I guess it depends on what everything else is? And possibly whether health issues run on your side or his?
If everything else includes fruit/veg and protien…then I don’t see too big of an issue. But if the rest of it is snacky foods, then I could see why he would possibly have an issue.
The other thing like I mentioned is if health issues like high blood sugar or high cholesterol run on either side, then these kinds of eating habits could set him up for issues in the future.
That’s like going through a toast phase plus he’s eating other stuff. It’s a phase he is fine.
My son loves lettuce and mayo sandwiches, I used to be embarrassed about it but he loves them
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Butter on bread with cinnamon and sugar mixed together is good
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It’s just like a kid wanting toast 
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Your husband is correct. Ask your pediatrician if they recommend margarine sandwiches to anyone especially a child.
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I mean as long as he has something to eat i wouldn’t think its a big deal. My kid goes through phases like this
If your boy eats it then leave the boy be. I have a fussy little (autistic) lady and I send her into school with what she eats most times it is the same as yourself bread and butter. Lol she now tries school dinners, most days she comes back ravenous so ends up eating loads when home x
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I would say butter is better than margarine… would you let him eat a couple tablespoons of oil? If not, margarine is probably not the way to go… maybe try making margarine and apple sandwiches if he insists on margarine sandwiches, by adding thinly sliced apples on the sandwich
Nothing wrong with just change it to real butter and maybe don’t laugh about if it’s upsetting to your husband
Thats what children do, go through phases. I wouldn’t be too concerned. If the other food is fruit, yogurt and food of good nutritional value, then who cares?
My son done this or went thro just bread so he cud have crisps sandwich use to get a call from the school to say if o was struggling they cud help out but it was just a fase he went through xxx
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Uh my stepdad thought it was ok for my son to eat corn dogs constantly. You teach your child good eating habits. If keep giving child food like this it’s has a lot of oil in it. You keep allowing that your going have a child with heart problems
. Would you set an eat it ? Parents need to remember your teaching your child to eat junk. It’s really not hard to say no! It’s not that hard to actually make food.
Margarine is an artery clogger just saying
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If he’s eating everything else too I don’t see it as a big issue. Does your husband ever eat a roll and butter with his dinner……same thing!
I used to eat that as a kid; and still like them now. Sometimes theres nothing better. Let him have it. Especially if hes eating other things.
I would ditch the margarine and go with real butter. Margarine is crap
Use butter. It’s healthier.
I wouldn’t worry either as he does eat other foods too and is probably pretty balanced diet for that age. We had a daughter that ate pretty well but just did not care for a few items. I sadly fussed with her over tomatoes as she did eat catsup—BUT you know what—at 67 years she still won’t eat tomatoes but still eats other foods and is healthy.! So I wouldn’t worry over making mayo sandwiches, he will probably add other things as his taste buds change!
Then give the same thing to hubby except toast the bread. Hmmmm not much different
Let him have his sandwich lol! I would switch to butter though personally as margarine is really bad for you lol but I mean as long as hes got other healthy stuff in his lunchbox what does it matter?!? It all mixes together in the stomach anyway! What does it matter if it’s all complied together on a sandwich or presented separately? Lol
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Knew a little boy who ate peanut butter on everything! He grew up just as healthy as everyone! Let him eat what he wants! Add vitamins to his daily diet! B
Girl if my kids could eat bread and butter nonstop they would lol
(we go through bread like crazy.) and we call margine (however ya spell it butter) but also have real butter which is called moms butter in my house lmao
My daughter use to love tacos and now she won’t even touch it. Kids goes through changes especially with food. I’m sure he will grow out of it. If you make madrine sandwiches give him a side of fruit or something healthy to balance it so he gets a variety at meal time. But no ur not wrong.
