Am I Codependent... Or in a Bad Relationship?


"I think I may suffer from some codependency. My boyfriend and I have a toddler together and have been together six years, but we’ve always had a rocky relationship, and I think it is partially due to me being so clingy.

On average, he’ll not come home after work three days a week because he goes to do things with friends, leaving me to pick up our baby after work and do the caretaking. Out of those three nights, he doesn’t always come home at all when he’s out with friends because he will stay with them.

I’m not worried about cheating, but how often does this happen in other relationships? I say I am codependent because I don’t WANT to do things with other people. When he isn’t home, I spend time with my family, and when I have time to do things with other people, I choose to spend all of my time with him and our child.

Am I wrong to think he should come home after work every day and spend his time with us, or do most men have other things they want to do more? Should I be so upset over it? How much time do most couples spend together?

Other than this relationship, I’ve only had two other relationships when I was younger, so I’m not sure what is and isn’t normal at this point, and I feel like I am just becoming angrier towards him over this."

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“I have never heard of a father leaving 3 days each week to spend time with friends and not come home at all not sure where this is normal.”

“You guys have a family. The issue isn’t you. I’m a homebody. My SO is not. But he comes straight home from work daily. If he does hang out with friends, he is home at night. The only reason I am not home at night is work. You say you aren’t worried about cheating…but where is he when he is out all night?”

“He’s immature and not ready to settle down. The problem is not you.”

“The only nights my husband doesn’t come home is when he’s on deployments. To me, that’s not normal for a grown man to do with his friends. Especially being a father to boot.”

“Nope, never happens to me and I would never put up with it. My husband and I are best friends. We do everything together. He does do some things with the guys and I do some things with the girls but mostly it’s just us and family.”

“Staying away from home on a regular basis like that is NOT normal.”

“I would tell him to pack his stuff and go and file for child support. That’s not codependent on your part that’s a lack on his part to be a good dad. I wouldn’t normalize it. Just my 2 cents. I wish you the best!”

“I don’t think a grown man should be staying the night with friends if he has a wife and child at home. Work trips, hunting trips, yes. But no, he needs to come home after work and spend some time, then maybe hang with the boys 1 night, but still needs to be home to sleep. I guess it’s all on you and your feelings. But no, mine doesn’t do that. We visit people together mostly. He sounds like he needs to grow up.”

“My husband has never once not come home and it is almost always pre-planned when he doesn’t come home right after work…because we are in a relationship and have children and he is responsible. We check in with each other before we decide to go do something with friends to be sure everything is taken care of and it is a good day for it. 3 nights a week is not a normal amount to go out or be away from family time.”

“Not ok! He should be coming home every night, even if he meets up or goes out with friends. I get the occasional ‘I was too drunk to drive’ but 3 times a week, I would lose my freaking ish! He needs to step up and help with the child he helped bring into this world! That’s not co-dependency, it’s his lack of maturity and being a father.”

“Ok, I’ll be honest in my humble opinion. You’ve been with him for 6 years and have a child. No ring or talk of marriage I guess? Girl no it is not normal! Do not question yourself. You are home being a responsible parent. And he is acting single!!! No, you don’t get to stay out all night with ‘your boys.’ This sounds very suspicious! He is living another life if not with another woman, then by running the road. What you have is a part-time boyfriend. Your child needs a full-time father, just saying. And if your willing to stay cook and clean and wait for him then that’s fine. But never expect more than what you have allowed him to do.”

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The only nights my husband spends away are for snowmobiling trips…

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My husband hates getting home late from work, especially if he misses dinner. Sure, he does things with friends now and then, but he would never not come home.


The only nights my husband doesn’t come home is when he’s on deployments :woman_shrugging:t4:To me, that’s not normal for a grown man to do with his friends. Especially being a father to boot.


I have never heard of a father leaving 3 days each week to spend time with friends and not come home at all not sure where this is normal.


He’s immature and not ready to settle down. The problem is not you.


