Am I in the wrong?

Respect yourself above all that. You know you deserve better.God made man in His own image,and you are treating yourself like you are not worthy? Rise above all that.

Walk away. Find a better man. Who shares a man. ?

I personally would allow it, but it’s not for everyone and that’s okay. #PolyVsMono


If ever there is a choice between me and someone else, I will demand they choose the other person. I will not be an option. But that’s just me.


No think more of yourself and your kids


Wtf. Lol jerry springer.

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If you have a child with him it is not dating. He is not respecting your relationship. You should leave asap.


wtf kind of question even is this


You leave. Especially if you arent into that.

Some people have multiple partners, and that life is the life for them. It’s works for them and that’s beautiful and amazing and more power to them.

Other people are not like that, me included. He cheated. You weren’t aware, you didn’t consent, so he cheated. Throw the whole &#$ POS man straight out, right in the :wastebasket:.

If he cared about you he wouldn’t of cheated on you. He only cares about himself


If it was me, then they could have the other person. Because I’m not gonna be an option. Period.


If it’s not the way you choose to live and have a relationship then you tell him that :woman_shrugging:t3: if he can’t respect of accept that then it’s his choice on how he wants to proceed and a decision he has to make.

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When he was still greaving over losing her snd taking a break from you , you should have lelt! If you will tolerate that , he knows your will is weak!

All these people telling you to leave are not the ones in your shoes. You have to figure out what you are willing to accept. What’s right for you may be wrong for others and vice versa. You have to think for yourself and decide what to accept.

You r a doormat to him. Please queen - know your worth♥️


Run as fast as you can. He is not worth it. You deserve to be his only true love.

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That is a decision each person needs to make. Do not let him pressure you into something that you don’t want. I don’t agree with poly life but some do. From what I’ve been told it is all about trust and open communication. Being a parent you also have to decide if your okay with your child growing up in that type of life.

You get up and leave you don’t deserve that

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He’s shown you he doesn’t want just YOU, so why are you waiting around for him to pick ?

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There are always fish in the ocean…

So, after she moves in, then what? He is a liar & a cheater. He opens his mouth & shit falls out. Do you want to raise children around this man child & his toy?? Run. Run hard & fast. Get you a child support order & supervised visitation since he can’t make grown up decisions. This situation will not make you happy. I wish you all the best.

Make it easy for him. He can choose her. You’re not an option.


Polyamory only works if all parties want it, all parties know and trust each other, all parties agree that they can happily live with each other.

Can you check off all these boxes? If no, you’ll know your next move.

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Leave leave leave now

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He should of never started a new relationship with you when he wasn’t healed or ready that’s bad on him, you knowing he wasn’t ready but continued to stay in the relationship allowing yourself to be a option and not a priority bad on you. You can love 2 people , but you can’t be in love (there is a big difference) with 2 people at the same time, if someone honestly believes that is possible not only are they lying to their self, but to the other person as well. Have enough respect for yourself to not make yourself available for that option. Kids or not sadly you are and always will be that to him a option. His heart never belonged to you and it never will, you’re degrading yourself every day you stay thinking it will. It’s a sad and twisted situation but girl don’t waste one more second of your precious time on something that will never be yours. Take your kids and build you a life and one day you will meet someone whose heart was meant for only you.


He’s wants some kinda sister wives thing :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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No way. Kick him out


Thats a big red flag… he made his decision on what he wants and has disregarded your feelings all together… its time to take a hard look at where yall are at in your relationship

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Uhm, NO. Selfish ass dude… :v:t2::wave:t2::wave:t2:

So he wants two women to be equally devoted to him, but the women only get half that love in return since there is only one of him. Seems fair… :rofl:


Love yourself and children enough to know u deserve to be loved 100% trust me I have been there and it ruined me it has taken me years after ending it of counseling to realize I am enough and deserve more

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Did YOU sign up for a polyamorous relationship or a one on one? Do YOU want a girlfriend too? Do YOU want to share your space, home, vacations time with your man, sexual partner? You keep talking about what he wants when you need make your decision off what you want


Kick his sorry butt to the curb and go after Child support!!!

