Am I in the wrong?

So, uh… what’s the difference in your son running around in his boxers or running around in swimming trunks?

Someone is ALWAYS going to have something to say… about how you raise your kids, how you keep your house, your religion, your political beliefs…there are just people in this world who aren’t happy unless they have something to complain about!

You do you, and what’s best/works for you and yours. If this person has a problem with how you raise your kids or how you run your house, they can kick rocks! It’s not exactly like they were invited anyway, they just showed up… which is rude on its own!

Mind their own business.

Nope ur not in wrong my 9 year old is always in his boxers

I make sure I call my in-laws with plenty of time before going to their house. My father-in-law is either his boxers or just a towel if he’s home, he’s usually at work. It’s your house, you set the dress code.

Nope. Let them be scared of skin in their own home and mind their business in yours. :man_shrugging:


Underware is not appropriate in mixed company. You should start getting them use to this so as they get older it is the norm. All it takes is one instance when older to be embaressed or not accepted by peers or their familes.


Your house, your rules. What does he wear to school?

Your house, your kids, and your rules- you are fine young one :heart::rose:

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Nope, they should mind their own business, people hafta squawk about something, good thing she don’t live near me, a nudist camp up the road!!! lmaooooooooo

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It’s only inappropriate if you make it inappropriate.

There’s nothing wrong with that at all

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It’s your house your kid yourself do as you please. If they don’t like it they can kick rocks


Your house your rules

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But it’s your house?? Like?? Tell them to not come over then wtf. My husband would sit in his boxers on the weekend because he was more comfortable that way.

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Standard in my house I will make my daughter (4) put her sweat pants on if anyone comes in though if it’s just us at home me and my girls (4) (18m) big tees and undies

He’s a CHILD. It’s only inappropriate if you make it inappropriate. Kids aren’t seeing it that way they’re innocent and don’t think like that so for an ADULT to make a comment about it is just immaturity. My son is 6 and he chills at home in his boxers and I have an 11 year old daughter and she is oblivious to it.


I get being comfortable in your own home but being in your underwear around company shouldn’t be a thing to begin with :woman_shrugging:t3: family is one thing, but you wouldn’t allow your child to walk around in their underwear outside or any other place so why would you allow them just because they are in their own home AROUND people who aren’t family :thinking: my son is 3 almost 4 and has clothes on when company is over, he doesn’t just run around in a pull-up because I wouldn’t take my son some place in just a pull-up


Your house. Your rules. Don’t like it? Don’t visit! Simple!


Hes a child, anyone who says its inappropriate is making it inappropriate.


My kids must wear clothes if anyone outside who lives in my house comes over. That was also how I was raised. I would have to agree with your family member.


My boys are 13yo and 5.5yo and guess what the it starts from the top is bs I’m rarely naked in front of my boys but they are nudist! Always have been and probably always will be! Despite the fact that I am fully clothes constantly around them! You let them be comfortable in YOU ALLs house! I don’t give 2 shits what another says about me and mine and our home!

I don’t see anything wrong in this situation. It’s your house to set the standards and whoever complained needs to mind their own business

Heck no t ok you are not wrong at all

You know what, maybe you should start sleeping with no underwear on so they can kiss your @$$. You know what is inappropriate and what isn’t for you and your children.


How is it any different than a swimsuit? Myob.


My grandson wears just boxers around the house he gets hot very fast

Personally, the standard in my house is sleep shorts and a T-shirt minimal. Especially when you’re in the company of people who do not live in your home.


Wow I agree you gotta teach them right!! Too many girls around for all that


I would probably ask them if it bothered them enough to not just drop by any more… Here’s the thing a lot of people don’t understand- just because you’re family doesn’t mean that you get to tell others how to live comfortably in their own house. Family doesn’t have a separate set of rules for manners. They need to mind their own business and maybe not just stop by. I would literally tell any of my family members this advice…Even my momma!!


Hes 8 not 18. Anyone who can sexualise an 8 year olds attire has something wrong with them.


Not at all. Its your house. Your rules. Period and if they dont like it they dont need to come over.


