Am I in the wrong?

Oh honey, unless you want that living situation, move out. Because he won’t change.

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Move a bit!ch in. Free child care :rofl::rofl:

Id say leave but then again someone extra 2 watch the kids n take the man if hes on ur nerves🤣. Jkjk run for sure😳

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Surely you don’t want him now you know what he is like.
You need to love yourself more than anyone else
Choose you first and say no to anything that’s not healthy for your whole being


It is impossible to love two people equally, I don’t care what anyone says.

Sounds to me like she’s his woman and you were the rebound that ended up pregnant. He’s trying to do the right thing by you because you have his child, but she’s the one he wants. Unless you’re good with the whole Sister Wives thing, I’d say it’s time to tell him goodbye!


Stand up, respect yourself, and get the hell away from this narcissistic jackass.

Juat walk away. He will.never be faithful if he is so stuck on this other girl. Let her have him

Sis, reread what you just wrote. Do you want a poly relationship? If not then tell him to leave. He obviously wants the new girl, and never stopped loving her, but you have his children so he feels obligated to you. He really just wants her. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Hell i dont know how a man can handle 2 women hell my man will tell u quick that he cant handle harly 1 much less 2 lol i would leave him bc i will not share

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You put up w that right from the start. Day one. So, you know where this is going already.


You should be the only female he wants! He isn’t worth it. Take the kids and leave

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I’m just confused why you had not one child, but possibly two with him while he was “trying to get over” another woman. That was dumb on your part…take the kids and leave if polyamory isn’t for you.


Those “breaks” were him being unfaithful… let her have him👀


Oh wow…he’ll never be happy. Just leave

Love yourself and your child and leave this relationship.

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Yes you are in the wrong… you need to seek professional help

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You tell him no. Then you get away from him and don’t have anything to do with him.

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Uh wow like definitely not. :flushed: You need to think about the security, love, emotional well being of your children too. Think deep down u know what’s best.

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Next thing you know she’ll become the “mommy” and he won’t need you anymore. Don’t stay! Get out!


It is so sad when women value themselves so little

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Pack his shit and kick him out.

What’s up with all these people wanting poly relationships? I could never share​:no_good_woman::no_good_woman::no_good_woman: sorry! You need to think about you and your child!

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On one hand he was honest, on the other hand you’re always gonna be 2nd to her…


Some people are completely fine with poly type relationships I myself am not one of them. If this is something u do not want them get out quickly, those breaks will continue if not

Let her have him he isn’t worth it. Take the kids and run. A real man would love you and his kids and not have time for another woman.


Give him a choice you or her. Unless you want to share him.

Well, you have 2 very clear options. You can either stay with this man and accept the other woman and all that comes with that way of life. Or you can walk away and make a life with your kids that you be truly happy with. Imo if you were okay with that, you wouldn’t be posting and seeking advice on what to do. Put you and your babies first momma :blush:


Girl, tell him 1 +1 does not equal 3 and remove yourself out of the situation…unless your into polygamy leave his a$$ and be.with.someone.who.wants you.and only you

If that is your cup of tea you can. Do you get along with her it might be something to consider but if you’re doing it just to please him then don’t

Get out he,s a moron

He “loves” you both equally because he doesn’t want to hurt you. I wouldn’t do it but that’s just me.

Hey at least he’s honest lol. Why are you asking us what to do? Do what you want to do in your heart. You know everyone is going to say something different some might suggest you move a man in too. But yeah what you should do is what you’re really comfortable with

That’s ridiculous, how I see it is
If I’m not the 1st choice I’m not an option to him at all.
If he has to make a decision between you and someone else at all it’s not worth it Don’t give him that power


Honey child you should have broke it off when he took that first break :broken_heart:
KNOW YOUR WORTH & it’s obviously More then the half ass credit he is giving You…
Make You and Your kids Top Priority or NO ONE ELSE WILL EITHER!!!.. Guys will give you bare minimum… A MAN will give you & Your kids their ALL!!!
Learn the difference between the two and pack him up and out

Girl… if you don’t pick up the self worth you just tried to drop… don’t let this man make you feel like you don’t have a choice. If he can’t love you somebody else will.