Staying away from home on a regular basis like that is NOT normal.


Nope, never happens to me and I would never put up with it. My husband and I are best friends. We do everything together. He does do some things with the guys and I do some things with the girls but mostly it’s just us and family.


Comments so far are pretty spot on…needs to grow up…


My husband never doesn’t come home
He spent 4 mos working 4 hrs away (his company paid for hotel for the 4 mo) and he still drove the 4 hrs home and 4 hrs back every weekend
You dont have codependency, it reads as if hes taking advantage of you taking care of his house and family (the child) while he does what he wants


NOT normal at all. On his part, not yours!


Yeah that is not normal for a “man” to NOT come home to his family. If he resides with you. That’s weird as shit. I’m not being mean. But yeah, not normal. Buck up baby and let him know this isn’t how people live. End of story!

Not right on his part. May be he does this because in his mind, he knows he is not married to you.

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I don’t think it’s normal at all… I’m sorry a father should be at home with his family every single night… obviously certain situations are different but


I think every relationship and person are different. When he’s home is he loving and attentive? Tuned it, all your needs met? Do you spend quality time together at the weekends?

My Husband was very outdoorsy and independent, so snowmachine trips with friends, hunting, fishing, mountain climbing, these were all regular normal activities he did. He also worked away a lot. But I knew where he was, we communicated about it in advance, it was on the family calender, and we still had plenty of family time. I didn’t go away overnight, but I had plenty of days in the city shopping and lunching with friends while he watched the kids, so we were each doing our own things and getting our needs met.

So it really depends on you as an individual, and you two as a couple. Do you feel happy and content, are your needs being met? And if they’re not, is it something you can communicate about.

Other friends have Husbands who are homebodies, and never go out, and I think “how do those wives cope!?” Cooking dinner every night for them, what a faff! I used to love my nights off when Hubby was gone :joy:

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Bull shit drop his ass. My man always comes home… also if he’s going on a guys trip I know when he is first planning it… maybe if your codependent on yourself and leave him maybe he will miss and fight for you you deserve so much better.

I think it’s different for everyone. Whatever makes you and him happy is what’s good for you.
I spend A Lot of time with my husband and I could spend more. We both work from home and do most everything together.

You have every right to be angry if a man isn’t pulling his weight in the home it’s bound to happen. Also a little strange that he wouldn’t come home at all. My husband would go out here and there (like once or twice a month) after work would be home before the kids go to bed at the latest and says how much fun he has but also how much he missed us. He also tells me to get out and do things too which is needed! I will say communication really is super important!!


Not normal. Pre-pandemic, my husband would sometimes do bar trivia but he was always home by like 9 and always check with me that I was ok before he went


This does not seem normal at all to me…
My husband has NEVER not come home.


You guys have a family. The issue isn’t you. I’m a homebody. My SO is not. But he comes straight home from work daily. If he does hang out with friends, he is home at night. The only reason I am not home at night is work. You say you aren’t worried about cheating…but where is he when he is out all night?


It’s all about maturity in my opinion. When I first got with the father of my child I wanted to spend every chance I could with him and boy he did not feel the same. I gave it time and now he WONT leave me alone. All he wants is to be with me and his daughter. It’s all about growing up and realizing your priorities


My husband always comes home. He spends time with our son and we having dinner and get ready for the next day. Of course everyone should have some time away if they want it but 3 days every week seems like a lot. And the fact he doesn’t come home is a bit odd. Sounds like he doesn’t want the responsibility. He has a family now so he needs to make some sacrifices and spend less time with friends.


Girl he cheating… U want him home and up under u cause u know it’s true


I would tell him to pack his stuff and go and file for child support. That’s not codependent on your part that’s a lack on his part to be a good dad. I wouldn’t normalize it. Just my 2 cents. I wish you the best!


This is one of the MANY reasons I divorced my ex husband‼️
Family first- yes it’s okay to spend time with friends. But not like that.
The problem is most definitely not you!

