If you have a court order agreement and he reports you. You will get in trouble. Trust me I went through it personally. I had to go to court and my reasons were severe so it was in my daughters best interest. (Father did drugs) I was lucky enough not to get consequences but I was warned. You need to put your personal feelings aside and let him see his kid. Because In all honestly the court could very easily take custody away from your for withholding. This is the reason a lot of child/parent relationships get ruined. Most freshly divorced people don’t have communication. They stick to their specific days and that’s it. You’re making a bigger problem out of it than it needs to be. Therefore you are a big part of the problem. It sounds like he’s not calling because he doesn’t want to have to talk to you. You’re being bitter and resentful.
Get a good lawyer soon
You need to stop being bitter & let that man have a relationship with his baby.
My question is how the heck does an electric company let you get 14k in the hole?!?!?
This is crazy lol you expect him to call everyday? That’s controlling and a bit too much.
You should be letting him see his kid and not take that away from him just because you WANT him to call so many times a day. That is just wrong.
If he’s good to the child then there shouldn’t be any reason to keep him away. Not everyone’s gonna call daily twice daily at that.
No way it’s 14,000… 900 was the shut of notice max I got… WITH expensions with my ex before i was more stable and knew better, so much more believable than 14,000 not even most tax returns…
You’re not letting your child see her father because he doesn’t call everyday? OK then you sound like a control freak
He might have been upset about the child support and all but that probably would have faded after a few weeks. Allow him to see his daughter every weekend! That’s more exposure than most kids growing up in homes with their mom get. The calls are nice throughout the week but I wouldn’t limit visits for not calling every single day. I’d think he should at least try to call 2/3 times a week to speak to her but at least once in the middle of the week. Never limit a man that wants to see his child every weekend. You will only push him away. He’s consistent with visiting and that’s what matters most.
Wait so he missed a phone call so you took her away from him completely? Then said HE is inconsistent? Lol Let that man see his daughter. You honestly sound toxic and bitter. Hopefully he’s using this time to file for shared parenting or something.
I don’t understand people saying he doesn’t need to call daily…that’s wild to me. If you were still together would he not see her daily? But a few min phone call a day is too much? Makes no sense. If he cared about being in her life he would make an effort, period. My husband says the same thing, he also thinks it’s crazy to not call daily.
This may be an unpopular opinion but you are being toxic. You should never hold visitation over a father’s head. If he’s trying and wants to see his child, LET HIM. That’s his child too. As it is, he is contacting more than most men do.
It sounds to me you are holding him to calling two times a day to keep him on some kind of leash. Sis, stop it and let them have their relationship!!! Stop making it harder on Fathers to be father’s! If he wants to be there, be grateful and LET HIM
Don’t limit her access to him nor his to her or she will one day resent you
Your being selfish to your daughter.
How’d you feel if this was done to you?
Did you ever think he is struggling not seeing his baby girl?
Honestly just stop it!
You’re being controlling. Let him see her, and ask that he calls her regularly. Other than that, back off.
yes ma’am your wrong !!! That child deserves her father! Do what’s right for your child miss. Stop being bitter. I’m sure he probably had to work more hours to cover the cost of the changes that were made. He doesn’t need to call everyday to be a father to his daughter. Grow tf up
You sound like a control freak! Let him have his weekends with his child and he can catch up about how their week went! Don’t let your child suffer all because he doesn’t listen to your rules. Get a life & move on.
You are wrong you are using the pettiest reason to withhold the child from their father. How old is the child? You don’t get to use your opinion to try and control when your child can see their Dad. One day they are going to ask why he isn’t around and you are going to have to tell them the truth that the reason their dad isn’t around is because YOU decided you didn’t want him to be
yes you are wrong… children deserve to have both parents in their lives. even if they dont live together..or whether they pay child support or not..kids don
t understand that side of things.they just want mum and dad to get along .but you can bet as they get older they will work it all out for themselves and they will know without being told who the good parent was and who wasnt…
Every day is a bit much really even a court would not agree with you
You’re being too much. You’re expecting him to do what you want when you want.
Like everything else is great. But if he doesn’t contact her unless it’s his time with her on weekends, it’s not an issue to me tbh. She deserves to have a relationship with her father. It’s not your place to withhold custody regardless of your issues with him.
