Am I in the wrong to think my ex should be sending our daughters clothes with her?

Entitlement is a sneaky sneaky thing

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Yea you won’t say that in 10 years when your kid has half a wardrobe from your house and half a wardrobe from dads house all mismatched outfits and socks haha trust me it’s just easier to keep clothes separate because stuff doesn’t get lost or mixed in. He also might be becoming more responsible because he’s progressing as a father

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My husband and I have a separate wardrobe for my 3 bonus kids. It’s so much easier than packing a bag or remembering to wash clothes before they go back or even keep up with clothes their mom sends.

What’s the harm in dad having his own stuff for kid? :person_shrugging:


Geez lady get a grip :woman_facepalming:


Lol. He’s allowed to have his own stuff for her🤣 co parenting with you must be a blast. He doesn’t have to give you the things he spends his money on?


Are you serious right now. Grow up and act like somebody. Sounds like someone is jealous he buys em he does what he please you are not in control and that kills you.


I would just be happy that the father is happily buying your child everything she needs. This is a ridiculous thing to get mad over.


If this is your biggest co-parenting issue consider yourself blessed. Most of the time people sent their kids with stuff they never see again. Good for him for getting her what she needs when she’s there and you don’t need to worry about supplying anything. That’s a good thing.


Be lucky he even has stuff for her. My ex eont and didnt provide anything when he was around

I really don’t think it’s that serious as long as you have your own clothes for her to…

It’s best for the child to have clothes and necessities at both places

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My ex did exactly this. Even school uniforms, I did everything on my own. He then split from his now ex and turned around and said to me would I like any extra money for clothes, uniform etc… My answer was I’ve never needed it up to now why would I start when our son is at the age of 8. He now feels the pressure because he has to pay things by himself. My son no longer get clothes or anything from him all because he wanted to buy his own for him :roll_eyes: the way I see it, either way wether from you or from him they are the babys clothes, it doesn’t really matter where they come from just be greatful that she has clothes from both parents. X

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Why is this an issue? I feel like that’s actually pretty common, in our parenting plan it’s stated that each parent has a full wardrobe for our daughter. I return the clothes he buys her and he returns the clothes I buy her. Seems like you’re picking a fight for no reason :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Isn’t this normal? :woman_shrugging::thinking:

Who Fights For Clothes :joy::joy::woman_facepalming::clown_face:

This sounds a bit entitled…… he bought them, so he can keep them at his house if he would like. Be glad you get the clothes you bought back…. I’ve known dads who keep all of the nice clothes mom bought and send the kid home in pajamas…… just because he buys those clothes for her does not mean you’re entitled to tell him what to do with the clothes HE bought…. If it’s not that big of a deal and you have plenty of clothes for her…. Why even make a fuss about it. Grow up and let go of that entitled attitude.

Stop being a spoilt brat and act more like an adult … you sound like you need to move right along with your own business

Well she’s just a baby and I think that’s fine. At least you get yours back. Don’t forget the child support. Sound like he’s an impregnator.

My ex did this. Did everything he could to be difficult.

That’s called being a responsible parent. You should try it.


I would actually prefer it that way :woman_shrugging:t2:


Just be glad he has stuff for her. You’re reaching at this point.


I would like it that way. Be thankful he’s sending the clothes she wore back. Unstead of holes or rags

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Who cares…. Just live your life :woman_facepalming:t3:

You seem real petty!

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I think he’s right actually much easier to have necessities at both houses


And here I am WISHING my boys fathers actually did ANYTHING for them :woozy_face::woozy_face:

Yes you are in the wrong.

Why are you complaining? It’s way better this way , you are not going to have missing clothes of a fight because he doesn’t take care of the clothes you sent.
Seems like you are the one making the co parenting difficult.

Complaining because he buy his own stuff to keep at his place his ridiculous.


This doesn’t need to be a fight to pick. At least he buys hers clothes.


He’s doing right by providing for her. What is the issue…your feelings?


I had to send my boys with their clothes for years! It was a way that he continued to maintain control over me, using the kids… youre lucky that he does anything for the child at all, just go with it…


It will work better this way.

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My sons dad would do that too. The stuff he bought him stayed at his house. Which i didnt care. Petty if ya ask me. My son had more than enuf anyway

Why can’t he have stuff at his place ? You stated you have your own. Obsess over something else.

