Am I in the wrong?

Well if u know he has no licence atm then no i wouldn’t let him go either. I mean, I’m not sure he’s 'endangering ’ the child cuz he’s gonna drive the same with or without a license! But yeh I still agree I wouldn’t allow it


You do not have to send your child with anyone that does not have a license. The law will tell you that. Speaking from experience.


At this point he most likely has a warrant for his arrest too. I wouldn’t let my child go.

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If he has an accident with your son in the car then there is no insurance. NO he wouldn’t be driving my child around !!! No licence no child period !!!

Ummm you sound petty af sorry. Had no problem with him driving the kid around for all 7 yrs of his life, but now all of a sudden it’s “dangerous” for the kid to be in the car with him bcuz his license got revoked over BS support payments? You are aware that they can’t take away your ability to actually drive a car right. Or do you think those skills are imbued to you only when you’re carrying your license :joy::joy:


If dad gets pulled over with a revoked license they won’t just let him off with a warning and send him on his merry way. Safe or unsafe driver doesn’t matter. He will be arrested, the car will be towed and impounded unless he can call someone with a valid license to come at that moment and get it and the child will have to go with CPS unless again, someone can come pick up the child at that moment. Regardless of that issue, a CPS case against the father will be opened. Now after that’s all said and done, CPS can also stick charges on you, the mother, for knowingly allowing your child to be driven around by someone with a revoked license.


It’s your job as his mom to make sure he’s safe and being cared for properly. If dad got pulled over with him in the car, he would likely be arrested, so what happens with your son in the meantime? You’re not being dramatic


So I see dads point just because he doesnt have a piece of paper saying he can drive doesnt mean he physically can not drive a vehicle safely …but just because he can doesnt mean he should…he is breaking the law not just by driving without a license but by dodging child support…however neither of those things are putting the child safety at risk. I’d tell him he needs to have someone else drive when the kid is along what he does after that is on him and he will have consequences for such behavior that is his prob not urs it is not ur job to punish dad for being dumb also ur kid is not a pawn to get dad to do what YOU want!!

If someone gets pulled over driving with no license and a child in the vehicle. the driver gets arrested and the cops will contact family services for the child

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I mena.if some one were to.pick.the kid.up foe.him.with a valid license then thet should be fine. I do understand not drive without a license as that is illegal but if he’s a good driver then he still knows how to drive

People love to put their children between their problems.


Ugh… you’re one if them. Why can’t you take your son to his dad’s house? Oh, that’s right… it’s not your responsibility. Get over yourself and do what’s best for your son.


Go with your gut feeling if you don’t feel he is safe with his dad!


I think it is something you need to really consider, your child already has an established relationship with father. It may be detrimental to your son more than it is anyone else. I would make it clear that you do not want him driving around with you all’s child without a license. The revoked license doesn’t make him any better of a driver or any worse. He would just be breaking the law but that would not harm your child as they more than likely would call you to come pick up your son. That is just how I see it, but I totally understand where you are coming from. He needs to take responsibility but don’t hurt your child by not letting him see his father.


Sad, parenting time isn’t a pay to play game. This is your child’s father. He lost his license because he hasn’t paid child support. There’s no safety risk for him going to his fathers and if you don’t want him driving with your child then just have them stay home on his weekends- problem solved. You are 100% being dramatic and it’s sad to see mothers who feel so entitled just because they’re mom. I hope you take this to court so a judge can properly make an example out of you.
Flip the roles and put yourself in the dads shoes, already only gets to see child every other weekend and then because the child support the father requested you haven’t been able to pay, therefore as consequence you lose your license, now because of MONEY you can’t legally drive and now he wants to just keep your kid from you altogether because you haven’t paid and now he got your license taken away and now is taking your son. :thinking: makes sense. NOT.
What a joke. :roll_eyes:


I mean…. Was he an unsafe driver while having a license?

But also see the other side.
Maybe you could drive your son there and pick him up? I don’t see how not having a license means he can’t see his son.


NO YOURE NOT EXAGGERATING!!! My ex was driving on a suspended license and got into an accident with our children in the car. It was a pretty bad accident. My children ended up alone in the hospital for over an hour until I could get there because he was arrested for driving on a suspended license. Tel him to pay the damn child support so that they reinstate his driving privileges and he can not break the law while your son is with him.

