Am I in the wrong?

I read this post several times, I don’t think you’re as upset about getting a blender and toaster as much as you think. Deep down you wanted to be recognized on Christmas for the sacrifices you make for your family on the daily, like you recognized him, and your feelings are hurt. Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs that most times more then not goes on unrecognized because all the things involved are required, what we are supposed to do, we made those sacrifices when we became parents. You being the stay at home parent is a gift although at times I’m sure it doesn’t feel that way especially on those days you look in the mirror and that haircut you’ve went without is noticeable but I’m pretty confident when I say your babies don’t notice these things even though they seem big to us to our babies they just see their beautiful momma, the one who is always there, no price tag can be placed on that! When your kids are grown that’s what they will remember and admire about you, your sacrifices. You don’t have to tell your husband you peeked and don’t approach it in a way he feels belittled maybe that really was the best he could do (if your relationship is solid one day probably not anytime soon this will be a story you both look back on and laugh and most likely share with the kids especially if you have boys on what not to get your wife for Christmas😂) for now explain your feelings how you would really love the cricut to be able to use it on the days you have free time(might even be able to use it as a way to bring in extra money) and see if you can budget it in and purchase it with your tax return, that’s not being selfish we all need me time, you might be surprised of how open he is to that, if not maybe try babysitting a kid or 2 since you’re a stay at home mom and use that money for purchases like that😊 worst case scenario just start returning the gifts he gets you without saying anything, instead of returning for money get gift cards and put them back and add a few here in there, take that extra $10 you was going to spend at the grocery store and get a gift card it adds up pretty quick and get it yourself but the gift cards are a secure savings they don’t expire and can only be used at store they are intended for at time of purchase😉


I think it’s more about the fact that you don’t feel heard and probably overwhelmed with meeting everyone else’s needs and here was this one thing you wanted and you didn’t get…and to that all I can say is I’m sorry


Tell him what you want. NO GAMES. is that so hard??? If it is, maybe he’s not the problem

So why didn’t you buy it in October? Don’t need your husband permission

Mine doesn’t get me gifts not mother’s day not valentines day not Christmas not my birthday I don’t even get a hug…
Money isn’t the problem if not I would understand. Then they wonder why we leave :unamused:


Speak up, return your stuff, tell him you want what you want.


I sincerely think watching this (a few times!) with him could help your marriage overall. :sparkling_heart: Praying for you to get so much more than just the cricuit. :sparkling_heart::pray: YouTube: Tony Robbins Saves A Marriage.

No you shouldn’t be happy with that because that essential stuff for the home! Why would anyone buy a toaster unless it’s asked for! He could have got you what you already sent/told him about just as you did for him!!

Return the other 2 gifts and get the circuit, a toaster??? Nah


These comments are awful! So much gaslighting, yikes!

And all these women in the comments writing about their “worse” stories and telling her she should be grateful. Her feelings of disappointment are still valid, she’s gone unheard. He bought her appliances for the home meanwhile he got a meat smoker. “Here’s your christmas gift, you’re nothing it a housewife” how thought of him.

She just wanted something to do that isn’t taking care of everyone else. If it was a money factor there are plenty of people that sell their cricuts second hand with supplies, and he knew she wanted this in October! I sold mine last year with plenty of stuff and it was much cheaper than buying new. It went for like $150 with all the extras which is much cheaper. He also could have made it clear when she asked that they couldn’t afford one right now but when they could that they could look into them.

I agree that many of you are right that Christmas isn’t about gifts, but I really do feel for OP on this. She just wanted something for HER. I was a stay at home mom for 4.5 years, and when I was 2.5 years into that I got my cricut and started a business making hair accessories. It gave me something outside of my house work and caring for others. It also gave us extra income in the end. I’m so thankful my husband got me my cricut, although I waited months after I asked until we could afford one. Atleast I felt heard when I asked, so it made waiting a lot easier.

