It’s your HOME, not a motel. If she wants to make her own rules, she can move out like the rest of adults in society.
Wow, the fact you don’t want to slut shame but you did over and over, but not to only us but to your friends and boss… I think you maybe want ppl to agree that she’s a slut other than having an opinion on boys sleepping over. What does her dad think about it. You are judging her and as a mom you should do better. I do agree on house rules but geez you sound a bit jelly
I see where the story Cinderella comes about.
What a nasty horrible way to talk about your step daughter. I feel for her. .
Don’t bother talking about her choices. Tell her she has small siblings, you don’t know these people and it’s your job to protect your children. You can’t just have strangers in and out of your other children’s home which should be a safe space for them
I couldn’t have male overnight guests in my parents home. I had to move out for that to happen, for them it was religious reasons. But I’m with you. I wouldn’t let her either
Come at her with child sex crime rates. You have children in the house you don’t need people you don’t know in and out at all hours.
Keep doing what you’re doing your house your rules:clap:t4:
If it was a regular boyfriend it would be different…but you have every right to not allow random strangers in your home …it’s a safety issue …if it’s a boy she been seeing regular and you like him that would be different…my daughter and granddaughter live with me …we don’t subject the home or eachother to random strangers …it’s a comfort and safety issue …you are quite right in this regard
Would be alive today. If the reins were tightened
My bfs kids are 20 & 22… girls are not allowed to stay the night. His house, his rules.
Your house, your rules. As you stated there are younger siblings in the home. You should not have to deal with random men in your home period. If she wants to have men in her own home she can go get her own home
I would say as you have younger children in the house you don’t want random strangers in and out. That’s fair enough but if she didn’t get an actual boyfriend I’d probably relax the rules a bit
why dosnt she just go to the guys house…lol I’m guessing they don’t have cars either? lol
I lived with my parents until I was 23. I didn’t have boys stay the night.
Your house🤷♀️ she can get her own place if it really bothers her. Specially with having smaller siblings around I don’t think that’s ok
Your house, your rules. Plain and simple.
Wow you say you don’t want to S**t shame her but that’s EXACTLY what you’ve done.
I agree with your house your rules but I don’t agree with how your shaming your stepdaughter. You say you’re trying not to but clearly you are!!
That’s why I got kicked out…
My parents never let guys stay the night. I won’t allow it either
I’d be uncomfortable with it with young children in my home. I don’t trust anyone around my kid. You don’t know what could happen while you’re asleep
Ur house ur rules if she don’t like it she can move out
“I’m not gonna s*ut shame” Yet you continue to do so, multiple times. Just yikes.
I can understand feeling uncomfortable with strangers in your home. I get that. Could of lead with “im uncomfortable with strangers in my home. How do i approach her about getting her own place without it sounding like I’m s*ut shaming?”
Well she can move out if she wants adult privileges. She gonna make a baby and expect ya to babysit living under your roof.
I agree with you. She lives in your house. Your rules. She wants her rules, let it be her house. Period. Nothing else to be said. It is called respecting your wishes.
Would you feel this way if she was a boy? This post sounds like you’re already sl** shaming her. Maybe she just wants to f***? If she’s using protection what’s wrong with that? Idk where you live but the cost of living is ridiculous. Is she still going to school? If she’s not in school does she have a job? Is she paying some kind of rent if she is working? I personally don’t see any issue with a 20 year old not wanting a bf and just wanting sex. Boys do it and it’s fine. So why can’t girls?
How is your husband and you having sex in the house any different than her?
Your house your rules simple
You seem like a real gem. So nice to talk about your daughter this way. She is 20 gtfoh! Her football team of partners is because she has parent issues, either daddy or mommy. Obviously that’s the truth. Controlling, belittling, judging, name calling, shaming a 20’year old . Are your jealous of your daughter? Are you are narcissist? She should have guys stay the night. But how you talk about her, my god!
I wouldn’t want random guys in my house either so you are correct in your thinking. She can get her own place & do as she pleases.
Your house your rules I would be the same way especially if it’s multiple people bc you can’t trust strangers in your home around your things especially if these are guys that may steal from your home tell her save up and move out and she can have as many as she wants over
Your house. Your rules. Period. Aside from all the gory details. Lol!
Letting a longer term bf is one thing, but a revolving door for whoever. Nope!!! Nope and NOOOO
You could have just stopped with 1.
Maybe not slut shame but encourage her to
Have more self respect and love herself more.
Your house, your rules. If she wants guys to stay the night, she needs to get her own place. I might feel a little different if it was a steady relationship for over a year or so, but just random guys… Heck no!
