Am I in the wrong?

Everyday is a little much for a phone call, if it’s a everyday visit then yes absolutely. But For 2 weeks I’d say you aren’t wrong there. He needs to be more consistent. Consistency is important. But you can’t force him to be a father. He will choose what he wants to do you only can protect your daughter the best way you can. And do what’s best for her. If he wants to see her or talk to her he will. It’s as simple as that.


Also if he decided to take you to court, you’re gonna look really bad not letting her see him because he doesn’t call twice a day. That’s something a judge probably wouldn’t wanna hear


My parents are divorced I grew up with only my mom and her boyfriends and dreamt that one day my dad would take me in and care for me but over the years he stopped trying the only time I talk to my father now is to just say happy easter or merry Christmas ect. Im not saying your right but I’m also not saying your wrong I just wish my mom would have pushed my dad a little more to come get me or call me more often :confused: (when I was a kid) now i have the choice if I don’t want to talk to him or not


Wrong. This guy is working 40+ hours a week and you want him to call everyday and because he doesn’t and he’s not “consistent” you are not letting your child see her dad? Sounds pretty petty. Maybe he’s trying to figure out his life after you leaving? If the child isn’t in danger and he supports her, I don’t see the issue. That’s just my opinion. Also, I wouldn’t rely on a verbal “agreement” to get you by with bills. Clearly it’s not working. If nothing is on paper then it’s time to get to work!


You NEVER use a child against their parent. You also can’t force him to call daily. You are acting like a control freak. And the minute it didn’t go your way you stop letting him see the child. That’s called parental alienation by the way.

If he takes you to court the judge won’t like you did this either. Even most court orders for visitation only have set days for visitation and no where will it say that he has to call daily.

Honestly, it sounds like to me that you don’t wanna be with him but you still wanna try to use the child you have together to control him.


And you need to grow up!!!


Girl no. You’re trying to control him. As long as he’s consistent with his visitations let her go. She needs her dad. You can’t control him or his life. Grow up. Stop having kids until you do!


Sounds like micro managing to me … maybe he’s tired of dealing with her … some people will walk away instead of dealing with drama … or he may just he a pos … justndo rite by the kid


How old is this child that needs to talk to their father 2x a day? How do you have the time to facilitate that? You are worried too much about what he is doing. Let him parent the way he needs to and sounds like he wants to be there just not under your dictatorship. I wouldn’t either. :woman_shrugging:


You can want consistency but if he’s trying, stop using your child as a tool to get back at him for not parenting how you want.
Until you have a custody order, he can come take her whenever he wants. So keep playing. If he calls 2 or 3x a week, good. Be happy. Thank him for trying. If he gets her every weekend, great! Encourage it.
He’ll use this against you in court and I hope the judge tells you off. You’ll lose if you keep it up. You can’t tell a judge “He didn’t call twice a day or everyday so cut off visitation”. Seriously?
You better get your head out of your 4th point of contact and put what she needs before what you want. She needs time with her dad. He can parent how he chooses provided she’s safe.
Grow. Up.


U can’t stop father from seeing his child I hope you go to court and father brings that up you wrong in this


Your wrong. Let him see her. My goodness :woman_facepalming:

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Not wrong! It’s best he stay out of her life if he’s not going to be coJnsistent. Cut off contact. If he really wants to be a father he’ll apply for rights. If he does & you go to court be adamant about putting in the order that he is consistent or looses the privelege. You can put things in a legal order like if he’s 15 minutes late picking her up he forfeits his visit. If he’s late dropping her off his drop off time is deducted for future visits. If he misses 3 visits in a 12 month period he looses visitation rights. Any change in visits needs to be done in writing or text 48 hours prior to change. Be understanding. Things happen so I wouldn’t count a sudden medical emergency or car breaks downs if he contacts you. Get a lawyer if he she’s you for visits. They can make things happen that we can’t on our own.


So let me get this straight, since he stopped calling your daughter 1-2 times PER DAY, you stopped her from going over there every weekend?:thinking: He was seeing her EVERY weekend, isn’t that some type of consistency? By stopping her from going over there, YOU are interfering with the consistency. Yes you’re WRONG. If this man was a danger to your child or unfit, I could understand stopping visits. But to stop because he’s not doing what you want him to do, when you want him to do it is ridiculous. At the end of the day, you’ll really be hurting your child the MOST. :woman_shrugging:t4:


If your interfering at all she will resent you when she gets older.
If she asks to call him, let her… if he doesn’t answer then she will remember EVERYTIME he doesn’t answer… she will learn he is the one who isn’t there vs. My mom Said he couldn’t unless he met xyz expectations.