I would return the appliances and put the money away to go towards a cricut. Even if it’s a second hand one, I see them go up on Facebook Marketplace quite often. Good luck!


Please can I teach you a wife hack I learnt in my second year of marriage? I want it? I buy it, tell my husband he has incredible taste, give him the paper and he writes the card. It works for us. I get what I want, not a fucking toaster, and he feels like a hero. It is still our money. We are adults and this way there is no fighting and feelings…

Yuk some of you people are PATHETIC you don’t know her story why comment at all just shhh :shushing_face: you only live once isn’t so easy for everyone by the sound of it she deserved that bloody cricut… :gift: plus a toaster :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


By him a cricket and used it


He should have understood that. If you told him enough. Take his smoker back.

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I would tell him to return the items and really tell him how you feel! I don’t recieve gifts.

I feel the real issue is that you state you have not been anywhere in a year or had a haircut in a year and the presents just made the situation worse. WHY are you not going anywhere and not getting a haircut? You have to make yourself a priority and make sure you are taken care of or you will not have anything left to give. Start making yourself a priority and put money back to buy yourself what you want. My mom always taught me that you can’t be walked on if you don’t put the welcome mat out to be stepped on !


Buy yourself a Cricut. Unless he’s keeping you from having access to the household money. If that is the case you need to leave.

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For y’all to be moms, wives or just women PERIOD y’all are mad weird!! Just no type of sensitivity here!! She definitely is entitled to whatever she request!! She is raising this man children!! Stay at home mom doesn’t equal to being a nobody!! Women often lose their voices when they are Stay at home moms… I feel she should wait til New Year’s Eve and if she don’t have her Cricut then say something to him about it and don’t hold back!! I get so sick of women bashing other women especially one that don’t have a clue on raising children or EVER been a stay at home mom!! Y’all are definitely Pathetic! The Cricut is probably a hobby or maybe a new side job she is planning to do to get her some extra money… She don’t need to get a job when her husband is the head!! I’m praying for you dear that you get your Cricut and please update us., for the mean girls in the comments this is for you​:facepunch:t3::facepunch:t3::facepunch:t3:


Girl same! I always do big gifts with lots of thought and he last minute does things with absolutely zero thought doesn’t matter how many times I mention I would love something next year I’m doing the same something small without thought so maybe he can have the same feelings. I really think sometimes men just don’t get it unless it is spelled out and then some still don’t get it :woman_shrugging:

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As a sahm I felt this. I am very blessed to have a fiancé that buys me nice things all year long. I wanted a cricut and my mom ended up getting it for me. If I had the extra money I would send her one myself because I know what it’s like to want things and I feel like I can’t get them because I don’t work outside the home. Just know not all of us think your feelings aren’t valid. They are most definitely valid!!! If you asked for a toaster that would be fine but you didn’t! Yes Christmas is more than just gifts but again YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID!!!


Wow all these comments about how she should return it and get what she wants. She should be happy she got something. I know plenty house wives who don’t get anything under the tree. I was one for 10 years. Now we both work so we both get items under the tree. Being a stay at home mom there are still ways to make money. Plenty of work from home jobs to work. Baby sit, work in the evenings when he is home. Then you can get what you want. Being a stay at home mom is a privilege. There isn’t always extra money for $300+ gifts.


No you have every right to be mad… I got my son these things for his college dorm and literally spent less than 60 dollars. He put absolutely no thought or care into what he got you. Who wants that kind of things for Christmas. He did not take you or your feelings into consideration it’s like he bought stuff last minute just so you would have something under the tree… I’m sorry


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: if your partner can’t see that you being a Stay at home mom doesn’t mean slave to motherhood. It’s like the moms that get empty stocking but fill everyone else’s if you’re asking your partner n doing this for then but halfassing a gift bec they aren’t thinking about your mental needs.

