Yes, its a bit ridiculous, but not really a big deal. Hes being petty, but at least he is buying her clothes and spending time with her.
You are being ridiculous and selfish. He bought the clothes and has no obligation to share with you. It sounds like you are jealous he is moving on
Lmfao thats his new bm being petty, but also plenty of parents do this and its so damaging to the child as they get older. My own cousin does this, but this was because his bm would take all the nice clothes and shoes and would send my Nieves raggedy af with small or ruined clothes back expecting them to keep buying more, answer the nice stuff never returned.
If it wouldn’t be this, it would be that he keeps all the clothes u sent her in. Just be content and move on
Does he pay child support? He should if he only has her 1 day a week. Beyond that it sounds reasonable for him to provide stuff for his house and you you’re house. I wouldn’t make a fuss over something so silly.
1 time a week where’s the 50 50
Maybe he wants his own! Instead of feeling like everything ends up at your house
Let him get on with it. Least that way the clothes for home where she is the most dont disappear. Anything I buy that my girl goes in never ever comes back, only old worn out stuff. Nit long back she came home in some lovely frilly socks… that I bought over 4 years ago and never saw again and were 4 years to small lol
If he has clothes for her at his place, why do you care? He has his, you have yours. Mad for no reason smh
You send her in an outfit he sends her in an outfit. Any other clothing needed while either of you have her is that parents responsibility. I wouldn’t go as far as saying “my clothes”, “his clothes”. The only situation I could see that coming into play is if he picked her up directly from from somewhere like church, school, sports etc where special clothing are needed to be returned or if she likes a special item.
Carte Blanche not women only, but women-centered. Just throwing a post you probably wouldn’t see your way.
You don’t know how to keep your baby on fleek as they say and this is his way of telling you.
He sounds like a good Dad buying her clothes. Let him do what he wants when he has her.
My ex would keep all my daughters cute clothes I would send her in. He would lose stuff and leave it at his girlfriend’s house so I ended up doing something similar. If he didn’t waste my money like this I wouldn’t have done it.
That being said if he’s doing it for no reason then that’s petty. Move on.
As long as she’s clothed, put your worries elsewhere.
You’re being so petty. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with him wanting to keep the clothes he bought for her @ his house.
If he is taking care of her, including clothing her while he has her, there shouldn’t be an issue here. Be thankful he takes her and is providing for her.
Sounds like he and bm are holding gear for new baby… hand me downs and that… one day a week no biggie, just have to adjust and move on… each to their own I guess…
I wish my ex would provide clothes for our son but he doesn’t, your lucky, I understand it seems frustrating to you but it’s not an issue worth mentioning
That should be better for u. Don’t have to pack nothing. It’s not that serious. The less i would have to pack the better. Can’t lose nothing
The way we do it is pretty simple - the kids where whatever clothes they want to their dads, and vice versa. When I do laundry I keep clothes from his house separate - once every 2 weeks or so his wife and I exchange a laundry basket. She brings it to me with clothes/shoes for my house and I return it with the clothes/shoes from their house it’s not rocket science, it’s clothes. If there is something you only want them to wear for your house, keep it there, it’s that simple. It sounds like he is just being an ass because of the new woman and baby on the way and she probably has something to do with it but regardless - it’s clothes. If he wants to change the baby before he gives her back, what’s the big deal?
Should be that way…u keep urs and he keeps his whats the big deal
My mother in law was like that, she would change my daughter’s clothes into what she bought for her (washed and folded mine) and always gave her back in the same outfit I dropped her off in. She had no other grandchildren at the time (this was 11 years ago) and she admitted she did it and wouldn’t let me take her clothes with us when we moved out of state. I ignored it and moved on because I knew she was wearing clean clothes and they fit so whatever. Her dad and I weren’t together at that point
Let him do it that way. Why stress over something so little?
Let it go, it’s okay, you don’t need it , you said
That would work out Great the way I see it. He should have clothes to keep at his house That’s perfect! Don’t send clothes with her now. Only what she has on. And make sure he sends that outfit back home so you won’t run short.
Yea. Men. I got nothin’.
