My bf and I have been dating for a year now and first couple months he had to take breaks because he was trying to get over a girl and I let that be now it’s a year later and the girl is back in his life and he told me he loves both of us equally and wants her to move in and have 2 women love him. Mind you I have 1 kid with him maybe 2 on the way. What do I do.
I wouldn’t stay with him… you’re an option not a priority.
Run. This is a whole mess that you don’t need to be involved in.
Leave him, your worth more than that x
Walk away you deserve better
Go your own way… don’t see this turning out good at all
If that isn’t a type of relationship that you want, you leave. You and your child (or possible children) will be just fine without him. File for custody and child support and live happy.
Run for the hills the greedy so and so
At least he’s honest about it and it seems you’ve been accepting this as well. Let it play in your mind if he gets her pregnant and would you be alright with it. Polygamy is quite popular now.
He wants to have polygamist marriage that works for some but not many if it’s not what you want then you need to leave now
Sounds like the start to every true crime story.
Personally I’d leave but a lot of people have 3 in a relationship so it’s down to if thats for you or not
Kick his ass to the curb
I couldn’t be poly nope looks like he’s inspired by sister wives guy take your babies and go
Leave him ! I wouldn’t go for that ! To much drama
Leave him, before he leaves…because If he doesn’t love and respect you enough to be committed to you, he obviously wants her more and will eventually leave you for her after he is done using you
You deserve somebody who loves and respects you wholeheartedly. Your littles deserve better too.
How is this even a question
This man doesn’t love u he lives her more even worse u are the mother of his child and he treats u like trash
Tell him to suck a dick!! Don’t let this man disrespect you cause he wants to be a man whore, there are better men out there that won’t treat you like this and you deserve better!
Wtf have I just read
Leave him your worth more than that
My bf and I r like that and all of us get along awesome and have fun together so I don’t see a problem with it. But if it’s not setting u r into then that’s ur choice. Us females have children. I have a daughter(not his) and she has 2 children(both his)
I was in a similar situation quite a few years ago. But I didn’t have kids with him. He would constantly say that he loved us both and wished he could have us both. I told him absolutely NOT. I wasn’t going to share or fight over him. So he left me for her, and then tried crawling back two months later when things with her didn’t work out.
Let him have her and move on. You deserve better.
Put his stuff on the porch and change the locks. No way!!!
Never play 2nd fiddle
just leave his dumb ass worry about ur babies and move on
It sounds like he’s polyamorous. There’s a lot of ignorant comments already on this post. If you love him and want to make it work, all of you need to do some reading on the polyam lifestyle and find some support within the poly community. Best of luck.
Kick him to the curb
What does the other girl have to say? I wouldn’t stick around for some bs like that and as I read, most women wouldn’t either. So I’m just wondering if she is down with it too.
Get out of that relationship!!!
Ehhh say ur goodbyes are u for real not a hope
Fk that, you can’t love two women. You can want to bang 2 women
You leave or accept a poligimist lifestyle… Should have said bye in the beginning honestly but it’s clear his first priority is her so you have to accept or let go.
If he loved you, she wouldn’t be in the picture
Nope nope nope leave his arse … Raise Ur child (s) if Ur expecting again cuz u wouldn’t b able to trust he carnt go bk to her ever since he loves her
No trust no relationship Hun XX unless ovc u wouldn’t mind sharing n a 3 way relationship x
You’ve been with him just a year and already two children ? this doesn’t sound like love
You are being snow balled …
Leave his ass you don’t need to put yourself and your children and that kind of relationship
Clearly a narcissist
If you aren’t polyamorous, it’s not going to work out for you.
Totally wrong. Please do not raise your children in that type of lifestyle. Leave him.
If he cant be happy with just you n ya child/children i would run with the babies n not look back
If your asking you already know what you should do
Ask yourself What do YOU want!?! And what do you want for your children!?!?
Screw what he wants!
Tell him to kick rocks and make yourself disappear:sparkles:
If it’s not what you want, time to go. He’s not going to get over her if he hasn’t before she came back
Leave, that’s total bs lol
Red flags…you deserve better…
You ignored EVERY red flag possible and already accepted being #2 in year one with the coming and going. Choose yourself. Stop letting the ball be in his court with choices. You choose! Kids need a happy healthy mom. Not a torn one over a man.
What is WRONG with you? There’s NO way that jerk would move another woman into our home. Have some respect for yourself. USE YOUR BRAIN😡
Forget that get rid your worth more x
Depends on what you want. Do you want a polyamorous relationship? Or no? Cause if not, run, lol.
If that’s not a lifestyle you are comfortable with then leave. It won’t work for you.
If your even thinking of being okay with that, you and the woman should go on a date/ girls night and see if it’s even worth considering.
What is this? The New sister wives?
Run fast as you can.
Get out… and get child support n alimony
Of this was me I would invite the girl to move with rules for everyone. However not everyone wants multiple partners. Think long and hard on what you want and can live with then choose. From your post it does not sound like you want her to move in.