Giiirrrrrl f🗣 them folks! That’s yours and your babies house so therefore it’s what y’all say goes! All 3 of my boys run around in undies and shirts. Hell they get undressed as soon as they get home! And if somebody happens to stop by and see them then oh well and if they do t like it they ain’t got to EVER COME BACK! My babies have the right to be comfortable in their own home! AND SO DOES YOURS!!!


My grandsons and sons wear boxers and most mornings that is normal attire. Daughter and granddaughters wear long t shirt and undies… If someone showed up they dress appropriately


Anyone who says a child wearing undies in the comfort of their own home is inappropriate shouldn’t even be in the home. That’s their problem not yours. And as far as it being around the girls I don’t see that as an issue since everyone is young and I’m sure it’s not like you just left them unsupervised so definitely not an issue


No, it’s fine. Wear what you want in your own house.

If the parent of the girls didn’t mind, there’s no problem. No one else’s opinion matters but the ho.e owners and the parents. And the parents opinion matters only as far as it involves their children.

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They need to back off
It’s your home
And the kids safe zone

Be as comfortable as you please if they don’t like it that’s there problem not yours


Its your house if ur kid wants to chill in his boxers until the day he moves out I think that’s OK. If others aren’t comforting they can choose to leave


You said it yourself… “I’m in underwear unless we have company…”


Maaaan they would really hate to come to my house. My kids 6 (7 next week and a girl) and my 9 year old son wear just undies in the house. My daughter sometimes wears a sports bra (only if the curtains are open) I wear a t shirt and underwear and my husband wears just boxers hanging around the house. Nothing is seen that shouldn’t been seen. But we are very open and teach out children to be comfortable with their own bodies and not to be ashamed. Bodies are only sexualized if you make them sexualized :person_shrugging:

I don’t see anything wrong with an 8 year old hanging out at home in his undies

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It’s only an issue when people make it an issue

Your home
Your dress code


Personally I agree with the other family member. I always hate seeing men sitting around the house in just his undies and no shirt! I really dislike someone sitting down at my table to eat without shorts and shirts. This ain’t the swim clubhouse.


Your house your rules, if they don’t like it they can go away!!!

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Is it not your home? Is it not your family?..should you live how others tell you to because of their opinions or upbringing? You see more of strangers bodies on the beach! If the private bits are covered I really don’t see the issue. Your child’s comfort is more important than any one else’s opinion :100:

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They need to mind their own business and stay in their own house if they sober like it. And keep their traps shut.

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He’s 8. Grown men walk around in underwear (boxer shorts) and no one bats an eye. Tell them if they don’t like it they don’t have to come over.


Pants suck and inside your own home you make the rules

It’s so weird when people sexualize children.


Nta who cares what yall do in your house. Its pretty inappropriate they feel the need to make you guys feel bad


Absouloutly nothing wrong with this. Most people wrongly associate underwear and bras with sex for some stupid reason. If people make a big deal about it, and tell kids it’s wrong and to be embarrassed or uncomfortable about it, they probably will be. It’s perfectly fine.

Tell them that they are no longer welcome at your house…


Let the child be comfortable

That is just their opinion, and that is all it is. Depending on the State you live in, different states have different ideas about what is considered appropriate, unfortunately!
I believe that it’s their house, their rules!
I guess I just don’t understand why it is even an issue. Little kids live in their underwear…or diapers. Even when the parents don’t run around like that. I don’t because I was raised by a body shaming, flannel nightgown to your ankles, husband sleeps in a different bed on the other side of the house type.

Same at our house, as long as your bits are covered your good. It’s your house your rules


Girl… You are not the asshole! But you should become the asshole and tell them to mind their own damn business!

Umm they can mind there own


People are so weird why boxers are any different then swimming trunks snd why do people have to secudlize innocent things


What you and your family does in your own home as long as you aren’t uncle with each other is no one else business. Second of all maybe things will change once your kids get older that’s up to you all but this family member acting like having bodies is shameful is nuts. They can keep their issues and opinions to themselves.


