Am I in a toxic relationship?

Yes it it. Im sorry. Cps will not take your baby unless you can’t or are not taking care of the child. My advice is leave.

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Next time he takes your car call the police and report it stolen and inform them he doesn’t have a license. File for an order of protection. Make an escape plan with a trusted family member or friend. Slowly pack essentials in a bag for you and baby and when he leaves the house, make your escape. If he’s drinking and smoking weed CPS is not going to give him custody. And CPS will not take your baby just because you’re a “young” mom. You can also contact women’s shelters and they can help you with getting out of the house.


Girl leave him and let him call because he will test positive for weed. Just make sure y’all are using condoms because you will test positive as well.

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Girl you better run and not look back.


I’d call the cops and leave if you have a place to stay. If you’ve been the one providing for your child the whole time and he hasn’t the court will act in your favor

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If you have to ask then you know the answer leave and get out as quick as you can


yes its abusive.

kick his ass out.

no they won’t give him the baby, he’ll be luck to get unsupervised visits.

Toxic city! Let him call CPS and police. He’d be in trouble. You show stability, a home and you’ll win

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first he wont get the baby. 2nd kick him out. 3rd thats abuse, holding u against ur will, and manipulation go to the police and file a police report, with him being on drugs and not having a job the likely hood of him getting custody is slim to none. make sure to file with “friend of the court” for full custody based on the health and well being of the child.


Honey I know you have a child together and you say that you are young but you need to get away from this man ASAP. CPS will not come and take your child if you are actually taking care of the child but if you keep him around drinking and smoking weed and somebody else calls they very well may take your child away from both of you. Usually when people don’t trust you they are the ones that are cheating. He obviously doesn’t trust you because he’s looking through your phone all the time doesn’t want you to go anywhere by yourself you know why because He knows that you could find someone better. Take care of yourself and your child and try to find somewhere else to go and get the hell out of there


Get out of that situation you would get the child and if you stay things could get worse because he could file to get belongings that are yours

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Yes that is toxic! Find a way out and leave. Good luck and best wishes for you and your little one!

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Yes. LOL. How can you even ask this? Of course it is. Get your kids away from the pot and booze and poor excuse of a “father”


Your baby will not get taken away because you are young. I was 16 with a very I’ll child and I proved I could care for her with the help of my mother and my girl is now almost 15. Dont let him scare you
What a coward. Leave him. Even if you go to a womans shelter, leave him now


Are you kidding… gtfo :weary:


Please get away from this awful man. Don’t waste your life, he is worthless.


1st contact where you are renting from. If your the one who payed for the apartment and the only one with a job see what you can do about having them evict him. 2 cps wont take your baby and to be honest if he does call them they are actually likely to take the baby from him from what it sounds like. 3 on your way home stop and make a report at the station that he is threatening you with police and cps if you try to leave him. You are doing everything a mom should to take care of their baby. 4 if he is the one watching the baby while you work look at getting a sitter, daycare or even having a relitive watch the baby instead. 5 if you can’t make him leave do everything you can to leave. What he is doing is emotional abuse and manipulating you into letting him get his way. 6 if he takes your car again call the cops tell them he took it without your ok and that he doesnt have a license. Also if you know where he is going tell them that info too. And if he keeps doing it keep calling reporting it stolen/missing. He will be the one in trouble not you.

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Leavvvveeeeee please! CPS will not take your baby away from you they may from him! That dude is toxic, get a restraining/protection order, if he takes the car report it as stolen


Leave him now. The courts won’t give your baby to him. Doesn’t matter if you’re young or not so long as you can show you can provide for the child and I’d say you wouldn’t have any trouble with that. Just be careful if you’ve been around him cause you may test positive for weed.

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100% yes. Abusive. Toxic. Disrespectful. Leave and Let him call cps :woman_shrugging: don’t let him threaten you. your age has nothing to do with being a good mother. You would be considered a bad mother if you continue to allow your child to grow up in a toxic environment .put your child first and get out while you can. He seems lazy, childish, and disrespectful. All things I personally would not want my child to learn from.


