Am I in the wrong for feeding my son margarine sandwiches?

Yeah he’s technically Judy eating toast lol nothing wrong with that. And like you said he’s still eating everything else… still getting what he needs too so screw what anyone says.

Tell your husband he can fix the meals if you’re not doing it good enough. See how fast he shuts his mouth

It is bad for his health. Too much will increase his cholrsterol level and predispose him to high blood pressure among other health problems.

Seems most moms agree on this :joy: let the boy have his butter sammich :roll_eyes: if hubby keeps freaking out about it maybe a compromise would work, get some whole grain with oats bread…perfectly acceptable food toasted…so why not :neutral_face: butter sammiches for the win :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:

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I ate mayonnaise sandwiches as a child. He’ll be fine :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s just butter toast that’s not toasted yet🤷🏼‍♀️ what’s the difference. At least he is eating. Id tell your husband if he would like to fight with y’all’s little one first thing in the morning to get him to eat something different then have at it but otherwise just let him be

they use to call it "Bread and Butter… switch to whipped butter it’s more natural…

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I used to eat butter and jelly sandwiches

It’s gross to me but we all have weird phases

It doesn’t sound appetizing but I’m sure he will grow out of it. If he eats it enough he’s gonna end up hating it lol

I’d switch to real butter. It’s toast not toasted. Kids go through phases of eating.

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Yes,margarine is the next thing to plastic…SCIENTIST proved it isn’t digested.
Butter yes maybe, it’s dairy …but NO to margarine


Tell ur husband if he thinks ur such a bad cook then he can make meals for the child to not eat anyways :woman_shrugging:t3:


Nothing beats a butter sandwich . NOTHING

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Probably would be better if you made it with butter rather than the margarine.

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Butter sandwiches are yummy! And anyone who says otherwise wasn’t raised right​:joy: we had a butter sandwich with every dinner growing up​:joy::woman_shrugging:

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Yeah would probably just switch to plain butter but other than that as long as there isn’t severe obesity involved I don’t see an issue lol

Give the child a chance to come into his own. My daughter would eat ‘frozen veggies’ with butter and yes they are cooked, lmao but their tastes will change as they grow up. Not to worry.

My daughter is exactly the same! Qt first I said no and then thought if she eats it then so be it. I buy butter tho not margerine

If it were just 2 pieces of buttered toast, no one would say ish


My 7 yo eats only a cheese sammich (that’s what he calls it) for lunch. No condiments, only cheese. Then I just pack the sides a bit healthier, a banana and yogurt or something of the like. :woman_shrugging: I figure as long as he’s eating it and it’s not coming home squished in the bottom of his backpack, it’s a win in my book!

I give my kids saltines with butter for snack :woman_shrugging: you do you boo boo

My son is autistic, he has issues with textures and very very picky. He has gotten a lot better as he’s gotten older (he’s 13 now) but when he was younger, if he wanted that I would have given it to him! As long as he’s eating something and it’s not pure sugar then I would have been fine with it, it can be soooo hard to feed a picky eater and he’s always been on the thin side because he’s also adhd and would run all over the place. My nephew was also super picky and lived on just cheese pizza for the looooongest time, only thing he would eat! He’s an adult now, smart as hell, an EMT, and just recently married and doing great. Oh and also eats a lot more than cheese pizzas now :joy: My point being, he will be fine and grow up fine and he’s fed. He will eventually grow out of his weird food phase.

Switch to butter if that is his preference for sandwiches. Margarine has no redemptive value and is more harmful than regular butter.


I don’t see the difference in buttered toast and buttered bread. We eat buttered bread with jambalaya. I’m South of the South so it’s the norm here.

Butter bread is good lol I ate it with spaghetti when I was younger!
Like other said kids eat weird things sometimes…my daughter likes jelly and cheese sandwiches :rofl::rofl::rofl:(yes I told her she was weird) but in our house we embrace being weird/unique!

That’s basically toast, nothing wrong …. Growing up I ate mayonnaise sandwiches and ketchup sandwiches :joy: my sister ate butter, not on bread but cut pieces off the stick and ate it! :joy::joy:

Margarine is pretty much plastic. It is so so u healthy for you. Cockroaches won’t even eat it. Use softened butter


Margarine is fake food no one should ever eat it should be illegal to sell. Switch to real butter then at least no harm done its natural


My kid just went through a mustard sandwich phase. Literally bread and mustard, now she’s added cheese as well but I can assure you it will go back to just mustard eventually haha.