No child endangering. No reason to stop contact.
My sons father gets too busy with friends/alcohol to call my son. He’s 7 and wishes his dad would video him before bed. Sometimes his dad calls at like 930pm when he knows he’s in bed at 8.
Tina-Marie Ogg he was have the child every weekend that is consistency
So because he doesn’t call her daily you won’t let her see him at all? That’s awful. Let him see his daughter. You are being far to controlling. You chose to leave him so you can no longer micromanage his time. You are definitely wrong.
You’re a control freak clearly lol your daughter isnt gunna agree with your choices in the future, he’s human and it’s completely unrealistic to expect that of him when he has emotions and a life to, you taking away his right to see her won’t help him feel more motivated to try to fight you to get the chance to be In her life, so sad
Ok. So you saw him struggling to pay the bills, didn’t go to work to help. Let marriage be destroyed by stress. You had a man that loved his baby so much he was called morning and night and because you again added stress to his life by taking him to court, he did what anyone would do and backed away from you. Since he doesn’t call your home every single day, you stopped his visitations? He is still her parent. You can’t legally just stop him from seeing her. Hope he gets a good lawyer and HIS DAUGHTER BACK.
YTA for sure. I’m the first person to agree in a lot of situations where dads aren’t putting in the effort that they should be, but in this case, you are dead wrong. He doesn’t need to contact her multiple times per day. Most wouldn’t even do it once a day, especially if the child is very young, because it means that they’re moreso communicating with you, rather than the child, and also it isn’t his time with her, so he doesn’t necessarily have to call you at all. He should always be available, if there were ever an emergency, but otherwise, I really don’t feel like he needs to call TWICE a day. You taking away his weekends with her, because he was “only” calling once every damn day, is pretty bullshit. Once a day, or even a couple of times a week, is still really good and not even necessary to expect that, but he is putting forth the extra effort on his own, to show that he really wants to be in her life steadily, between calling regularly and spending weekends with her. Even if he misses a day here and there, that’s not a big deal at all. If you had joint custody, neither parent would be required to call the other and talk to the child at all, on the other parent’s time, let alone TWICE a day, but should just always stay available in case of emergencies. I would not call what he is doing inconsistent at all and if anything, you’re causing him to be inconsistent by stopping their time together. That’s not okay. Keeping him from a child that he wants to be there for, over something this petty, is wrong. It sounds like you still have feelings for him, and/or bitterness about the failed relationship and feel some need to control him and know what he’s doing all of the time, or something. He sounds way better than a lot of dads out there. Let your baby see her dad. If anything, YOU’RE being inconsistent and causing instability in HER life, for you to take away her time with a dad, that she is used to being around regularly, before you pulled this. I promise she will resent it someday, if she knows she had a dad that was safe, sober, and there for her and was constantly trying to be a regular part of her life, and you kept her from him, over this. Maybe he hasn’t called in two weeks, (for the first time ever, after you took away his time with his daughter for nothing) because he’s filing for joint custody (which, if so, good for him) and a lawyer advised against communicating with you, until it goes to court. That is especially likely now, where you have recently filed for child support anyway. Hopefully he will get court ordered time, that’s out of your control and no longer up to you, because what you’re doing is wrong and childish and you’re playing games with your child’s life and relationship with her other parent. How would you feel, if he did that to you? Not good, I’m guessing. Put your daughter’s feelings over your own. Your child is not a pawn, so stop playing games and hurting her, to try to hurt him.
You don’t need daily contact imo. But keeping the weekend visits is vital for them maintaining a relationship whether th aye weekly or fortnightly. Some mothers try to control everything.
I’m confused…. He had the child every weekend. That IS consistent. Stop being petty. Give him back his weekends!
His effort was outstanding, that was more consistent than most children get. You would rather your child not have a father and you be to blame?
Again so many things wrong with this post.
A lot of these comments are really rude! Expecting contact every day is doing a lot, and not letting him take her on the weekends if he’s not consistent with calling her every day is definitely not OK. However, the fact that he stopped everything… to me shows how important being a father is to him. If it was that important and he truly wanted to be the father he should be, he would at least talk to you about it and figure out something you guys can agree on. I do understand wanting daily contact though because of the fact that you guys were together and this is obviously a big change for her and she’s used to having both parents daily. So I understand the sentiment of daily contact. Unfortunately some people just don’t feel the daily need to talk to their children. I’ll never understand that but you can’t force someone to be a good parent unfortunately.