If you really want to get out. After he takes your car without your permission. Report the car stolen. If he doesnt have a license they will take his ass in.

I do paralegal work…no he absolutely wouldnt win in court. U got this girl.


Yes, get out of this now, very unhealthy


If u do smoke bud or whatever…get right then file.

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Run. Screw that headache. He’s just saying all that so you’ll stay and continue to pay for his lazy ass.

Get out now ,your way better than that hun ,dont wast a life time finding out ,you will find the right guy in time ,get out and enjoy some you time ,and everything will fall in to place ,good luck xxx

Yup time to go. Nope he cannot take your kid and neither will CPS.

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I didnt read one thing about your relationship that ISNT toxic. You dont need our validation to leave but yes, get out NOW. He is controlling and manipulative and he has nothing that would give him the advantage in court.

Girl run as fast as you can and dont look back. No court in this world would give your baby to his worthless ass. It’s just his way of controlling you. Do not allow your baby to grow up thinking this is what a normal relationship looks like. It’s your job as the mother to teach your child so teach him/her that you deserve better. Good luck.

He’s very insecure obviously he’s cheating on you if he’s accusing you and yes next time he takes your car call the police let them know someone stole it you need to be strong when you do this because he’s going to beg you to take them back it’s all about your setting you get out of the relationship

Oh hunny!! Take that baby & RUN!!! He will have NO CHANCE IN HELLLLLLL of getting that baby!! You are showing YOU are responsible & he’s proving he’s not!!! If he leaves with YOUR car call the police & say he stole it & is driving with no license!! That kind of thing will help u in custody & also if he had an accident in YOUR car YOU wpuld be fully liable!!! Stop paying for anything not necessary for u and baby & RUN!! Or if place is in ur name & ur paying for it all, when he goes out, change the locks & call police of he shows up or if he takes ur car honestly call police! You & baby r so Better off without him! Then DO NOT let him back in or to see or take baby until u go to the courts & file for full custody!!! U r putting ur baby & babies safety fist !!!

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Who has the baby while you work your 2 jobs if it’s him it’s no diff apart from a SAHM apart from the weed and drinking if he is doing it while watching him

Yes. Leave. You obviously dont need him and would be better off without you. Also next time he takes your car report it stolen. If he gets in an accident you are liable and insurance will drop you.

The sooner you leave the better. Never, ever leave the baby with him. You will be questioned as to why you did that. Find the nearest Women’s shelter or Domestic Abuse Center. If none nearby go to nearest hospital ER or police department. Pack things for the baby. Don’t worry about what you are leaving behind. You can get it later. Try to take lease, birth certificates, car papers, banking, pay stubs, etc if you can. Once you leave, no matter how bad it gets, do not return or agree to meet him. He will manipulate you back in… stay strong and believe you will get thru this…Praying for you and baby.


You do take your baby for check-ups and I’m assuming he doesn’t like to go talk to the baby’s doctor talk to the social worker at your local hospital when he goes out with his buddies look up women shelters legal aid support groups take notes hide them then clear your phone or when you’re at work on your break grab a phone book look at the agencies that can help and support you most of all do not give up you were protecting two lives yours and your child’s

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Very toxic, you are worth so much more, pls leave with your baby as soon as it is safe to do so x


U r so young! I know a couple young mothers myself! He is completely toxic & a narcissist! Get out b4 it gets worse! Save urself & ur baby!


PS. If you can’t pack things without being in jeopardy, just leave. Police will eventually accompany you back to get what you need…


toxic absolutely it is the start of abuse in the very beginning stages so I would run if I were you. but at this time he is a real ship boyfriend a deadbeat dad and just a lazy human being. do your child on yourself a favor and kick his ass out your home and go on with your life you will thank you for decision.

I agree with above. Let police know you plan to leave and when. Ask them to be at house…even if he is not there. He may return.


Two questions… How old are the two of you? And is he on the lease for the place you are oaying for? Seems to me you already know the answer to your question. If he isn’t on the lease, call the landlord and have the locks changed. Stop letting him drive your car and end this now. You both deserve better.