If you’re into polygamous lifestyle go for it. If not, leave :woman_shrugging:


Here’s what I always ask - due to you having a child whether male/female do want them to grow up thinking it is ok to treat a man/woman like you are being treated - if you have a boy would you condone him treating the girl he claims to love like this by bringing in another into their relationship - if you answered that it would be fine with you then do what you gotta do for your “man” but if you say no you wouldn’t like then pack his bags and send him to his other love asap. Good luck and God bless those babies they are going to need it.


Has he ever mentioned wanting to add a third :thinking:

Since he can’t choose between you both…YOU choose to leave!!! You make the choice for him!

Oh hell no …he’s treating you like a second choice …if she don’t move in he is definitely going to cheat on you with her .and if push comes to shove he is going to choose her not you …NEVER BE THE SECOND CHOICE .find yourself a man that puts you first


Tell him to have her n u n the baby leave. Thro the whole thing away. U deserve better

The key is here is “ I want two women that will love me”, what happens if you’re both unhappy

My question is why would you continue and pursue being with him KNOWING he was still in love with someone else??? Especially right at the beginning of the relationship. That’s a whole big red flag right there. It wasn’t like it was later down the road, he showed you that at the beginning. Not being mean but I truly wonder what goes through peoples head sometimes.

What do you think you do . Lmao. Come on now


The fact you haven’t dropped him yet is the real concern


At least he was honest. And told you exactly what he wants. He left the ball TOTALLY in your court. I would say LEAVE! And quickly establish custody of your child so there is not issues there. Even if it’s 50/50 just make sure custody is established. But if you could live in a relationship with two women then stay. It’s what you can handle.

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You already know the answer.
Just do it✌️

Are you serious? You can’t be this dense :roll_eyes:

GIRL, you leave. Wym… if my fiancé dropped this on me, I’d tell him he MUST BE dumb and to get his shit and to get the hell outta my house. Ain’t no way in hell I’m fixing to share shit.

Why are you even asking. This d bag of a human doesn’t get to have his cake and eat it too…what is wrong with you even thinking it’s a good idea to give into that BS


Unless you into girls and polygamy, run.

Tell him to get out.

Tell him that he needs to leave her life of he want to be with you. If your pregnant he needs to get rid of her. Thats unacceptable

Nope that’s a total red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: definitely leave him. If he loved you he wouldn’t have brought the other girl back into his life in the first place. He honestly probably never stopped talking to her. Kick him to the curb

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Becky McBrayer, yikes.

Are y’all auditioning for a sister wives spin-off?


Let her have him. He obviously wasn’t over her

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Leave him. If you’re asking now that means you’re already uncomfortable about it so …

Either you want to be a polygamist or No. This post absolutely doesn’t sound like it. You kinda messed up when you went to entertain a future with someone who wanted to entertain the past. I think over time he genuinely developed feelings for you…but not because he wanted to, he had to let go not by choice. Now he sees the opportunity with what he rather have. But also sees his dilemma cares and doesn’t want to hurt the current “family.” You are not where he rather be. If the girl didn’t exist you are his next best thing. He’s in his own created situation, step out of the predicament.

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Unless your willing to be in a poly relationship I’d say that’s a big red flag

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Leave him ! You deserve better

I’m the odd one out here I guess. Ask him if he’s polyamorous. Look it up together and see what your comfortable with. I’m polyamorous and for a period of time, I lived with two guys that loves me. One being my hubby and the other my ex. Both are fathers to my kids. And both are best friends. So I think that’s why it worked out for me.

But for him to ask that of you, to let someone you don’t even know move in for his own circle thing. Um no. You will have resentment towards him and her. If it’s something you want to try for your child together, try to get to know the other girl before deciding. Talk to him and her about your decision too.

Good luck and do what you think is best for your baby(ies)


Ummm. Big FAT NOPE! He needs to go be with his other woman and you need to seek child support payments!


You already know the answer to that!!!

Absolutely not . That is a recipe for disaster smh

Yuck… no way… you must even ask?