This is absolutely insane. You can’t be serious. Let the man see his kid. SMDH. You’re hurting your child trying to hurt him. That really not fair to your daughter or the relationship she needs to have with her dad. Grow up.
Wow my ex has my children 1 night a fortnight and doesn’t contact them at all in between not once. I don’t stop any contact because I know my kids will see who’s there and wants them . The choices you make now effect them kids forever . Be careful. It’s not the childrens fault !!
I’m guessing this didn’t go the way you were expecting it too lol. I agree with the majority. You need to chill out. Don’t hold the child cause you aint happy. It aint about you.
Hmmm. Probably should have just gone to work and balanced out the finances. We don’t live in the 1950s where one income is enough. Instead, you sacrificed the whole family…
This is extremely petty and overbearing. He was consistent in his weekend visits and calling daily is very extreme.
Take him to court and get some monetl
Not every parent can make phone calls every night. It’s not always that easy. Give him the weekends. It’s wrong of you to keep her from him
Take him to court. I promise you the judge will not agree with you. Its not your place to set his visitation days. And yes you are wrong.
Sounded consistent. You put your personal expectations on him and things change. Maybe you should go to court and let mediation give him rights, then see if he is more willing to deal with things. Sometimes it’s the baby mama and her drama and attitude that make it so unpleasant that they fall back. Ain’t right…but it’s true.
So you stopped the consistency of her seeing her father all because he didn’t call every morning and every night?
You just ruined their relationship because he wasn’t free 24/7 for your personal expectations.
You are so wrong. You stopped your child seeing the father because he doesn’t call. I can’t help but shake my head at this! Grow up and let your child see her father.
Leaving him out is better than him being in and out in my opinion. It’s crappy and it’s gonna suck but I would cut my losses. The stress and the headache of trying to get him to comply will just bring on more stress and heartache for you and your child. It sucks and being a single mom is rough but you will be okay and you will get resourceful, create yourself a support network of friends and family that you know you can count on. I just got out of a 5 year relationship with a man that would only pay his “own” half of the bills but expected me to do all the cleaning and the cooking, the dishes even though he wouldn’t admit it, it was obvious in his mood that he had expectations of me because I’m a woman but he wouldn’t be a man and cover the bills. NOPE! eventually I got the courage to make him move out. I have 1 child with my ex husband who I don’t get any child support from, thank god he got married and his new wife is amazing and helps me a lot with my daughter, in terms of schooling activities and clothing. Since getting out of this last toxic relationship. I was scared to go back to single mom life but staying with him was not worth the stress and drama. I broke up with him less than 2 months ago, I found a job and enlisted support from family and friends while I transition back to single mom life and it’s gonna be okay. Toxic men are not worth your happiness or your daughters. I will not get into another relationship for a long time, I’m really bad at picking partners and it is what it is. Until I can keep stronger boundaries and walk away when I see the first red flags I’m done risking the peace in my home and in our lives.
Your ex sounds better than mine! If he was seeing her every weekend then that’s consistent. Calling here and there during the week is awesome too. My ex sees his daughter once sometimes two nights a fn. You’re being petty imo and onkybhirting your daughter. If he’s a good Dad then she deserves a relationship with him.
I would let him see her he is making an effort you could potentially get in trouble for this if he choose to push the issue with the courts in the long run you could be unintentionally hurting ur child by withholding her from him I have a family member going thru this and I see how much it affects him and his child by the mother being like this
As the child of divorced parents, I did not need to hear from my dad everyday…I usually heard from him a couple times a month and I was happy with that…saw him long weekends and school vacations…he also lives 2 hrs away so the visitation schedule was a lil different…but if he could’ve he would’ve taken us every other weekend
Yes, you’re in the wrong. Tbh, two phone calls a day seems excessive
I cant believe i just read this… I wish my daughter had even half of his effort from her bio-father. My daughter is almost 3 and is lucky if she gets a text message once a week, thankfully my boyfriend treats her and my son as his own and has done more with her in the 10 1/2 months weve been together than her bio-father has. But for you to stop his CONSISTENT weekend visits because hes not satisfying you by calling every day is absolutely ridiculous. Grow up and stop hurting your child.
