Tell mind their business ur house ur rules
Your house your rules my husband and boys are always in there boxers and I wear boxers or underwear with a long night shirt
It’s no different than someone wearing a bathing suit, or short shorts……
Ask yourself this- if a man were to do that with his daughter would it be acceptable? No… I didn’t think so. While I get your point there comes a point where we teach our kids about wearing clothing all day. That’s right after 2 years old.
We live in our comfy clothes when at home. My grandson is autistic and has sensory issues so he wears long t shirts. If we can get him to at all. Be grateful for what you have and don’t sweat the small stuff.
It’s none of anyone’s business what you do in your own house, if they don’t like it maybe they shouldn’t go to your house
If people don’t like how comfortable you are in your own then they can stay home
They need to mind their own business. It’s your house, your family, and your friends family’s kids. None of their concern at alllll. And your kids are learning that bodies are BODIES. Not sexual objects to objectify the moment they see something. Desensitizing them, and preparing them for all kinds of people in this world.
I think your doing the right thing momma, keep doing you & whatever works for your family. Love it!
Your house. Your kids. If you and your husband don’t care then its no one else’s business. Tell them to call before they come over next time.
I would want a little boy/girl covered up around my kids! My best friends daughter is 7 and I think it would be weird for her to walk around in her undies in front of me and my kids… just in my opinion. I can understand maybe a toddler, but 8 is a little old to be in just undies with guests around.
No, tell them straight up to stay in their lane!!
Some people have nothing better to do than get up in someone’s business. I have seen shorts that have made me blush and I’ve seen swimwear that was so small I wasn’t sure it was swimwear, I just smile shack my head and move about… these people are comfortable in their own skin!! This child is comfortable and happy!! No one’s business but his and the parents!
No. There is an AH in this story, but it us not you!
My son is constantly in his underwear tell them to chill lol jeez I’m sure they’ve seen worse than a kid wearing undies
Your kid, your house, your rules. Tell them that there are family nudist camps. With kids and everything. Blow their minds. Then tell them to mind their business. We don’t need any pants at home!
Absolutely not. It’s no different than wearing a bathing suit being in boxers. Besides what you wear in your own home is no one’s business and it sounds to me like comfort is the purpose here. It’s not like any of you are running around nude and even that would be your business. I’d tell the prude to mind theirs before you drop a moon on them
Your home, your child, your rules! My husband walks the house in boxers and a T shirt. I walk the house in boxers and a T shirt as well. Nothing private can be seen. We are comfortable in our house. If someone who doesnt live in our home is uncomfortable with that well they can not come over.
id track that relative down and sort their opinion out directly; tell them to keep their beak out of your buisness
Nope. My kids can relax in their own house. It is their safe space. As long as it’s just them home, they can be themselves and be comfortable.
No everybody that didn’t mind is the only thing that matters
I always thought like you no big deal right? My son was always very self conscious so always wearing long shorts or pants but no shirt. My best friend and I knew each other since kindergarten. Her three girls were like my own. She gave her kids to their birth dad and we didn’t see them but once after that as they moved out of state. Her youngest was molested by her grandfather (came out later). She wrote about it in her diary and when asked about it said my son raped her. My son was arrested at school the day after his 16th birthday for rape. It took $15,000.00 and a month of juvie to get charges dropped. My son never recovered. My point is just be careful.
If you, your child, your friend, and your friend’s children were okay with it, that’s all that matters. I would hope my best friends and their kids are comfortable enough around me and my family to not treat us like guests when we’re in their houses and vice versa. That other family member needs to mind there’s and you shouldn’t feel bad about that at all.
My son is 14 and he hates wearing clothes, he would prefer to wear pajama pants if he could all day, and on the weekend if no one is staying with us he likes to wear just his boxers
They would feel really uncomfrotable at my house then😅
Just tell them if they don’t wanna see you guys in your underwear don’t come to your house that is your house
The real question is what’s wrong with them for even thinking of an innocent child needing to be dressed to make THEM comfortable. If they weren’t a pedifile they wouldn’t be thinking about your son in boxer briefs for even a second.
There is never a time when someone could come to my house and everyone be fully dressed. We are comfortable in our home. 9/10 times most of my kids are not wearing pants. I’m usually in shorts and a sports bra. I think my son’s case worker (for special needs care) has seen my boys in their underwear as much as she has seen her own
Your house your rules! Don’t let anyone tell you differently
I have always followed the my house my rules. Don’t like it pay a bill or don’t let the door hit ya where the universe split ya on the way out.
Nope. You are just fine. Comfort is a premium. If you’re covered… you’re fine !!