One of my kids lived on weetbix and 2 min noodles forever lol and now he eats anything and everything.It’s just a phase I wouldn’t get too worried about it
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Besides my daughter now doesn’t eat bread for some reason she just doesn’t like it. If I make her a burger she will eat the inside and leave the bread alone
least yours eats bread
All these comments about how bad it is like they don’t eat crap food sometimes too. Let him have his sandwich it’s a faze, when i was a kid I used to sneak to the fridge and eat the margarine, now I can stand it, my kid is on a kick right now for plain bread. If your worried add a some vitamins and remind him while it may not be the healthiest he’s eating other foods too and could be stuck on something else that could be far worse for his health than some margarine, and if he still fussed make it toast!
My babysitter used to spread butter on bread as an after school snack for my sister and I. We both loved it. Also, my grandmother would cook fresh tortillas and give it to us with butter on it too. There is nothing wrong with it. I hope your husband will come around. Also, try switching it to real butter.
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Does your husband eat toast with butter in the morning? Same thing.
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I’ve had similar issues with my ex husband. My two girls are insanely picky eaters; they unfortunately, get it rather naturally from me. I actually have wondered if I (and them) have actual sensory issues, because certain things (an unexpected texture, or flavor/quality will literally make me/them sick). So I do the best I freakin can. They don’t have the very best diets, but dammit, I vary it as much as I can, and I see to it that they eat something. SOMETHING, is better than NOTHING. Cause if you plop something down in front of them that they aren’t comfortable eating, they’re NOT going to. They’ll starve instead (and therefore be cranky and miserable and angry). We’ve progressed to where I can usually at least get them to TRY a thing. If they’ll at least try it I’m happy with it. I’m not gonna force stuff on them and make them have a complex about it (like I do), but I do still encourage them as much as I can to not stay on the same things.
In Brazil, we usually would eat bread and margarine for breakfast. Everyday. We change it up sometimes and add cheese and ham. I don’t think it’s a horrible thing if he is eating his veggies and fruit. Just make sure he also eats protein, cause he needs it too. 
No my son asks for a sandwich he wants either butter in between the bread or just Mayo…no meat…cheese… lettuce…nothing but butter or Mayo…no crust and usually 2 of them…he is 11 my other son like Mayo and tomato juices on his sandwich but not the actual tomato haha so when we do have tomatoes I usually just flop his mayo bread on the cutting board ontop of the juices from cutting the tomato…my oldest sounds like your son he is very picky and won’t eat alot of things and so he I let him eat things he does like…of course not candy or something not good as a meal but I let him eat it how he wants it because at least he is eating and he is willing to try knew foods …just not alot …the other night I made steak teriyaki with onion and peppers over rice he tried it said he wanted a bowl but without the onion and peppers( which I already split my teriyaki steak in half and set aside some done without onion and peppers due to my other kids so bam…that was already done) but my son is willing to try things and is learning he likes other things but his go to snack is butter or Mayo on bread…I don’t see anything wrong with it…can’t be that bad since people eat buttered toast for breakfast or Mayo on sandwiches as is…if he is missing any real vitamins and minerals due to his lack of variety in his his diet get a multivitamin for him to take daily they have several different kinds that way his body still has the needed vitamins and minerals it needs and he isn’t struggling to get food he isn’t interested in down and it becoming an argument in the home to eat…I hated being forced to eat whatever was put on my plate…so I don’t make my kids…I offer for them to try and know there tastes so Iv been able to find things that I think they would like…they love lots of fruits and veggies and meats are the only thing we struggle with and I know that so I give them a small portion and they have to eat at least half but meats are the only thing and it’s getting better as I cook different meats different and learning how they like it as far as texture and seasoning…but no girl nothing wrong with what your doing…most people eat toast and butter for breakfast…hell restaurants give it to you on the side of most meals…so it can’t be that bad…letter eat
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Yep it’s ok but please swap it out for butter. I eat butter sandwiches once a week or so. I like the taste of the bread
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My daughter eats mayo sandwiches
Like not warmed up
No cheese no ham nothing
Just bread and mayo
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My son was on a week long bender of refusing to eat anything but mini Reese’s cups… i gave in eventually and he got bored of it. 