Yes, you’re in the wrong. Let your daughter see her father. My husband has 2 kids from a previous marriage and he tries to call them everyday, most days he succeeds, but there are some days that it just gets to be too late and he can’t call them. 2xa day is extreme anyway. If you want him to have that much contact, why take her from him in the 1st place.
I legit wish my daughters dad did this like he literally hasn’t been consistent for about 9 months or so since marrying once he married he stopped coming to see her stopped helping financially and only saw her for two hour periods for four days out of 2 months (when him and wife were separated) then after they got back together he stopped completely and tells me New Year’s Eve that he wants to sign over rights… I literally wish my daughter had her real dad in her life consistently I mean she has her step dad but isn’t the same.
I feel like you’re in the wrong. If he only has time to call once a day, or every other day, or 10x a day, let him. He’s at least making an effort to reach out. He may not be available to call when you say he needs to call. Don’t keep him from his child.
Aw ur one those that uses child as a weapon
He should be able to see her without calling every day. That’s ridiculous.
You are wrong to stop.him seeing her however frequently he contacts her .
Just because he isn’t calling every day like you want or expect him to, doesn’t mean you’re allowed to take his weekends away.
I hope he gets a court order soon so that child has some stability in life when either one of your emotions get in the way again.
It sounds like you want too much control. If he takes you to court he will have a lot more visitation.
Kick his ass to the curb. He’s selfish. He doesn’t deserve you or her. You can only count on your self. He’s worthless
He didn’t divorce his child; he divorced you. Why are you keeping his child away from him with your ridiculous ultimatums? You are hurting and destroying their lives, their bond.
He doesn’t have to call every single day! As long as he wants to be part of her life then you need to let him see her…
First of all, do not use your child as a pawn to get child support, the courts are for that. The relationship between your child and the father is also not up to you, the more you nag, the less he will want to be around on any level. Why are you on state funds? Are either you or your child disabled?
My ex wouldn’t come see the kids (3 kids) I begged and fought for them to Skype with the kids, talk to them on the phone and to come and see them. They went 8 months without seeing the kids or even talking to them. I finally one day just showed up at their apartment because the kids were sad and missing them. I ended up with sole custody. You shouldn’t have to fight for the other parent to be a part of their kids lives. If he wanted to see your child then he would be doing anything and everything in his power to make it happen. Allow them to make their own choices when it comes to visitation whether they show up or not. After I got sole custody, I made it my rule that they could only do supervised visits and it’s a damn good thing I did. They were getting pass out drunk in front of the kids and passing out instead of watching them. Abuse, physical and mental was also a factor.
It’s up to him. It’s his right to see her. You can’t stand in the way.
Yea you are in the wrong. Once a day is a bit over the top. Just because he doesn’t call every day doesn’t mean you get to decide to stop all contact. Sounds like your on a power trip
You don’t get to dictate how often he contacts her. My kids don’t hear from their father every single day. I wish they did but that’s just not my decision to make. So yes. You’re in the wrong. He’s most likely avoiding you not her.
Seems pretty consistent to me.
I’m all for being consistent with children but I think you’re trying to be controlling. If he was failing to have her on the weekends and letting her down then I’d say worry but as for phone calls twice a day isn’t always doable. If he works long hours he won’t always be Available.
I’m sorry all these negative comments if the shoe was on the other foot how many times a day would you mom’s call and check on your children. I know I would call three to four times a day. Stop and think how many times as a mother you check on your child throughout the day that shouldn’t stop just because he moved out of the house Imo. I couldn’t imagine not talking to my child every morning and every night when they weren’t with me. I don’t think that’s too much of an expectation. My daughter is 15 her dad and I have been separated since she was three. We talk to him at least a half a dozen times a day and always have. My daughter didn’t get a choice in our relationship not working out. She didn’t get to pick her mom and dad and she surely didn’t get any input and whether her parents live together or not.