Yes she deserves better but let her make her own decision so she isn’t mad at you when she gets older…

Btw… if the courts find out you with held her they could favor him instead. BECAREFUL these waters are treacherous and you should speak to a attorney… keep detailed records, logs, calls, texts…

FYI I’m going through it now


You can’t control this situation… He don’t need to call every day… Be happy with the fact that he wants to be a father. Some kids in this shifty ass world don’t even get that…

You are in the wrong. My oldest daughter is almost 9, her dad & I have been split up since she was 13 months old. I have her through the week & 2 weekends a month & he has her every other weekend but if he wants her one night through the week, I let him have her. He doesn’t call her every single day & I’d never tell him that he needed to either. I don’t call her every morning & night when she’s with him. She usually does FaceTime me at least once but I don’t expect her to. Her dad is a damn good dad & she adores him.

Why are you trying to withhold his child from him bc he doesn’t call her every day? I’m sorry but that is ridiculous. Let him see his child! You have no idea the damage that you are going to do if you keep this up. My 5 & 4 year old don’t have a dad. Their dad is dead & even though he was absolutely horrible to me, everyday I wish he was here for THEM.

Another thing - I will tell you what my attorney told me. Child support/anything that has to do with money has nothing to do with custody. You will never be able to hold that against him & not let him see his child if he doesn’t pay you. Stop trying to control everything & be careful.

He was being consistent with visitation.
And as you said, he works 40+ a week.
I know in my job, there are days I don’t have time to even text my husband or say hello to my kids until I get home.


Grow up. You are hurting your daughter. Not him!


Sounds like you can’t let go!!! I have 5 children w my ex, I went years with him talking to his children once a month!! Now I’m lucky if he talks to them once every 6 months, I may be stupid but I still allow them to see their dad!!!


As long as he keeps his visitation, there doesn’t need to be phone calls twice a day. Let him go…

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Your ex may not have had a good male role model while growing up. (Not an excuse to stop talking to his child) but may explain the issues going on. you guys have already called it quits. That part is over. It’s no longer about how you two feel. It’s all about the child bc in the end the child will be loosing time with the parents. Maybe is just too much to deal with for him. Most all men want to take care of things and when a man can’t do that (for whatever the reasons may be) I’m sure it hits him very hard. Mental health could definitely be helping his parenting decisions work out the way they have. You have done a wonderful Job doing what you feel is best for your child keep up the good work & maybe try to chill out sit back and let the cookie crumble as it may. ( as hard as that may be) I see my step daughter every chance I get my times are every Wednesday & every other weekend. I say from experience just take in every moment you get with them bc to share a child is not easy in anyway! And it’s Likely you and your ex will never see eye to eye on certain things. Y’all just need to set up a parenting plan and try to stick to it. As hard as it may be. Best of luck to you!


what is this page, pick me stepmom central?


Im sure hes depressed and feel like hes loosing it all. Unless a child is being abused in someway or in a dangerous situation then never keep a child from its parent.

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If he came to see her then your being a petty bitch. The judge would put you in your place. You cannot make up your terms for visitation.

You can’t force any parent, especially one you don’t reside with, to parent the way you would. Your child will learn in due time by his own actions and decide for themselves how they feel about it. You can’t make this about how you wouldn’t make your child feel neglected and try to make him do what he should already want to do, but doesn’t/won’t. Get your child support, be the best mother you can be and let his choices be his own including the consequences of them.


Start looking at him like he is a human and have a conversation.

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Both of y’all are acting petty and childish. He has every right to see his child phone call or not. If it had been two YEARS then maybe I would offer a supervised visit but all of this was/is still fresh. Let him visit his kid, damn. And don’t worry court will automatically garnish his check for child support so you’ll get you money (which is what this entire post started about). Jeesh.

I would say set a Skype visitation schedule at the same times every day. Then set visitation schedule at the same times every weekend.

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After my divorce, my mom told me that I was wasting time trying to push him into being a good dad. That all I could do was focus on being the best mom I could.


Um you are being a little hard!!!


