Am I in the wrong for not allowing my stepdaughter to have boys over?

Would you judge your biological children on how many partners they have the same way you are judging her? :thinking: probably not. It’s your house so your rules are valid but the disdain you have for her and her actions is palpable through an anonymous post so :woman_shrugging:
you really tried to say having sex with random people is “her hobby” which is gross to say as a parent. You have the right to say no to boys coming over but you should really check yourself about how you speak about her

She need to get her on place it’s not right with her kids so young

100% think that if it were a different scenario, If she had someone she was actually seeing consistently, that it would be a different story. But as much as it is her body and her right to choose how many partners she wants to be with, it’s your right to choose to not have that in your house :woman_shrugging:


I completely understand what your saying, I wouldn’t want random people coming in my home certainly around younger children, god knows who these people are, but a stable relationship that would be completely different. I understand she is old enough to get her own place but my days isn’t that so expensive now? If she is paying rent to you then she has every right to what happens in her own room. Aslong as the kids wasn’t around yanoe? Or atleast asleep. Please forgive me but I would never speak so Ill of my children how awful of you. My god if my mother spoke of me in that manner I wouldn’t talk to her again. Have you never thought to sit her down and ask her why she is doing these things? If it is as bad as you are saying I would be generally very very worried for my child.


Your house your rules true.
U did “slut shame” her to strangers on the internet and that’s sad.

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The way you speak of her is unsettling to say the least. On the other hand, no casual hook ups seems reasonable. As a mother myself of daughters I find your attitude towards your stepdaughter unloving.


A long term boyfriend maybe but bringing lads home for a shag at 20year old I wouldn’t be happy with! I moved out at 17. X

All I have to say is your house your rules that is exactly what I was told good luck :+1:


When I read the first part I was like, she is over 18 but then when I kept reading um, from mother to mother I agree with you. Heck no!

Well you are shaming. Bc you don’t like her having sex with someone who isn’t her boyfriend. But tbh, it’s her body and she is over 18.
If you don’t want boys over the rules are plain and simple. Your house. Your rules. If she doesn’t like them she could move out and get a place of her own or with friends.
Short answer-
Wrong - no… wrong reasons…. Yes.

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Even being out of the house and have a whole family i was not alowed to have my partner stay the night u less i was married. i dont see the problem

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She should either get a job so that she can afford to pay for a hotel, or get a job so she can have her own place to bring people over. I can understand if it was one person that she’s been with for a while and it’s serious and you guys are familiar and comfortable with him, but in her case absolutely not.


With how much shit costs rn I see why she hasn’t moved out. I’d allow it because it’s her body and I’d rather her be doing that at home vs at some random man’s house. But it is your house so your rules but when she stops coming home don’t be surprised.

I agree with you on your house, your rules. I however don’t agree with the judgment you are showing even though you say you don’t judge. Words matter and by comparing her numbers of partners to a “football team” and suggesting that absolutely none of them have any motivation or drive and basically belitting her choices in partners is in fact judging. If she wants to be an adult and make her own choices as to who she can bring home then she should obtain a residence that allows her to have that option (which obviously and understably isn’t yours). Even some room rentals and roommates don’t allow for people to dwell overnight, AND you have younger children which could put them at risk. That is understandable on your part. I would only suggest being less judgemental.


You really don’t know who you are letting sleep over in your home, unless it’s a long term relationship, I would worry, I’d be uncomfortable with other siblings in the home.


It is your home. However, I allowed my daughter to have boys over when she turned 16–however they didn’t live here.


Nope no randoms in my house :woman_shrugging:t3: I don’t know these men and I have young children to keep safe. It’s not shaming her choices imo

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U Are Absolutely Correct for what you’re Saying & Doing. Especially, with Other, Younger kids living There Too.
Definitely Wouldn’t be a Good example for Children watching and being influenced. Good Parenting to U.


Your house your rules!


Your house your rules doesn’t matter how old she is if she doesn’t like it she needs to het her own place simple as that.

