At least he calls, more than what we get. Be grateful he was actually making an effort to stay in his daughters life
When you separate of course he’s not going to call everyday but as long as he’s consistent with his visitations then that’s what matters my daughter is 11 now her dad got her a phone and they talk daily …
Your not telling us everything regardless let that baby go see her daddy maybe he cant afford his phone cause hes paying child support now you are lacking details grow up alittle in general if hes making the effort to see her dont keep her from him nor him from her, calling twice a day is a bit much dont be a psycho
My sons father hadn’t seen him in 2 years. Also we don’t hear from him at all
Don’t keep her from her dad. Although 2 weeks with out any contact is horrible.
I swear every single one of you women think you own your kids just because he doesn’t call her twice A-day she’s not letting him see his own f****** daughter
So you withhold the child because he doesn’t call daily but yet he was seeing her every weekend. Everything can’t be on your terms. Hopefully y’all find a middle ground to coparent y’all child.
You stopped letting him see her. That doesn’t look good on you. Just because he doesn’t call every day doesn’t mean take his visits away. That is wrong. And get the child support done through the state so it can be taken directly out of his check because it’s obvious he isn’t going to just pay that. But once again, don’t take his visits away from him just because he isn’t paying. You never stop allowing visitation EVER unless your child is being abused and you have if you think there is sexual abuse going on you go through the proper channels and the state will do a safety plan that will come up with supervised visits until its resolved. But you never just take away visits on your own accord you let him give up his visits!
Try to realize hes gonna go live his life too he probably wont call every single day but it needs to be atleast once a week imo and what about visitations all the other stuff…if yall was struggling or you knew he wasnt payin the bills you should of put her in daycare and started working. Ik yall agreed to that but it wasnt happening. Id try to go easier ik you feel bad hes not contacting more but just try to be more lenient and if down the road he wont try then be done with it.
*This annoys my soul im not gonna lie some of us have actual deadbeat BD and your keeping your kid from someone who was atleast trying. Again try to be more lenient. Dont take his visits and technically your not allowed to after filing CS
Seems like he had to work more
If you receive child support most states allow visitation with that. I will not keep my kids from their father no matter what fathers are just as important
I’m almost in the same situation as you he has to figure it out on his own that his child will always be there and that he should be a part of her life or his life but he’s the one who has to make the effort and hopefully it’s not too late and that he regrets it later on in life you need to focus on your child and raising your child and doing the correct thing for you and her and don’t bad mouth the father it’s hard I know cuz you just want them to have a relationship to know that he will be there or something does happen
When I was younger my dad was involved and we talked to him 2-3x a week and would see him on weekends. Let her see her dad, imo it isn’t enough to keep her from him
Any contact is better than none. Time spent will always mean more than money
I highly doubt a utility company would let a bill get to 14 thousand dollars before shutting it off first of all. Second you were sitting at home caring for your child getting state assistance but you excepted your ex to pay the rent and bills? What’s wrong with you paying some? Just because your a mom don’t mean you don’t have to pays bills also. As for visits if he’s taking your child each weekend what’s the problem? You said he works 40 plus hours a weeks so big deal if he doesn’t call each day as long as he’s seeing his child regularly. It sounds like you want him to call you and he’s obviously over you and hopefully he takes you to court for visitation and then you can’t keep the child from him anymore or you will be charged for it. Get over yourself and stop trying to control your ex I can see why the two of you split up. You don’t care your sitting at home still on state assistance and he’s out working 40 plus hours a week to pay bills plus child support not sure why you’ve not gotten a job now but that’s on you I guess.
My sons father hasn’t contacted him in 16.5 years he owes me 25 thousand dollars in child support.
My youngest daughter dad don’t call her every day an doesn’t come every weekend but when she needs something he is there an he pays her cell phone bill at age 6 so if she wants she can call him when ever she wants an ft him an when says I’m coming to get her she goes just because of phone calls you don’t keep the child away smh my oldest is 13 an she tells her dad weather she going or not she is older but they do talk this is insane
Visitation and child support are separate issues
You sound like you could be high conflict. Maybe that is the reason he doesn’t want to reach out daily. You don’t get to put terms on him seeing his own child providing there is no abuse involved.