My partner and i split after my daughter was born, i didnt chase him for money for her and didnt force him to be involved, shes almost 13 now, on the off chance he wants her, he gets her, never stop a parent from seeing their child let them make their decisions, the child will c the effort they put in one day x


If you lived together you could expect contact every day. Now that you are not living together you can’t expect contact every day. Let him see your child.

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I’m still trying to figure out HOW THE HELL someone gets behind $14,000 on an electric bill when mine will be cut off in 7 days if I don’t pay mine the month it’s due.


An inconsistent parent is worse than an absent one. A child should have to wonder if their parent is going to show up and sit through the disappointment of them not.


You’re probably pushing him away, to be honest.


Make a visitation schedule and it’s up to him to follow it. There is no need for the daily phone calls.


I’d say you’re in the wrong. Every day is ideal but not always possible. Not letting him see her on his weekends just because he didn’t call her everyday is harsh. That’s only pushing him farther away.


Unless the child is being abused, there is no good reason to keep a father from seeing their child


Good lord…my electric bill goes beyond $1 and they flip tf out…how tf does $14k happen?!


Yes. You are wrong. And you sound like a control freak. I get leaving because of the bills, but to refuse your daughter a father because you can’t control how often he calls is absurd at best. I love my children detail and don’t call them twice a day. Neither does their dad. It isn’t your job to make him a father. It’s your job to make sure your daughter has the ability to see her dad. Maybe he doesn’t call because he is trying to distance himself from you.


My dad never called me daily. Still was a great dad.

In a perfect world yes it would be great.

Just remember the ability to co parent is key. Keeping your daughter from him will only hurt her in the long run.

Please be in the mindset now so your daughter will be able to see a healthy relationship between themselves regardless of them not being by together.


You’re not wrong. You’re setting boundaries and the right ones for you and your child♥️


If you push him hard enough, he could have stopped contact to get a lawyer. You cannot control him after you left him and that’s exactly what you’re trying to do.


Yta for so many reasons. Your unrealistic expectations. How about having a conversation. Why does he always have to initiate the conversation. You say they are the only ones working while you’re a sahm. Get a grip. This is pretty sad tbh.


Nah inconsistentancy is worst than being absent fuck anyone saying different or empathizing with him over that child smh

You’re in the wrong. Every weekend is being consistent. You don’t get to determine when he contacts her. That is a little obsessive. As long as there is no harm or abuse and he is a great father, no reason to try and keep him out of her life. And as far as bills go, that would have to be a discussion between you two. An electric bill would never get that high before they shut off the power.


I’m not trying to be rude or disrespectful. But what in the hell were y’all using that much electricity to light up? You sure you didn’t get charged for the whole towns electricity? Lawd Jesus I would’ve fell out.

Calling twice a day is a bit much. Nothing new to talk about in that amount of time realistically.


You are depriving your child of her dad because he started calling once a day instead of twice?
I feel sorry for your daughter and I hope he gets sole custody.
You’re only hurting your daughter and that makes you a :poop: mother. :woman_shrugging:t3:


I have two children with my ex-husband. When we split, he took got his phone shut off and moved. I didn’t hear from him for months. Until his gf reached out and contacted me. I still let him see them even after that. He saw them a few times over the next year and then decided he didn’t want them at all. 9 years later he reached out when they are now 16 & 17 years old. They both agree that inconsistent parenting is better than not parenting at all


So just a couple weeks has passed and you’ve taken your kids time away with her dad? Separations are hard enough on everyone. This honestly sounds ridiculous. Also blaming him for utilities shut off. I get wanting to stay home but if the home is suffering why didn’t you do anything to help. Seems like u put everything on him.


Yes you are. Gross behavior. This is alienating at its finest.


Yes, you ARE in the wrong. YOU are the one who cut off contact by not letting him have his weekend visitations just because he wasn’t calling to say good morning and good night? That makes no sense. Dont punish her and strain their relationship just because he was a a crappy partner.


You’re wrong for this


No parent rings everyday that’s a unrealistic expectation


Holding the child random is the lowest of low


You’re in the wrong. And by the way it’s “contact” not “contract” and that standard isn’t defined by you nor do you get to dictate your daughter’s entitlement to her father and vice versa.


Ur definitely in the wrong. He doesn’t have to call everyday. Let him see his child. Jeez…


No I do think there needs to be an court order in place though to protect the 3 of you.