Wow…he at least tried! Let him have clothes he buys let him have his own diaper bag!! He got someone else pregnant oh well! Seriously stop! He is involved with your daughter hes providing and if someone else is having his baby oh well…you sound petty and jealous!

When I was with my ex 10 years ago & he got his daughter we did the same. We changed her when we got her (she was 2) and sent her back in the clothes she came in

That way the mom couldn’t say “we ruined her clothes she bought”

Saved a lot of arguments and frustrations

We both had diaperbags and our own toys.

So nothing got broken and no feelings got hurt.

We didn’t care if she took toys home we bought her because they were hers.

But we made sure she left “her mom’s bought toys” with her mom when we got her.


He should absolutely still be doing things for her and help you if you need it I think he is the petty one really. My sons biological has never done a dang thing for him not ever or even spent time with him, and I still think that your daughters father is petty :woman_shrugging:

You should have yours and he should have is. You are separate people and families so you should not share.

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Makes it a lot easier on child exchange day. No bags to pass back and forth.


I don’t see how it matters. I could see you getting mad if she went to his house wearing nice clothes and he sent her back in shitty clothes so you were losing clothes every time but you aren’t losing anything or having to buy anything extra. I really don’t get what you are complaining about.

I put a stop to my ex taking my 6 kids clothes and bringing back bags of dirty laundry. I told him he needed to buy his own clothes for the kids because I got sick of a ton of dirty laundry every other weekend. He also had a baby with his girlfriend and I wasn’t going to provide diapers for him either.


It’s so she has clothes THERE. I think you should just let it be.

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I’ve been a stepmom in two different relationship, this is how clothes were handled in each relationship. Makes it easier.


Girl… he’s doing what he’s supposed to


Stop caring so much what he’s doing… mind your business.


Kia kaha it’s a very common issue in shared parenting just have clothes at both whare it works too :two_hearts:


Here’s the thing about parenting with someone else IT’S COMPLICATED! That is not ideal but if that’s the worst thing you have to deal with count your blessings. It can actually make it easier for some people so they don’t have to worry about making sure they have what they need on their time.

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It’s absolutely fine to do it this way. A lot of parents actually do it this way. It can be frustrating to buy something specific for your child, see them wear it once, and then never see it again because it got lost at the other house. Don’t take it personally, it just helps to keep things easier. You both provide her with clothes, so it shouldn’t be an issue.


Also, if he’s having another girl, he probably wants to make sure he keeps the clothing in good condition and hangs onto them so that he can use them for his next child. Money is tight for most folks these days, and baby clothes add up.


What’s his is his and what’s yours is yours :joy: unless he grows out of it and we send it to you to do whatever with or keep it for the boys . Kelsey Montgomery :heart::joy:

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In my opinion, that’s how it should be! Makes it easier for everyone, less reasons to argue etc. My daughters father and I do the same.


If he’s with her 4 times a month no biggie. You think maybe you’re feeling some type of way since he’s having another baby?


That’s what my ex & I always did, especially when he started accusing me of “stealing” their clothes :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


Maybe he’s working on having his daughter for more than one day out of the week.

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Man just be glad he is in their life your a parent also so no he shouldn’t have to send clothes from his house to us u should already have the child some clothes for goodness sake everyone being Karen’s n making a big deal out of everything


I don’t know why he shouldn’t keep them there he doesn’t sound like he’s being difficult he’s being a dad he SHOULD have his own stuff for her


Who cares. It seems reasonable

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I see no problem with this. This sounds like a good thing, most custodian parents send clothes to other parents house and never getting them back every time, and you have to ask where all their clothes are going and why don’t you ever get them back


You sound very whiny, is he wasn’t buying her clothes, you’d have that to whine about. Be thankful that he’s doing his part.


My son is 13 and his dad has done this every other weekend since he was 4. I don’t see an issue with him keeping the stuff he buys at his house, but it does make my son feel a little awkward when the first thing he is supposed to do when he gets to his dad’s house is change out of his favorite hoodie and in to something his dad bought.