He cant have both IT’S not have your ice cream an cake eat it girl id go as fast as i can away never second fiddle to nobody

Show him that scene fron new girl where nick is yelling at shmitt about how he cannot have two wives only one

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Ask if you can bring a new man too Jk jk. I’d get out of there unless that’s something you want to live with


Can you be poly? Then try. Are you monogamous only? Then split. At least he was honest.

Dump him as fast as you can.

I wouldn’t even have to ask this question! Peace the fuck out… never be a option or second choice! :woman_shrugging:

I couldn’t share my man!

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Ask him if you will be able to get yourself another boyfriend to move in so you are loved by 2 men :roll_eyes:
You should have left his sorry ass when he needed ‘breaks’ to get over his ex :unamused:

Oh no I would not stand for that. But you do you boo.

:running_woman:as fast as you can!!

Wtf did I just read🥴


Is this a serious post? Sometimes I wonder if these posts are real.


Lmao…so he wants to see you munching on the old carpet… tell him you mant another man to join…he can eat a nut


If he had to take breaks to get over her than chances are he don’t love you both equally. And that’s just weird. He wants 2 girls those things never work out.


Kick him to the curve


Dating a year? You have a child together? Is that not classed as committed relationship :thinking: :confused: you don’t seem like u have much sense but the obvious logical thing to do would be run and put 110% into your child not some aholes fantasies x


Mate, I wouldn’t be sharing but that’s me I’m fucking greedy, but if he ain’t all for you! You already no what todo babe.

Kick him to the curb…if you aren’t first choice then move on


First things first, if you end up being maybe not pregnant. Birth control, until you figure out if you’re willing to have an open relationship. What happens in your home, make sure you’re fine with your child living that same life one day…oh, taking breaks wasn’t getting over her. It was spending quality time with her.


Bye!! Is all i can say. Oh and dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

Well I mean you could be sister wives lol

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What do I do?
Are you for real! Have some respect for yourself and your child and leave him. He is waste :wastebasket: dump his ass!

What you should do is say good bye.

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Ugh I wouldn’t think I would go to social media for this I would kick him as far as I can and go for child support!!

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Absolutely fucking not. Know your worth, obviously he doesn’t.

Hell no! Run and make him pay child support! Leave him with the other woman that he chose.

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Sweetheart, you need to decide what YOU want, what YOU are willing to put up with. If this situation does not work for you, then you need to plan a way to get away from him. He’s not what you need or want in your life.

Tell him u want u husbands then.


I mean …that all depends on what your morals and ethic standards are … is that something youre into? If not then you need to let him go. Only you can decide that.


If you need to be told what to do…… seriously!?!

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Live a polygamist lifestyle or move on is what it sounds like your choices are

U run! Y do u even have to ask :see_no_evil:

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If you love me, let me know. If it’s between me and someone else. Please, pick someone else. I don’t have time for the drama you want to inflect.


Dump. You deserve better.


Mattesha Lawrence :joy::joy::joy:

It’s what you want, if he wants that fine but if you don’t want it then you don’t have to have it that way. Only you can decide on what to do here.

O hell no!!! Id run…

Now this is crazy 6 months or a year he be kicking one of them out getting a different gal as he probably gets bored easy and kids probably get in his way so no baby is gonna trap him this plain crazy either share him in front of your face or leave hopefully ya got enough sense not have this life style around kids

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Girl leave him he was never over her and put his ass on child support. It’s hard but u have to love urself and kids more

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Once you open that door you cannot close it

Oh hell no drop him and find new committed man.


Unless you wanna be a sister wife… RUN!! Dont walk! He aint for you!


