Am I in the wrong?

Trying to figure out how you think a mortgage, car, insurance, phone, internet, lights and water don’t go towards kids :woman_facepalming:t2:

I’m about to take the whole house from my kids cause dang I must be spoiling them :v:t2:


Why are you shaming her? She asked a question? Give a constructive answer and keep your judgement to yourselves.


He gets to claim the kids . Everything you listed is providing a roof over there heads . All that adds up to a lot of money he provides for the family . He supports them more than 50 percent . Look it up


Let him claim the kids. At least 1… Idk why so many people get so greedy around tax time.


You two should be a team not acting like you’re playing for different teams


I think it’d be smart for you to both sit down do the taxes one way with you claiming them and see how much you get back, and do the taxes the other way with him claiming them and see how much you get back and see which is the better option.


Umm the mortgage houses the children, light, water and electricity all benefits the children. Yes! YOU ARE WRONG


You are definitely not wrong.Be strong,stick with No

Best way to handle this is split the kids…1 each

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His bge, internet and water bill is going up due to you and the 2 kids living there. How would it not be fair to let him claim them? You have 2 kids you each can claim one or rotate years to claim them.


Girl, that’s the LEAST you could do.


How about you claim one he claims the other… :roll_eyes::joy::rofl:


She sounds greedy asf ! He pays for majority of the bills… might as well post his phone number and a pic!


#team let him claim one (if they are his)

Split them, each claim one child.

Actually his finances do change bc of children. Less people in the home makes bill less.


Mortgage for a house your kids are living in. Electricity to light the home they are living in. Water for them to bathe in. Insurance to get him to the job that makes the money to pay all these bills. Every thing your have listed benefits your children in some way or another. Also arent these his kids as well? Pretty sure yall should be rotating regardless who pays what…


You’re so wrong :woman_facepalming:t3:


He puts a roof over your head as well as the kids. You sound greedy

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Wait…mortgage lights water etc don’t affect the kids??? Whaaaat lol… yeah he definitely deserves to claim them… you are waaaay wrong girl


:joy: so he isn’t providing a home? It basic needs of a home? If he didn’t have kids - he could have a smaller house - mortgage. Electric wouldn’t be as much etc etc and so on - or course he has expenses that are child related :roll_eyes:.


I’m surprised he’s still with you after 10 years ….


You claim one, he claims one. If you all are together and raising the kids together that’s fair. Plus his mortgage payment would be less for a smaller place. Kids =more bedrooms


Y does it matter u get the $ too if yall r together


Who ever gets the best tax benefits should claim them and split the extra money


Just for the record all of the household bills are effected by how many people live there and use the utilities

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The house, water, electric etc…. The kids don’t utilize those things? He’s providing you and your children with shelter and all the basic needs.

Technically, it’s whoever makes the most income that can claim the children. If you don’t make more than him, I’d suggest claiming one each before he figures out he can legally claim both.

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If y’all are together why does it matter who claims the kids?
He pays literally all the bills and you pay daycare, doctor appointments and food. :roll_eyes: if he didn’t have you or the kids his bills would be half of what they are, if not less. :unamused: but “you pay for everything child related” grow up.


If he makes more money why not just let him claim the kids that way you guys get more back and it’s more beneficial for you guys as a family unit. I don’t even understand why this is an argument because you guys are in the same house. Literally you claim one kid and him claim another if all else fails. But you are living at his house and he pays the mortgage and he pays the electric and he pays the water and he pays the cable. What exactly do you pay? Food? Okay that’s great that’s beneficial to the whole family not just you and not just your BOYFRIEND… I would love to know what state you’re in because in Kentucky if you’re together 8 years or more you are common law married

Sounds like a bitter baby mama to me…

If you guys live together what does it matter

You are not wife material


Omg. Another stupid post. Split it. You both will get more money if you each claim a kid.


:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I don’t even have any words

What do mean the bills he pays doesn’t have anything to do with the kids??? They have a home, lights, water etc! WOW!!!


He definitely is paying for things realated to the kids. Mortgage, water electric are all necessary for your kids.

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If he’s paying all that he needs to at least be able to claim one if not both , my husband claimed all our kids even with me working a part time job , definitely never had a problem with it

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Just being greedy, he supports the kids aswell so I don’t see why he cant


If they are both of your kids just claim them and split it that’s sounds greedy.