This is what I insisted on when the clothes I would send got lost or ruined
I sent in ‘play clothes’ that didn’t matter but he would use his stock while they were at my place
When I got involved with someone with kids I insisted on the same thing after brand new outfits never made it back
When the kids were in their teens I made them responsible
If they wanted to wear something to school but hadn’t brought it back home they soon learned lol
Some things they had double of and that was ok too as long as I wasn’t buying a new one to replace what I’d already bought once before that got left at or lost at dad’s


I can see why he is now you ex!! Sounds like he has a control issue.

Yous arnt together, it makes it so much easier and saves you having to pack her stuff when she goes to him. You think it’s ridiculous your child’s father buys her stuff to keep at his house? Brooooo your actually ridiculous


Honestly I’m at the point of doing that with my ex-husband sometimes. I can send her a nice clothes, and I always get her back in something that she’s almost outgrown. It gets frustrating.

I actually think it’s good that what he buys stays with him and what you buy stays with you. It’s unnecessary to exchange clothes! When I went for mediation with my ex and his ex wife the judge put it in the order that toys clothes and personal belongings need to stay at whoever house who bought it to avoid conflict


He needs to keep her clothes there, just like you have clothes for her at your place……
Hun this is the way almost all parents do it. The child needs clothes at both places.


Most parents fight for this!!! It’s better in the long run!


I’ve been sending my daughters to their dads with a fully packed bag for 7 years!! You don’t do this en she your kids are possibly the ones who suffer not the other parent. Y’all have got to do what’s best for the kids… not y’all.

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When my ex was was seeing our 2 kids that’s what we did. He had clothes for them at his house. What I sent them to him wearing is what they came home In.


I fully agree to what’s yours is yours and what’s mine is mine, yes it is for OUR children, but it’s a lot easier on us financially, you know how annoying it would be if I kept.sending my kids with diapers/underwear clothes and none of that shit comes back? Which means I’d have to spend MORE money to replace the clothes he keeps and then my house is lacking :expressionless: naw bro. co-parenting co-responsibility co-finacial share, just like if my kids dad had to keep buying all the supplies for my house he wouldn’t have as much money to make sure when he has the kids he is covered and OUR kids are covered with him, I feel like you may be feeling some kind of way about the fact he’s having another kid. And it’s a pretty common feeling and okay to feel it, just don’t let it affect your child. Again a normal and valid feeling to have just don’t let it mess with the kids because whether you like it or not your child has a sibling and both kids deserve peace in their homes. What’s yours is yours what’s mine is mine is a very good way of handling this because no one’s getting butt hurt about “well you took all my clothes” “well I have to keep giving you diapers” that don’t exist anymore in this system less hostility happier environment for your child.

I wouldn’t even care lol why do you?


He’s in the right here


Doesnt seem unreasonable.

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I’ve come to the realization when my kids dad & I split that we have two different lifestyles two different ways of raising kids two different thought processes when it comes to things & the kids. I find it easier to have two separate individual stuff. We live two separate lives in two separate households. What you do with your kids stuff is whatever you do & whatever he does with his kid stuff is whatever he does. Having the two separate stuff is also helpful when it comes to the other parent forgetting/losing things. Also you both might have different financial statuses. Let’s say you can’t get diapers today & you are expecting to get the diaper bag back with diapers in them & then you get the diaper bag & there are none. Now you have zero diapers & a kid with a poopy butt that needs changed. You call up father & father is now out of town & can’t get you more. Now because you rely on one another to share the diaper bag now you pay the consequence. In the long run it may seem petty of him but trust me two separate is a lot less of a headache in the future than sharing. Rely on yourself for your kid. Never know if he will ever up & quit being a father & you realize he’s got all your kid stuff & can’t get it back because he’s being “petty”. Just trying to give you another outlook on the situation & hope it helps.