If she was with someone for a few months, seriously & not just one nigjt stands but actual interests & they seemed to be going somewhere in life it could be different but just to allow random guys in or out & let her play her games isn’t right.
I’d say your in the right on this one.
It’s your home and your rules. I’d express most strongly tho, the fact that you have you get kids who may not be safe with strangers SLEEPING in the home
Your house Your rules
Calling it a “hobby” and saying she’s had enough partners since January to “build a football team” IS ‘slut shaming’. So shame on YOU! People have reasons why they do the things they do. It’s not your f*cking life. I don’t care if she lives with you or not you aren’t entitled to an opinion on the way another ADULT chooses to live their life.
It’s your house so you make the decisions. If she doesn’t like it she can get her own place and do what she wants.
Is she renting a room or paying bills? If so then I think she can have who she wants over.
i am with you on that, That is your place not hers,
Wow this is how you talk about your daughter? Poor girl
It’s be a flat no from me just with having little people in the house. You don’t owe her an explanation. The answer is no. End of convo lol If she doesn’t like your house rules, she can be an adult and move out
I would just politely inform her that if she wants to have boys stay the night she can get her own place and she can have whoever she wants over. Or she can get a hotel room and stay there with a guy. My sil is gay and used to get mad because when she lived with us I wouldn’t let her have girls over. She used to say all the time if it was guys I wouldn’t have a problem. That’s not true at all, I had 2-4 year Olds and a baby on the way. I wouldn’t have minded if she was in a committed relationship, but she would change girls like she changed underwear. My issue was with her introducing a new girl every few days… I would have been the same rules if she was hetero
Better enjoy the openness now that type of disrespect will have her running for the hills the moment she hears it… no I wouldn’t allow her to have boys spend the night but I also wouldn’t talk about my own daughter the way you are
If she wants boys to stay the night then she can get her own place bc it’s not setting a good example for your younger kids in the house!!
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If she is paying to stay there technically u can’t say who she can’t have In her room
I would say when she has a steady boyfriend for more than 3 months it would be OK at that point
It would be different if her relationship was long time or if he was her fiancee.
I was in my middle 20s when my mom let a boy sleep over. We stayed in separate rooms. Even when my fiancé and I lived with my parents we stayed in different rooms till we got married.
It seems like she’s going to do it whether you let her do it or not I hope she is safe with her choices
U r horrible person to be calling her a slut
#3 & especially #4 took me out!!
Just say no you don’t have to explain yourself it’s your house, she doesn’t like the rules she can get her own place. If it was a steady guy for long period of time maybe but no I wouldn’t let just random guys stay over, that’s how things could happen to the smaller ones and how things get stolen
You are sounding extremely judgey of her and the men. She doesn’t have to have a boyfriend to have sex. But no I would think it wasn’t a good idea if small children in the house.
Say NO! This is my home if you don’t like the rules…leave
First things first… you are slut shaming her. If she wants to play with a different guy every night, that’s her business and her business alone.
With that said, If she had a steady boyfriend, then I would say that you’re being unreasonable, regardless of why she’s living at home.
Since she doesn’t have a steady boyfriend, you’re right. She doesn’t need to be bringing random guys, that she probably barely knows, into your home, around her younger siblings.
If she wants to do whoever she wants, whenever she wants, she needs to get her own place, or in the mean time, be going home with these guys, not trying to bring them home with her.
Only if she isn’t paying to stay there. If she’s paying for her room, she should be able to have whoever she wants over but if not it’s head of house holds choice.
Don’t want to slut shame her yet your post screams slut shamming
I mean I wouldn’t allow random after random in my home but I also wouldn’t want you as a step parent!
I get it’s your house and your rules but your point #3 is slut shaming. Who she does or doesn’t sleep with isn’t your business and shouldn’t even be an arguing point. I agree with not allowing anyone especially if she doesn’t pay bills
You have no right to bring up how many ppl she’s slept with. Your house or not… i agree with the rules but that was too much
You are slut shaming her with this post. Regardless if it’s right or wrong or what the right thing is to do it’s sad to see you say things so demeaning just to get others approval that you don’t even know. Have some class, she’s family.
Well I will say this she’s 20 and should be allowed to do what she wants as she’s an adult so you no longer have authority over her but I do agree that she doesn’t need to have multiple guys over have you talked to her about using protection you should probably talk to her about getting checked for stds with as many partners as you say she’s had there’s a good chance she could’ve been exposed to an std
If she had a committed boyfriend then I would say ok but I wouldn’t want a bunch of randoms in my house with my small children there. Get your own place if you want to bang the football team.