Damn! This girl literally kindly asked for help and advice and look at you all on here bashing her?? Wow! SMH like you girls are perfect ppl can’t ask for advice anymore without getting attacked bc ppl only wanna run their mouth online but soooo fake in person!! GET SOME MANNERS GOOD GOD!!! and imo on your post honey NO one needs to talk to you like that first of all! And it shouldn’t be like this when you ask for advice ALSO NO ONE KNOWS what truly is going on either!. But imo of the information you gave I think if he is a good dad then I would let it be fair even if he doesn’t call everyday bc the phone is a lot different from real life. This is just something i would ask a professional bc people are rude af on here and have nothing better to do than run their mouths about ppl they don’t even know. I hope you get it all figured out and don’t let other ppl make you feel like a bad person or mom you reached out for help and they let you down. I am constantly disappointed in how other WOMEN treat other women they are an embarrassment to women! Women are supposed to empower each other with constructive advice or criticism not deconstructive like they were doing.
Consistent daily phone calls aren’t really that important if he was seeing her consistently (every weekend) until you decided he shouldn’t be in her life just bc he didn’t call daily. That’s a bit immature, petty, & controlling honestly. My kids don’t care to talk on the phone & im positive they’d end up being quite annoyed if their dad called & they were forced to talk every single day, ESPECIALLY twice a day. Their dad used to actually text my phone daily just asking what they were doing etc and honestly I am so glad he stopped texting every single day, lmao. It got a bit annoying getting text from him daily. It seems like those phone calls are more for you than for your daughter. It doesn’t make sense that him not contacting her daily upsets you but you’re fine with completely cutting him out of her life bc he doesn’t call as much as you think he should. It’s just wrong any way you look at it & you’re honestly just hurting your daughter more than anyone. She’s the one who will suffer the most & all bc of a daily phone call that you aren’t getting. My advice, stop being petty, stop trying to control every little thing, stop thinking everything should be your way & let that poor girl have a relationship with her dad!!!
Your child has a right to both parents. She’s as much his as she is yours. Imagine if he had her and stopped contact.
You both need to come to an agreement for regular contact but he doesn’t have to call every day!
I don’t think it’s a big ask for him to communicate with his kid everyday. He would if ya’ll were still together.
So your mad that the dad isent calling when and how you want him to, so to get her more dad time you take her away?
Ma’am she’s a baby and you want him to call her??? He could text you and ask how’s she doing. You are wanting that attention for yourself. Both parents should work now days times are hard. And work hard to buy a house and get off food stamps and hand outs!!! Yes you are wrong you are so wrong!!!
Sorry but your wrong it’s sad for the lil one your on a power trip stop using the baby to control her dad. Look at how all contact stopped you caused it. Let him see his daughter. The worse thing for a baby mama to do is stop a baby daddy from seeing his child.
It sounds like a lot of controlling.
It’s pretty messed up of him to not reach out to her for 2 weeks, he decided to stop all contact.
Daily to every couple days would be sufficient. I’d be crazy if I didn’t talk to my kids every day.
If 2 weeks is the longest he’s gone without contacting your child then be greatful. As long as he’s not arranging to see/contact then letting said child down over and over again you need to back off a little.
I also agree with what someone else said, he’s more than likely avoiding you, not the child.
Yes you are absolutely in the wrong. A child has a right to see her other parent. What you are doing is alienation. You are being petty, difficult and controlling. Your kid is going to grow up to resent you. If her dad is smart he is documenting all of this and your responses to him so he can go for custody.
It’s natural To want the responsibility to be 50/50 I get that; it just doesn’t work out that way always and it’s still important to foster any relationship he’s willing to have with the child albeit not what u expect
Yeah…you’re in the wrong…
Because it wasn’t being done on YOUR terms, you cracked the sads
Your child has a right to a meaningful, safe relationship with both parents. Whatever happens between the adults is irrelevant and the fact you’re focused on the dollars says a lot.
Your the mother, don’t matter what anyone says, u do what u feel is right
Yeah, other people’s opinions u mite take into consideration but at the end of the day u make the calls.
Make sure you have custody!!
This will bite you in the arse when he doesn’t want to play your games any more and your child resents you
No they are both loosing out on a relationship, I am curious why you didn’t try to find employment when you’re family was struggling, I worked as a family childcare provider during our roughest times.built in playmates. Sometimes things don’t work out as planned, so you have to make a new plan.