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Yes, YTA. Just in case you’re wondering.

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What in the??? Sometimes the stuff people post makes me realize how absolutely selfish people are… smh

Kids don’t bathe? That cost money! Kids don’t use electricity? That cost money! His monthly cost don’t change because he had kids? Did you proof read this?!!! SMH. He has just as much rights if not more from what I read to claim his children :unamused::roll_eyes:


This is a joke right? You and your bf shouldn’t be together. If your fighting over who claims the kids on taxes all the bills your bf pays is for the kids if he didn’t pay them your kids wouldn’t have a place to live or power or water those are more important. It shouldn’t matter who claims the kids that money should be the both of yalls money. Your lucky that your bf is still with you your way of thinking is wrong.

By LAW YOU do NOT have to let him claim them. My Aunt was a Tax Accountant & told me that I had that right ALWAYS b/c I was the Mom & Had Physical Custody. Just an FYI


Wow…so you and your kids live with him but dont use lights,internet, or water or enjoy a roof over your head? No wonder y’all arent married yet. He is paying all bills plus mortgage by himself and you cant even let him claim the kids on his tax return. :roll_eyes:


So i claim the kids cuz i make less money then my husband so if he claimed them he wouldnt get anything back. So it makes more sense to get the most money back. & if money is such a big issue (reason me & my husband keep ours separate) then the money you get back make sure it is designated just for purpose of the kids, nothing else

Do you guys live together?

Sorry hun but the father can claim the children. Hope you realize that paying the mortgage lights water and electricity provides a home to the children because you need all those in a home. Car and insurance means you can drive the children to the appointments or out of town. You’re acting like a spoiled entitled baby honestly. Let him claim his children good grief. Hope you realize if you guys ever break up that a judge will most likely say you get one year the father one year etc to claim the children.

Also you say his expenses haven’t changed hope you realize everything has gone up in those categories especially the water lights and electricity.


I’m confused, do you all live together?. If so you should be doing taxes all together… Mortgage, car, insurance, internet, lights. Water and electricity all have to do with raising kids unless the kids are not living in the house and are not using using any of these things it dose effect his expenses. As someone who has 4 children these things can all effect expenses. If kids are living 50/50 then you should be claiming 50/50 or one year you claim the next year he dose.


When I was with my ex and wasn’t married, we would do taxes both ways to see how it benefited our household the best.

That’s why y’all still boyfriend/ girlfriend…lol


Y’all have been together for 10 years & still don’t file taxes together…?

So he supports the kids all year? He should be able to claim them.


:sob::rofl: yeoo you gotta be slow


He keeps a roof over their heads, makes sure they have all the necessities they need to live in that home. Who cares if the amount doesn’t change and who cares if he files them because it comes right back into the home for those kids. Same claim women have when it comes to child support he can say because if it weren’t for those kids he could live in a cheaper one bedroom and his utilities wouldn’t cost as much. Y’all use your car but he pays for the car related expenses according to you. Give that man credit where it’s due. You’re in the wrong


Ummmm this is so wrong because all the bills he pays supports your and your kids basic needs. But if u want to at least be fair about it u claim one and he claims one.


You have 2 kids. Each can claim one. If you guys live together he pays all the household bills. You can’t say those things aren’t because of the kids. You and the kids use water, electricity and have a warm place to live. More people in a house definitely affects how high those bills are.


Money brings out the worst in people :woman_facepalming: Why not compromise and each claim one? Or see who will get more back by claiming them, then go that route.


Each claim a child so it’s fair


You can each claim one but whoever makes less will benefit more from it. However just give him half or both agree on how to use it.Also on another note his bills do change because of the kids. Water,gas,electric etc increase and he keeps a roof over your heads.

…all of those are for kids too…


No . He would knowingly be claiming a false dependent and would likely be audited for doing so


You should at least let him claim one child & you claim the other one. Teamwork, be fair.


Well those expenses do contribute to how your children are living. Why don’t you each claim one?


Yes youre wrong. You claim one he claims one.


At least let him claim one. If you can’t even do that… You should go find someone else to put a roof over your head and pay for all of your utilities to support your family


Why don’t you each claim one child? You live together, provide together, had the kids together…

I claim my son and my ex claims our daughter, it’s been like that since he was born, before that I claimed her.