What’s ridiculous is that you expect her father to provide clothes at his house AND send some to yours as well It’s not ridiculous that you both have things she needs at your own homes. It IS ridiculous you think its ridiculous he doesn’t send clothes he buys… why should he???
l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 20744 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
At least you know that his providing for her and she’s not coming back in wrecked clothes or looking dirty.
Makes sense to me. When you are expecting a new child, you recycle what you can from the first child to use for the second, third, etc. Now, if he was taking & keeping things you sent with her, that would be a different story.
We kept our daughters clothes and their mom had her own… we had different sense of fashion and what was cute so when they were at our home they wore what we had…and we also took off immediately what they had on from mom’s so it didn’t get ruined. When they went home, they’d be in our clothes but then she’d take them off and put in her clothes so ours didn’t get ruined.
Ummm I’m confused as to why this upsets you… he’s taking care of his responsibilities as a dad… he keeps stuff for his child at his place to ensure she has everything she needs… do you get upset if he feeds her and doesn’t send home the leftovers??
I think it’s you who is ridiculous.
You dont have a right to things he owns. He provided for when she is with him. You do the same.
He’s just trying to keep everything orderly geeze lady. I would LOVE a baby daddy that accommodating. That’s very respectful for you both so you can keep track of things that belong at your house. It’s smart!
My son and his ex does things this way for the most part and it works out great…No having to lug stuff back and forth
That sounds right to me, it’s what we did. Our kids have wardrobes at both houses, diapers, wipes, car seats etc just makes pick up and drop offs easier/faster.
I truthfully don’t see the issue here. Maybe that’s just me, but I think it’s great she has stuff at her dads and isn’t living out of a suitcase per say when she goes there.
When my sons father and I split up, at first we shared everything and then when he got situated he had his own stuff for our son and it worked out great for the most part. The only person who had issues at some points was my ex because once he got things situated, I stopped send the nice expensive clothes to his dads with him because his dad started keeping it and then I’d never see the items again but then I’d see photos of his other children wearing my sons clothes that I bought him.
It’s weird for him to suddenly start doing that but like whatever, it’s not that serious
No you’re in the wrong here… Good on him for having every thing she needs at his place… My 3 yr olds father and I do the same… he has everything he needs at his place… he washes the outfit I send him in and that’s what he wears the day he comes home… easy… the clothes I buy stay with us and don’t get lost or damaged…
Let him keep them. At least you dont have to worry about him taking the stuff you bought and keep it. At least he buys his own stuff for her. There is bigger things to worry about then those clothes.
I think some are over looking the situation and it doesn’t necessarily mean someone is upset because hes having another kid. Good luck to him. It just becomes awkward for the child when the child is confused on why they can’t wear clothing from home there… I say this from experience because my daughter doesn’t understand why she can’t wear her clothing from home there. And she is old enough to vocalize it. Shes entitled to be confused and want to understand the change. Not everyone is strung up on their ex having more kids. At this point dear let it be and I hope all works out well!
Sure that’s how we did it
If they’re having another girl I can see why he would want to keep/recycle her old clothing. Stuff like jackets/shoes ect I’d expect to come and go with her. You could be providing all of her clothing and him not return any of it which would be something to be upset about. I wouldn’t stress over this.
It just seems like he wants to keep it for the new baby in case he has a girl. He may not want it to get worn and torn while she’s with you. But he’s paying for it, he’s taking care of her even if it’s 1 day a week. Leave it be.
You’re ridiculous to be complaining about this. Grow up.
That’s exactly how we do our co-parenting we both provide what’s needed in our own homes
If the child is happy I don’t know why your making a fuss over clothes. Atleast she’s been taking care of. I think their is bigger problems in this world then to be worrying about clothes
I don’t see the issue. I feel like that is great. Both sides providing for when they have the time with the child.
You’re the one in the wrong she should have her own clothes at each parents house
Sounds like new baby mamma drama to me
Maybe he thinks that when she grows out of what he buys, then the baby can have them for hand me downs which makes sense since he he will he supporting more than one now.
Who really cares as long as your child is clean, dressed, fed, does visits and he pays support. That’s more than most dads do these days
I don’t see a problem with this
He’s an ass that’s all
Well, the new baby could be a girl as well and she could wear hand me downs. If you didn’t buy it, don’t worry about it. Like you said… she has plenty… also… if he is paying child support then you can buy her clothes with that
I think you’re being super weird about it lady.
