You’ve been with this man ten years… Why don’t you each get one child, or simply let him because he is definitely contributing more than you are. If you guys are smart you would let whoever would get the most and just split it.
10 years and you don’t see it as sharing expenses? If he didn’t pay the mortgage and bills, where are you and the kids gonna lay your heads at night? If he didn’t pay for utilities and phones, insurance, what are you driving? Where are you guys showering, how are you staying warm? How are you keeping yourself and the kids entertained?
Why can’t he claim them? What would make a difference anyway? He’s your boyfriend of 10 years and you guys live together
Can’t each of you claim a child or let the one making more claim and just split the money?
Why dont you both claim one? Split it because if you claim 2 kids the second gets less money so claim one each
I’m confused so providing the kids Shelter, power and water doesn’t benefit your children??? You guys need to take turns claiming the children.
I think he should claim them and drop your ass. Without him those kids and YOU would be homeless. You are a parent grow the hell up its not a competition of who or what money pays for the kids more
Not alot of together in this relationship you both provide for the kids
You sound extremely greedy lol. And after 10 years you guys should be filing together. You don’t have to be legally married to do so.
Yikes, if this was the other way around everyone would be replying LEAVE HIM.
You sound ungrateful you should claim every other year to be fair
No. Stick to your guns. Why question yourself when you are right?
Well if they are both of your kids you should each just claim one if you are a couple it shouldn’t matter who claims them on tax’s do you all not share money?
My bf of 13 years and I have one child we share our money if he gets back more or I do we just put it in towards our household and child🤷🏻♀️
Lol this is horrible logic.
I claim one and he claims one. He pays for all all bills but i buy all the food and stuff for our girls and if i get back more i give him some of mine to make it even we have always done this for 7 years and works great and he usually uses are for upgrades to our house or furniture that we need for our children or family.
Our tax man told us that whoever has kids 75% of the time claims child/children. We just went through this. If you claim them and prove you have them 75% your good. If he claims them and has 25% of the time he would get tax fraud and that’s a felony.
A boyfriend ? No.
Kids father ? Yes split it. Don’t be greedy.
Say what??? Ya you are very wrong.
Just take one and give him one period.
You sound like a petty betty. I’m confused as how what HE pays for doesn’t benefit the children that belong to BOTH of you .
Each claim one. The court makes parents take every other year so to make it fair since he does contribute you each claim one.
So your kids don’t use the electricity? Don’t bathe in the water? Don’t live in the house? Don’t use the internet for streaming? Your food isn’t refrigerated in a fridge he pays the electric for? Their clothing isn’t in the closets of the house he pays for? Your phone isn’t used to make medical appointments? That insurance doesn’t cover the car you drive them to daycare in?
How odd.
10 years together, “our” kids.
Yall don’t share finances after 10 years and kids?
My partner and I have been together for four years. We are a household. It’s our money, regardless of who is earning. I don’t understand these type of disagreements/arguments.
Your logic is also flawed. If he didn’t pay for those expenses where would you be? He is contributing to those kids just as much as you are.
If he didn’t pay mortgage your kids wouldn’t have a roof over their head. If he didn’t pay car and insurance you wouldn’t have a car to take them in. If he didn’t pay phones and internet you wouldn’t have been able to post this here. If he didn’t pay lights, they wouldn’t be able to see in their home. If he didn’t pay water they wouldn’t have anything to shower with. If he didn’t pay electric you wouldn’t have lights, phones that are charged, appliances to cook on.
This can’t be a serious post.
So your children don’t use anything he pays for at all? Why not claim jointly? Even before my husband and I were married we split everything and filed jointly.
Let him claim one and you claim one .
Your children benefit by everything he pays for.
Honestly whoever makes the least should claim because they will receive the max amount allowed for the kids. At a certain tax bracket you don’t receive the full
Claiming them on his taxes helps both of you $$ wise.
You have two kids together. Both of you should each claim one child every year. Or one of you claims both, and you flip-flop years. Do the kids not need the mortgage, lights, car, electric, etc bills paid? This is nearly laughable…
So, in our state (VA) it’s recommended that whoever pays for 50% or more of the cost of living for the children gets to claim the kids. I have seen some court orders show that the parents are to take turns claiming the kids. But if he’s not paying, I’d tell him to F off. Now if he owes child support, let him claim they will take his tax return and give it to you!
He should leave you if you think a roof over their head, electric, gas, water, internet, car and insurance is not because of kids. Lady you are crazy. All that cost more when you have kids. Or I would be in a studio apartment paying way less in utilities.
Ummm what did I just read? Your way to worried about money honey. Ya do this life thing together so maybe try sharing. It really is a good example for your kids🤷
All of those things are also for the kids. They live in the house and ride in the cars. I pay for everything because my husband only really worked to pay for his other child and to have some petty cash since he got hurt I let him claim the kids some times. I made more last year than him so I claimed them so we could get more to buy a house.