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You’re both wrong! He shouldn’t have bought you what he did BUT he doesn’t NEED to buy you a 300+ gift. And honestly you sound very ungrateful and like a child. You’re whining to a ton of people on Facebook because you didn’t get exactly what you wanted that’s expensive. Has anyone actually told you the true meaning of Christmas? It’s not about presents


I bought myself everything I wanted for christmas, wrapped it and put it under the tree, my husband just got clothes from me and he was happy with that. I stopped depending on others you create your own happiness. And I would have been thrilled to get appliances. Is your birthday shortly after christmas where maybe hes waiting for?


I am really amazed at a lot of these responses and from WOMEN nonetheless. Way to build each other up.


I’d be really upset if I told mine this is what I want many times in advance and he got me a toaster. A toaster is for the house not a gift to someone. Tell him how you feel and then tell him you will buy yourself one. I know you said you had no money but what he brings in is your money too. You bought an expensive smoker as that’s what he asked for so why can’t you buy yourself your circuit. I really hope you get one and he understands how you feel :slightly_smiling_face:


I totally understand. Been down this road. A little different, but very close. 1st… you can’t peek :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Not funny, I know…I would not tell him you peeked. You need to talk to him. I do understand how this feels! I’m so sorry. It actually took a bit for me to get him to understand bc he comes from a different place. I even explain the items that can be knockoffs and which ones I want the certain brand now… ppl are right just bc you ask does mean you’re getting it but whatever I really, really want I do… exactly like they do. I don’t mind household gifts but a few of my friends told their hubs yrs ago if it’s fir the house I don’t want it as a gift ( just a thought). Wait til you are not hurt to talk to him … that should help him hear you more

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Half his income is yours,at least here in Texas, you don’t owe him a thing! Get what you want! Forget nice,nice!


Return the toaster and blender, and spend the money on yourself. Tell him if he wants those things for the house, he can buy them for the house …but not for you, as a gift. As soon as y’all have the money, go buy the cricut. Let him know how you feel, and what your expectations for gifts are. Or agree to not do gifts for each other, and just buy what y’all need, as needed…and what y’all want, when you have the extra money.


First off, I’m sorry that so many people are telling you to be grateful you got anything. I can relate to what you are feeling. My husband asked me what I wanted for my bday/Christmas (my bday is December 9). I know we can’t afford much, so I told him I wanted a specific coffee mug from Walmart that comes with hot cocoa. I told him every time he asked since November. It was $6. I got nothing for either. Which don’t get me wrong, we typically don’t exchange gifts. But he kept asking and telling me “I have to get you something”. So I gave him an idea of something we could afford. And yet I got nothing. I didn’t get him much, just a bunch of his favorite snacks. About $20 worth. And given I’m not mad at him, it hurts my feelings. Like i specifically told you the one thing, and I’m not worth a trip to Walmart and $6? Which is what I sense you’re feeling. All I’m worth to you is kitchen gadgets? It’s not fair. I’m sorry. But you need to tell him how you feel.


I do think it’s hard to understand for others.
I am not a sahm mother and this is one of the reasons. My husband who I love dearly is a naturally selfish person. Sometimes I don’t even think he realizes it. Sounds ridiculous I know. For the longest time I mean years he didn’t get me anything for the holidays or my birthday. I always bought him gifts and celebrated his birthday. One year I finally said something. He started purchasing me gifts afterwards but they was gifts more so for the home. Gifts like a vacuum, dishes, cookware etc. Still to this day he hasn’t ever purchased me anything as an item I wanted vs needed. I learned to purchase my wants. I would tell him your going back to work so you can start purchasing the things you want and even need. Then he can step up around the home to help as you won’t be a sahm any longer. Most men don’t get it. If I was a sahm I can say I wouldn’t have half of the things I got. It’s time to get back to work and spoil yourself because sadly this man isn’t going to obviously do it.

Not that any of its right nor an excuse but it’s reality. Its tough knowing that he don’t seem to listen. Even if he couldn’t have afforded it communication is key.