The license has nothing to do with the kids safety :roll_eyes:


It’s illegal. No. You’re not overreacting.

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If he lives close by why not take him or ask him to have a relative pick him up. Remember it’s not for you both anymore or financial gain. It’s for the emotional well being of the child.


Stop nitpicking…life is too short. If you are concerned then take the child to dad

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Please change the name of this page to Mamas Bash or Toxic Mamas


How about you take him to his dad then? Your kids been going every other weekend for the last 7 years- seems like your holding a grudge of sorts. This is for your kid. Grow up


A revoked license doesn’t turn you into a bad driver, it doesn’t take away for safe driving knowledge.


Support has nothing to do with visitation. Zero. Take him or allow him to have someone drive him to get him, you are being dramatic


It’s his dad. Let him go with his dad.

Let him go then call the cops when he’s driving and say he doesn’t have a license it will work itself out.


Using your child as a pawn to get child support isnt right. There is no saftey concern other than the childs mental health for having their father taken away by the same person thats supposed to love and protect them.


His license being revoked got nothing to do with his driving skills sis… why don’t you take him to him if you’re worried about it…?? :face_with_monocle::face_with_raised_eyebrow: don’t put your son between yall


What does your husband not paying child support and losing his drivers license have to do with yalls son being with his daddy If his daddy is a good man, does not hurt the child, does not do drugs or drinks then why are you stressing just because he does not have a drivers license. If he gets stopped for no license that is not going to affect the child

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It’s not about his safety but when he gets pulled over and gets arrested for driving wo a license 1. He’s gonna be embarrassed 2. You’ll have to go pick him up. Been the child in this situation and it’s not okay.


Nope. He should be ashamed of himself breaking the law with his child in the car.


The fact people justify driving without a license as to why they lost it is baffling. Completely ignore the fact if he gets pulled over he goes to jail and the child has to witness that plus be held until picked up. Instead of making other arrangements so they can still have their time together y’all are quick to put your children in danger instead.


No license and no insurance is a ticket. You really would have to have a driving record for that to turn into more. Mind you expensive tickets. Is he a safe driver is way more important to ask. Also whats best for your kid? Typically cutting out a dad who is trying to be there is the last decision to make.


I think you should get the advice of legal services on this one.


It’s illegal, and if he gets pulled over and arrested for not having a license while driving, your son will be sitting with social services until you’re able to pick him up. Don’t risk it. Alternatively, you could take your son TO him, instead.


No this man is manipulative


Nope! It’s illegal for anyone to operate a vehicle without a license, if stopped cops can/will tow the vehicle and said person can/will go to jail. But also maybe work it out to where dad and child can see each other.


Just bc he got his liscence suspended does not mean he’s not still safe if you were letting him go before then I don’t see any harm


My ex Ubers when he wants to see the kids Bc his license is suspended for DUIs, or I help drive too. It works, and he is responsible for his own transportation when I can’t help.

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Maybe I missed something :thinking::thinking: you are not letting your child go with his father because he doesn’t have a driver’s license?? Having your driver’s license revoked due to non-payment does not affect your ability to drive nor does it affect your ability to be a father… so I’m having a hard time understanding why you’re preventing your child’s father from seeing him. :thinking::thinking:


Exaggerating. It doesn’t make him dangerous.


Would dad be willing to let you drop your son off or get an uber. I see the issue with driving without a license but I dont think its enough to not let your son see his dad. Kids need their dads too.


The license doesn’t make him a better or worse driver. Take him to his dad drop him off and pick him up. That’s less illegal driving dad has to do, and less stress the kid has because he is used to seeing dad.


Sorry but I’d not let my child go either. Just because he drove fine before and will still be fine but he’s still breaking the law. He lost his license for a reason and he would have known it was going to happen so he did that to himself. If he could promise not to drive especially with his child in the car then I’d let him go but clearly he will still drive so you are well within your right to stop your son going for his safety.


You are being dramatic for not letting your son go to his father’s house. You are completely logical by not wanting his father to drive with the son in the car. In the event he is pulled over with the kid in the car, it could lead to bigger issues. Your ex should definitely get the child support issue worked out though.