You are using that baby as a weapon…stop holding it from the father…SMH
Can I just say this page is so unsupportful and mean, I would never post in this page, just go get bashed for asking for support and help… as a mom raising her child every single day, weather Shes sick, have to work, have chores, have errands, They have to take baby with them, we as moms get up every day NO MATTER WHAT and take care of the child. not hearing from the father and him having 0 responsibilities day in and day out while I raise the baby, in my opinion no I wouldn’t want him around my child just when it’s convenient for him, that’s not a father. That’s a POS. And I agree as a stay at home mom I cook, clean, run errands, make doctors apts, make sure my house is a functioning house hold while my husband works his ass off, it works for us. For the people talking about her paying bills, assistance is next to nothing, probably enough to pay for babies diapers, and formula to get through the month… she’s a mom trying to do what’s best for her child, and I see nothing wrong with what she is doing. If the father isn’t showing interest in keeping contact with his child then he doesn’t deserve the child🤷🏽♀️
Just let it go go on with ur life and hers Take care of her
Don’t even worry about his pathetic ass! Sounds like you are doing much better now! Focus on giving your daughter as normal a life as you can! You will wear yourself out trying to get him to be consistent!! Use that energy to focus on the positive things for you and your daughter! When you are least expecting it, a good man will find his way to you! Stay strong mama you got this!
Call everyday??? Are you freaking serious!!! If the father is involved let him. I love my daughter more that anything but I still didn’t call everyday when she was with her dad.
You’re wrong. That’s all you asked. Answer:you are wrong
Just take care of you and your child
He is not being a responsible adult or parent. Not paying bills…this is why a lot of spouses have the other person in charge of finances. The bills that I can pay on my own, I pay. My husband pays the ones that are more difficult for me to pay. Whether because he has to be the one to pay them, or he just hasn’t taught me how to pay them yet.
I’d continue letting him tell her good morning and good night. But he should be talking to her and visiting her more, if his schedule allows it. It’s not fair to her, to take away all visits.
If he is paying you child support and takes care of his kid then he’s doing what he needs to. Seems like your trying to control the situation he don’t have to call her if he’s in her life. Let that man have his kid on weekends or when he’s off and stop trying to control everything for he takes you to court and does what is needed
You’re asking us for our opinion here. I think you ARE in the wrong. It’s easy to imagine how you would be in his situation and think that the contact should be easy (if you were in his position) but there are so many things that could be preventing him from calling or texting and you shouldn’t jump to conclusions. As someone has stated already, unless there is abuse going on you should be allowing her to have those visits on the weekend. If he ceases to get her that’s on him but you should not be interfering in that.
If he isn’t a bad dad and isn’t abusive then child support and visitation should not be looped in one. Don’t use your child as weapon let him see her and take it to court and get a schedule set for child support and visitation. It’s not fair to her to be kept from her dad because you have high expectations of him
Yes. 100% you are in the wrong.
I think your heart is in the right place for wanting him to stay consistent…unfortunately you can’t control that situation. My daughters father was a nightmare no child support extremely abusive an all around bad guy…with that being said I never kept her away never breathed a bad word about him to her because it’s not her fault and he’s her dad. Eventually she figured out who he was on her own and refuses to see him at all. You don’t wanna severe a relationship between a parent and a child unless it’s a safety concern. One parent doesn’t have the right to LET a parent see their child you both made her and your both her parents equally
Don’t keep a child away from their Father because he doesn’t call enough for you. That’s absolutely crazy. Your daughter is going to need her father don’t ruin that for her
Every day is too much. Two to 3 times a week is reasonable. I wouldn’t want every day interrupting our plans…ect
It seems to me that you are still trying to be controlling in some aspect….so in my opinion you are in the wrong. Don’t ever stop a dad from being a dad if he’s using his visitation time. If he doesn’t call when you deem necessary then you cut contact? Bull, that’s wrong of you.
Its his life and his choices on if he wants to be part of his kids life. Live your life.
Does your daughter want to see her father? If so then let her. Period. Unless he is completely unfit or toxic to your child let him see his kid.
You’re a control freak that’s the problem.
Yes you are wrong. You’re petty af.