I’m sure a sammich is fine. Real butter is better for him if ya wanna try that to appease your husband lol
My son used to eat mustard sandwiches.i used to eat salad dressing sand wiches and my younger daughter.liked salad dressing sandwiches too.we are all healthy
I say I don’t care what my kids eat as long as they eat. My son who’s 3 gravitate towards pretty healthy food but if he only wants toast for 3 days then he’s gonna get toast for 3 days
they grow out of it eventually
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At least he is eating try jam on them see if he likes that
Switch it to butter. Every one eats toast and butter, just his is not toasted. If he’s eating everything else this should not be a problem. Pick your battles. As a kid we ate toast, butter, sugar and cinnamon.
Nothing wrong with that.
Kids are picky
Swap for butter. Set margarine outside in the warm and even bugs won’t
Eat it.
So many comments!!
I would just say, hey… He’s eating something. That’s all that matters sometimes .
If your son eats a piece of cheese with his margarine sandwich you could easily call it a deconstructed pre-grilled cheese sandwich. My daughter eats her sandwiches completely deconstructed. Mayo only on the bread and all meat, cheese, and lettuce rolled up next to it.
He’s not so weird…early on in my restaurant career I learned kids LOVE butter….serve rolls and the kiddos grab the cup of butter!!! It’s fine!!!
My only suggestion is why are any of you eating that it contains plastic and many other components that are extremely harmful to you. Please do your whole family a favor a buy butter
and then it may not be so terrible for a butter Sammie. Happy parenting 
I grew up eating butter or margarine sandwiches… as long as you are getting healthy stuff too, not a big deal. Hopefully those are the biggest “problems” you have to deal with.
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My twinnies are in year 2 and quite often have margarine sandwiches!- In kindy I sent a note to their teacher tho telling her it’s what they wanted and I wasn’t crazy and had just forgotten the rest of the filling and she said there’s lots of kids that have it!
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Isn’t that I toasted toast. Sometimes as long as they eat. Let them eat.
I wouldn’t care as long as they are eating something!! My 2 we boys are going through this stage at the minute where they only want butter on their sandwiches which is totally fine with me their eating something!! He eats his fruits and veg so honestly i wouldn’t let it annoy you, is dad around 24/7 with you and the kids?xx
Mine goes through phases like this. She is 4 and is not a huge meat eater. Loves fruits and vegetables as well and does eat meat sometimes depending on her mood lol. She is extremely healthy, very solid with not a bit of fat on her. Until she is not happy and healthy I’m not going to stress over it. She eats a big variety of foods and even likes things that I would consider different for a child her age like avocado and hummus. I think if he is on point with everything health wise I would not stress.
If he is eating other healthy things it’s no different than having unhealthy snacks once in awhile.
I downed marg amd crackers / bread growing up like starting age 6.
I legit had cellulite on my legs before 12.
My parents should have not encouraged that. I didn’t even know it was mad for me. I was a kid.
As long as he eats fruit, vegetables and has a source of protein, it’s fine.
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Pick and choose your battles
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Don’t worry about it unless it’s all he’ll eat. It’s no different than eating it on toast for goodness sake
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We grew up having bread and butter as a side for dinner at my grandparents house. If he’s eating everything else, then what’s the problem?
I keep forgetting margarine is like butter and not marmalade. But still. My kids eat margarine sandwiches. No biggie.
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My 12 year old only eats poptarts and mashed potatoes
Mine did that for a while. Only wanted butter sandwiches.
Switch up to a bread with added fibre, vitamins & minerals - or even whole grain if you can - and instead of margarine, use actual butter. It’s sooo much healthier than margarine, nobody needs that kind of chemical experiment. I don’t know where you’re from but here’s a comparison between margarine & butter ingredients in Australia…. I know which I’d prefer!
Bread and butter, even in sandwich form, isn’t that bad. I used to eat them myself.
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Mine eats mayo out of the container when I’m not looking. Not weird at all. Everyone has things they like or don’t like. I would just make sure it’s not making his cholesterol high. Other than that🤷♀️ let the boy eat lol.
a bit of bread and butter alongside the rest of his food is fine! I remember my kids picking out the filling to their sandwiches and eating it all separately basically the same thing? 