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Leave now. Been there dine that it is a very toxic relationship

First, you are not in any “relationship” with him at all. He is using you and your ethics hostage to support his parasitic lifestyle. If he isn’t on the lease, let him call the cops. If you haven’t already, go down to your local family court and file for sole custody of your son - quickly, because time is running out in some states based on age of child. Hide your car keys as your vehicle is important to your livelihood, your job, and your child’s welfare (doctor’s visits, etc.) and if he has an accident while driving impaired you may lose it. You haven’t given your age or his, but if you are supporting your son AND him, old enough to work, and are in school, you are not “too young” for anything - including being taken advantage of. Be proactive and an advocate for your child - do what is in your best interests - and remove this leech.


Unfortunately yes it is toxic I have a few friends that have been in this situation. I agree with Gilmore Kat if you smoke get it out of your system and go to a woman’s shelter and contact CPS yourself they can help get your property back. But if you need to get weed out of your system slowly get your jewelry/small things out of the house and store it at a tristed friends in case he hocks it on you.

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Time to go. Even if it’s a women’s shelter. This idiot really believes his own bs. LET him call the police and CPS! His dumb ass would be the one facing charges and or jail. Please leave! For the sake of yourself and your baby.

I think you know this is toxic. The question is what are you going to do about it? If you don’t make changes nothing is going to change. Think about the environment you want your baby to grow up in. Because his/her environment is going to play a huge role in their life. You get decide where to go from here.


Dear, that relationship surpasses tixic!! Mist states favor the mother!!Contact Soc. Sev… Tell them your concerns and ask for help!!

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Kick his ass out along with all of his stuff take him to court as they can’t take that child from you unless they can prove u are not a fit parent

  1. CPS will not take your child because you are “too young” do you know how many teen girls have babies?
  2. YES! this is an extremely toxic relationship. From what you have said you already do it on your own leaving him would be a huge weight off your shoulders. Do not let him use your child as a pawn to make you stay.
    He won’t call CPS he is just using it as a threat. Do you have friends or family near by to help you get out? You can even call the local police department to keep the peace while you gather your stuff to leave or if you rent a place if its your name on the lease kick him to the curb have the cops assist in removing him from the property

Woah … he’s trying to get to your head . You are stable, he is not . Next time he threatens you with that give him your phone and tell him to call ! I bet they be helping YOU GET AWAY !


It’s all bull#$%& and he’s trying to convince you otherwise. How can he take care of a baby when he can’t take care of himself? Next time he takes your car, call and report it stolen!


Its been time to leave. You do everything on your own anyway. He’s useless as hell. Next time he takes your car, report it stolen.


Yes this is a very toxic relationship. You need to file for sole custody of your baby and either leave or kick him out if he isn’t on the lease. The court will not grant him custody of your child because you’re so young, they will grant you custody because you have your shit together and he is a parasitic waste of space. Next time he threatens to call CPS and the police, call his bluff and do it for him. You have nothing to fear from them, he does

Yes… and what?:rofl: the alcoholic pothead threatens to call cps? Girl. What are you afraid of? Tell him go ahead then! Let him get himself caught up. CPS is not there to side with him because you’re trying to be a good mom and take your baby out of a toxic home.


Kick his ass out. Is he on the lease?

Leave his ass and don’t allow him to use your car call the police. He is just using and trying to control you. Forget him!

If you have to ask if you’re in a toxic relationship then you probably are.

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get rid of him he’s not going to change and your doing what’s best for you and your child

Get rid of him asap! He is toxic to your child and you. Hopefully you have someone to back you up about his behavior. Good luck.

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The fact that y’all took time to explain all this and post it asking definitely should give you your answer. I hope you find guidance and are able to get help!

They won’t take your baby because you are young…but definitely will if they know drugs are there…now in BC legal…but is he smoking around the baby??
You know this is a horrible situation your in…run don’t walk…
Hire a moving company…get them in to get heavy stuff… either put in storage or get another place secretly… don’t tell him…have backup when it’s time…I had someone take my ex out…moved then…had all pre arranged.


