Am I in the wrong for feeding my son margarine sandwiches?

Good food/bad food mentality makes for bad food relationships
It’s not as if hes drinking melted margarine with a straw 5 times a day, if anything prob your husband why it set him off

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I feel this, both my kids have asd and it is hard to find what they will eat. Not so bad now they are getting older, my daughter won’t even eat bread and my son when younger woild take anything I put in a sandwich out and just eat the bread and butter. I don’t really see the problem, as wouldn’t he still have marge on the sandwich if you was to make a ham or chease one? And like you said he eats everything else in his lunch box. Maybe have your husband prepare his lunch and see how he gets on fighting with your son over what to put in there if he thinks he can do better

Omg i read this as mandarin sandwiches… like mandarin oranges on bread :joy::joy::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


It’s basically toast
Leave him alone .
He’s fine.


My granddaughter sneaks bites out of the butter stick, he’d really hate that😂 tell him how lucky he is-the hubs

My daughter is 11 and she still has butter and bread as a sandwich. I would rather give my child something that she will eat than her not eat at all.

I used to eat WHOLE sticks of butter
when I was a toddler…:woman_shrugging:
(NOT margarine… that crap is
NOT food!)
He will be fine LOL

What’s the difference between this and a piece of toast?


As long as he eating what does it matter. I went through that with my kids and had to go through court case my youngest was under wait so I let him eat what ever he would eat

Feed your kid what they will eat. That’s what I’ve learned with my picky eater. There’s nothing wrong with butter and bread, my Mom would feed me that also. Usually with spaghetti or something but if that’s what he wants, give it to him! It’s better than junk food.

A fed baby is a happy baby momma :sparkles::heart:


I ate butter bread (with sugar) when I was growing up. Still do ONCE IN A WHILE. Won’t hurt him …just put small amount. We had real butter and still do. Is better!!

Nobody should eat margarine, it’s so unhealthy. Not to mention you need to start at a young age teaching your children how to eat healthy .

It’s literally bread with butter! Does your husband eat bread/rolls with butter!?!? Betcha he does. Also betcha he eats weird things that your child doesn’t like. Ya swear he’s eating poop on bread!! Tell your hubby he needs to learn to pick his fights and just because he doesn’t like something doesn’t make it wrong, which bread and butter is not wrong by any means!!

Ask your husband what the difference is between his sandwich vs. toast🙄 If anything, swap it out for real butter opposed to margarine, doubt he will even notice the difference.

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We used to sneak in the kitchen and eat mayonnaise sandwiches as kids! I don’t eat them now. Lol. It will all work out fine.

It’s no different than having bread and butter


No different than toast really…it’s just not toasted :woman_shrugging:t2: kid is growing and really if he’s so concerned talk to the dr

I wouldn’t overload it with margarine but if he eats it, :woman_shrugging:

My grown self still for through the toast and margarine/ butter stage. Usually lasts up to a week where I have it 3 times a day, my lil one will have it once a day and other foods.

Actually it’s quite normal I’d believe, my parents will have that with white bread and tea.

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Dad has issues. If son would only eat that id see his point. But hes just leaving ham or cheese out of it. And not got all the sugars of jam.
Maybe if he realised all the stuff he do eat hed be bit more oh ok.

My son use have sugar sandwiches. It wasnt loads sugar just a pinch. Enough to know it was there. Less sugars than jam. And a happy kid.

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let him eat it, no harm as he will likely change as he gets older. nothing wrong with this as long as he is eating other good foods.

That’s all my cousin ate as a toddler all the way until middle school

Kids go through weird phases when it comes to food. If he’s eating then I would leave it be. Give him other items that are nutritional and make sure he eats something good for dinner. I’d rather know my kid at least ate something than worrying if he’s in class hungry. My son goes through phases where all he wants is peanut butter toast and I catch flack for it from time to time from school staff but I tell them the same thing I just told you and they typically leave me alone

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My brother used to drink a1 sauce straight from the bottle. Let him eat what he wants.

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Have him chase Dad round the house with his scary/gross sammich😂

If hes eating then its fine. Not ideal but as a mom with a picky kid. Eating is better than nothing and as long as he eats other things too hes fine


Our youngest daughter would eat ketchup on bread/ crackers for 18 months. Pediatrician said it was something she felt her body needed she ate fruits and nuts but breakfast, lunch, and dinner she had to have her ketchup on a bread item. She’s 22 now and in great health he’ll be fine.

Growing up we used to go nuts over mayo sandwiches :woman_shrugging:t2: the kids growing. As long as hes eating well otherwise, I see no problem. Wait til he becomes a teenager. Teenagers eat the weirdest things and everything in sight for that matter lol

When I was a kid, I would eat just bread. My Daddy would joke and call it a “wish sammich” lol. Anyways I’m 30 now and those bread sandwiches didn’t hurt me a bit. :joy:
As long as they’re eating. That’s all that matters. Tell Dad to do it, if he thinks he can do better. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Just some info … margarine is only 1 ingredient shy of becoming plastic.
I switched to real butter many years ago when I learned this.