Wow this whole post is messed up if he was struggling even if u wanted to be a stay at home mom get a job help and when he’s caught up then there u go
You do not get to dictate how many times a day he calls and when he should do what he does. You’re trying to control.him and he isn’t yours. If he’s involved be blessed with that and stop trying to control a man who isn’t yours.
Stop using your child to control your ex’s behavior. The more difficult you make it for him to be a part of her life the more he will step back to avoid dealing with you. If he calls her regularly but misses a night here or there maybe assume he couldn’t call at the right time and was trying to respect your schedule. If he shows up for every visitation and treats her like a loving father would then let her have that, it’s not about you.
It’s obvious that he refuses to support his family. Dump him… I stayed with mine for over 20 years and it didn’t change!!!
Honestly I would allow tue contact he tries for. You cannot control the other parent. But your child will see that you allowed the relationship to grow into what the dad wanted it to and that u did your best
I hope you genuinely read these comments with an open heart and mind, and make a change in how you’re going about this
Yes, you are in the wrong.
Ur petty af wow what does it matter thats her fathet period and ur wreckinf there relayion shop. He shouldnt hVe to do that at all. Hive him his weekends its his right period point blank. Petty mf wow. And its ur bills pay them ur dam self. Like the rest of the single moms its what we do. He doesnt have to pay ur bills that ur behind on period. Wow as if u made a post about this. Also its not about u at all so get off ur high horse. Its only about the child at this point and he doednt need to do or jump for u at all so stop trying to be in control of him u dumped him so step off.
How many times have you offered to take your child to go see him for lunch or on his day off? I mean this is about the child right?
Yes, you’re wrong. You are pushing away your child’s father trying to control him. You will only hurt your child. Also, regardless if you want to be a stay at home mom, if you can’t afford to without the state supporting you, you need to get a job. No one likes working but you made the baby it’s your responsibility to take care of it. Welfare is there for people who fall on hard times not to make a lifestyle out of it.
Yes you are 100% in the wrong. Unless he’s actually hurting your child you should never keep him away. And why didn’t you get a job if it was that bad, because now you have to
My ex and I split before my son was born however it took until he was 5.5mo for visit to start and he filed first and wanted only 2hrs every other Saturday I pushed for 5hrs every Friday and that what he did for 2yrs despite trying to fight for full custody he has no reason for that and 50/50 but lives 2hrs away. He then did 10hrs for a couple months and then tried EOW that blew up in his face because my son had never been away from me that long in almost 2.5yrs. So he worked through just lunches and then up to 6hrs a week and has been there for 3yrs my son is 5.5yo despite 3 therapists telling him he needs to connect more even through Skype calls he still refuses. My son will be 6yo in June and he is still very uncomfortable with my ex. But my ex shows for most of his visitation so I still make my son available for them. Would I like to see more effort of course!! But I cannot force him! So I make my son available and if my son wants to go ge goes if not then that’s between them. It’s almost been 6yrs and I have kept my side of the street as clean as possible. He doesn’t go above and beyond so that’s why his relationship struggles. You will be held in contempt and seen as alienating if you continue to do what you’re doing! You can want all that you want but you can’t stand in the way. If he shows up for visitation allow your child that opportunity. Either the child will still feel comfortable and go or it won’t be enough and the child will decide for themselves. But I’d never put myself in a position that makes it look like I’m hindering.
It’s not about you or your wants. It’s what is best for your child. If she is safe, happy, taken care of while with him you have nothing to interfere with. Maybe look into the high conflict resolution the courts offer. That put custody in a whole new perspective for me.
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Actions speak louder than words…
I think maybe he should get full custody. And u get visits. Really hope he sees these too. Cause u caused this not him. And now u need to complain about it wow reality check for sure. Haha budget ur money and pay ur bills ur dam self. Is all.
Smh you need to grow up.
This post is about the fathers consistency and inconsistency, so some of y’all who are judging, and talking about money, need to reread the damn post!
There’s nothing wrong with asking for consistency! Inconsistency hurts the child more! He can’t be a father on HIS terms……he needs to be CONSISTENT! If a father cares about his child, he will contact them and be CONSISTENT! He needs to prove he wants to be in her life……period! I wouldn’t send my kids with their dad if he never contacted them, you’re damn near sending them to a stranger at that point. If he loves her, he will stay in contact and be consistent, and if he’s not, it’s HIS loss. Don’t force something that’s not there. We can’t make these little boys be MEN, and be responsible adults and a father to our children. What’s meant to be will be and if it’s you raising that child on your own, then let it be. Don’t chase him and just let him be. He knows the right thing to do and if he decides to go the other way, you’ll have to accept that.