Your family. Your rules. To each their own. I wouldn’t see an issue with it. But my SO would unless its just close family.

Only problem I see, is your husband… he should have had your back.


F them your house is your house… being comfortable in your own skin, and underwear! Nothing was inappropriate


If you knew they were coming over then yes it’s inappropriate along with disrespectful to guests but if it was unannounced tell them to call next time.


It’s so sad that some people have to sexualize everything. Just ignore the unwanted comments.

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No, they need to mind their own business

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it’s your house do as u please
but whn company is over just wear clothes

Who wears pants while at home without company?


Tell everyone pound sand

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I think when any female besides babies and close family is around your boys should have pants on. Just for their safety. Probably around some men too. But also it’s their bodies


My 4 and 7 year old are always in the underwear. Who cares. If they don’t like it, tell them not to visit anymore. :woman_shrugging:

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Husband should have had more respect for you and the family member wouldn’t have even been able to make a comment like that


If there uncomfortable in your house that’s there problem … as long g as no one else is uncomfortable then f them

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It’s your house, and your kids, tell them to fuck off!

A minimum of shorts and Tee shirts in my house for everyone at all times.

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Your family, your home, your rules. I think it’s rude when people drop by unannounced.

Your house; your rules! If the parents of the girls didn’t have a problem with it, why should anyone else? Too many people make things inappropriate that shouldn’t be!


Tell that person to stay in their own lane. ! End of story!

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People who have an issue with the human body have their own mental issues to sort out. There’s nothing morally wrong about the naked human body and certainly not when there is still underwear on. People chill naked in their own homes all the time. Kids don’t like clothes cause they’re unnatural. Big fucking woop.

My son’s 13 still chilax in his jocks less we have visitors perfectly normal

Mind their own business

No, but you don’t have to tell them :heart::pray:t2::muscle:t2:

Bye. :rofl::rofl:Telling you what to do in your own home with your kids?? Lmaooo the fact you even felt the need to justify your household is ridiculous.

Tell them to mind their own business, ain’t nothing wrong with that!

I agree he should have been dressed correctly. It’s ok to get comfy but still covered. Pajamas would have been great

Tell them to stay at their house if they don’t like it.

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Whose house is it? End of discussion :rofl:


Man we believe in being comfortable at home. But if someone is at our home, we will be dressed in clothes, not undies.

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I would have had him stay in his room whilst company was over so he could air out but other than that we do the same at or house when it’s just us. They should kind their manners or not come over🤷‍♀️

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He’s 8 years old ffs, he can wear what he wants in his own house and if people don’t like it then they should stay away, if you can find anything wrong with a child in underwear that says more about you than it does about the child :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


They should mind their own. It’s your house anyway. My kids would run around bare assed if I let them. They run around in under shorts all day and I’m in my long pj shirt. If company comes over, I throw pants or shorts on and let the kids run around in their undies.

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Americans are to prudeish

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Tell them you run your house hold and they can like it or lump it! Don’t come back.Im comfy in my home.No BRA ect.If you don’t like it,stay away.Who cares what others think!


Shoot your house your rules… Doesn’t your husband walk around in underwear in your room, ya know

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They should mind their own business… it’s your house

Your house your rules. I tell people that. Hate when people come in barking orders.


Your house, your rules.

I think he needs more comfortable clothing . No one in my family walks around in underwear while company is present , that’s inappropriate


If he feels comfortable walking about in his underwear, who is she to tell otherwise… If they have a problem with it, it’s their problem, not yours and you don’t need to justify your sons comfort zone or your parenting…


Umm, it’s your house. You’re allowed to be comfortable in your own house and so are they. The only time I would see it as an issue is if someone in the house was uncomfortable with it and you didn’t consider their feelings about it. Other than that, do what you want.

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If your family are comfortable and your friends family are comfortable then that’s all that matters . Let them be what they are and that’s kids . Don’t let others make young kids to be uncomfortable in their own home tell them they need to butt out out .

As long as genitals are covered and everyone in the house is comfortable, so what. Team no pants here!