Everyone needs their safe place… and that’s in your own home… tell them not to come back if they are gonna like your safe place …
Mind your own children and leave everyone alone
I am 37 and run around MY HOUSE in an oversized t-shirt and undies. My “night shirts” (that’s what I’ve always called them) are longer than these skirts the sell for girls and women to wear out in public. If I bend over just right, you might see my undies. If I’m not leaving my house, I don’t see the point in dirtying clothes. The min I get home, I take my clothes off and put my jammies on. We’re forced to be uncomfortable enough, I’ll be damned if I do it in my own home. If you come over to my house, you will see me in my jammies. I don’t put clothes on for anyone coming over. And yes, I have a 2 yr old son. Guess what, he runs around the house in his night shirt and diaper unless he is going to play outside, then he will grab his clothes and say “clothes, play, now” Lol I think the family member needs to check themselves. Regardless if it’s coming from a good place or not. Thinking you need to be dressed all the time just perpetuates rape culture. Just the same as telling girls that what they wear distracts boys in school. Ridiculous!!!
What you do in your house is up to you KNOW ONE’S SHOULD tell you what to put on or your kids . Tell this GO GET LIFE DO NOT COME BACK IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT .
What u do at your house is your busines
you think it’s inappropriate? You don’t like it? You feel uncomfortable? Well that’s nice but my children are my first concern. Their comfortablity is my one and only concern. If you don’t like it then don’t pop up at my house PERIOD
Seriously tell them to mind there own business.
Your house you do what you feel comfortable with
They were covered no big deal …heck we all still skinny dipped at those ages …and nobody got creepy or inappropriate…underwear when you gotta a heat rash is understandable …if everyone was chill … if the family member was from an older generation they have intense views …bottom line you guys weren’t the problem …overly old-fashioned attitude was the culprit …you all good
I am an adult and HATE pants. Lol tell them to mind their business lol
Hell I run around naked unless I know someone is coming over and so do my kids oftentimes except my oldest child who just isn’t comfortable being naked I would tell them mind their own business to lol
Geez these are kids and should be allowed to be kids without being judged by adults thinking they are doing something wrong. This is your house and it’s your rules if your family don’t like it then don’t visit. The other girls family weren’t worried about the situation nor should you be. Others really need to mind their own.
Tell your family member to stop being prudes. From the moment my kids walk in the house it’s like who can get undressed the fastest. Now if company is expected then obviously this will not occur, however, they deserve to be comfortable in their own home.
Tell them mind their own business.
Your house they don’t like it either don’t look or just don’t come over
How is it any different than everyone being in a bathing suit, or in a gymnastics leotard, or in a dive suit?? I could keep going, but you get the idea. Tell Miss prim, proper, and prissy to stay in her lane.
He’s a kid he was covered get over it
He was fine dont worry x
If your family member is that uncomfortable, it says more about them than you
Not the AH! How are they gonna dictate what your 8 year old is comfortable in. I have a child that has severe eczema and I want him to be as comfortable as possible especially if it is in his safe space like his own home. If they are still covered then there is no problem. Your family is the AH!
Have your husband inform the family member that the decision, from the top, has been made that they no longer stop by unannounced or when he’s not at home and that your family does not want any advice.
Geeze what a nosey rude know it all.
I would say you’re not an ah, they are!
It is home and he should feel comfortable to dress or not dress however he wants. Tell your family to mind their business
Your house your rules, they have a problem it’s on them.
Not petty at all. Right on point. If yall are split up, taking care of him is no longer your responsibility.
Na that’s fair girl, who’s guna do it for him once he moves out?! No one!
I’ve, too, gone on strike from doing any of my husbands laundry or anything pertaining to him… he’s not a child and I’m not his maid… I told him if that’s what he wants, then go back home to mommy. I don’t put up with laziness. not petty… he has to learn his lesson somehow.
Don’t continue to enable him.
Let him fend for himself
If she’s petty we’re petty together I do the same thing. not my fault he wasn’t raised better.
I would of done same thing
Options, hire a cleaning person or make him part of the family by helping out. No you are not his maid.
He might as well get used to it now
Why don’t you just tell him you are no longer obligated to do his laundry? Do nothing for him and speak up!
Is it petty? Probably. But if you are “separated” then all your individual tasks should be also! However, if he is living in the same house, 1/2 the household responsibilities, tasks, and costs should be his as well! Please tell me he has separate sleeping than you or it’s not separated at all! It’s anger, and sorry he needs to move on and out!
You said you two are separated so why should he expect you to do his laundry for him?!
If you’re truly separated then you each are responsible for your own stuff/tasks/etc.
Men used to hunt, provide, and protect😂. Now Women do most of the work, Men expect 50/50, and still want a wife/Mommy. How far we’ve fallen. Its ridiculous honestly.
You’re not sperated if his still under your roof…you need to show him the door…
Nope, you aren’t being petty its called boundaries. You aren’t in a relationship anymore so he no longer gets these perks!
He is a grown man.he can wash his own shit stained underwear.
You guys arnt together anymore. You arnt obligated to do his nasty laundry or clean up after him. He’s a grown up he can do it or go back and live with him parents
Y’all are separated. Don’t do SHIT for him. He can either take care of himself, hire a maid, or go back home to his mama.
Amen 100% right. Never would be living with me either
No. Kick the lazy person out, clothes and all!
not your problem. Hes a grown man. He can wash his own
Stick to your guns theyre like kids, gotta learn youre not a doormat, go n create a few more boundaries while youre at it. Youre no1s slave.