I’m going to sound as less rude as possible right now. Are you telling me those kids sleep and live in the dark? Do not bathe or get their clothes washed? Use the wifi? Or even LIVE inside of the home he pays for and car payment and insurance he covers also? Come on dude. Do you even hear yourself right now?

Do both of your taxes with the kids and let the one that gets the most claim them. Do one each and c


You gotta be fuckin stupid

Your kids don’t use the house, the electricity, the car, the internet? :thinking: surely this is a troll post and no one is this dense :expressionless:


If yall are living together and those are his kids, the bio dad has every right to claim them… just a heads up though… if yall got any money from the child advance payments last year make sure you file correctly or someone may have to pay money back.


Idk but regardless it’s “our $” and not he pays this or that. I get this or that. Everyone living under the same roof, work together and help pay down bills etc to make life easier. Taxes for us is a way of fixing what needs to fixed, paying what needs to be paid, saving for future expense but that’s just us :woman_shrugging:t2:

Your kids don’t benefit from the stuff he pays? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow: he pays everything and you pay for clothe once in a while cause that’s not an every day expense and food? Girl you know you’re wrong.


You claim one and he the other. If your both living in the same household the expenses you said he pays does provides for the child as well. If he wasn’t paying all that y’all would be homeless, without a phone to make appointments for the kiddos, etc. Work as a team and not against each other!


If they are both of your kids then each of you should be claiming one. He’s paying ALL the household bills that keeps a roof over the kids head, electric on, water on, etc.


Ten years together? File together

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They use all those smh get it together I’ll never understand the my money your money when ur in a relationship it should be both ur money

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None if these bills are because of the kids? Hello?

Do every other yr for taxes

Yikes on bikes… This doesn’t sit well. He should get rid of you


Why people get married for “tax purposes “ :rofl::woman_facepalming:t3:


Maybe you claim one and he claims one. I mean you supply necessities and he supplies roof and electricity and all that. 50/50


And the rent, car, electric and water and the internet are all for you and the kids!!!


We file together, i dont even think the kids go under someone specifics name**canada

Let’s see :thinking: he pays for the home that they live in, the water that they use to bathe, the lights in the home so they can see. What he pays for is just as much for your children as you do. Are you that greedy that you each can’t claim a child? A relationship is supposed to be a team effort.


He’s the BOYFRIEND not husband. Absolutely not!


This isn’t going to go the way you had thought lol


You sound very selfish, he should claim at least one kid

They literally use all them things still.

Mortgage is a literal roof over the heads. You sound ungrateful and ridiculous af.He pays for the roof over you and the kids heads, and he pays to keep the electricity on and water running. I hope he dumps you lol.


Whoever it would financially benefit more is who should claim them. And all those bills you said he pays are for the children also.


If he is the father than he should claim one and you claim one. Don’t be selfish. He supplies the roof over their head so that you don’t have to


The things he’s providing are essentials for living in a safe and comfortable environment for the children - THEY ARE NECESSITIES. Also if yall have been together 10 years, do yall not share money?? Why’s it matter who claims the kids? Its all going to the same place. This post is petty.


He provides the house, you make it a home. But of you are paying for necessities. Who ever made more should claim them. Then just split the Child Tax money. It’s all getting spent on the same family is it not?

Keep it fair each claim one.
You may pay for all the extras but he provides the necessities.
Or redo your monthly bills & make it more even with necessities & extras


You should each claim 1 at the very least he pays for the roof over everyone’s head stop being greedy


Damn. This is weird. If y’all are in a relationship and live together, what does it matter? The money would go to the same place… Whoever would get the biggest return makes sense to me. Sounds like a relationship I wouldn’t want to be a part of. Lol.

YOU ARE VERY WRONG…You both made those kids and you both provide in one way or another.He pays for the place you all live in and the electricity you all use ect or do the kids not live there?Do they not shower there?Do they not use any electricity there?Do they not use the internet for tablets or anything there?You sound selfish.You both pay for things the kids need and use you guys should either both claim 1 child or you both file together.You guys should talk about what you guys should use the money for and make a list pay for all those things then split the rest.Mobey is an issue for alot of couples and it can turn into a huge problem especially when one thinks they deserve it more like their partner is less then them…I advise you guys talk and compromise and think of eachother as equals.


Mortgage, internet, water, electric lights are all for the kids lol or do they live in a tree house in the back yard and bathe in the creek?