My daughter 8 has them for school
id rather her eat than not
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I thought I had a problem with one of my boys wouldn’t eat anything but peanut butter sandwich the Dr said don’t worry if they get hungry they will eat other things as long as they are eating
I’d switch to butter. It’s a healthier choice. He’s eating other healthy things so he’ll be fine
Let that boy eat em lol.I’m 37 and still do this.I dont see anything wrong with it bc he’s getting something in his belly
Atleast he’s eating his fruit and veggies! I would be totally fine with his sandwiches choice tbf
Yes, make it butter instead.
Well, considering margarine is one molecule away from being considered a plastic. Butter would be better, it’s a healthy fat compared to food additives, chemicals, and fake flavoring that causes cancer
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Margarine is bad
Use butter instead
Butter is healthier than margarine.
Would your husband care if it was 2 pieces of buttered toast? Same thing without it being toasted. I have a picky 8yr old and he’s healthy so I don’t care that he eats pb&j every day 
My kid will not eat if I pack him something other than what he wants mostly peanut butter or margarine only
He’s eating and not going hungry
What’s the difference between having just margarine and margarine with some jam

Atleast he’s eating fruits and veggies. My daughter went through a stage of sticking her finger in the butter and eating it. She’s now 10 and eats almost everything. She’ll now try anything anyway. Btw… make him a butter sandwich with Ravioli. Not healthy bit it’s delicious 
I would do butter- but other than that let him eat
Not if he’s eating other things… it’s like eating butter toast. But I agree at least do butter, not margarine
I eat it with real butter. Land of lakes with canola is awesome
I would use butter (but what is the difference between a buttered roll or buttered bread?) Almost everyone eats a roll and butter.
Butter sandwiches were my favorite when I was little. I grew up and survived.
Nothing wrong with margarine San my grandson eats tomato sauce on sand not for his school lunch but at home leave him be as long as he is eating his fruit and vegies he’s fine
Butter is better than margarine.
If its a healthy margarine " then nothing wrong with that & besides that kids that add jam are getting too much sugar & Vegemite too much salt & soil that what makes child happy just do it " better than nothing at all , 
Kid wants butter give him butter hahahha tell hubby it’s better then him not eating 
That used to be one of my favorites when I was little
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The phrase choose your battles comes to mind. Honestly I feel like you are right by not making a big deal out of it especially if the kid is still eating lots of veggies and fruit and stuff. It’s a phase and it will pass like everything else. You’re husband needs to just get over it… and he too needs to choose his battles. This just doesn’t seem like a legit one.
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I agree with most of the other comments, let him be, but use butter not margarine
I use the spreadable butter (butter mixed with oil) because it doesn’t tear the bread, I make homemade muffins and quick breads but most kids love bread and sandwiches anyway.
I’m guilty of making pb&j or a Nutella sandwich if our kids don’t like what I made for dinner…at least their eating something.
Most kids don’t eat 3 perfectly balanced meals a day, so I give ours a multivitamin and focus on what they will eat, not forced, just offered.
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Like every phase, he will grow out of it! I wouldn’t worry! He eats everything else!
My kid eats plain bread in her lunch. It’s her preference and as long as her tummy is full I don’t mind
My daughter does this at times. My kids alot like tomato sauce sandwiches. They r eating so who cares
I dont see anything wrong with eating bread and butter/margarine sandwiches. I do when I’m not sure what I want to eat.
My kid had butter sammies daily … all he will eat
Eating goes in phases for most…he will outgrow it…if he eats too much…weight gain is possible. Criticism generally causes more issues than not.
If you used butter instead of margarine I think it would be a little healthier. But I get it. I love buttered bread with my spaghetti, definitely could eat it as a sandwich too.
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My girlfriends son would only eat mini hotdogs. He ate them for breakfast lunch and dinner and refused anything else.
My friend took him to the doctor in week 2 and told them what was happening and the doctor laughed and told her to keep giving them to him for as long as he likes because that won’t last forever. Just over 4 weeks it took him to say ‘Um I’ll have some toast for breakfast today’ and he hasn’t touched a hot dog since 
He was 4 then, he is 17 now.
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