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Is he eating? Is he healthy? Is his growth on target? Then choose your battles. And maybe tell him he can have the sammich if he chooses a veggies as a side. You’ve gotta get creative but also pick your battles.

But switch to a butter if you can. Even a butter that is a mix with oil. It’s gives fats that are better than the chemicals in margarine. :hugs:

I mean, your husband could start making his lunch if that makes him feel better :joy: you’re good momma :people_hugging:


There is so many bad chemicals everywhere and everything I doubt margarine is the worst thing to worry about. Be happy that hes eating and he likes what he’s eating and he eats other things too. He is just fine. And if someone else wants to judge and complain then they can come be the chef at your house for the kid.

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If he eats a piece of cheese on the side, this is literally no different than a grilled cheese sandwich.

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Pffft that’s completely fine. If he’s eating everything else in his lunch, who gives af?

My son is different but he’s got sensory issues and I just let him eat how he wants. He eats healthy but he’s got quirks and wants things made a certain way, and he’s only 2. Maybe use real butter or plant based margarine, but I don’t see what it’s hurting, it’s probably a phase, or something he will like long term. I still eat buttered saltines. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I say as long as he’s eating… your lucky most kids are pickier then that … butter and bread is not a bad thing just give him some fruit with it

We used to eat butter bread and put sugar on it. Yum.


Hang in there my son is very picky as well he wanted a cold lunch last week and doesn’t really do sandwiches either except butter and cheese can’t have crust either… at least he eats it all.

I dont think it’s a big deal. If he likes it even better. He’ll move on to something else when he doesn’t like it anymore

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i always say as long as my kids eat something i’m happy!

As long as he’s healthy, eating his other foods, not losing weight, etc- why fight the funk? My kid loves Nutella sandwiches with marshmallow fluff. They aren’t healthy, but he’s getting his healthy stuff from the rest of his food. :woman_shrugging:t3:

What I think is weird is him flipping out and yelling at you over something so small I’d hate to see him over something major.

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Does your husband eat toast? Its the same thing. :woman_shrugging:

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My daughter eats a mayo sandwich, literally only bread and Mayo :woman_shrugging:

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My daughter went through a bologna and grape jelly sandwich phase. She also once told the babysitter she was allergic to sandwiches except for pb&j and s’mores. Kids have weird food phases. He’ll grow out of it and move on to some other weird food. Hubby’s tend to just not get it and quite frankly if he isn’t making the lunch, screw him. :woman_shrugging:

My son used to eat only mustard sandwiches soooo :rofl::rofl: yours is just eating toast without it being toasted :sweat_smile: I eat buttered bread with all kinds of things lol

He is a kid… enough said. Life is too short to worry about something this trivial. (If he was ONLY eating that then I’d say you may have an issue going on but if he is getting all the nutrients and eating other things then who cares)


I don’t label food in my house as good or bad. Honestly if he is still eating healthier foods along with that I don’t see any point in creating a bad relationship with food.

Let him have his sammich! You’re doing just fine, mama!

Butter sandwiches have been a thing for a long time. Its not weird. Its an easy snack

My 4 year old nephew eats mayonnaise sandwiches :woman_shrugging:t3: and it’s not all the time and he loves fruits and veggies too so I don’t see an issue with it

I and my kids eat butter sandwiches . It be ok

Does anyone read the issue the child eats fruits and vegetables, let him have his sandwich and enjoy it​:+1::hugs::grin:

Lmao :joy: he’ll get over it. My son went a whole week eating corndogs. He’s still alive

What’s wrong with bread and butter? I know adults who eat that and it’s yummy! Also try having an 8yr old loving ketchup sandwiches! That’s gross, but according to him it’s a party in his mouth! :joy:


I can tell your hubs never ate a “struggle meal”.


My kiddo likes pepperoni sandwiches lol just bread and pepperoni

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Let him have it. It’s okay!!! I’ve had kids eat nothing but cheese slices. :joy:


Having him crave that amount of salt from the margarine to me , is odd. I would personally take my kiddo in for blood work to make sure something isn’t off that’s making him crave that.


Butter on bread is delicious… and has he not heard of toast?


He’s eating! You are very blessed.

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Do people not eat bread and butter anymore? Y’all weird!


My oldest (now 16) used to just eat a plain sandwich (no margarine or butter or anything) just 2 slices of plain bread :rofl: as long as he’s eating there’s no issues here! Your husband sounds like a snob :face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl:


Ask him what’s the difference between that and toast with butter…?