He’s got you believing a lie.
You most certainly can do this on your own. I promise you.
You’re already doing it alone. Cut the dead weight & get it. You do a lot now AND have to take care of a whole ass man baby too

Very toxic baby! Run with your kid like your ass is in fire and your head is about to catch! Most states will NOT give custody to father unless he can prove you unfit…age be damned…and if you are handling everything then it’ll be cheaper without his ass…you are so much better than that baby! Good vibes and prayers for strength and ability to go!

If you have to ask…

You know the answer to this already. Read what you wrote…what would you tell someone else if this was their life they posted about???

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There’s so much wrong with your relationship I dont want to waste time listing them. Just get out. Hes a big loser. Shape yourself up so he has no reason to take your child. He probably wouldn’t get custody any way, she’d go to foster care first and you really dont want that. Dont tell him or even give him a hint you are leaving, just do it even if you have to leave most of your things behind, just take the baby and go. If you have to ask for a police escort for your safety. Just go and have no contact with him whatsoever.


All of this great advice you should put in motion!!

Girl RUN and never look back. Toxic would be a positive word for this dude

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Get a diary. Jot down when he drunk or taking drugs. They will not take your child. Go to legal aide or some where ask for help. You are a great mum. Now put your big girl pants on act now. A diary will give you back ground. Back dated if you can. Start that now. Start packing but things he won’t notice and take them to a relative or friends house. When he is high or drunk call for a police escort. Tell them he is abusive and then leave with them. Good luck mumma.


Girl you already know the answer!!! Take your steps and get out ASAP be strong!!!

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Run, as fast as you can

That’s called gas lighting and it’s very insidious. Do a little reading on what it is and I think you will find at least some therapeutical validation for what you are experiencing

If you work and take care of your child thair is help out thair for you and your baby somewere leave his sorry ass and take your baby even if your young seek help and get away from hem thats is not love and chances are it will get worse better get his ass out

It does sound like he is incredibly controlling, abusers will often try to convince their victims that they will have their children taken away should they seek help - this isn’t true, it is a tactic to keep you afraid and to stop you from leaving. Please seek help, the lasting effects will only get worse for you the longer you stay and the negative impact on your son will be much worse the older he gets. I’m so sorry you’re going through this and that some people have felt the need to leave such negative and downright cruel comments.

How young ARE YOU? Did you grow up with a family that behaved like this? You have 2 babies, one is an adult but acts like a spoiled child. What exactly keeps you with him? No its not normal and you are being abused. He donated sperm and thinks that,s the end of his part. RUN!

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you must like being treated badly or you would leave or kick him out, surly you and baby deserve more than this

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Get a restraining order on him what good does he do for you.

He’s bullshitting you, if I were you I’d definitely leave and file for custody and bring up everything at the court hearing as well.

Are you seriously asking that question after everything you described?


You ain’t gotta ask if you’re in a toxic relationship. You already know the answer. If the place you have is in your name, kick him out. The police will back you because they aren’t going to want a domestic violent situation…especially with a child present. Tell him put his money where his mouth is & file for sole physical custody. You may get 50/50 but chances are you will be primary (meaning that baby stays with you.) Ask the judge not to grant overnights, due to the young age of the child. There are rules, pending state to state on overnights based on age. Also, get child support. If you were on state insurance they probably will go after him eventually anyways. Most states want Dad’s up on child support anyway if you’re getting assistance. Also, MommaBear, don’t let him scare you because of your age. When you go to court, ask the judge to have him drop…Especially if you have witnessed him having drug/alchohol issues.

Run he is off his head to say you wouldnt be able to keep your child. No one in their right mind would let him even keep an animal let alone a child!

Dump him u don’t need him

Honey you have your head together. Let him call the police and CPS cuz hed get investigated. You know all this already though or you wouldn’t of asked people. You and your son deserve better.

Get someone to help you get out. A doctor is a mandated reporter.

Kick him to the curb. He has no respect for you or your child let him call CPS and police if you are doing nothing wrong…And No he will not his family get the children may not even get visitation rights . Take all the comments that you have read and put them in play Because he will never grow up . Be the Adult and the Mother you want to be

Why do y’all always question an OP? Not everyone knows the signs of abuse, not everyone has been abused, not eveyone knows what to do! Sure, google is there but isn’t the same as asking real people with real experiences!Jeebus!!