If y’all live together it doesn’t matter who claims the kids. All else fails you each claim one kid
Whoever makes the least money should claim them. many of my friends claim one child each on their taxes.
If you two were married he would automatically get to claim and if divorced would split so yes you’re definitely not correct here. Mortgage, car insurance and phones are for the kids to be cared for as well.
Really proud to see the women being vocal on this
So your kids don’t use water or electricity?
I bet the mortgage is on a house with more than one bedroom, to accommodate having 2 children. And I’m sure the car is a safe vehicle that his kids are transported in and insured under, and his phone is used to communicated with you in case of emergencies with his kids, the electricity keeps the kids food cold and house warm, water to drink and bathe in. If he pays all of those expenses and you live together with your kids, what housing expenses do you pay for? It seems like things are pretty well split down the middle if your paying for groceries, daycare and medical. He should definitely be claiming one kid year round and on tax returns, If not more… since you don’t pay for your childrens LIVING expenses.
Your boyfriend can’t claim your kids
Is 2 kids. Let him claim one and you claim another
If he’s paying all of the mortgage and utilities, he’s paying for housing the children, and I’m guessing they use the internet also.
Normally, this situation is covered under “married filing jointly” but you’re not married.
You two need to sit down and discuss what’s equitable, given your respective incomes. Let’s say one of you earns 60% of your household’s income and the other earns 40%. The person earning 60% should cover 60% of expenses; the other should cover 40%. BOTH should contribute equally to their respective retirement. Since your not married, neither of you is entitled to the others Social Security upon death.
Your financial situation is actually complicated. I urge you to sit down with a financial planner to avoid unintended long-term consequences. Also, one option is that one of you claims 2 kids and the other claims one. There’s also the tax credit for child care.
You two really must sit down and sort all this out. Good luck.
Split them, or calculate who claiming them would benefit everyone most.
None of his bills are more expensive due to the kids? Hmmm I’m sure if it was up to him he’d be in a studio apartment or something rather than the house he has in order to support y’all
Are they biologically his kids ?
Ummm all that he does, does take care of the kids…
Wow! What did I just read? I’m confused! The money will come in the house, for all of you!!
Moat adults can figure this out without running to Facebook
Grow tf up, seriously
Girl…from experience, he probably is paying the majority of bills, and living expenses definitely are essential to being able to raise children together. Why wouldn’t you both claim one? Makes no sense and just sounds like you don’t want to share
Your kids don’t live in the home?? He’s as entitled as you are since they live in the home he pays for and has them full time like you. He can do it and not ask. He’s not committing fraud
Absolutely not! You claim those kids!
Figure out your taxes doing it each way and see which one works out better. Did ya all ever hear of split the refund? Hum…or each person claim one…
How about yall claim one child?
His kids too, not just yours buttercup.
“Boyfriend of 10 years” suggests to me the possibility that you all live with him. Even if he owned the house already when you hooked up and his mortgage doesn’t change because of it doesn’t mean he isn’t paying for them too.
- You use water to shower, cook, drink.
- You use electricity to watch TV, charge your devices, use the lights, etc.
- It’s very likely you use the internet he’s paying for.
- If you weren’t living in his home that he pays mortgage for you’d be in an apartment. It’s just human decency and courtesy to contribute to the cost of the roof over your head.
You cannot genuinely act like he contributes nothing to their cost of living. You are fooling yourself with a blatant lie.
You can either each claim one, alternate years in claiming them, or start splitting ALL expenses 50/50 and split the child tax credit between you. Allowing a tax professional to review both of your income and determine who could get the biggest rebate in claiming them so there is a decent amount of money to split.
Does it matter who claims them if your a couple whoever gets the most should claim them and then the money be shared
So the kids don’t take baths, watch TV. Play games , eat or use the lights lol. He does take care of your kids as he pays it. Don’t be greedy poor guy I would run
It shouldn’t be his money and her money it should be eachothers money
Sounds like your living for free must be nice.
Or one of you could claim one and the other claim the other one… orrrrr you can trade off years… one claim both for one year and one claim them the next year.
It’s really not that complicated
Um he should be able to claim them. It all goes to both anyways I think your coming off a little selfish
When you have kids together, and you’re together 10 years, there’s no more “mine and yours” maybe y’all could just work together?! Supposed to be a team effort.
Is the money you each recieve just kept for yourselves? Do you not share your money with each other? If you have been together 10 years why does it matter who claims them? (Unless, you two are in different tax brackets). Whomever receives the most back should claim them. I’d be more inclined to ask myself after 10 years why we don’t share our money with each other?
You claim one, he claims the other🤷🏻♀️ See how simple some things can be.
On another note, the bills he pays keeps a roof over your kids heads, keeps the a/c & heat on, keeps your car you drive to appointments with, ON THE ROAD, keeps the lights on, keeps you insured & without all that, you’d probably be on the street with your kids, so be grateful, bc by the sounds of it, you don’t do much!