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If the only thing I can get my toddlers to eat that day is a cookie, I count it as a win. Some days are great and they eat everything in sight. Some days, not so much… you are doing fine. Let him enjoy his sammy

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Hell we all eat that over here lmao

So what pack little ham or turkey roll ups with his margerine sammy. And tell hubby to make lunches if he has an issuw

Fathers don’t understand the necessity of picking their battles with their children. Eating is better than not.


I would take him to the doctor and get him lab work. If he is eating that he could have some kind of vitamin deficiency and that is what he needs so he is craving it…

Margarine is bad sets up like plastic in your veins,pure butter is better…


Kids are weird! Let him have his margarine sandwich!!
Third grade… I was on a glue and cracker kick (MAYO not real glue!!) had em in my lunch. Teacher heard me say glue and crackers and made me call home. Not exactly sure why, bc my mom knew what the glue was lol.


You are very lucky he eats. My nephew is 9 and only eats baby food. the Dr said not to worry about it. The mom is happy if he tries something every day. His stomach tells him he wants to eat other stuff but his brain tells him it will make his sick. Count your blessings!

He’s clearly never had struggle meals lol this post makes me want to hit up the grocery store for their clearance bread just to have a super crusty awesome buttered bread sandwich.

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All of my kids went thru a butter bread phase! Now my grandson lol

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Make sure it’s the added calcium kind!

Kids will eat when they are hungry…

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My little boy is 5 and doesn’t like ham, cheese, tuna, tomatoes… anything you can put in a sandwich so he has bread and butter.
If that’s all he will eat then so be eat.
He also has crisps, a yogurt, custard, apple or banana, raisins etc In his lunch box ( not all at once )
He is particular and likes things a certain way.
Nothing wrong with that at all.

My mom makes butter and jelly sandwiches. Has all my life. My now 8 year old used to love eating her butter sandwich with her grandma. As long as other things are being eatin i don’t see an issue. If you feel there is something more, make an appointment with his doctor and see what could be done. You’re a good momma!!! Don’t worry!

I say pick and choose ur battles. The kid is eating which is more so important.


Well we all do toast and butter / bread and butter. No harm to eat. Ur husband need get a grip and let the kids be happy

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I love bread and butter!

Its just bread and butter so nope, his tastes will change

My kid is literally eating mustard sandwiches right now lol. Mustard and bread. I tackle this issue the same way as you, he’s eating everything else so who should care? He’s not nutrient deprived :slightly_smiling_face: you’re doing a good job

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Switch to real butter


I understand , just eating margarine on bread isn’t the best, but hopefully he is eating a better & more healthy breakfast & dinner

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My brother used to eat pickle and ketchup sandwiches. If he’s eating everything else no harm I see other than I would choose real butter margarine is :face_vomiting:

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let him have his samich. my son requested mustard sandwiches lol at that age … just mustard … so he got mustard samiches :wink: he moved on to other sandwiches after a bit

It’s just having bread and butter. As long as he is eating everything else give him what he wants.

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I have a picky kid and will literally give him whatever he wants as long as he’s eating SOMETHING. Of course we try to balance it, but I would be thankful he chose to eat it.

Leave it open face so it’s just butter with bread instead of a sandwich. It’s a psychological thing with dad that he can’t see past. Not really a big deal or worth fighting over.

If you want to make it healthier, switch to real butter. Voila! :pinched_fingers:

My kids love “better bread”

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All kids go through this phase im pretty sure. Mine did, I did and sometimes I still do lol

My grandmother baked bread often, and we had bread and butter every meal, home made bread, home churned butter

Just give it to him, it’s no worse than processed meat. You might check out some of the soft spreads that have olive oil, or go with real butter. But eating should be a pleasant thing for a child and not something to argue about.

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My 9 year eats what we call “butter bread”, essentially the same thing. He’s on the spectrum, so he has very limited things he will wat as it is. I say eat up. We buy a good brand of butter, Land O Lakes, which has three ingredients only.

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What’s the difference of that and toast with butter ? My granny packed my lunch for school one time n that’s what she made me a butter sandwich , I didnt like it . Lol.

We eat margarine or butter on toast, what is the difference?

I have two 8 yr olds (step brothers) and 1 of my boys is going through a peanut butter sandwich phase (bread and peanut butter) :woman_shrugging: he’s gone through this phase before. Last a few weeks usually. That boy is picky, my other not so much.

I would make a better choice on the bread and use butter instead of margarine.

If he likes them, then go for it! Nothing wrong with it! Tell your hubby to get over himself!!