You can’t decide on what terms someone else can parent. That’s not fair and it ends up hurting the kid
You are so wrong. That child deserves to see her father, whether you agree with his consistency or not. You are hurting her without even realizing it and when she gets older she will see it was your fault she doesn’t have a relationship with her father. I cannot stand seeing a mom thinking she can control the baby dad!! And uses the child as a pawn! Grow up and get over it.
Let him see his kid ,this is crazy . He’s getting her on weekends.Dont take that away from them .Daily calls is extreme.When I was young I didn’t talk to my dad all week.But I so looked forward to the weekends.And if we would have talked everyday we wouldn’t have had shit to talk about when I seen him .And as your child grows and their bond there will be more phone calls .When they want .
Your not wrong
If he wants to be in the child’s life
He will be
If not he won’t
That’s not on u it’s on him xx
Both you and your child deserve better. Forget about the loser
Sounds like instead of opinions you should let the court decide and work on his visitation time.
You are talking two weeks not months and months! Give the guy a break!
I don’t think you understand that you’re pushing him away from a relationship with your child because he likely doesn’t want to put up with you anymore. What are these conditions you’re demanding? Let your child have a relationship with the father without interfering. Good grief.
I see a couple different things wrong n disturbing…
- So he worked 40hrs a week, yet “You” got assistance
So in other words you didn’t claim him as also being in house… Because if you did it’d be the household’s assistance…
- You sound entitled- “He works outside home, I stay home and watch kid… Yet, you get free state food to cook and have no bills because their his to pay. Umm weren’t those both of yours, so you eat free and expect to live free.
- You never took responsibility to make sure bills being paid, so he had that to do also. Not to mention $14,000 in electric- what in the world were you doing or cooking…
- He seems like he was trying to be a good dad n I’m sure with tone of whole story he had good reason to stop contacting you.
- Where’s parenting plan? Sounds once again, like it’s your way or no way…
Courts won’t like that…
Grow up, Get a job and stop being entitled, Stop playing victim and using an innocent child as a pawn in a game of control. Courts aren’t going to like any of this, and gosh forbid if you lied to state…
In my opinion, you are wrong. Life is challenging enough already without putting additional pressure on the other parent to talk to the child every single day . Yes your child does deserve that, but sadly
It is just not reality. From what you said he does see her every other weekend. Keep that going, both of them should be able to build that relationship unless there is something going on thAt would endanger your child. Get custody agreement specified in court as well as child support. Once custody is determined it will be easier. If it is his choice to not take her at that point the. He loses out. I understand that you are hurting as well, but please be fair to your daughter and ex. Let them have a relationship. You should not determine how their relationship works
You are in the wrong. He should get her on the days he’s supposed too and you admitted to welfare fraud.
My friend is kinda going through this as well. She has her daughter who is almost 9. Her father is extremely inconsistent with phone calls n stuff. Now in her situation they live in different states so phone contact is the main way of contact expect her gets her every summer. I hate seeing her face when he says he’ll call and then doesn’t but lord look out when he does. Every situation is different and you have to decide what’s best for your baby but I think you should let him contact her when he can. No for his benefit but for hers.
You’re wrong. Also, get a job.
YTA that’s not fair to take his visits away just because he doesn’t call every single day. Now if he was flaking with his weekends and not getting her that would be different but it’s a phone call maybe he’s trying to distance himself from you not his child
I see a lot of women shaming the original poster . And my question to y’all is you would trust your child to be cared for by someone that can’t pay any bills ? Can’t make a phone call? Doesn’t give a penny to the financial duties of having a child ? I wouldn’t want my child in an unstable environment like that , especially if the poor bum can’t make an effort to talk to the daughter daily . Some of you should consider having the same standards you do for moms, the same as dads .
I feel you are demanding! Your a control freak, things need to go one way and that’s your way. You are the one that pulled his daughter from him. Seems he tried to have communication with her but it wasn’t to your satisfaction so you stopped it. You could call him and let her talk, a child needs to be loved and shown love, it’s not her fault you moved out or the bills are not getting paid, you could help with the relationship between her and her father, but you’d rather punish him because your angry than do right by your child!! A child should not pay the price for what adult do!!