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I also moved back when I was older and my mum refused to let me come home at 3am pissed with men ect… I had to book a cheap hotel in town if I wanted to do that so that’s an option x

I would explain that she can’t guarantee any of these men won’t harm the children in the home.

Until she can come to you with a man who has proven he is trustworthy I wouldn’t even consider it.


In todays world, I would not want random men in & out of my home around ANY of my children especially littles…. Maybe if she had a serious boyfriend? That had been in the picture for at least a few months, sure. But not random boys in and out.

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She isn’t grown if she’s still living in your home. My 19 yr old niece lived with me for half a year to build money up to get a place. No bf staying over. I also have small children to be concerned about as well. I understand your concern.

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“I’m not shaming her” proceeds to shame their STEP DAUGHTER


Your home doesn’t not have to be her place to play.


No. Your house your rules. I was 34 when I left my exhusband and went to stay with my parents. Part of that was an understanding (rule) that I wouldn’t date anyone while legally married, and no man stayed the night in their house. Period. I respected that because it was their home

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There’s nothing wrong with shame, if more people owned theirs than they wouldn’t be repeating the same rut over and over.

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This post was funny :smile: “is enough to build a football team” :joy: I agree with her. Her house, her rules. Especially if she has younger kids in the house. If she wants dick, she go to somebody else’s house and get it.

Your house. Your rules… But let’s be honest, you are judgy :woman_shrugging:t2: Half the things you stated didn’t really need to be.


If it’s a steady partner chat about it and set ground rules for it other than that your house your rules

she’s 20 years old. her sexual partners are her business. not yours. it’s weird that you care. just my opinion on that part. & it’s 100% slut shaming. again, weird.

I get not wanting her siblings around potentially sexual situations. unless she’s paying rent, I suppose it’s your rules or she can move out. if it’s that big of a deal to her.

but I do think you’re being judgmental.

Does your husband know how much of a pos you are? Slut shaming his daughter. Don’t be surprised if when she does get her own place she drops you guys like a hot potato.

Seems like you’re jealous that your step daughter can get any anytime she wants and you had to settle with the one guy that would actually touch you because no decent man would touch you with a 9 foot pole. I wouldn’t be surprised if your husband has been drinking since the day he met your sorry judgemental ass.

Why not tell her when once she has a bf for like 6 months straight the same guy that maybe you will consider her being allowed to have him stay over once and awhile but since none of her relationships are serious you don’t want ever Tom dick and Harry wondering around the house especially Infront of the younger kids that are there. That is not a good example for them.

Your house, your rules. Simple as that. She doesn’t like it, like you said she’s old enough to move out.


I am appaled that she even asks or expects too! Is her dad there? Time for her to get her on apartment. Geez

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Simple your house your rules… unless of course she pays all the bills!!

I agree with you. Your house your rules. She needs to get some respect for her self.

I think your right. If she wants different arrangement, she can move out. This would not be good for younger children either. Your not running motel.


Sounds like shaming her to me. I do agree with your house your rules but also believe you should change your whole don’t wanna shame her narrative cuz u went online and just did… so…


You’re not wrong no. But you could of left the explanation with point 1 and that she has little siblings and not a steady boyfriend. The rest was very unnecessary and if I were your step daughter I’d be very hurt that you put this on a random Facebook group. You very well slut shamed her in point 3. And calling it a hobby :flushed::grimacing:

I got two things to say here well maybe. Few more but hear me out
Yes it’s your home you have rules and set boundaries GOoD for You
Stick to it , if she wants to have guys coming and going then cool she can get her own place and maybe support her doing that
And two
Good for you sticking up for your other young daughter as well
But mammmmmmmmmm
Telling us all about how many partners she had and joking about it and referring her body count as a football team is definitely being judgemental.
Good luck :smiley:


On one hand you are slut shaming…shes still young be worried if she is being SAFE…on the other hand I get it your house your rules and I dont see anything wrong with you telling her no boys

I think you should let her be a adult. Yeah, tell her she should save up money to get a place of her own but don’t let her stop living. Who cares if she has sex with 20 guys a week, it’s what she likes doing. If she’s being safe about it then let her do her! Sex isn’t a bad thing at all if done safely. If you don’t want the guys she brings over around the kids then tell her they have to stay in her room only and can’t come out of her room until the kids are in bed or gone.