Household staple items are not gifts. (Unless people specifically ask for them) Idk why this is a continued thing. It’s weird. I understand why you’re upset, I would be too!

It sounds like your love language may be gifts or acts of service and your husband seems to be missing the mark big time.

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I bought my own gifts this year with his money while also buying all the kids gifts. I usually don’t get anything. He didn’t buy me anything for christmas on his own. At least this year I had things to open lol order it for yourself :wink:


Buy your own stuff, that way you won’t be disappointed. That’s what I do. I think my hubby appreciates not having to go shopping for me. Make your own happiness girl!! I do understand how you feel though.

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Return the toaster and blender and get your circuit. Also I would tell him Maybe no appliances as gifts unless you specifically ask for It


A couple years ago my bf was really excited about one of the gifts he got me. He ordered it online and had it delivered to my oldest daughters house and wrapped it himself and everything. He seemed to be very excited that he had bought me such an awesome gift. I had not asked for anything specific but I figured it may have been the newest book from Stephen King or maybe some Office merch or Harry Potter merch or something that I was interested in. He forbade me to shake the present when he finally got it wrapped and under the tree so it COULD have been something delicate. He was really excited about it. He just knew I would love it. My hopes were up. Christmas morning comes and I open it… It was a 12 speed rechargeable vibrator (that can be charged with a phone charger):roll_eyes::thinking::rofl: The only present in the world that literally tells someone to go f–k themselves :joy: I tried to be gracious about it because he thought he had done such a great job on picking and ordering the gift but it’s still in the box hidden in my bedroom and now it’s just a funny memory lol


You’re completely justified in how you feel! What’s some bullshit is giving your wife a damn toaster for Christmas. Appliances and necessities are NOT presents. Unless you ABSOLUTELY LOVE making toast and blending things, those are not gifts for you. Those are needs for the house. I’d be pissed, unless I specifically asked for a blender/toaster. Speak up about it, make it known how you feel… and in the mean time, don’t let anyone else use YOUR blender or toaster!

Be happy you got anything.i get nothing for birthday anniversary or husband doesnt believe in any of that

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Buy what you want never expect a gift ! You will set yourself up for failure!

Return what you don’t want and buy the gift you want.

We wonder as parents why children are so mean these days and then you see the comments on this post and they really go to show that the bad ass kids come from these type of women commenting rude and patronizing shit.

Here’s the…“thing”…I know people who only gift practical things…and I know people who refuse to gift practical things. I know people who really care and are generally great people but aren’t that great at gift buying.
A few years ago my husband bought me a hair dryer and bath stuff. We’d been together for a few years at that point, and my initial reaction was that he either didn’t know me at all OR that he just didn’t care…I don’t use a hair dryer and I rarely use bath products.
I asked him why he got me those things.
And you know what? The hairdryer was because he didn’t want me running around in the cold with a wet head and getting sick. The bath stuff was because he thought I could use it to help me relax since he knew I was anxious and stressed.
While they’re not what I would have bought for myself…they came from a good place. Those thoughts were the real gifts.

Maybe your husband was concerned about buying such an expensive machine with expensive…things you have to buy to go with it to even really use it.
Afraid it would get used and the sit untouched (there are things I’ve wanted but I was afraid I would do that so I don’t buy them)
so he decided to buy something more practical that would make your life as a stay at home parent easier…and there really are plenty of women that ask for kitchen appliances…even some of those what do I get for whomever posts recommend them.
If you still really really want one then save up or maybe use part of y’all’s tax return.

But as far as the anger irritation with your husband my best price of advice is to talk to him about why he chose those (leave the not buying a cricket alone) his answer might surprise you.


Ok so I’m not understanding how you have no income but can take him to expensive dinners,buy him expensive gifts and the kids gifts? You don’t take care of you. Seems you allowed yiur self to become lost, you set the tone that everyone was more important than you. You need to find yourself and have a discussion with him and let him know you matter to and you are gonna prioritize yourself too from now on.