Lol how is that endangering your child? He still knows how to drive and only needs a license if he gets pulled over or in an accident. If his driving hasn’t endangered y’all’s child for the 7 years, how would that change? Idk what state you’re in but if he gets pulled over, in most states they’ll give him a ticket. You might need to go get y’all’s child if they don’t let him drive home but that’s the worst it could get. Some states will take a person to jail for driving without a license but still the worst that could happen is that you’d have to pick up y’all’s child


I understand not wanting him to ride in a car with him while he’s driving with no license. It won’t affect his ability to drive but could end up with consequences if he gets pulled over. I personally wouldn’t stress out about it but I understand why someone would.

BuT if this is your stipulation, I hope you or someone is driving the kids to him, since their visitation isn’t contingent on him having a license and it would affect their well-being to take away the stability of them seeing their father on a regular basis.

Honestly he’s with his dad it’s all good :+1:


You think his capability to drive changed? No it didn’t. The only thing this child is at risk for is a malicious mother keeping them from a loving dad.


I would only let kiddo go if there was another driver. No, your kid is not safe in a car with a driver who could be arrested and have the kid thrown in foster care. But If he takes a taxi, everything should be fine.


If they suspended his license then depending on your state there’s also a warrant out for his arrest. I’d Definitely check into this.


Petty. There’s other options. Think about your child not yourself. Withholding visitation from him for this very petty reason is ridiculous. I really hope you get held in contempt of court and fined or jailed…


Maybe suggest a place where you can bring the child to dad. Even if he’s behind in child support payments you cannot legally stop visitation, that being said no judge is going to throw you in jail if you don’t, but it looks bad to the courts. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

Why can’t you drive him back and forth to visits or why can’t someone give him a ride?


You need other license driver ask family or friends to help

I would drop him off if possible . No way should you have your child driving with him . If he gets pulled over and arrested not only is that traumatizing to your child but then your kid has to be exposed to waiting in a prescient or even child protective services until you get there . If he can’t agree to not driving while he has your child then I agree with you !

Your X need to ask for help his family or friends


In the event that he were to be pulled over and arrested while your son is with him that may be pretty traumatizing for you kid.
But not having a license doesn’t make him dangerous. I’d definitely take steps to be sure he is trying to attain his license. Or atleast that he has a known person to drive like a gf or fam

He could get in trouble. My step sons mother tried the same thing. We didn’t know. But the case worker that was involved i guess found out and questioned him and us. And sge got in trouble. She had to get her license back b4 she could see him.

K well driving without a license is illegal
And hell no my son wouldn’t be driving in his vehicle illegally with him.
Pay your payment and get your license back or wait until I can drive him there.

I wouldn’t give a shit. Too bad

What’s wrong him sounds lazy if he’s behind on child support.

If that’s the case, why can’t you drop your son off and pick him up?? Atleast you’d know where he is… I don’t believe in keeping my children from their fathers unless it’s a real threat!!! Driving without a license is a threat of course, but if he’s a safe person to be around why keep him away?? That’s his dad… kids need their dads just as much as they need their moms… Uber or Lyft or city taxis or even you transport him… there’s options other than keeping him away due to drivers license revoked… if he loves his dad , he will resent your decision when he’s old enough to know things… just my opinion tho
Best of luck to you mama :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


No drivers licence he doesn’t drive with the child. I’d report him for driving without a liscence. Go back to court & get a parenting time modification that states he can not drive with the kids in the car. That way you’re making the courts aware that he drives without a license. Offer an alternative like supervised visitation.


I would tell the court until he gets his stuff together and starts paying child support that he can’t have visitations maybe it’ll force him to pay the money and get himself together and get his license back and be a man and a father


Where I live child support has nothing to do with custody or visitation. You can’t keep a child from the other parent because of child support.


First off all the child support office has no business contacting you to locate him. They can find him if they really wanted to. Secondly driving without a license isn’t a safety issue that’s just illegal. A safety issue would be something like him leaving loaded guns where your kid can reach it. If you’re that concerned about it seek legal advice and not random people on the internet. A lot of your answers will just be from people validating based on feelings, emotions, and unhealed trauma and not what you are legally allowed to do in your state.