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My kids eat that, usually at night before bed as a snack, but let him ride this out. As long as that’s not the only thing in his lunch box I see no harm.


I say as long as they are eating something who cares!!!

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Give him whatever he wants to eat. Some parents have trouble getting their kids to eat different foods because their taste buds change as they get older. I used to eat mustard and bread when I was little. It’s not weird just different according to what your taste buds like at the time.

So he eats butter bread I do that it’s not the best but so yummy it’s like toast just not heating up the bread nothing wrong with it just avoid snack not very healthy of course but soooooo good I once put butter on like all the pieces of bread and like half a loaf of bread I had left and carried it to my friends and just ate it it was so good

It’s no different than toast and all that other bread & butter stuff. If he likes it, he likes it. It’s not like he’s only eating that; as you said he eats EVERYTHING else. I think your husband needs to chill out a little. If he can’t, have him deal with your child in the mornings.

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Margaine is butter flavored lard. Lard was created to fatten turkeys but they wouldn’t eat it so they flavored it with butter taste and sell it to the public. Even fire ants won’t eat it!! So if I were you I’d change to good old butter, it’s much better, and safer for kids.

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My son would only eat ketchup sandwiches when he was little now he eats almost everything

My doctor said it’s normal and what’s the alternative? Forcing them to eat or starving them? Nope!!! Support your son as you have been mama, doing a great job! It’s just food! :purple_heart::black_heart:


They all go thru phases. Not a big deal.

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I think this is totally normal and dad needs to CALM DOWN HE IS GETTING TO LOUD LOL seriously my daughter is 10 and has ate plain mayonnaise sammiches since she was like 4 its her favorite thing weird but ok she is eating that’s what matters my girl is a picky eater she is a lot like me in that aspect she doesn’t like meat really red meat only that’s the only meat she will eat hamburger or steak that’s it so I think as long as he is eating gaining weight and is healthy let him be lol and tell dad to calm his self down the child isn’t being hurt and it’s what he likes what if we took something away from dad that he likes just because we don’t like it lol probably wouldn’t work to well he needs to let him grow and be his own self

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I ate ketchup and mustard sandwiches for years as a kid. Weird but I survived. Lol


Butter bread is yummy


Atleast he’s eating :person_shrugging: mine barley touched anything :sob::sob::sob::sob:

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Bread & butter was one of the only “snacks” we could have as a child. Don’t feel bad about it. As long as he has other healthy things in his diet (which you Said he does) he will be fine! Keep being a kickass momma! :heart:


I’m 71 and still eat weird things nothing wrong just eating bread and Marge sandwiches .he eats other things so tell hubby to chill out he will be fine xx

Don’t fight it… it’s a phase. No big deal! If possible replace the margarine for real butter or almond butter… But don’t sweat it


I’m with you momma of he’s eating it its better than starving…he will grow out of it

Haha, I’m laughing because my 4 year old grandson asks me for mustard sandwiches, and I make them on 100 percent whole wheat bread, I figure at least he’s eating two pieces of whole wheat bread !? I would switch from the margarine to real butter though if I were you and make sure it’s on some good bread. Now he’s been asking for ketchup sandwiches


Most kids go thru funny/picky eating phases…as long as he’s healthy, eating fruits & veggies I’m sure he’ll be ok :+1:. I remember my eldest only wanting chicken noodle soup for about 2wks solid. He was only 2…he asked for it every meal. Lol. Thank goodness he grew out of it

Can you swap out the margarine for Brummell and Brown? A touch healthier, anyway

If the doc says he’s healthy and growing well, who cares! My son is on a ridiculous PB&J kick :roll_eyes: he wants them for EVERY meal!!!


No big deal…he is eating! Thats a win! Kids have quirks…I am sure dad wats foods that are zero nutrients…give the boy a week he will like something else…you got this!

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Kids go thru weird phases, this too will pass. But like others have said, I personally would switch to real butter.

One of my brothers, I have 5, was a very picky eater. He’d eat mustard sandwiches, catcup sandwiches & butter sandwiches. Dr told mom not worry at least he was eating. He grew out of it. You’re doing fine.

My sister used to eat miracle whip sandwiches

I’ve seen this post somewhere before…

Butter bread is amazing. As long as he is eating everything else and is healthy then no big deal. And I eat miracle whip sandwiches still. :rofl::rofl:


Um, it’s a little strange… I mean, I wouldn’t feed my child straight up butter. Maybe make it with lunch meat lmao. I dunno. I wouldn’t do that though, just me.

My cousin when young used to literally eat margarine in scoops with her hand :nauseated_face: but now she’s an adult and is a vegan and eats completely different. It’s just a faze all kids have them

Sometimes you have to choose your battles, especially with kids. It’s not hurting him & it’s not all he eats. Next week it will be something different.