I think you are absolutely in the right ! He’s a grown man and no longer your problem !
Yall arent together and your not his momma, he is grown and can fend for himself
Fair hes a grown ass man
The entitlement and audacity is comical.
“wHeRe’s mY cLeAn uNdERwEaR?!”
I would have to respond with making it clear that not only am I not his personal maid nor servant, that I’m also not his mother, and any benefits he was entitled to during the marriage ended when the relationship did as well. Tell him they’re where all the dirty laundry should be, and if he hasn’t washed his dirty laundry, then he should probably get to that.
At this point he needs to realize that you’re both just roommates who happen to share a home, but that in no way entitles him to any privileges or benefits that may or may not come with a marriage or committed relationship, and especially not without a contractual agreement of who does what and both parties agree. Ask him would he wash his roommate’s clothes and cook and clean up after and for his roommate if his roommate were another man? If not, then there’s his answer. Looks like he needs to learn to be self sufficient or go back home to his mother and finish growing up.
Good for you. Just hope his laziness doesn’t turn into a comfortable situation and he never leaves. You both are roommates now. Is he paying his share hopefully. I would feel awkward in that situation myself. Good luck.
Fair 1000000 percent!!
I was in the same situation and trust me when I say they are lazy at moving out too, they’re comfortable so he will stay as long as he can!
Keep pushing him to get his shit out!!
You will feel SO FREE
Good luck mumma
You are doing great really but to avoid any tension I’d just go on and tell him that’s now his responsibility
See it couldn’t be me cause I’d be that person in the room loud as fuck kicking everybody out. Not my house, no. Go party somewhere else. Take my husband with you cause he not gonna stay here either. Cause a scene, who cares.
Ok y’all were gonna need a little bit more detail on this- but the way this was written- This is something that has happened repeatedly (him doing something stupid while drunk, her calling him out or asking him to stop,and him flipping out) OR- was this party night a one- night, sorry-I-messed-up kinda thing? Depending upon the situation,each answer can be very different.
To me, it sounds like he’s a once n while drinker, but when he does, he goes too far. Emotionally/physically abusing your wife in ANY way, is NOT ok, even if he just gets drunk “once in a while”. It will get worse,unless he gets help.
But,additional details would help in better answers.
This reminds me of an old bf I had about 10 years ago. I was 22 years old and living with a bf that was 32. I was to be at work at 5am and he would constantly have parties all night long in the home we shared. I would be in bed and he would have his buddies and strange women over. They would crank the subs ALL the way up. It was so disrespectfully loud. Who knows what happened when I left at 4:40am to get to work between these girls. I became numb and used to it. Then I’d notice all my expensive clothes would disappear. My perfumes. My makeup. I would come home to shit everywhere. Beer bottles, Jack Daniel bottles. Puke in my sink, trash can, floors, on my couches, etc. These women were in my room stealing my things. It didn’t last much longer after that. I packed one bag of clothes and moved out of state in the middle of the night. Never went back. Best decision I’ve ever made. Trust me…that man doesn’t love you…and he don’t respect you. You deserve better.
I love impromptu parties, but on weekends, no work the next day, and not with babies sleeping in the house. Some of our best memories were made then. Right now, I’m sure your mad, as I would be.
14 years ago, we moved to Colorado for the army, and someone mistook our house for another and all these soldiers showed up to party, I was overwhelmed with a 10 month old baby at my house. I let everyone stay, and my husband saw a soliders wife with a brand new baby, and immediately wanted another. So we tried, and had identical twin boys.
If that party never happened, i always say, we would of completed our family.
No, he was not being respectful. I’d feel the same way. You have to work and the babies are asleep.
No ma’am, you are not the ah in this story
Hell no u are in the right he needs to grow up think of u and the kids
He’s not being respectful especially when you guys have kids and they need to sleep
Text the neighbour, ask them to turn your power off and get a good night’s sleep, mama.
Deal with his hungover ass tomorrow
No No No…he needs to grow up
He was inconsiderate from jump.
Please reread your post and ask yourself some questions. Should I allow a bunch of strangers in my home. Is this safe for me and my kids. Could one of these strangers case my home and pay me an uninvited visit. He sounds like an alcoholic it won’t end here. Tell him to get sober and quit messing up you and your children’s life. You should be controlling the door of your home. I wish you good luck
I would have left and look my kids to a motel fuck that
I’d smack him upside the head n tell him and his party I got kids upstairs yall need to get out my house please if he won’t realize he’s a idiot first and make them leave kids first!!
No he’s the asshole. I get wanting to celebrate being it’s the last day but he needs to repeat that you and the kids are going to bed.
He is inconsiderate & disrespectful to You & Your kids!
People pulling the “iT’s oNe nIgHt” card - are you fucking high? That’s a serious question. Because on what planet are you to allow drunk strangers into your home with young children? What an absolute recipe for disaster
Nope, sounds like my ex husband! Throw the whole man out.
He is beyond disrespectful to you and your family.