OAN: What states do you people live in that you get arrested for driving on suspended license the first time you’re stopped? In most states the first 2 times they’re just given a ticket. The third time you’re caught you’re actually charged and end up ror’ed the next morning.


You need to take your son to see his father & pick him up or possibly (depending on age & maturity) let your son take a cab or Uber to see his dad. I wouldn’t let my child be in a vehicle with someone who I knew didn’t have a valid license. What if dad got pulled over with his son in the vehicle & then your son sees his dad get arrested? Not having a license doesn’t make him a bad dad.

No where is she saying she is holding her child from seeing his dad due to non payment of child support its already been almost 2 years of no support !!!
It’s against the law to drive without a license. So no I would NOT allow him to drive my child any where !! Why can’t he get a licensed driver to puck up / drop off the child if you don’t have access to a vehicle ??? It really isn’t her responsibility to drive the child, although she can help if she has a vehicle.


A judge would tell you that child support and visitation are two separate issues. One does not affect the other. While he is still entitled to his visits he would not be allowed to drive. He has to have an alternate form of transportation for the child.


I wouldn’t stop h I m from seeing his son ,but I won’t let him drive around with my son ,if they were in a car accident ,your child wouldn’t be cover by insurance, because of his dad being unlicensed, fine another way for them to see each other

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DO NOT listen to these people!!! I know first hand what can happen when someone has their license revoked! Alot of people say oh it’s just a ticket blah blah blah. Yes at first it may start out as a ticket or 2 then eventually he will get pulled over and taken to jail after so many times even with your child in the car and you will be called to come get your son for dad being in jail. And no offense if their dick cops like ones in my town they may walk up to his car guns drawn like they did my fiance when his license were revoked and he told them about out 4 month old son at the time was in the car and they turned and pointed the gun at our son. So no keeping your child from witnessing stuff like that is not wrong

Yes she can drop off and pick up her child from his house but what if he still goes out on the weekend to do things with the child? He still would be driving around with the child. No license means no car insurance. He would be in big trouble if caught. “Child endangerment”.

If you don’t have your physical license it doesn’t mean you suddenly can’t remember how to drive. He will drive exactly the same without a license, he will most likely get a fine or arrested, but his driving capability is still exactly the same


And he can’t take you to court because you’re keeping the child away from because he doesn’t have his priorities straight so the judge would most likely be on your side.

Deadbeat dad needs to step up and pay child support, and get his license back. I would not let child leave with dad if he does not have his license. If you’re taking your child there, it does not mean dad will not drive illegally with child.

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He lost his license due to lack of payment nothing else . Don’t put your son in the middle , if he’s still trying to see him and has been for the last 7 years be the bigger person and make it happen . Times are hard everyone struggling , your son shouldn’t loss his father and visit over child support . Least he’s still trying !!!


I wouldn’t necessarily worry about the child’s safety since the license was revoked for nonpayment of child support and not a driving incident, however him driving with no license just tells the child that laws don’t have to be followed. He shouldn’t be driving the child around with no license.

So did he forget how to drive? Why does this license consider him being safe just cause they are suspended?


I would contact the courts and ask them what are your options. I know in Michigan if you don’t pay child support like you are supposed to and have a big back pay they will put a warrant for your arrest. My boyfriend’s baby momma just went to jail for less than a day (someone bailed her out) because she missed 2 court hearings plus she had $800 in back child support.


Dad isn’t unsafe, he just doesn’t have a valid license. Have him figure out how to handle pick up and drop off unless you want to take care of transportation by yourself. It’s not your job to police dad. It’s his choice if he wants to take the chance of being pulled over with the kid in the car.


I think you should do whatever you want because it’s your child . You don’t have to listen to anyone telling you That you can’t do something because they aren’t you and they can’t make a decision for you and just because they feel like you should drop him off and pick him up doesn’t mean their opinion is right in anyway because it’s just their opinion. If you don’t feel comfortable with him driving your kid around without a driver’s license then don’t let him.