Hes eating…let him be. This will pass soon enough lol


thats nothing my oldest when lil would eat raw ht dogs granted she ate other things but she mainly wanted uncooked ht dogs my middle when lil use to eat sticks of butter my youngest just plain had n has still weird eating habits and they were all healthy i even talked to their Dr. about it he said as long as they eat other healthy things let them be they will out grow it n the girls did but my son still eats weird things n growing up we use to get butter sandwiches sometimes with a lil sugar sprinkled on them

If he is eating everything else in his lunch then nothing at all wrong with that. His body may be needing something in the margarine. The pediatrician told me 2 things parents can’t control. 1 what they are willing to swallow (eating) and 2 when and where they go potty. Your son will be fine. Your husband yelling and being mad about it is what will cause a problem. Best wishes


My oldest is 8, and he likes it with cheese on it or ham… he doesn’t like sandwiches unless it’s butter or ranch :woozy_face::rofl::rofl: but he’s eating so I take it and go with it!

I used to eat mustard sandwiches. :heart:


my 3rd daughter went through a stage of eating tomato sauce sandwiches for lunch

No different that toast with margarine I don’t see a problem with this


Maybe switch to butter. Margarine isn’t good, it’s oil, so maybe throw in a little dairy by making it with butter instead. They go through phases. He will be fine.

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Margarine is one step from plastic is not healthy at all.

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Ask your hubby…who hurt you over a sandwich when you were little? And life goes on…


My gramma use to make me lettuce and butter sandwiches lol it’s a little weird but at least your kids eating?


Yeah, I wouldn’t let him

My 7 year old only wanted a mayonnaise sandwich and I let her have it then she grew out of it and now she only wants peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I say just keep feeding him what he wants it’s just a phase and it will pass. And If I would let her then she would eat butter by the spoon fulls.


Margarine is so bad for you. At least switch to butter…


My 3 year old ate nothing but blueberries and cheese sammies for 2 solid months …I mean just like eating bread with butter …not everything your kid is going to eat is going to be healthy as long as he is eating I wouldnt worry


Stop buying that stuff.My son researched it and 1 more ingrediant and you’d be eating the plastic real butter.taste better too

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Margarine has too many chemicals in it. Clogs arties too… Butter is far better for you. My Dr. Told us to stop using it years ago

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It’s pretty much toast


Nah. One of my nephews ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every single day all through elementary school…

I used to eat mayo sandwiches when I was kid.

Margarine is just a few molecular compounds away from plastic… research. Not a good idea or healthy

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My daughter eats ketchup sandwiches.

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The only issue I see here is your husband starting to yell at you because of the food items your child is eating, that’s a horrible thing to do to your partner and your child (yelling and showing that’s how people show their displeasure) on top of potentially causing him to have issues with food which opens the door to several different kinds of eating disorders.
If the small snack means your child is eating everything else then there really isn’t an issue with it unless he has health issues where that specific food would cause upset.
People often butter their bread at restaurants… what’s the difference?


Toast it and then it’s just toast and no one will say anything :laughing::laughing:

I remember very frequently having bread and butter with our dinners. Give me a loaf of warm French bread and butter and it’ll be gone. Although I have switched to Kerry Gold butter now that I’m older. Kids go through weird stages. It’s not gonna kill him. If hubby doesn’t like you making them let your child make them himself and see if dad freaks out on him. In the larger picture it’s really nothing.


I don’t see a problem with it :woman_shrugging:t4:

Maybe switch to real butter

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I wonder if he’s ever struggled for money because that was a common side dish in most poor households I know of

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Let’s be honest I’d do the same as you and my husband would likely react the same as yours. It is what it is!

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Yes. I think it’s wrong. I get the whole picky eater thing. I have one. But you’ve gotta find something else. Margarine is very unhealthy for humans. I would not be OK with this as a parent either. I’m on hubs side on this one. Sorry mama.

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As long as he’s not eating several at a time and only those there’s nothing wrong with eating them at least he eats everything else as well

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I went thru phases where I would only eat cheese whiz sandwiches. It’s only a phase. If he eats everything else in his lunch, then a margarine sandwich is fine


Have your husband pack his lunch :woman_shrugging: only thing I would do differently is make it with butter instead of margarine.


Bugs won’t even eat margarine


Yup arguing first thing in the morning ruins a child and tell the dad not to worry about it hell be onto the next thing in a week.

Soften real butter and use that. Much healthier than margarine


If he likes it then let him eat it

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Would he have freaked out at him having buttered toast with his breakfast? It’s literally the exact same thing :woman_facepalming:


My kid wants plain noodles instead of spaghetti I beg her to put a little sauce in it just a bit bc it drives me crazy thinking about basically feeding her nothing when we have that for dinner but she eats fruits and other healthy stuff she even prefers what I call old ppl cereals :sweat_smile: and when they were toddlers and decided to boycott veggies their dr said they will get their vitamins the same from fruit just make sure to make up for the fiber they would normally get from veggies and not worry too much so I don’t. She eats plenty of other protein loves pb and plenty of fruits and yogurts and stuff to make up for all the plain noodles or Mac n cheese she eats bc she will also go on Mac n cheese kicks if it’s one meal and a phase let it pass

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