I’m now with a man who is a step father to my oldest, and a father to our 4month old- he comes home every day from work, and gets upset if he has to work late bc it’s less time with him family. We do things as a family on the weekend. Sometimes I go hang with the girls, and sometimes he hangs with his guys.
But 98% of the time it’s family - which is healthy, normal and is the right adulting family thing to do.


My husband and I both do things individually with friends periodically…maybe once a month or so. So I don’t think it’s strange to want to spend time with friends outside your home, even when you completely love spending time with each other as a family. That being said, 3 nights a week is excessive, and I think it strange that he spends the entire night out. My husband and I would never spend an entire night out, unless it was like a pre planned girls/boys trip or something.


Ok so my SO likes to go out and throw darts 2 or 3 nights a week. He occasionally likes to stay out and party. Once or twice a month. As long as I know where he is I’m not worried. I am also comfortable in our relationship to know he is not cheating.

No that’s not normal. My husband is never out that long with friends. He’s come home late but always comes home.


Sound like a whole 2nd family to me . not trying sound stupid . but what person stays out all night not come home from work or out with " friends " hiw does he have clean clothes to wear to work the next day ? Does he keep a stay away bag in his vehicle ?


Yeah that’s not normal on any level. My husband has never not come home after work. He may run an errand on his way home, but not to hang out with friends or do other things.


I’d be concerned if my husband didn’t come home for 3 or more days
Yes he goes and hangs out with friends but he also enjoys coming home to his children every night
Only time he stays out over night if he and his friends are to drunk to drive home and he normally returns the next day
I dont think that’s normal sounds like you guys need to talk or figure out what hes up to in those 3 days
Because that’s just suspesus


I don’t think a grown man should be staying the night with friends if he has a wife and child at home. Work trips, hunting trips, yes. But no, he needs to come home after work and spend some time, then maybe hang with the boys 1 night, but still needs to be home to sleep. I guess it’s all on you and your feelings. But no, mine doesn’t do that. We visit people together mostly. He sounds like he needs to grow up.


I went through the same thing with my ex. He wouldn’t come home because he would play cards with his friends. Then he would take trips with them. All of a sudden he started cheating. Then we got divorced. Talk to him. This kind of behavior only leads to heartache


Mm… my fiancé always comes home after work. If he has plans with his friends he comes home first. We have supper together etc… then he goes and does whatever. If he has a long weekend and has plans (rare) then that’s fine too.

The problem I see is the staying over night, why is he staying over night?. Neither my husband or I stay overnight with at friends houses, especially not with out the other. Unless it’s on the road work there is no need for him to be staying overnight. And honestly I don’t see where you think your the problem. He is the problem he’s not a teenager anymore.


I wouldn’t assume he is cheating if you have no proper evidence. As far as being out all night, maybe once in awhile, but 3 nights a week? Yeah, I don’t think so.


My boyfriend will have a drink or two with coworkers maybe once a week for maybe an hour or two. Otherwise I’m invited.
Three nights a week would never work for me. I’d leave his ass.

You’re a fucking saint. I’ve got nothing else to say.

My husband has never once not come home and it is almost always pre-planned when he doesn’t come home right after work…because we are in a relationship and have children and he is responsible. We check in with each other before we decide to go do something with friends to be sure everything is taken care of and it is a good day for it. 3 nights a week is not a normal amount to go out or be away from family time.


So honestly time apart is good, however just not coming home at all for 3 days at a time because he wants to hangout with friends isn’t normal or okay in my opinion. And 3 days a week every week of not coming home at all is extremely excessive.


That boy cheating on you come on


Real question is…are you the side chic or the main one??


You’re not codependent.
You need to have a real conversation with him about your expectations. Be real. Be honest. Does he KNOw you’d like him home nightly, or do you just let him act single (being with friends all night) and without a family?