Oh boy, l would be tempted not to buy him anything next year and just buy what you want for yourself…he sounds like a cheap prick.

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Learn from this and make sure you are putting yourself first this new year. No more expensive gifts for him if he’s not getting you’d what you want - treat yourself because clearly - no one else is going to

then talk to him instead of everyone here


I’ve been asking for the same darn thing… for 4 years. He did do better this year. I have snow pants and coat, leggings and an air fryer(because ours broke and we needed a new one). Last year was a set of pans. So, I’ve decided that I’m not waiting any longer and I ordered one. It should be here shortly. Lol… men are clueless even when we tell them exactly what we want. Blenders, toasters, vacuums and pans are NOT what we want as a gift. .


I would throw it at him after opening


How does he treat you? I feel like is the question :question:. I completely understand why you’re upset. But I mean maybe there is some reason he couldn’t afford it. I really don’t know. I can guess all day long. Go talk to your husband. Best advice my grandmother gave me, don’t allow everyone in your relationship. Stay strong momma and ask. I am a stay at home mom . I do understand , maybe suggest to your husband you could make money if he got you one. I have several friends that make shirts for little extra money


What is a cricut maker machine?

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Be happy with what you got!!!

Christmas is NOT about gifts!!! It’s so commercialized anymore…. “Gifts, gifts, gifts ugh “

(Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be rude)

If you want it go buy it.

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Get the money and buy it yourself! Men are often clueless when it comes to these things. Imo

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You have all right to be mad! A toaster is NOT a gift, it’s a household item! I have had this happen in the past and what it came down to is I bought nothing for birthday, Christmas, anniversary the whole year and explained well this is what I got so you can feel how it hurts to because i tried talking and partner just didn’t get it! Also just me being petty but I would return the big gift you got and go get a cricut. This was a long time ago but ended up splitting up! Not worth it, if they can’t tell that it hurts you the don’t care.


Ask him for the receipt once you open it and return them abs get what you want. But I’d definitely sit down with him and express your frustrations you can’t resolve issues if you don’t say anything and he can’t grow and learn of you don’t speak up.


Do we……do we not buy ourselves stuff anymore? I’m highly confused lol. I buy myself a lot of things I want even before I got with my husband I did that. I never rely on people to get me the gifts I want because most of the time I get disappointed I don’t get what I asked for. From that point on I began getting myself the things I want. Luckily my husband is great about getting me things I want when I do tell him about it but other than that if I want something I go and get it myself because I’ll just be disappointed. You need to start putting yourself first too and begin getting yourself what you want. I agree with the ones telling you to talk to your man and ask him why he got you those gifts then proceed to ask about circuit and why you didn’t get that. Communication is key.


Men are lost the majority of the time( for everything apparently) lets learn from this. Mom treat yourself to that machine. Make budget cuts if u need to. Lets teach our young men to be considerate of their spouse or partners feelings and thoughts.


But really he’s buying his own expensive gifts. Did you maybe not leave enough money to buy it? They are insanely expensive.


Is there a reason you can’t work? I mean, you live free and you’re worried about gifts??? I wish I had been able to live free. I can’t understand that concept. I always had my own income so I never had these issues.


Talk to your husband all these post on here asking what to do . do none of you ladies know how to communicate? Hes not a mind reader. Tell him how you feel and have a conversation. And that involves no yelling listening and understanding on both parts.


Things for the house should be joint presents unless you are the only one eating toast or blended goods?
Meat smoking just like the circuit may benefit both of you but individually you will enjoy those items for your hobbies.
Have a long talk with him and let him know how you feel.

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Maybe he actually bought it and just hid it somewhere else?


I’m a stay at home mom so I understand. Daycare costs more than I would make.
Next holiday, don’t get him anything, instead get yourself the maker. Then you can make him gifts.