Ask yourself what you want, ask if you can handle it, if you are open to it, discuss how it would go with everyone in the home. Would you sleep together, will there be turns sharing, how long if so, how often, how about the kids and helping them understand, what about the other woman? If she gets pregnant, how will she parent with your child or children and vis versa. Everyone’s feelings, not just him being loved. For any reason there’s discomfort or jealousy I say move forward and do best for you and your kid(s).


Run for your life!!! How do you think he would feel if you told him, you were in love with another guy equally as him and you wanted the guy to move in With you so you could be loved by both. I bet he wouldn’t go for that. Ask him that for real and see his response.


Run like the hounds of hell are after you. He wants his cake and eat it too…

He’s going to see her if she moves in or not. It’s up to you to decide if you want to live this lifestyle. If you want him all to yourself I’m sorry to say this will probably never happen. You could stomp someone’s ass but then you’ll be in jail and she will have him to herself. Well, at least untill he finds another girl he wants to move in with them. I’d wave bye bye and live a better life. There are other fish in the sea that aren’t sharks. You deserve better.

Say sure, you gonna pick you a man to move in too… mmm kay?


Polygamy isn’t as bad as most people make it out to be. If it something you think you could handle, then go for it. More home income, more help around the house, help with kids, and when he’s pissing you off, go sleep in your own room. Boundaries need to be established for it to be functional though.

Yuk you even have to ask girl get out

That’s a big NOPE from me!

I mean polyamory is a thing. If that’s something you think you’d be ok with than go for it but it takes allot of communication and trust. If that’s not something you have interest in than I think you’d be better off leaving him

Let her move in, help pay bills, save up, then say bye!!


Two options :

  1. invite the other girl into your home
  2. walk away
    Either way it’s not gunna be easy. Do what you feel is best for you and your child !

Say no, and if he continues with her then you need to leave. This works for some people but not without honesty. He did this without your permission and that’s just basic cheating.

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He might have never tried to Unlove her it seems he probably had been talking to her on the side because after a year and she just pops back in? And the fact he never asked you anything he’s just telling you what he wants that’s kind of a red flag It’s not the thought of oh I think I still wanna try with my ex if I were to hit her up can we all sit down and talk about a poly relationship something like that.

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He says he is in it for both of you but he really only cares about himself.


That garbage should have been ledt in 2021. Pack your bag. Pack your kid’s bags. Laugh in his face. GTFO. File for child support. Have these babies. Get child support on them. Make sure he is helping support them all. Take some time for yourself and your kids and eventually when the time is right find yourself a good man for you and that will be good to the kids. Co- parent with him, but never think of him as anything more again.


Honestly everyone is freaking out but if your okay with it and you do roll that way, poly relationships are a real thing. Now if your not okay with it kick his ass to the curb and don’t let him come back but it depends on YOUR feelings on it. Nobody else’s.

About 12 years ago I had a relationship like that. I moved across the state to be with this man. He wanted another woman to go places with and do things with, wanted me to cook clean and take care of his needs. I chose to pack up and leave. The other woman is no longer in his life. He is not happy after all these years. Still chasing some fantasy. As he gets older and realizes he needs someone to be there with him he regrets the decision to push me away. So move on he will always be looking for someone else

REALLY!!??….the only person he loves is himself!! You don’t need advice , you need a get away car :oncoming_automobile:

Kick him out, can’t believe he’d even ask. Where is your pride

Is that even a question?! :thinking: unless that’s something your into?..

To start… don’t get pregnant by a guy that tells you upfront he is still in love with someone else. A year in and 2 kids with this guy? You set yourself up.


Get rid of him get child support nothing like having you cake and eating too

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No. Pack his bags & kick him out immediately.


I’m not sure why you’re not even practicing safe sex with this punk,I mean it sounds like he has been an asshole for quite sometime and you believed his nonsense.I bet he didn’t even stop messing with this other girl

K I only read a sentence fuk that

ask yourself “is this polly life for me” - if ur answer is yes continue with shawty movin in if it’s no - u need to leave his ass alone.