So he actually takes care of his child. He actually provides clothes and shoes for her when she’s with him? What’s the problem? At least he’s not taking all the clothes you send her with and you never seeing them again. Because that happens A LOT. If anything, be glad that he cares enough to send the clothes you’ve spent money on, back.
Don’t see the problem? It’s HER clothes ya know his daughter that he only gets 4 days out of the month. Not saying it’s wrong if he has her more often but damn why even buy her clothes If she doesn’t even barley get to wear them? Why not be less of an ass and shower your child with as many clothes as you can afford to provide? It’s not completely wrong but he sounds like an ass.
Pick your battles and this ain’t it!
Girl let him be pretty but go file in court for child support before that baby down then use that money buy her clothes and what she needs and don’t worry about what he does be thankful he takes her the one day and you have a day to yourself.
If he’s helping to support the child because he only has her one day a week then it shouldn’t be a big deal. If he isn’t and now won’t even help with clothing and shoes to take care of the first kid he had then I’d be pissy too. It depends more on the situation. If he’s helping to support her and taking her on his day then I wouldn’t care. At least you know the stuff you have for her won’t disappear or get ruined.
As long as he sends her back with the clothes she left in it should be fine you are getting what you paid for and he keeps what he paid for … Dont see a problem with any of it and if “its fine” you wouldnt have made this post … Js
Honestly not a big deal. Just worry about what you’re doing when she’s with you. You’re not entitled to use the stuff he has for her. If he’s decided to now keep it seperate then that’s his choice if he has paid for the items. You don’t have to agree but it’s not worth an argument. My eldest has dads house clothes and my house clothes. We do week on/week off and whatever he goes to dads house wearing is what he comes back dressed in. It’s just easier. We have seperate school bags, glasses, uniforms etc. the only thing shared is his very expensive orthotics and his martial arts belt.
My youngest son however, everything is shared. We have 50/50 but changeover mid week so he only has one school bag, pair of school shoes and multiple uniforms that end up all mixed up at whoever’s house but as long as each house has a few sets we don’t stress about it. Effort is made to get everyday clothes back to the right house but we don’t make a fuss about it. It’s just not that big of a deal. As long as hes dressed appropriately, it doesn’t matter in whose clothes. I’d be pleased that he’s taken the initiative to purchase a bag and his own things for her for when he spends time with her
I don’t see what the problem is.
Let it go, it’s not worth the fight. When the new baby comes, he’ll realize how expensive buying clothes for a growing child is, and probably go back to using your clothes for her.
I totally have my own clothes for my kids at home and I expect these clothes to come back.
It is bs. I am going through this. My daughter stresses about this shit. “OMG I need my dad’s clothes” or the evil fiance of his will ground her. Most likely the new pregnant chick being a psycho control freak.
Petty! All the way around!
You’re being really controlling. My ex has a full room with clothes, shoes, toys, hair stuff at his place for our daughter. The kid is taken care of, loved and made to feel welcome, safe and wanted at place … those are the big issues. Not this.
Oi vae, can I have this as my issue rather than mine rn
I don’t see anything wrong with this. My brother and his ex did the same. Everything is separate. They’re supposed to have sperate lives and things with each parent. I don’t really understand where you’re coming from.
I honestly don’t see an issue with this at all he provides for her so who cares who has the clothing
Sorry but he is actually being a grown ass adult looking after his child, buying clothes and stuff while she is in his care, you should be grateful!
Does he buy more expensive clothes is that why you’re so jealous? If you can’t afford to buy her new clothes maybe just ask for a little extra help there but he has every right to keep what he has bought her at his house, unless she asks to bring it home of course then she should have the right to her own stuff
Girl, you honestly sound bitter. At least he’s making sure you have your clothes for her and not just keeping them.
Yes the attitude is ridiculous. He’s having a baby with someone else so soon after the birth of your daughter. Perhaps they are having a girl together so may need the brand new clothing that he bought for his first daughter, in the future. He’s being petty, its a very minor mind game. Separate diaper bag? Silly. Be glad that you have her for the majority of the time and maybe even more just before birth of number 2 child of his or just post birth?