In my opinion be glad he got you something I mean Christmas is not about gifts that’s what I don’t understand it’s about being with family I guess people have forgotten about that


Just save up and order it next month :person_shrugging: some men aren’t good with gifts and maybe he was trying to be sure there was money for the kids gifts


First of all, I literally never got anything. I didn’t even get anything for my first mother’s day. I’m kind of used to it by now but this year I got really upset too. I asked for a beachwaver… I sent him links and shared it to Facebook everytime I seen the ad. He texted me one day and asked me if a sex toy was a good Christmas gift for me. I was so upset and hurt because I don’t use sex toys on myself. His only thought would have been how that was going to benefit him. I get why your upset and you have a right to be. There was 4 straight holidays that I didn’t receive anything. Starting with Christmas, Valentines Day. My birthday, and mother’s day

This is y me and my husband don’t do gifts. Instead we go out somewhere. People make too big a deal over gifts when gifts don’t mean shit. If you want a circuit save 20 aside each check and get one

You should be greatful you got something . there’s people out there who get nothing . you greedy greedy .like me I got nothing . been married 36 yrs . wtf is a wrong with people your a greedy person


Return one of his n get yr cricut gurl…there problem solved


No! Put them kids in daycare and go to work


The best gift you can get yourself is economic independence. Then your husband will become your partner and not your master, and you can buy yourself anything you want :ok_hand:


pls don’t listen to all the women saying u should just be grateful to get anything atall :roll_eyes: these are grown ass MEN, perfectly capable of buying appropriate gifts without step by step Instructions :woman_shrugging: my son’s have been doing it since their early teens… Stop making excuses for crap behaviour, nobody should have to be grateful for something they don’t want and didn’t ask for purely because it’s better than nothing… raise the bar instead of settling

Omg…how many times have you told your kids that they dont always get what they want. You even peek to see what you was getting how childish is that… I sure hope he DIDNT get you one and just didnt put it under the tree to throw you off . how old are you? 12


I mean I think the gift giving is the least of ur problems. I’d buy what I want myself even with hubbys money. Being a stay at home mum is hard, time consuming, at times thankless and unpaid. He sounds inattentive and that’s the crux of the issue.

In saying that… hon being upset about a gift is unimportant. There are many other things to be upset about.

Lol I never get nothing for birthdays or christmas

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Get the Silhouette Cameo. It’s a little cheaper and the software doesn’t have so many glitches.

So sorry but I learned long ago never look or peak makes for a lot of heartache just be thankful for gifts because there’s many times I’ve had none

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Get your self access to the household money and go by yourself the God damn cricket. You’re no slave, it won’t break the bank and just bc you may not earn doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have any money. If that’s the case- change your situation. This is financial abuse, don’t accept it.

Honestly I’d be grateful to even get anything. This year we were to broke to buy each other things. We made sure the kiddo got to open presents. So instead he cooked a beautiful Christmas dinner to make up for it. Christmas is not about gifts. I’d just save up and buy one when you can. Circut can be expensive with all the tools and stickers. Just wait to get it for yourself or talk to the husband and tell him you want the kids in daycare so you can work and then split daycare expenses and then you can afford things.


Sell them both and get your own present.


1 income household. Y’all need to agree on an amount to spend for each other.
Meat smoker= household gift it cooks food for the family while he may be the main user of it it. It’s still meant to cook food for the family.

Toaster- household gift as it cooks food food fir the family.

But at the same time I buy my own gifts and put them under the tree from my husband have for years…


Get a job and buy your own stuff. When will women start owning their own lives and happiness and stop allowing their partners to dictate their money.


A toaster is not a present. Its a household appliance. Hopefully he got you an actual present. If not, I’d say just that. “This is for the house. Where’s my present?”


I agree he should have gotten what you asked for, for once Bc being a mom and homemaker is harder than any job outside the home. He should have gotten it for you and thought of it as a nice way for you to enjoy some time to yourself. Sorry girl, men are sometimes self centered and either clueless or like to play dumb

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You sound ungrateful. And to wish you didn’t get him stuff sounds childish

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Id be upset for sure!