From experience (I have 3 baby daddy’s btw) I went thru this with my first baby daddy I was 16 wen I got pregnant so I was very young and naive some boys just don’t want to be men and these type of actions is a red flag for sure of someone not ready to go steady and to be unfaithful now I don’t know either of u to say he’s cheating but from personal experience that was the case in my situation

Are these “friends” he’s staying with male or female?!?! :face_with_monocle::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Right the first time my fiance did this is be leaving … It’s not okay for grown men to act this way. He is most likely cheating on you…


Not ok! He should be coming home every night, even if he meets up or goes out with friends. I get the occasional “I was too drunk to drive” but 3 times a week, I would lose my freaking ish! He needs to step up and help with the child he helped bring into this world! That’s not co-dependency, its his lack of maturity and being a father.


So when my fiancé and I first started dating. I hated him doing things without me. We were with each other all the time. Now we’re 7 years in and we’re not like that completely. We’ll both do our own things now, however we always make sure we’re home at night, there’s no need to be gone all night long. And it’s not daily or even weekly that one of us aren’t home right after work. Our family comes first, it’s okay to do things without each other however I personally thing 2-3 times a week is too much and unless it’s an occasional too drunk to drive home, there is no reason to not come home at all that night…I’d have a talk with him about this and how it makes you feel. Also, if you have the option to go do something on your own, do it. It’s good to be own your individual person. However again multiple times a week and not coming home at all isn’t okay in my book…


Sounds like this boy is not yet a man. Boys like to duck out on responsibility and relationships. Men will always be by your side as your partner in everything.


Nope not normal! My husband never goes out all night nor does he go out after work constantly. We have a home children a family that’s just not acceptable in my eyes. I put them all first so I feel he should as well.


This is a lot like my relationship lol. My bf works then sometimes goes to his friends house or his friend comes here. I don’t mind because hey at least he has friends you know? I have friends but I just don’t feel like leaving my comfortable home to go hang out. The only time I leave is to go to work or with my Bf to get things done lol. I guess I’m super codependent too. I have been with my bf since we were 17/18 so we don’t know anything else either.

This is not normal behavior. Going out with friends is healthy, everyone needs something fun to do and look forward to. Staying out all night, every time you go out tells me that you are not only sleeping somewhere else but with someone else.


You aren’t codependent your boyfriend is an asshole. It’s not normal for a partner to not come home 3 nights out of the week. My husband is always home at night. Even if he goes out with his friends (which is NOT 3 times a week) he ALWAYS comes home.

Ehhhh…my sons father would “sleep at a co-workers house because he was too tired” to drive the 20 mins home.
Id be waiting to have a serious conversation, stat.

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Not coming home at all is unusual it does sound normal to you. Are his friends married as well? In my experience men don’t miss dinner. Maybe not for everyone though. Depends on his work etc. Not to pry but if he’s gone three nights a week overnight why aren’t you worried he’s cheating?
Hugs. I think he’s taking advantage
Of the freedom to go when he wants. But if it’s always been like this maybe he doesn’t realize it
Hurts you. You can have your say. You just have to be careful how
You say it as not
To feel confrontational
About his freedom. No one can say jack about it except how they feel if it were them. There’re a lot of relationships like this in the world and I’ve met a lot of people that have this kind of relationship. It’s what you need. Maybe you could compromise and go out once a week together. :woman_shrugging:. Tell him you miss him. Hugs. Explain that with all the house stuff you feel exhausted and need his companionship. You feel trapped at home and that your worried if you tell him how you feel. He will be mad at
You and it Will Be worse. You miss him. And need him home more.

:joy::thinking:although if when at home he makes a huge mess lies around doing nothing and your constantly feeding him or cleaning up after him. You may want to rethink the complaint :joy::rofl::rofl::rofl:. Hugs.

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Umm if my man didn’t come home that would be it. I was raised to not tolerate that. He always should come home after work, eat, man duties. Occasionally go straight from work. If he is not home by 2 when he goes out he is not doing anything good ! 3 nights a week he has someone else.

My husband has never spent the night away from home.