My son gos to Dad weekly olny child gos and is to Wear same colthes back when comes home we both take care of needs on are time cholths and all

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Honestly that isn’t a bad idea for him to do that. That way he doesn’t have to worry about picking through the laundry to send what came back and worry that he took too many diapers and so on. It is responsible of him to have his own stuff for her. My ex only saw our kid twice a month so I just sent clothes and he sent them back to be washed which I didn’t care. He paid child support and I was able to send my child in cute comfortable clothing. It was very rare that something wasn’t sent back but it does happen and that could very well be why he wants specific stuff for his house which also shouldn’t be an issue

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You’re petty
Grow up

Alsoooooo I prefer our kids getting sent back in the clothes they left in
When they don’t, we sometimes need it and now need to replace something she will grow out of before used


Lots of parents have this arrangement for verious reasons. Sometimes one parent won’t clean the child up, some will change them into something shabby for the return home. It’s a nothing way of separating you out of his time with her. I used to get so made when my son would come home in nice clothes that I had bought covered in grease and food. So I started sending him in clothes that were play clothes. Nothing raggedy, but things that didn’t matter if they were trashed.

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Changing into this has helped our coparenting relationship? Sharing was messy and bitter and only created fights.
I’d be very happy always getting the clothes back that I bought.
Trust me, you’re lucky.

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Honestly, that sounds easier to me :person_shrugging: I’ve had to send my kiddo with a duffle bag every weekend to his dad’s and to me it’s frustrating. Especially when it comes back missing most the clothes so you repack it for the next weekend just to keep missing more and more clothes. I also send play clothes, not school clothes so they don’t get ruined. I won’t make him change on Fridays, but if it’s something new or really nice I tell him and dad to make sure it comes home. Idc if the clothes are dirty, I’ll wash them myself, as long as they come back.

I honestly don’t see an issue with that.

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I think you sound ridiculous lol like why does it matter?? It sounds like ur upset he’s having another kid. Personally I’d rather the other parent have their own shit for their kid when they have them it makes it easier and u don’t have to worry about anything getting lost going back and forth etc…

Aslong as he pays you child support the clothes he buys can stay at his and he’s well within his rights to do that, if he doesn’t pay child support but buys stuff then that’s different

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Somebody been talking to him


My ex was the same way

If he’s paying child support I dont think he needs to also supply her with clothes at your house. If he’s sending her back in the clothes you sent her in, you’re getting the good end of the stick :rofl: my ex used to keep the good clothes for his oldest son and send him back in play clothes because he was too cheap to go buy his son clothes.

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Let him provide clothes, toys, etc for his house and you provide for yours

Usually it’s the other way around. Usually moms are saying they have to send EVERYTHING with their child to their dad’s house. People have different styles they like better, don’t want to send good cloths they aren’t gonna get back, etc. Just be grateful he is buying her cloths!!! Also like you said he had her 4 days out of the week why complain about a couple outfits. Plus if he is sending you support on top of the cloths he had them you should be extra grateful!!!


He is in the right, why should he supply you with things he has bought for the child.
Buy your own, and if you do have plenty for her like you said, why is it even an issue??
Stop nit picking - at least he has contact with his child, shows up for his allotted time and obviously provides for her, what is your problem?

Your being petty and jealous because he is moving on and having a baby with somebody else.


Sorry but I agree with the dad. He’s stepped up and taken responsibility for his child and has things at his house… I think you’re over reacting and ate maybe abut upset he doesn’t rely on you for those material things.


:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::laughing: you’re lucky! I have to pack a bag every weekend and make sure I get everything back! My child’s father doesn’t have much of anything for a child besides what I’ve handed down to him so she had toys to play with at his house. I wouldn’t be complaining if I were you!

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If her only wearing the clothes he has for her 4x a month is upsetting you… then GIVE HIM MORE TIME🤷🏻‍♀️
Sounds like he kinda deserves it and is proving he can take care of her more.
The gf is probably buying/picking out the clothes and wants to keep them for their new baby. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
You’re lucky you have an involved father and a step mother figure that treats your daughter well.


Nope. He has what he needs at his for her and you have what you need. Why is that an issue?


My ex and I do this (per his request). You’re overreacting.


Wow you are ridiculous


Why is this an issue ?petty nonsense be glad he has taken on the responsibility .you cant control how he choses to dress her and what he allows you to have that he bought .the way hes doing it seems pretty smart .stop looking for an issue .the fact u added hes having a new baby was irrelevant to the post but i think very relevant to your hurt feelings

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I agree with him. That’s a normal thing. He has a child… he has stuff for his child that he keeps at his house. .


This isn’t about the clothes. This is about YOU. You want to be in control and you want him to depend on you. That’s what’s really wrong. Your mad that he don’t need you.