When a man threatens you using your child, you get scared, you stay, you do what you can because you think your protecting baby. It’s NOT as easy as JUST leave. It’s complicated for some.

Girl, if it’s YOUR home, YOUR paying the bills, kick him out, lock him out, etc. You can get an officer to remove him off YOUR property, then go get a restraining order, file for custody, security cameras, etc., and DOCUMENT EVERYTHING; screenshots, write things down, print and keep copies. You got this if that’s what you want to do.

No he couldnt 1 he has no job 2 he cant show proof he pays bills keep all receipts 3 you work go to school and cys wouldeven dare try to take baby from you he un fit get a court order to stay away and take ypur baby frar from him til he grows up

Kick his sorry butt to the curb.

Why are you even asking if he gets in a wreck driving your car with no license you are in big trouble. All you have to do is show you are the one working. They won’t take baby away. Get pics of him smoking pot or drunk.

Document everything!!!- this will help u legally- u need 2 leave with ur baby as soon as u can - seek legal help. He has no job. drinks - smokes weed -is controlling ur every move -no way he can take custody-no judge would allow that - Go 2 a woman’s shelter if needed- life is 2 short & u deserve better than that!!:confused:good luck-

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Get rid of his ass, he cant get custody if he isn’t stable himself/ no job. Sorry he sounds worthless. I would boot his ass out the door. Next time he drives your car,report it stolen they will take him to jail. You will get ur car back and when hes in jail change locks on door and set all his stuff outside because he’s considered a squatter if hes not paying for anything

He can’t get your son because he need’s to prove that he’s fincially stable and rent’s and apartment, s8nce he doe’snt he can’t plus he need’s to prove ur unfit he just tell’s you this because he want’s to scare you plus ur the one working two job’s get a court order to invict him out and get a protection order to protect ur baby,and ur self from him ,and change ur apartment key too go to the court house speak to. The attorney general but don’t wait to long, to do this plus he doing drug’s,drinking once the judge know’s all of the thing’s he’s doing to you now but he won’t get custody go talk to the Legal aid they will help you get a Lawyer but you have to have proof of everything he’s doing and if you have police report’s to back up ur story and have a recorder on that turn’s on automatically as well and have a witness with you like a friend or sister and Mom so they know everything that’s going on good Luck take care of ur self, the baby

You need to leave as soon as you can.

You still there ride that horse till it dies do u really want out if so prove that he does what you say he does when he is drinking and smoking video it so you have proof and if he take u to court there u go if you work two jobs just make sure u have help with the baby cuz ur doing this for him so he doesn’t have that type of influence in his life. U proven u can make it so go get out while u can

Yes very toxic I’m in the same boat trying to leave with 2 kids

Run. Manipulation at its best. Dcs will see you rpovide and do whats needed doesnt matter age. Leave girl leave now

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Yoooo this was how my ex slash children’s father was …exactly like that u need to leave ur relationship ain’t going no where… it only gets worse me and my ex were 8 years apart, and he thought that the Fact I was younger that he had the advantage to control everything I do… but I took my oldest with me when I left and I was pregnant at the time and got my own place and had my youngest a month later now I’m no longer with him and I have both my sons… and were doing great., just fine, without the loser, if I can leave that toxic relationship u can leave yours, it’s hard but u can do it ., best of luck woman

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Please leave. Not only do you deserve love, your child deserves to grow up watching their mother be loved. Growing up in a less than stable home causes all sorts of mental and emotional traumas. Don’t subject yourself or your child to that. Please leave

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You know the answer to this. Leave girl.

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Leave him where he’s at quickly. It’s only gonna get worse. My ex accused me of all kinds of lies. He just wanted to control me and treat me like shit. Now I’m pregnant with his Baby and I’m gone far away from him. He’s crazy and never gonna change. Good luck

Get him OUT now. He doesn’t have a leg to stand on in court and wouldn’t.anyway. He doesn’t want responsibility of a baby. You and your child deserve better.