Your house your rules. I wouldn’t allow a boyfriend to stay over.

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Your house. You get to decide the rules.

Your house your rules. IF she were mature she would be able to respect that !! Young people who have NO ambition
Can’t provide a roof over their own heads think they ARE ADULTS just because they can have sex …I think it’s pathetic.
Not one concern about an innocent child being born into a total dysfunctional family.

Oooook it’s yal house yal rules I get that but she’s 20 don’t go judging her lifestyle. She doesn’t have kids or practically any responsibility so whatever she chooses to do wit her body is her business tf :unamused: she’s not tied down & even if she’s dating trying to figure out who she doin it the rite way don’t jus put all yo time into 1 person that can end up bein a total peon


Ya that’s a no for me. A long term boyfriend who was involved with the family. Most likely. But to sleep around? Hard no. I won’t tolerate that in my household.


Nope not in my home :person_shrugging: get over it or get out simple as that

I agree with everything you’re saying but you are judging her. Just saying enough to build a football team was a judgment. Change your attitude towards the situation and open your ears to find the reason why she’s allowing these people to have a piece of her heart without giving her the time of day. I’ve never met someone who has the tendency to sleep around that does it simply because that’s just who they are. There is always an underlying issue


My issue would be strange grown men in my house around my younger children all the time it’s one thing if she’s dating someone and your getting to know them and build that trust but I don’t allow strangers in my house period girl boy etc if they are bringing someone in I want to meet them


Tell her to whore around on someone else’s ground, when she has her own place she can have that freight train run as fast as she wants until then she will be respected to you and others in YOUR house! Where do these kids get off thinking they don’t have to be respectful?

She can go pay for her own apartment.

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Your home your call. This an time you don’t what people will do.

Tell her to go get her own place if she wants to bring random people over, you can’t trust people these days.


Your house your rules! Stick to your guns.

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When I brought my future husband home to meet the family my mom said he could stay at her house, but I was banished to grandma’s house six miles away for sleeping arrangements. LOL we were engaged!


You don’t want to sl*t shame or judge, but that’s literally what you’re doing. Enough for a football team? Hobby? Ew.

That said, I agree. Your house, your rules. I wouldn’t allow casual relationships in my house either. Maybe if she gets serious with someone you can revisit. But for now, if she wants to spend the night with someone, she can stay at their place.


If she doesn’t like it, she can move out or go stay at their house overnight.

Does she pay rent and have a lease agreement as a tenant?
Yes, no room to speak
No, get your own home and hace whom ever you would like stay as long as your lease allows overnight visitors. Some places don’t


You’re doing the right thing! Your house & rules. She needs her own place for that. My son moved out because i wouldn’t allow it either.

Your house, your rules.

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Ok just stop reading when said step daughter is 20​:joy::joy::joy:

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The issue is strange men in the house with my small children. That would never be allowed. She can go to their house🤷‍♀️


I feel that it’s your house so you make the rules. And I can understand that fact there are little ones around as well. When my boyfriend and I got together way back when that was the rule at his parents house as well. But you don’t have any business saying anything against how many sexual partners she has . She is an adult.

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I wouldn’t simply allow it based on younger siblings in the house


I agree your house your rules


If that aint “slut shaming” then i dont know what is. Her dad needs to leave you for talking about his daughter like that. Shame on you!

Your house, your rules. No sleep overs of the opposite sex unless married.

I dunno you keep saying you don’t want to slut shame her but this explanation is dripping with judgement.

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She can go get her own place and have as many boys over as she wants! Your house your rules

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I wouldnt let her bring home other men either because there are little kids in the house. You put her business out and slut shamed her though. If you want to not sound judgemental, which you’re judging hard lmao just tell her you want to protect the little kids by not having strangers come into your home.