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So get a side job at night and buy your own stuff


Sorry but this comes off as so selfish to me. Last time I checked Christmas isn’t about presents. Maybe this is something you need to learn. No one HAS to buy you anything. I wouldn’t even allow my children to act this way much less a grown ass adult. We have a rule at Christmas, you can ask for anything you want but that doesn’t mean you’ll be getting it. When did this rule come out that we HAVE to buy the person exactly what they want? I got a toaster a pan for Christmas I’m grateful that he thought of me and works his butt off everyday for us. Maybe try adopting a new attitude.

He should buy you something personal jewellery perfume etc x


That’s so sad for you :disappointed: I would tell him it’s not on. Return what he got you and get your machine in the sale.

Some of the comments on here :pleading_face: Bet if their hubby bought them a toaster they would have something to say about it.


Not what the season is about. Just remember the look on your family’s faces when they open their gifts and smile. Give thanks for your family. I lost my Husband 11 years ago so be blessed you still have him . :pray::pray:


Take alllll the stuff back you got him and go buy yourself a cricut :muscle:


Well there is a pattern
N lesson not learn
Not ya not being ungrateful but
It’s sounds like financial abuse
N not balance he control it all
N if not the first time
Obviously he doesn’t think of you as much as you think of him
Time to think n stop using him as security
Best Christmas gift was you to find yourself again independence and stop whinging like a child n do inner work
U like playing victim


I gave up on my husband. I just go out and but what I want to Christmas, valentine’s day, birthday or whatever holiday comes up. Problem solved.


I dont know if its worth getting all upset over because even when its there in front of their faces men are total and complete IDIOTS when it comes to picking out, and buying gifts anyway…
I mean, I do give little hints about what I need, or what I might want, but if I dont get exactly what I asked for then its just whatever…
but I never expect anything from anyone because that only leads to disappointment,
So I just let my husband surprise me with whatever, and this year was some pajama pants, pot holders, and some new pots and pans(which i really needed) and it was funny because when I opened the box to the pots and pans I was surprised because he actually got the good ones, and i said to him with excitement “thank you baby”…
and his hilarious response was:
"Your welcome baby!! its the gift that comes back around":rofl::rofl:
So obviously he was thinking about himself as well when he bought those pots and pans​:rofl::rofl::rofl:
But thats how we roll…And After 20 years together I still absolutely love, admire, and adore that man!!:heart::heart::heart:


You SHOULD be upset! Being a stay at home parent isn’t easy and feeling unwanted and neglected is terrible


I mean honestly, I’d be grateful that I got anything at all. I bust my ass to be our primary income. And I still didn’t get shit this year for Christmas, or last year, or the year before ETC. my birthday and Mother’s Day always get forgotten also. Literally Nada. Zilch. And the few gifts from my family, were “family gifts” for all the kids. I spoil my husband and kids. My husband also works so he has his own income to be able to get me something. He just doesn’t do it. So for real, be grateful. Atleast they didn’t forget about you all together :woman_shrugging:t3:

I totally understand how you feel.
Everyone else saying the gifts are unimportant or that household gifts are still gifts, or that that’s not what Christmas is about just don’t feel the way you do.
I’ve been there.
It does hurt.
It’s not childish.
It DOES feel like he’s not listening or that he doesn’t care. Which may or may not be the case. MEN ARE DENSE.

I would tell him why you wanted it, and how it made you feel.

Toaster… household gift… in a woman’s eyes. Smoker… also a household gift… in women’s eyes.

Smoker…:muscle: In men’s eyes. My husband smokes our dinner EVERY CHANCE HE GETS. He sits there and drinks a beer while smoking the meat… like he’s Joe BBQ. Lol.

Sorry, they’re just not the same. Not in my household anyways.

I would tell/ ask/ insist(however your marriage works) for a Cricut.