Do you guys live together? You both contribute to the household and finances? If you live together it really shouldn’t matter who claims them. Also mortgage, car, internet, lights, water are all things the kids use I assume. It is also contributing to the care of them. Maybe whoever claims gives the other half of the amount.
Continue as you are or move
Umm paying the bills is part of taking care of the kids. It puts a roof over their head, keeps them warm, and gives them a safe play to sleep therefore he is helping raise them too not just you. I think you are being extremely unfair. Maybe just split claiming them, or switch on n off each year. I would understand if he didn’t pay for anything but he pays for a lot also not just you.
So, why doesn’t one of you claim one child and the other claim the other child. With that being said, without kids, he could have a smaller house, meaning a cheaper mortgage payment, the lights and electric are the same thing but that payment would be lower because there are less people in the house, the same as the water bill. So, please tell me how his expenses don’t change because of the kids?
There’s two kids. You claim one and he claims the other.
He’s paying the household bills so that you can pay those “other bills”. Sound like to me y’all should share. He’s doing his part so you can do yours. Don’t be greedy!
The house has to be larger to accommodate the children, in turn a higher mortgage. The tax credits should be split.
Is this a joke? lmfao he supports the kids by paying the bills. Wtf
So…where would they (or you) live if he didnt pay for all of that? If YOU took on those NECESSARY expenses, your monthly expenses would be astronomically higher. Those are the most expensive things that kids require (shelter, water, power), not to mention the other non necessities he pays for. Idk why it would be an issue since you worded it as the kids are both of yours. Why would it matter who claimed them? Seems that he pays the pricier bills & you pay the smaller bills, which…who cares, you’re a family, but I can see why he would have the idea that he claim them.
y dont u and each claim 1 kid
Sounds to me like you both contribute, and you’re both equally important. Coming from someone who has been a single mom most of my kids lives, and had to do everything by myself… if he weren’t there and paying all those bills you think aren’t as important, then you would be paying those and you would have less money to do the things you do now. Sorry but you sound really ungrateful to have a good man that actually helps take care of his family. You should be looking at it as a team, not being greedy. If I were in your shoes I would see who would get back more for claiming the kids, and then as a team decide what the refund will go towards. And if working as a team can’t work, then one can claim one and one can claim the other.
If you all are together why does it matter??
All of those bill are bc of the kids…
Why not each claim one if yall are together?
Yes your wrong he takes care of ALL OF YOU
W / A Greedy Dick !!!
Holy shit dude. There are 2 of you and 2 of them. Each of you claim one.
Why don’t you claim one and he claim one even from day one if sees kids me and my so not married each claim a kid and receive child credit we have been together 12 yrs
Y’all are together, they are both y’all’s kids, y’all both are using money to support them, so why not let whoever would get the most back claim them, then y’all split the money between the two of you. I would assume the money would be used for all of you anyways, so why are y’all making it into a bigger deal than it should be? This all just sounds greedy to me from both sides. Y’all are a family. SHARE THE MONEY.
If he’s on the birth certificate it’s whoever files first. They only have to live with him 51% of the time.
Sounds like a roommate situation! He’s paying a ton of stuff. Everything he pays keeps a ROOF over the kids head and yours. Why don’t you both claim one if it’s such a big issue??
He should claim all of you
This is a joke right? If he wasn’t paying what he pays. Then you’d have no liveable situation…
None of them are because of kids? Your children wouldn’t have a home without that mortage payment. Or lights without his light payment.
What have you 2 been doing for your taxes the last 9 years?
Our electric & water bills definitely depend on my kids
Sorry, you’re in the wrong on this one.
Alternate years or each claim one. What you said makes no sense, just sounds selfish in your part. If you’re still with him, your money should be combined. I can now see why he’s still your boyfriend after 10 years and 2 kids.
Me and then boyfriend but husband now done head of household and him claim the kids and we got back quiet a bit and if youve been together 10 years, why does it matter? Like others have said, he pays the pricier bills that your kids need in order to live comfortably. I say why not?
Did you seriously say that a roof over your kid’s head with heat and water is not for your kid’s? If you have a problem then each claim one!
Why TF are you even together?
This is not how a partnership is supposed to work
Each of you should claim one child…don’t let money ruin your relationship. You sound greedy & petty.
Doesn’t sound like you’re actually “together”. Wouldn’t the money be for your family no matter who claims the kids? I guess I’m confused by your relationship dynamic
He pays for your car? And yet he can’t claim his kids?
Ummm they aren’t kids bills I guess u guys don’t watch TV, eat off a stove, take showers and go to the bathroom, I guess u don’t brush ur teeth or take ur kids to play out side in i pool or have any games for ur kids that aren’t electric, u actually sound like my current gf haven’t a clue in the world the prices of shit and take advantage of everyone gj fucking idiot thanks for the laugh
Call a local tax office they can answer all of your questions don’t listen to the people on here most of them are mean and don’t know what they are talking about