If she’s old enough to work and get it on, she and the boy toy can get a room…that’s how adults 'do it’s. Get a room.
Your house, your rules. I completely agree with not allowing it
As long as she’s living in your home, you get to call the shots on this one.
Your house your rules, simple as that.
Your house your rules.
No shame like Christian shame
I don’t know how to even start this but sadly speaking from experience, usually when young women bounce from guy to guy, it can be a big sign of low self-worth. Judging by the way you have described her and speak about her, I can see why. She’s looking to connect, albeit not the right way but perhaps you and dad need to change your perspective towards her.
Children of divorce can feel abandoned, even when they live under the same roof and even if the difference divorce took place years ago.
Maybe you can sit down with her and set some boundaries on what it would look like if she had guy friends over. I’m sure her intention isn’t just to get laid in the room next door to you so open the dialogue and figure out a compromise.
Your role as her parent is to role model healthy relationships. There’s nothing wrong with a movie or a hang out and allowing it with rules will build the relationship between the two of you.
I agree with you on everything!
I’d just tell her like it is. If it were just you and your husband it would be different, but you can’t allow that in your house when you have smaller children. Absolutely not! You aren’t going to raise them to think that’s ok! If she doesn’t like that, she will have to find another place. No argument.
You claim you’re not slut shaming…. But here you definitely are. That aside- ultimately y’all make the rules for your house. If she’s paying any type of room and board to stay, the. It is just as much her home though. However, if it were my home, I’d personally allow it with certain guidelines.
Why is she 20 and still living at home?? Is it something y’all encouraged or something she needs?? I think her maturity and responsibility should play more into what you “allow” in your house, not her sexual preference to sleep around.
1 grow up move out, 2, my house my rules, 3 if she dosent like the rules refer to rule number.
Hope you won’t give in to her!
Looks like your daughter is over the age of 18 so if she fucks up and gets pregnant it is on her. You have every right to put your foot down about men in your home but you border on shaming her with the way you present your standpoint
Your right! If she wants to have e her boyfriend’s stay the night then she needs to get her own place… she should have some respect for the little ones in the house and not have different men in and out of the house…
I sure as hell wouldn’t want a bunch or random guys coming over just so she can have sex. Fck that. She wants to be an adult and do her own things, like being a whre, she can get her own place
My son will be 20 this year and he’s not allowed to have girls stay the night.
Your house your rules.
You sound like the evil stepmother fair enough that it’s your house and she’s old enough to move out… but I wonder what her dad’s view on this is or does it only matter what u think? As for your post all I see is judging and shaming from u I don’t think that the details of the sex life of ur adult STEPdaughter is any of ur concern
. So I’m not disagreeing that it’s ur house ur rules… its the reasoning behind it that makes me cringe n ur attitude in general… she should move out and away from u
Why do they need to sleep over…not like they’re little girls having a slumber party… simple answer…No!
Well. If she wants to ride every Rollercoaster at the carnival, she can have her own apartment. It’s your house, your rules. She doesn’t have to like them, but she does have to follow them.
I agree with you if it was her boyfriend maybe different story but your house is not a hotel they want to sleep with her they can go get a hotel
She will need her own place for her company! I am with you mom!
Tell her if her boss is ok with her having her boyfriend sleep there then she should live there!
My son attempted to do this…and we put our foot down. Our house, our rules. He moved out in three weeks and hasn’t been back. He’s happy and independent. Said he needed to do it years prior.
Your house your rules, but you’re fucked for even mentioning her sexual partners and the amount. You’re wrong for that. Musty, evil stepmom vibes.
You are right
Your daughter is wrong
She needs her own place. Stand your ground, your rules
My oldest wasnt allowed either and when she kept sneaking him in I nicely told her she had to leave. I’m not a hotel. She chose to leave and pay her own way
You don’t want to “slut shame” her and that’s exactly what you’re doing. You could have simply said our house , our rules , yet you went on, to in fact, slut shame her
I agree with you.
What does her father say?
It’s sounds like slut shaming the way you worded it, it is your house so your rules but you just spoke on social media of her sexual activity
I agree; if she wants boys to stay the night, then she needs to get her own place. Especially when you have younger ones there, you never know, or your daughter may not know who they are bringing in.
Giving all that you have outlined, I agree with you. Unless you decide to open a brothel. No judgment though. But if that’s the life she want’s to live, she needs to get her own place. Not in my house…
Your house, your rules… especially with younger siblings seeing what it going on… definitely needs her own place if that’s what she wants to do