Your not happy ,You have children who will grow up confused about what the. "Normal " is. Do You want to be a three some forever ? I couldn’t ! Please do what’s right !Good luck and God bless You !
The fact that you already have doubt inside means it’s a no from you. Do not talk yourself into it. Do not think that you can make it work. Do not think that you love him enough to do this for him. You will do more damage to yourself and your child in the long run. Trust your intuition. She’s your real best friend.
But in all honesty why are you asking a bunch of strangers on the internet what to do with your life? You know deep down what you want/need to do. If both of you ladies can share him and not have any issues then let her move in and be poly. But if you can’t then let him go. Don’t make him chose you or her because it will just go downhill. Just leave him at that point
I suggest you take a break and do some soul searching. You know what he wants. What do you want? Does it compromise your moral beliefs? Are you really okay with it? Praying for your situation.
Well unless ur are into 1 man wh 5 wives I say leave him he cant have both wtf men kill me:roll_eyes: he obviously is using u
It sounds like your boyfriend could be pushing boundaries. I’d put yourself and your children first and move on. If he can’t love and respect only you as a life partner then he never will. I personally would leave your partner and this other woman to get on with it. They’re not worth the grief
that doesnt sound like a great idea, even if you guys are poly.
Leave if u ain’t into that lifestyle and file for child support
Leave, periodt, leave, that is all
Do you want to share him with this other woman. You need to think about what YOU want and go from there. Good luck x
Kick him straight to the curb. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. Not fair to you or the child that you guys have together either. You being around that will teach your child that unfruitful, obnoxious, and confusing behavior is ok and your child will carry that into his or her adult life. Leave him, there’s so many more men out there who will cherish you and love YOU. Trust me, I have been there done that and I left that 12 years ago and I’m happily married to a man who adores me now. No one has time for games anymore, we’re all adults and he should know better and the fact he even placed you in this situation shows how much he truly respects you and the child you guys have.
For some people that kind of relationship works, for others not so much. Having kids involved as a new twist and problems to it. Is this something that will make you happy? Can you handle him being with the other women when he’s not with you? I assume they will end up having kids as well. If you don’t think you can be happy in that kind of lifestyle and home, then I’d say tell him NO.
Adjust your crown and find a real man 🤦🏼♀ tf
No brainer leave him
Wtf is wrong with all these men. If you are not interested in a polygamist lifestyle, you need to run.
He will never choose you, he wants to have his cake and eat it too. Just leave now. Even if he chooses you over the other girl, another girl will come in the future.
Unless that something you can work with then leave,
LEAVE why are you even asking this?
Why would you want to be with a man that doesn’t love you and only see women as playtoys
Is this a real question??? WOW
And we think we have problems lmao.
If you’re OK with sharing him and being in a polygamist relationship with him you have to understand that you also have to except her as your sister wife now if you can’t deal with that then you need to leave. I would say have a talk with him and tell him he hast to choose but the fact that he’s already let her back into his life means he already made his decision I feel like honestly you’ll be the second best just because he didn’t choose you and didn’t bring her back into his life
Sounds like a future Maury episode
Leave. He is apparently not over her and wants to be with her but doesn’t want to leave you to be with her, so he wants you both. You and your kids deserve better than that!! I can’t believe he even told you that he wants you both. Wth?
Don’t be desperate let this go ASAP
1st you deserve better, PERIOD 2nd think of what an example you’re setting for your children. 3rd he has shown you who he Really is: cheater, commitment phobic, narcissistic, disloyal, disrespectful etc He can only do what you allow RUNNN.
Kick him to the curb, make him pay child support, you deserve so much better girl.
Try it. You might be surprised at how it works. I say this from experience. If the women get along, and the man and 1 women work full time and the other stays home with the kids and takes care of the house, everyone wins. Blows my mind why people are so negative to think outside the box. Good luck to ya!
Never let yourself be an option. He won’t respect you for it nor will he pick you. I’m sorry you are having to go through this.
What the actual f? Use your damn brain, love. Leave this moron. You’ll never be number 1
I have people for less
jk, in all seriousness, if YOU aren’t consenting to a thruple, then there can’t be one. Obviously he made his mind up, now you need to think hard for you and the baby(ies) and make yours up as well. Any decision will be tough, I wish you the best of luck luv
Get the the fuck out of that relationship!
why are you asking you should be packing dump this loser
If you aren’t cool with a throuple, three people in a relationship, get out now. He isn’t going to drop her, if he is seeing her again. Think of your child and the possible one on the way, would you want them to be raised like that? I’m not bashing those who make it work of course, but people have their limits. If you aren’t comfortable with it now you won’t be later. Good luck.
it wouldnt work for me
Leave him! And why are men even allowed in this group.
I wonder if he would be ok if it were reversed? My x kept asking me for a threesome until I finally agreed but only if I could pick the 3rd person and when I threw a man’s name out there everything changed! Lol he didn’t ever say anything about it again
RUN. And don’t ever look back.
Is this really a question
If you don’t want to do it, leave.
He just wants to cheat openly without you complaining. He will never be serious with you