Honestly it sounds like he is cheating or has another family cause that does not sound right at all. My husband always comes home everyday after work and always has since we started dating. Honestly you need to be looking more into it and have a conversation with him because this is not normal or good.


Yeah that’s off to me. Going to hang out with friends is one thing but basically staying there for 3 days a week is odd. Especially when you have a child. He doesn’t seem to want to accept that he’s an adult and has a family that should come first now.


Ya sweetie you need a life. My husband was similar and I resented him for the longest time but also spent alot of time with my friends and family. I then started a business and tried to focus on that. Definitely work on getting out and doing more but resentment sneaks in and it causes alot of issues. Also what we finally decided to do is have a date night once a month where we’d check into a local hotel for ‘our time’. Good luck sweetie

If you guys live together and hes not coming home 3 days out of the week that’s a big red flag and I would definitely not be OK with that.I would say he’s cheating or something


I couldn’t imagine living like that. I get everyone is different and yeah my fiancé goes out when he wants but he chooses to come home to me and our son. We’ve been together 13 years. I would defo not be happy with that set up at all you have every right to be angry xx

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Y’all not everyone is cheating… however to answer your question my husband and I spend most of our free time together. We definitely do not do sleepovers with friends? That’s a bit much, I’m all about independence and going out with your friends by yourself but not staying the night… that’s not you being clingy that’s weird no matter if you’re clingy or not. And not to be rude but if he’s saying you’re just clingy that’s not right and a bigger issue.

Uh to me he should be coming home after work every day. If there is something he wants to do with friends, he should still come home first. And come home at the end of the night. Not sleeping elsewhere.


If you guys are serious to a level of living together he does not clearly see it like you do. Men do not stay out all night overnight while having a baby and a long term woman at home. If he is its pretty obvious you are not the only one. Dont let your feelings cloud your judgement and take away from your worth seriously.


Do you live together? I’m confused , sound like a double life , if not women , drugs but they both go hand in hand

Sounds like some communication is needed to express your concerns. I would also ask for a night or 2 a week for yourself as well if he’s going to do the same and when you go out he gets the kid. Again talk it out. The best relationships are ones with communication even if you end up not together but still coparent.

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This just isn’t right


Ahh darling it sounds like cheating to me.

Mine goes and does things with friends but doesnt stay out all night. He has a few times after drinking and he didnt need to be driving but it’s definitely not often at all.

Well it really depends on your own comfort level. I wouldn’t judge off other people’s norms because what works for everyone can be drastically different. I would just talk to him about your feelings. Everyone needs a break and to live their own life. But if you feel like you carry more of the load and need help. You have every right to talk about it. You guys are partners. You work together to make your life work for you guys. I will say though, don’t settle girl. If you have needs and he gets angry or seems dismissive to them. That’s something to think about. Good luck!

I mean I think it’s an excessive amount and I personally believe if you’re in a serious relationship with a young child and living together everyone should be sleeping under the same roof about 95% of the time. I definitely indulge in a friends day at least once a week and my husband does the same, it’s healthy to have time apart and a social life outside of each other.

3 days a week he’s gone ? Oh no girl run there’s most deff someone else


Why does everyone jumping to cheating?

Men need their space. You can’t be up their ass everyday. You would hate it if someone did it to you constantly.

He needs to grow and quit acting like spoiled teenager and your the one letting him do it, occasionally yes but not 3 times a week

The thing id be upset at the most is his not coming home three days a week. That seems suspicious af. Would he be ok with you sleeping out three days as well?? Idk, different strokes for different folks but this would not fly in my house.


Same story. After almost 12 years of being in a relationship, my codependent ass is now questioning if i’m capable of doing something for myself.
We have a 2 year old baby girl and I just realize that I may not have needed him.
Pushing myself back and forth into leaving him or staying with him for the sake of our child.

You are not co dependent. You want a normal relationship. He should be home after work. If he goes out with a friend he should be home at a reasonable time, NEVER all night. He should be home sharing child care and home chores. Any man out that much has something else going on. Run. Now.