I think it is ridiculous that they take driver’s license from parents who are behind on child support because it only gives them one more road block to being able to get a job and get back and forth to work in order to support that child or children in the first place. My suggestion would be that if you do not want him in the vehicle with your unlicensed ex then you transport that child to be able to have the relationship your child deserves with his father. It’s not the child’s fault and he shouldn’t be the one paying. Not should he even know what is going on in the system with child support, his father’s license, custody, or any other adult issue between you and his dad for that matter. Kids get put into the middle way too much and it’s not fair to them. They shouldn’t have to feel as if they need to pick sides or understand why one parent is doing this towards the other. Make arrangements for you to drop your child off and pick him up if your against him picking your child up due to suspension over lack of child support payments. If he gets stopped while driving, that’s on him, it’s not like it was for a dui.


What if he never ever had a license to drive and didn’t drive…make arrangements for someone else to pick him up…geez


Go back to mediation within the court system. It’s free and your custody can and should be revised as ex doesn’t have a drivers license anymore. After that if he breaks the agreement he can be held liable.


What a lot of people are not realizing is just because you drop off/pick up from dad’s house, doesn’t mean dad won’t drive anywhere during the weekend. And there isn’t anything you can do about it. If he truly wanted to see his son then he would get his license back. He would pay something. This isn’t your fault. Also, if he gets pulled over while driving, he could go to jail. Then your son would see that and hopefully the police would call you to come pick him up.


Bruh. How is it not safe for your son just because he lost his license? He lost his license, not his memory to drive :joy::joy::woozy_face:
You’re being ridiculous & using the kid against him rn. Don’t be that parent. That’s a shit parent.

Driving with a child in the vehicle without a driver’s license is considered child endangerment. It has nothing to do with his ability to drive, however, if he were to get pulled over… He could be arrested… In front of the child. That isn’t good for a child to see.


The piece of plastic doesn’t stop his ability to drive. Stops his legal privileges but not his ability.


I drove without a licence for like 7 years.


You need to go back to court and get the Judge to decide how the drop off and pick up will continue.

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So you’ve cut him off from visitation with his kid over this??? I’d haul your ass into court immediately on contempt charges and if there’s no order I’d go for full on the grounds of withholding and alienation. Support and visitation DO not go hand in hand just so you know!! Smdh

Child support is for absent parents not active in my opinion. If he’s been consistent and you guys share the same amount of time I don’t believe anyone should be paying the other. Of course when it comes to school stuff or a an extra activity then you both should split those costs. Child support gets so messed up especially when licenses get suspended. It’s a pain to get it reinstated. Don’t ruin his life for being involved and active.


I think you are exaggerating you know exactly why he no longer has a DL so either you allow him to drive your son or you drive your son so his father is able to see him not having a Dl doesn’t mean he is incapable of driving responsibly.


Well you cannot go against a court order and not let your son go. And as mentioned by another, his driving abilities will be the same. However, in the event of an accident his car insurance covering both him and your son would be invalid, possibly leaving u with a large medical bill.:woman_shrugging:t2:

Please Lots Of People Drive With No Licenses, Was He A Good Driver Before His License Was Taken Away?? Or Did He Automatically Become A Bad Driver When They Took It??


I would let him
know he needs to find alternate means to pick up
his child. A friend, family or uber. Don’t withhold the child but let him know it’s his responsibility to figure it out.


Nope! Father gets stopped by police, then child protective services are called. He goes to jail, the child goes to childrens home, until you can pick the child up. That is a lot of trauma for a child. They will always remember something like that… if the father is a deadbeat, then he should bot be allowed visitation anyways! Heres another scenerio to look at. What if the father makes a ‘run’ for it, to try to escape the cops? He could wreck and you could lose your son, or it could leave tge child permantly injured.


It’s super easy for them to get their licenses back. If he’s not willing to do anything then that’s on him. Every time you see he’s driving, report it.


Ok no you are not being over cautious, what everyone is saying about does him having a license make him unsafe points

  1. Yes it makes him unsafe because if the father gets pulled over he is in fact going to jail in which if your son is in the car DCF will be notified until ypu ate able to get him picked up
  2. If your ex husband decides he ain’t going to jail and runs from the cops again your child is also in danger of whatever outcome happens
  3. It also shows your son that “hey we do what we want and don’t worry about the law” which again could turn out bad for your son as a role model