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If she wants boys to stay over and she’s 20 years old, time for her to grow up and move out.


It’s not her bosses / friends house, your house your rules, there is no way on this God’s green house that I’d let my daughter at 20 have lads staying over, not a chance! Stick with your guns


Thats what hotels are for. I would continue to make her respect your boundaries and like you said, your other children are there.


Keep your standards, its your home.


You aren’t wrong. Your house. Your rules. If she wants to live it up, she should get a job and get her own place.

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Nope. Your house, your rules


The issue is random dudes in the house with little kids sorry the answer is no. She’s old enough to go out and get a hotel, or stay at her “ boyfriends “ house

If you speak to her in any way similar to how youve spoken here, you do speak down to her and judge her. Just so you know. Your choice of words clearly show judgement.
However, I do agree if there are younger children (under 13) that just for safety’s sake that there shouldn’t be strangers in the home. A regular boyfriend who is introduced to the family and is known is one thing, but not unknown people.


what wrong with his place

And who cares how many sexual partners she’s had… yea she can go to their house since there is little kids but you’re shaming her for nothing lol


Stand your ground. You’re the parent not her. She can get her own place and play with the community there. It’s not open for debate. How dare she???


Stand your ground . Your house your rules… saying that cuz my parents let my bf move In With us when I was 17…… and I got pregnant. I wish my parents would have been parents and told me NO….


Your house your rules if she doesn’t like it tell her to get her own place.

Your house, your rules. Is she paying rent?

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It’s your house. She’s 20.
If she wants boys over then she can get her own place. Otherwise, tough love. It’s not like you’re forcing her to stay. She has options, she just doesn’t like them.

We did the same with our kid. Difference is we had to kick her out bc she was too scared to be a grown up and at least she was understanding of no boys overnight.

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If she doesn’t like the rules she can get her own place.


Stay true to what you beleive . If she wants boys over then move out

No you are not in the wrong, you have to be on the lookout for anyone that comes into your house, how do you know who she brings over could possibly hurt one of her younger siblings. She wants to do grown things then do it where there are not little eyes everywhere…or what if its someone that could go back and break into your house, she cant just be bringing anyone around. I let my older 3 kids move in their significant others, they were all in relationships with and now have moved into their own homes and have kids, but I sure as heck wont do it with my younger 5. Its just to much to deal woth having other people in your home…plus it sounds like she wants it to be like a frat house, nope, nope ,nope.

So I’m a younger sister who experienced my teen years with a older sister who had men coming and going like a round about door. I’m going to say that I wouldn’t be okay with it, especially with younger siblings. My sister dated a lot of men who were very unsavory and when I would tell her they made me uncomfortable etc she would blame me instead of them. It sucks living uncomfortable in your own home, I would tell her to either go back to the mens place or get her own


Your house your rules. At that age this is their incentive to get their own place. But news flash for her, a roommate would not like random guest over either, and she won’t either when her roommate tries to do it.

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Your house. Your rules. Like you said if she wants to do “adult things” then she needs to be an adult and have her own place. Plus Littles are super inquisitive and depending on how little, that might not be a conversation you are ready to have with them yet.


Rent a hotel if you wanna be doing all that!!!
Dont feel bad mama, your doing the right thing


Your house your rules

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Stopped reading after you said her age. She’s 20 years old. Let her have men over for fucks sake. And FYI, you are DEFINATELY slut shaming her…

I don’t see the issue with allowing them to come over but then again if you don’t know the guys or ever met them I can see why you wouldn’t want them over. Unless you met them first. If you don’t want them to spend the night that’s fine. She can go pay rent some where and do whatever she wants.
I live with my sister and I have not even had any friends over here male or female. I would ask first before inviting anyone over to her home. And I’m 27 with two kids. Its a respect thing I have for my family.

Your house…your rules !


Does she help pay the bills? If so, yeah, let her. Put an agreement out saying only after the younger ones went to sleep.
And as far as you slut shaming her, you are. “Enough for a football team”, really? Was that necessary?