really wrack me off!!

No your not. That’s fn ridiculous :joy::rofl:

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Id b cutting her out of my life…that was wrong. A mean & evil & selfish thi g took a childs fun away from.them…

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I being irrationally angry? - Mamas Uncut

Who does that?? You have every right to be upset! Absolutely not over reacting you and your hubby should have been able to open them with your Son, even though he’d probably enjoy the paper more than the presents its still a fun family thing to do. Plus not knowing who gave what. I would be seeing red!!!


Demand she wrap it all back up. Doesn’t matter if your child is only 1. NOT YOUR MIL’S BIRTHDAY OR GIFTS!
Then she made you go get them, wtf that’s messed up!


She had absolutely no right!! I’d be absolutely feeling the exact same. Your partner should be telling her off because that behaviour is just soooooo wrong! :astonished:


You’re not wrong. I would have been pissed off as well. regardless if it was your mother-in-law or anyone else your husband should have had your back.


Something my ex in law would have done !! Definitely in the wrong and she needs telling ! It’s your babies birthday. Your baby was capable of opening them with help ! I would personally send thank you message out on my fb wall
Thank you to everyone who brought my son a present for his birthday, unfortunately due to my mother-in-law opening them all whilst not in our presence we are unaware of who brought what, if you would like to reply below we can thank you personally
Totally out of order xx


This is just disrespectful. She had no right to take them, open them ect. They didn’t belong to her.

No you’re not, she wrecked his 1st birthday, I wouldn’t invite her to the second one

I’d be livid, and your husband should be too.

I would be so angry. That’s something you do as a family.

At Christmas, pick up her gifts, open them, then hand to her :ok_hand:t3:


OH HELL NO! I would lose my MFing shit if she did that… Fk right off!

Throw the whole mother in law in the bin and buy a new one. That is such disrespectful behaviour.


Who does that! I’d be fuming😂

She sounds like a milk

I’d be fuming, take time away from her.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I being irrationally angry? - Mamas Uncut

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No you are NOT! Your mother-in-law was sooooo WRONG to do that. Your husband needs to get his priorities straight then go talk to her about the unnecessary drama she caused. SHE CAUSED!!


Wait whaaaaaat :face_with_monocle: I’d be pissed. It’s always good to know who to thank for certain gifts. Nice to know yaaaaa… and you can take your son back if he doesn’t see the point :wave:t4:


This is the moment you change how you interact with her. I would never give her the chance to do that or anything else ever again. Your husband is only co signing what she did so she will not think she did anything wrong.


It’s a bit wrong that your husband didn’t stand up for your you. But it was extremely wrong for your MIL to open your sons gifts. It doesn’t even make sense for her to do that. And now you can’t do the right thing in thanking who gave the gifts.


Im hitting the roof periodt… And he should be ashamed of himself for not going off on her first…


WTAF?! This is NOT normal behaviour at all! Your hubby is very, very wrong to side with her! The present-opening part is one of the most fun things ever for a child to do - who the f*** does she think she is, thinking she has the right to do this?! This is not normal behaviour! Very, very strange, abnormal behaviour, in fact. And no cards?! Like what the heck?! I like to know which gift is from whom too, so I can say thank you. Totally out of order, she is!!


What in the world was she thinking ? That was absolutely none of her business ! Your husband should know better than that too , and should put his foot down to that controlling mother of his !


Just a question… why didn’t the presents get opened at the party? I’ve never personally brought gifts and cards home to open a lone?! We always opened them in front of the guests who bought them for us


I’d be 50 shades of pissed…but would get over it before sundown. Some people are just not smart. (Side note:. Lots of people put $$ in those cards.)


Strange she opened them and didn’t think of leaving the presents for the child to open.


Who would do that??? I’d be pissed & confused to the point where I’d question she stroked out with that type of behavior


Sounds like she was possibly looking for money,why else would she unwrap the presents,bit suss if you ask me,she sounds a bit toxic,going out of her way to ruin you’re little ones 1st birthday,once you get the presents back,rewrap them and hold a little party minus mil being there


I think you know the answer to this question. She clearly as issues overstepping her boundries, best have chat with her and be clear on yours.


I’d be absolutely fuming. I’d re-wrap them, let little one open them, and send out generic “Thank you for your lovely gift” cards. Then never trust her with anything again.


Tell her to write a list of who bought what so that you can write thank you cards, do it with a smile and say I really want you use my manners and say thank you x
If she says she can’t remember tell her you will contact each person individually and apologise for not knowing what they bought as she had opened them
Maybe then she will realise what she has done
It’s really naughty and really rude


That’s a very strange thing for anyone to do - and selfish. It’s also not a wise thing for your husband to agree with his mother at the expense of his wife - been there and wouldn’t recommend it!

18 Likes! I would hit the roof, that’s really uncalled for, not being able to see your babies interactions opening and seeing the gifts! She would be on my shit list


No you’re not wrong first wall she had no right to open your son’s gift it wasn’t her birthday it was your son i will be mad too if my mother in law do something like that and also about the thank you card you can check your video or those who you invited for your son birthday then you can send a thank you card i’m so sorry what happened be strong and also if it was my i will call or see my mother in law and tell her how you feel and hopefully she tell you sorry what she did good luck .


Girl I would have been mad too so no ur not in the wrong. It was not her birthday it was ur sons birthday he should have opened them not her and for ur husband not stickin up for u I’d be pissed to but it’s his mom so🤷‍♀️. I would have a talk with her about it and see what she has to say.