Who cares as long as he isn’t sending her back naked.
This is how it’s supposed to be.
I don’t see what the problem is? Let it go lady.
Not being mean: you need to stop wasting energy on sh*t that don’t matter. At the end of the day he isn’t taking and keeping the clothes you have for her like some parents, he’s talking care of her and providing when he’s with her so why are you even bothered? He’s keeping things separate to avoid any issues and yet - you are still annoyed?
Time to seek a therapist because to even post this means you still feeling some kind of way. Get your feelings out, grow, and let him do him hun
Why on earth are you mad that he bought his own diaper bag and clothes for the child you share together? I don’t understand lol
I wish this was the only issue I had with my sons father.
If he bought the clothes he has every right to keep them at his house. Who cares how much or how little she will wear them while there…if you didn’t buy them what does that matter to you?
This seems really weird and petty to be upset about.
U could be worrying about anything and ur problem is he keeps his own clothes. Get over yourself
My daughters dad did the same thing back in the day I think dads just want to feel they are apart of their child’s life.
No big deal …just let it go.
It’s very common in co-parenting that the child has stuff at both houses so they don’t have to pack up and move each visit. If they have clothes they paid for at their house there is no harm in making sure those clothes stay there and the items you buy to back to your home. It can actually prevent fights.
Honestly this is how it is in most co parenting situations. Most kids have clothes at moms house and dads house. He could lose the attitude but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with him having his own stuff for y’all’s child🤷🏻♀️
I agree it’s HER stuff but at that age, what he’s doing is perfectly acceptable. We have two kids, both older and more aware, that go back and forth between homes. They are allowed to bring THEIR stuff to each house as they please, clothes or toys but your child is 1…its not like she’s begging to take a certain shirt from his house to yours and he’s telling her no. At least he buys her nice things, maybe he wants to keep it for the baby that’s on the way in case it’s the same gender. I’m sure you have way more important things to focus on, stop being jealous and move on.
I’m also sure he pays you child support in addition to what he’s buying her for the 4 days a month he has her. So he has absolutely no obligation to buy her extra things for you to use, that’s what your child support is intended to be used for.
He’s right. He bought and paid for those clothes My ex and I have two separate wardrobes for our daughter and always have for the past 6 years. Certain things will move back and forth between households like her backpack, lunch pail, winter jackets and mud boots. And besides, he has another baby on the way he can use those clothes. I wouldn’t want them getting lost or having to purchase more.
I personally don’t see a problem with this as long as he’s not keeping the stuff that you buy.
I’m not going to tell you how you should feel on this but I honestly think you probably have bigger problems with co-parenting then him not sharing clothes but that’s my opinion.
You sound a bit crazy:rofl:
I find it unnecessary, but if he wants to keep his stuff separate that’s his waste when sh outgrows them unless he has a girl and the seasons line up. Are you a smoker? Maybe he doesn’t like the way they smell or if you have pet hair on them. I would get my own too.
This is normal. She should have her own things at dad’s home and a room and clothes and toys. You don’t have to supply him with anything extra and he doesn’t you either. This is the way co-parenting should work. You are not entitled to the clothes he buys her to have on his time.
That’s actually awesome! Trust me, he could take your cloths and not bring them back… always try to look at the brighter side…
And for you mean people who are rude… you get over yourself. You don’t know the entire bullshit she has to deal with… you’re not in her shoes so be nice or just shut up Ty
It’s better than him keeping her clothes that you bought ’ I know someone that sent their children to their Dad & he kept the clothes & brought them back in old rubbish ’ so better that he doesn’t keep your ones "
I used to do the same thing with my older nieces and nephews so they would have what they needed.
Creating your own drama lady…
maybe his next baby is a girl and he is going to use the clothes again
I mean it could be worse, at least he is providing for her. Also this is a little thing. There are going to be really big things that come up in the future that will make this look so petty. If he only gets her 1 day a week, don’t sweat it!
It doesn’t matter. They’re still his. Your daughter is taken care of be thankful for that and let it be. You’re creating drama that doesn’t need to exist.