Honey my child doesn’t hear from her dad at all🤷🏻‍♀️ he doesn’t do a damn thing for her. But all these years I still let her see him because you can’t put a price on time. She’s 11 now and she sees things for herself. It’s hard as a parent to watch your kid become aware of such but I never ever wanted her to blame me for not having a father because of money.


Okay, so you won’t let your daughter see her father because he doesn’t call twice a day? :joy::joy::joy: for a long time my son was lucky to talk to his dad twice a year other than his visitation, which is only school breaks since he moved out of state. Only recently has my ex started calling more often. I would never deprive my child of time with his father over phone calls. The one you’re going to hurt most is your daughter :woman_shrugging:


I’m sorry but a parent SHOULD be contacting their child daily! Even if its only 5 mins! But what I know it’s been 2 yrs of NO contact! And btw its NOT my responsibility to contact him! Inconsistent parenting is harmful and I’m sooo glad the judge agrees with that!


Someone should give that child to her father. Sorry you are being extremely petty, selfish, controlling and manipulative.


How is she wrong ? That’s inconsistency and he quit contact all way round when she hit em with child support some of y’all sound silly and it shows protect the child at all cost checking in daily with your child is MANDATORY if you don’t what type of parent are you really :roll_eyes:


Yes, your definitely wrong…simply put

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I’m just still stunned about an electric bill that high, what are you running?? Walmart?? Holy crap I’d flip out on that alone… Second let him see his child…


If you can go days without talking to your child you’re a pos… man or woman.


So he was struggling to pay the bills and instead of getting a part time job and pitching in, you just left? Expecting him to call twice a day after you took her from him and not even letting him see her is ridiculous in my opinion. Yeah it would be nice for her to hear from him everyday but things come up. It seems like you are making it impossible for him. Sorry if the truth hurts but a lot of us don’t have a man to pay all the bills or a bd who calls at all nevermind everyday.


Calling twice and even once a day is a bit much especially at her age, no child even wants to be on the phone at that age, every weekend is being consistent, it sounds to me like you just wanna hear his voice or see his face…


Sounds like you have some control issues, you need to address.


You aren’t his parent you don’t get to punish him and the child because he isn’t behaving the way YOU think he should. Lots of parents don’t contact their kids daily. My daughters dad calls like 3 times a week. In the end the child is the one that is suffering because you’re holding her ransom and keeping her away from her father.


We as women have to learn to let fathers be the dad they choose to be… if he is not consistent thats fine you be the backbone your daughter needs if he doesn’t pay child support let the system take care of it no need to stress about it


In the wrong. My sons dad went 3 months with out seeing him until Thanksgiving during dinner he announced he was moving over 2,000 miles away. His dad doesn’t call him aside from his birthday and Christmas. It’s been over a year since he left. I have called and texted him multiple times a week to reach out to him for our son ans he hardly ever answers but thats still no reason for me to keep contact from him. Our son loves his dad. It’s not my choice to make for him if there is no violent reason for me to do. Him not talking to our son as often as our son or myself would like is definitely no reason to cut him out. Honestly sounds to me like you should have gotten a job and helped pay the bills too.


Expecting calls every day is too much.
It’s great that he has his child every weekend.

Surely you have things to do and can’t wait around for twice a day calls anyway.
And if he has a job/s, he’s probably too busy for twice daily calls anyway.

Stop holding his child at ransom :disappointed:


So he had his child EVERY WEEKEND and you stopped it because he didn’t call YOU(aka his child ummhmm)! if you don’t let that man see he child!!! That’s the weirdo-iest thing I’ve heard of in a long time!!


I think you are being a little babish


Stop trying to control him. And to stop his weekly visit cause he won’t ring her up twice a day. Sounds like you want to keep dabs on him. As long as he sees the child and is part of the child’s life that’s the main thing. He doesn’t have to ring her everyday


Get your lazy a$$ off welfare and work. Stop expecting the working folk take care of you. He’s probably trying to work to pay your damn way is why he hasnt called. Now your just being a selfish greedy b!tch. Your holding that kid over his head, so you can control. How about you let him have the kid half the week and you half? I bet you won’t go for it. It’s his kid too. You need to worry about your kid instead of what hes doing or not doing. Your being petty about the situation. He shouldn’t have to work and support you and the kid. He just needs to support the kid. You just want child support so you don’t have to work. I hope he takes you to court and gets full custody. He probably would get custody considering you’d rather live off welfare. That’s not a life for your child. Think of your child, and if you don’t let him see his kid over something stupid. I hope your child grows up to hate you and keeps your grandkids from you, if you don’t call them enough.