Can I ask how you had an electric bill that high?? That’s outrageous. If I miss one month they threaten to turn ours off and that’s only $150. If your ex wants to be involved he will. If you let his non-involvement affect how you live then it’s not a healthy environment for your child. Live your best life and only focus on you and your child. Let the father handle himself.
Sounds like your being extremely controlling & yes you are in the wrong here…
Some men aren’t meant to be fathers🥲sad but true my spern donor did similar and as I grew up my mom reached out so much to get him to even talk or acknowledge me but he didn’t care he waited till I was 24 turns out he’s a narcissist
You don’t get to choose the relationship between him and your daughter. Let him see her, even if once a week. When she gets older she will know the parent who was always there. You do not need to control that narrative.
Word of advice…don’t depend on someone else…get a job … welfare is not a career.
I took a cat because a man couldn’t care for it. Move on. She’ll be fine. It’s sad, and it sucks. Be the strong parent and show her that you can do whatever you need. That lesson will last a lifetime. I assure you, she’ll be fine.
Why don’t you let your daughter call him when she asks to instead of making him call morning and night that’s ridiculous. I need to do what’s best for your child. Even if you don’t like your husband you should act like you do around your child
As long as she is safe with him he should still get his time with her even if he doesn’t call every day. The past of paying bills and your relationship is irrelevant to his relationship with your daughter now.
When you left you took your guys daughter with you and think you call the shots now? He has every right to see his daughter every weekend. Just because hes not doing things how YOU want him to doesnt mean you get to stop that… sounds selfish to me
If he’s consistent on his VISITS then you should let her go. They need both parents although it’s different.
I understand having a child with someone changes a lot… just as you are going through a lot so he is he… i asked my daughters father to be in her life and he refused… that was up to him… your daughter was seeing her father and he wasn’t denying her… he was making an effort and you literally took her away from him because he didn’t do it your way… your daughter was getting more from her dad than a lot of children and you took that because you didn’t think it was enough… not cool
It seems like a lot of people didn’t comprehend what was written here, and a lot of assumptions are being made.
One, they BOTH agreed that he would work and she would stay home. It says he WOULDN’T pay the bills not that he couldn’t so why people are defending him or glossing over the fact is beyond me. He did not hold up his end of an agreement he agreed to. And why all this judgement against the mom saying she should have worked? How do you know she didn’t try or they both came to the conclusion that it was financially more feasible for her to not work? Again with the assumptions…
Two, he set the precedent of calling his daughter twice a day. He chose to stop doing that because she filed for child support. All she asked for was for him to be consistent in the precedent that HE set. He chose to go no contact, that to me sounds like he doesn’t give a shit about his kid, and he’s punishing them because he’s salty about possibly having to pay child support. How a parent can go without at least contacting their kid for a few minutes daily is crazy. I don’t care how old my kid is, I would be calling/FaceTiming my kid every damn day and I work 14-16 hours daily. There’s no excuse. How am I gonna go from seeing my kid daily because I live with them to all of a sudden not be expected to do the bare minimum? You really think a kid, especially at the beginning of a separation/divorce is ok transitioning from seeing both parents every day to seeing them a few days a month right away? Makes no sense…
Just because you’re used to a shitty standard doesn’t mean this mom has to be grateful for any little effort her ex makes.
Do things legally and have a custody/visitation schedule set. It’s not wrong to want him to stick to a standard he himself set, but don’t be surprised because he’s already shown he can’t uphold his end.
Ladies, find better men and stop making excuses for us. We can and should do better.
My SO works full time & so do I . We have 1 child together & each have 2 other children from separate relationships . Anyways my point being we both work full - time , we split the bills. My son from a previous relationship sees his dad every other weekend ( that’s set by the court ) but I also allow him to get him whenever he wants , because it’s important for him to have a relationship with both of us, but at one point in time after we first split up ( about 6 months after ) he didn’t call or see our son for a whole year. Then he slowly started coming back around wanting to see our child which I slowly let happen again, & now he’s consistent. It’s important for both mother & father to be in a child’s life but don’t force it. If he doesn’t want to be a part of your child’s life then your child might be better off without him, hopefully he gets his head outta his a$$ & steps up.