Um, that stuff absolutely dies not happen in my relationship. We’ve been married 20 years. If we want to go do something with friends any time we clear it with the other first or at least let them know, I’m going here or there with this person and I’ll be home by whatever time. Never, ever once did either of us just not come home. We stay in touch with each other about what we are doing because we are partners in life. What you have there is not a partner.


1 night a month, 1 night a fortnight… Maybe… But three nights a week doesn’t sound right.

You do need to have time for just you though. Even if it’s just an hour in the hair dressers or an evening with a glass of wine with your friends x


What’s good for one relationship isn’t good for another. Talk and work it out for the both of you .

Sounds like u are a grown ass mature mother and he’s just not on your level :woman_shrugging:. Hanging out with friends is normal and he should but 3 days every week of him not coming home after work to his kid and sometimes not at all… fuck that!

Sounds like he’s cheating to me


Sounds like he was not ready to be a husband OR father. Does he resent having a child? Does he feel trapped? Or has he just not progressed past being a teenager? What kind of relationship did he have with his own dad? What were the other men in his life like? What did his mother put up with.

Talk to him, then talk to a marriage counselor together (go by yourself if he won’t go). Then assess if things will change for the better or if it’s in your best interest to separate. You and your child deserve better than an absentee husband/father.

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When I was together with my ex he never slept the night out. He went to meetings or saw friends several nights a week but always came home. That would bother me.


Sounds like he’s splitting his time with you and his other gf . definitely sounds like he’s cheating


Three nights a week is a lot in my opinion. I’d say once a week is fair. With an extra thrown in once in a while

And staying away overnight? Each time ? That’s not right. I’d be kickin some doors in and finding out where he’s at every time


Absolutely would not happen like that with me lol… time to grow up family first then friends… sounds like he needs to grow up!

My husband NEVER does this. Never did it either when we were dating and living together. You say you’re not worried about cheating, is this because you know his friends? You’ve been there with him? They back his stories? Because if my husband were gone 3 nights a week and staying the night somewhere else, I’d be pretty sure he was cheating. My husband is free to go out with friends but he ALWAYS comes home after. And he dang sure doesn’t do it three times a week. Especially during a work week.

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I am notoriously not clingy. I need my space. I like to be left alone more often than not. But I would NOT be okay if my partner didn’t come home three times in a month… I’d leave if it were 3 days a week.

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No u sound like ur about family life… He sounds like hes about the pre kid/single/or newly dating someone stage still

First of all he should defo not be staying out all night I would not tolerate this whatsoever. No you’re dead right to want to him
.he made his bed he needs to lie in it not in his friend’s house

That’s not normal that he goes out 3days a week and on top of it stays out. You don’t get to sleep out when you live with someone.This is nonsense


Something definitely isn’t right

I wish you the best. Sounds like your a good person. But in all my life I have seen other relationships end up bad in this situation. Just remember life is short. Make your decision for happiness.

Nope nope nope. Friends came second when that baby came. Turn the tables and see what reaction you get? Bet he won’t like it!

Have you had a conversation with him?
I would definitely do that

It is healthy to spend some time apart. Having said that, my man has Never not come home. That isn’t normal at all in my opinion. Every relationship is different, so there isn’t a :100: right answer.i would say once every few months we will go do something fun with out the other, and then we have different task we do separate most days. I stay at home, and he is gone working 6-8 month out of state, so when he is home we are usually together.i think once or twice a week would be a normal amount, but I would expect him to be home by 8 or so typically.seems you are both working, you should share house hold responsibility, and help take care of the kids. It’s important to spend family time, and couple time together. Compermise on both ends, but don’t except behavior that will make you miserable or feeling bad.


Is he telling you that you are clingy? Because wanting your partner to come home and help with basic household/parenting things is not being clingy. Your behaviour is normal, his is absolutely not. What husband wants to spend most of his week out with ‘friends’ when he has a wife and child at home? Not a faithful one in my opinion…