My daughters dad has her every other weekend. He doesn’t call her the whole time I have her. If he doesn’t want to call her, his loss. But I wouldn’t take his time away from her regardless. That’s a relationship for her wether it’s just those weekends or a phone call. Not my place to take from her.


I don’t think he needs to call her daily. Not being consistent would be if when it’s his time he always cancels or doesn’t keep her for the whole time. If he is doing his visits that should be enough. Maybe he doesn’t want to deal with you so that’s why he doesn’t call.


Girl you are doing everything you can.! Don’t let these comments bring ya down. People are different in EVERY SITUATION…


I would say your problem can only be solved by yourself n not the public…

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Not to mention you want his paycheck to help pay your bills but then expect him to find time to call twice a day, well let’s see to maintain his home and yours I’m sure he has to put in overtime which leaves him no time to sit around on the phone, let the man see his child on the weekends like he should! Stop being a bitter betty… your child and the father deserve that bond without your interference… you can’t control him or what he does anymore!


I don’t hear how was/is with the daughter is there safety reasons and how old is the daughter? Does it have to go through u? Alot is missing here

Quit trying to control everything and let him see his child.


You left him and he was calling twice a day to talk to his child despite probably not wanting to go through you and then it still wasn’t enough after taking her from him and he got child support thrown at him and then was calling once a day probably to avoid what you had to say to him everytime he called and now he’s not allowed to see her? Only time a parent shouldn’t be seeing their child is if they are hurting them and unfit. That child needs both of you. I hope you left for different reasons other than because he wasn’t paying bills because you were doing the cooking and cleaning. It takes a team.


Let him be the dad he is able to. Pushing for what you see as reasonable will only push a wedge between your child and him. As long as he is consistent with his visits leave him be.


you are so in the wrong. alienator. if it’s not your conditions then no access? gross


Daily calls or no kid. No way your in the wrong sorry.


His relationship with her is his own, it’s not for you to dictate. If he starts promising he will call her and let’s her down and she is upset - that’s when you step in. Stay out of their relationship unless it detrimentally affects the child.


You sound like a nightmare and sorry you definitely don’t get to make “an agreement “ to stay home if you are counting on tax payers to pay for it :exploding_head:


you did the right thing leaving him…rent unpaid! cut off!..why are you worrying about how hes acting when you need to get on with your life.Why didnt you get all the financial stuff organized before baby was born?? …So why did he argue about you being a stay home mum?..thats what a woman should do any way …until SHE feels its ok to work if needed. He sounds extremely selfish…everything his way…honey move on…his relationship with his child will already be pre-destined …you cant nag him into anything. Let him go


You need to let him see his daughter as long as there’s no underlying safety issues


Stay consistent… stops letting child go see her father. Pot meet kettle.


You need to move on with you life. How much he contacts her has nothing do with you. It’s her relationship with her father and when the time comes she will make her mind up, you have no right. You done the right thing by leaving him but your not doing the right thing by your daughter


I’m sorry these are unrealistic expectations. Please go to court and get a realistic child custody plan. Mine states that I can can call my kids as often as I want within reasonable times. For example I dont call when they are in school or at 7am on weekends…or 10pm on weeknights they have school. We have a rule that kids can call when ever they need the other parent. For example I once got a call at 3am during the weekday because my child had a bad dream I was hurt in the dream. He just wanted to make sure I was ok…anyways…I guarantee you are not always consistent with your parenting. Not saying saying you dont try but I have yet to meet the perfect parent. Be prepared for the reality check that he can be as inconsistent as wants and not pay his child support and still see his child. He can go to jail for back child support and when he gets out…guess what…he still gets to see his kid. Please consult legal aid and/or a lawyer. You have to offer to let him see his child. The worse thing for you when you go to court is if he presents proof with a text message that he wanted to see his his child and you refused, then you delayed a custody/parenting plan. It sounds like you both need parenting classes and some counciling. He needs educated about consistency, and you need counciling in control issues. You both made a baby together. This kid did not ask for your drama, nor your baby daddy’s drama. Depending on your state parenting classes may be required for your custody plan.


Always two sides to as story ! That’s all I’m saying … don’t judge only god can make that decision

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You are going to be the reason their Father daughter relationship will not be good.


Let him see his daughter .

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