Yes, you are wrong. I don’t know any divorced or separated guys who call their kids every day let alone twice. That doesn’t mean they aren’t attentive and loving when they get to actually be with their children. My son’s dad is not consistent in calling him but I would never keep my son from seeing him. It is incredibly selfish to keep a child from another parent unless there is a safety concern. My mom did that to me when I was a child because she was bitter and the only one she hurt was me. He died pretty young and I still blame her for robbing me of so much time with him during my childhood.
You are 100% in the wrong so since you couldn’t control him you took his daughter from him you sound very bitter and spiteful you are only hurting your child
Him calling is a bonus, you taking the kid out of her fathers life when the father isn’t toxic sounds like you’re a control freak and toxic as hale.
Yes you are totally in the wrong. Let this man see his daughter, is there a reason why she cannot call him when she would like, if he is willing to take her and see her on weekends he should be allowed to as long as he is keeping her safe.
l get paid over $112 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $11540 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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You are absolutely in the wrong. You don’t get to decide that he can’t see his child because he didn’t call as frequently as you think he should. I personally feel like he needs to take you to court and get a set visitation schedule. You have no right to control him or his relationship with his child.
Honestly he’s angry… he didn’t wanna pay bills now bills is up to him only and he now has to pay you as he sees it! He will get over it… My sons father claimed I only put him on child support because he was having another child when in reality he wasn’t helping as a father he still tries to dodge child support… but even though he’s not there for my son all the time, as long as he wants to see him he can I don’t come in between that. My son is now 11 and has his own phone he calls him maybe once a week if that he sees him maybe once every couple months… that’s his choice… but I’m telling you right now I’d rather have his father present in his life! Do not stop him from seeing y’all’s child… unless you feel he would do harm to that child. don’t put more strain on her relationship with her father! Kids need their dads too! And honestly the more you keep him from seeing her the more he will give up and not even try… it’s really fathers out here that’s not even trying to be in their kids lives is all I’m saying so if he wants to be in her life allow him to be
If he was getting her every weekend that’s considered consistent. Some times parents have other things to do in the day and can’t make to call their child once or even twice a day. You are being controlling and if he ever takes you to court you will be told that by a judge. You’re just being down right petty and you’re not going to be able to control every situation
You don’t get to dictate what is or isn’t “enough” contact with her on his part! He doesn’t have to meet your demands in this regard. He doesn’t have to follow your rules. The fruit of your loins deserves better, and I’m sure that YOUR LACK OF EFFORTS alongside his alike brought you BOTH to this point. It’s been two weeks? $14,000 behind on an electric bill?!?
I’m calling BS on that for starters. Maybe $1400 MIGHT be believable. Either way, I’m sick of seeing “moms” who think they have the right to dictate contact with a man that isn’t abusive in anyway like he has no PARENTAL RIGHTS to the child!! You’re fucking foolish, SELFISH and you deserve to be in the situation you are!!! Word of advice . . . Don’t exhaust ever effort your petty entitled ass mind can think of or conjure to push that man further away from the love he has for HIS child!!! Dumbass!!! Your whole situation wasn’t even worth more than a short paragraph. Fuck you!
It take 2 PAY CHECK. and more. Get a job
For all of you saying that she is in the wrong… Have you dealt with this? Have you had to console a child who is expecting that phone call that doesn’t come? How about the child waiting and watching out the window for that parent that doesn’t show and doesn’t call? How is this fair to the child? Unless the courts have established child support and visitation which does have to be followed at the risk of contempt of court, I would do what you feel is in the best interest of your child. I made sure my child was available but didn’t inform him until dad showed up…that way if he didn’t show, my son wasn’t upset. I actually have/had a great relationship with his father. It took a few years of my son “having made other plans because he wasn’t sure he’d show up” Dad became responsible. Our son is now 30 and has a great relationship with his father. For the record, I told his father before he was born his involvement in our child’s life would be up to him (and his behaviors). And there was a period of time they had a very rocky relationship, and I always supported my son’s wishes and often was the one to explain it to Dad. There was never a court order and we survived.