Have u not seen the crazy show sister wives lol do u want a sister wife lol I sure as f dont

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Run the hell as far as you can, get a lawyer & file for child support.


Id honestly be wondering if she ever really left his life…


Stay gone, long gone!

Are people really this stupid?


It depends on how you feel!! Lots of relationships have more then 2 people and function perfectly fine :two_hearts::two_hearts:…. But if you aren’t comfortable with sharing your partner then it’s time to move on


I look forward to seeing all 3 of you, on a future episode of “snapped.” :popcorn::tv:


So he tryna have his cake and eat it too it seems lol


You let him impregnante you knowing he wasn’t over someone else? :woman_facepalming:
You can’t really not know what to do??


This cannot be a real question…


Run so fast he don’t know your gone

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Are you really asking?
Run as fast as you can. KNOW YOUR WORTH!

RUN and if you do not have the common sense to do that, then you and your children will suffer the consequences.

It depends on you and your boundaries. A lot of people do it and love it, but if you are not up for it then please leave. It just depends on you and how comfortable you will.

This isn’t even a question. Why would you want to stay with an unfaithful man?

Why would you ask complete strangers how to live your personal life? This is totally up to you, if you want to share him then do it if you don’t want to then don’t. I personally think it’s crazy and it’s not a way I would want to live

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And you’re still there!!! :astonished: First, after all this time, If he still wants her, he always will. He was never over her enough to love you. Y’all are not equal. He feels guilty about telling you that he loves her more. And He does or he would not ask this of you. He wants it open only for him because I bet y’all can’t have 2? You can stay and be walked on and know he’s sleeping with her, and loves her more, while you’re the 3rd wheel or leave. When she comes back, all his attention goes to her… pick yourself up, love yourself and go…if he really loves you more, he’ll come back.

You knew what was up :woman_shrugging:t2: and from what you’re describing he likes and cares more for this other female , and you’re a rebound :woman_facepalming:t2: might not like the ugly truth but it’s life …

Tell him NO and RUN.

Are you polyamorous? Because you certainly do not have to be if you’re 0% not interested.
Tell him your intentions are now to seek out, love, and be with other men sexually since he does/wants this with another female, even if you’re being spiteful. One day, you probably will move on.

One man is overly enough to live life with, personally. And if having a loyal relationship is important characteristic for you as well, honey, he is obviously not the one. He invited her right back into his life, and now yours. But you don’t have to stick around if none of this is for you.
You should rest easy that they probably won’t last. She was his ex, correct? Their past problems will most likely slowly come out, and also living a poly lifestyle together, sounds like a recipe for disaster. Be careful what you expose your children to.

So you took backseat to an exgirl and he wants his cake and it eat too…your worth more than that


The only way a 3 way relationship will work is if EVERYONE is on the same wavelength. You even asking us this question tells me you are not into that which is totally fine. Your feelings are valid. Seems like a split and coparenting needs to happen.

He wants to be in a poly relationship in alot of ways nothing wrong with it… all im saying is your answer can only come from you how you feel and what’s going in in your heart and head…everyone is saying to run and how wrong it is …is that what you think …I have a friend with 4 kids and 2 women they get along awesome…just up to you

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That’s a question? Put your big girl panties on and move on! Hold your head high and don’t look back!!!

This is a joke right :joy:

Yeah my cousin just got out of a similar situation and it does not work out. He needs to grow up and the both of you woman need to have better self worth than to accept his selfishness.

Why you staying walk away if he wants her let him have her you can do better

I wouldn’t be asking a group this personal of a question. Many will view this as taboo and many will not. It’s your life and this decision needs to solely be based on you and how you see your future.


Do not make a serious life change that will effect your children if you aren’t ready to change. That lifestyle can be so hard, dont settle for a man or woman that would rather sacrifice your happiness in place of there’s. You need to be fully ok with this other person coming into it. And be willing to incorporate your child because they are both of yours.

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Don’t be a fool, that’s what you do.

If you want to be a doormat, go for it!

I’d honestly follow your heart.
Leave him and raise your babies :slight_smile:

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Leave fast! He is crazy! Another sister wives ???