Inconsistentcy is worse than a completely absent father. In this case, he wasn’t inconsistent. He was just not making contact according to your terms. But if he was still calling to speak to his child and still getting her on his scheduled weekends and visits, not harming her or putting her in an unsafe environment, and you took that from him because he didn’t CALL when you said he had to, you are definitely wrong! That’s wild tbh. There’s so many other things he could be doing wrong. Don’t take this to court siss. The judge will chew you up and spit you tf out. Whatever happened between yall in the relationship has nothing to do with that baby and it sounds like you’re holding that over his head and trying to parent him too.
So basically all of this is about money for you? Not the child right? As long as your finances are in order how you see fit and everything is gravy?
I get where your coming from but have a conversation with him
It’s crazy to me all these people saying that you’re in the wrong… I completely agree with you on this. He has PROVEN that he’s unreliable in terms of paying bills, he’s inconsistent on keeping contact & clearly hasn’t made your daughter a constant priority in his life,he doesn’t deserve to see her unless he’s making full effort. In my opinion.
Sounds more like you want to hear from him instead of your daughter. At least he was involve in your daughter life. He doesn’t have to call everyday. You just want to keep up with him. Let the man be with his daughter.
Our current electric bill is about $400… $14000 behind is about 35 bills unpaid. THAT’S INSANE
He clearly has other priorities that are not his daughter.
You absolutely are wrong. She’s had him her whole life and you are forcing him out with stipulations.
People are excusing him for doing the absolute least possible effort to call as “doing more than most fathers” WHAT. Most fathers want to present in their child’s life in any capacity possible
I wish my daughter father would come see her, or have her over. but he doesn’t… You’re lucky, but you taking him away from her is soo wrong.
Children do need consistency. You are right. But I would have a talk with child’s father. Explain your not being mean. But you must work now. Need help with babies expenses. You would love if he would be there for her. By calling and having her for awhile. But you want it on schedule so she knows when she will see her dad. Good luck
It take very little to be a father but it takes a lot to be a daddy. If he’s just her father and isn’t willing to spend more time with her, then it’s not even worth having him see her at all.
If he is getting her every weekend that is consistency doesn’t mean he needs to call her all week long just because you want him to he picks her up on the weekends. Should be enough you don’t want him to see her because he’s not calling during the week you need to go to court and get a set schedule
l get paid over $126 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16555 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Details HERE…
Yall need to meet up and have a sit down heart to heart
It sounds your mad because he isn’t doing exactly what you think he’s doing. If he’s wanting and getting your child every weekend that is consistent a shit ton more than most fathers. Having to call twice a day because your mad he only started calling once a day is a bit overboard Imo. Don’t let your child suffer from their father because you and the father don’t get along. I agree with the leaving if he wasn’t paying bills. But that is an issue between the adults. That shouldn’t interfere with the child that isn’t fair to her. Your hurting your baby not your baby daddy
You wrong, let that man see his child. You can’t dictate how often he reaches out to her.
He is paying child support he doesn’t need to call everyday p.s if this was a court agreement you could stand a chance of going to jail for with holding the child if it keeps on just like him if he wasn’t paying child support ( but he is) he would end up in jail too for not paying it
If he was still being consistent with visitation I would have kept that going. Stopping visitation because he is calling less seems a bit of a reach. Hopefully he decides he wants to be consistent again for your daughter’s sake.
You are taking her away from her own dad, it’s you who is causing her to miss out. Be a grown up and make things work with her dad for her sake, meet half way, don’t expect him to come all the way. To make things work use need to work together. In the end it’s about whats best for her so she’s not losing out on one parent because the other can’t get over what problems they have with them. As sad as that sounds it’s the truth. Co-parenting is a thing and it can be beautiful if you make it that way
Young one - you can’t force love - even if it’s is for your child. Also you aren’t together- you really have no say on his life. You gave that up when you broke up. You are a great Momma for trying . I agree your baby deserves a better father figure. Stop stressing over this - your baby sees and sense the negativity from you towards the father. Realize the relationship between them - is just that theirs- good or bad it’ll be his call and later hers.The only thing you can really do is (control) the environment you chose to raise her in. Know that all during this time the bond between you and your baby is growing strong.