In the context of life and family, you have to pick your battles. Some are just not worth it’. Family is priceless!
Part of the delight of gifting clothing to grandchildren is seeing them wearing the gift. Why would you not want them to see that?
Write her a heartfelt note with no finger pointing or excuses made. Next time she buys something put it on your daughter asap and send her a photo or short video. Your husband loves his mother but needs a stern talking to that your feelings and family matters too.
Any time My children had clothes given Inwould take pictures of them wearing them and made sure the giver was given a picture
Sorry baby ill been there you be the mom there your kids you can’t help what they do or say as your mother-in-law its not on to get better unless you bow to her just be yourself you are the mother all you can say sorry and they didn’t jam more God loves you amen
If you can’t talk to her then that’s gonna be an issue by itself. If you could just say she needs the pajamas. Good luck. Sounds like a sticky situation.
It’s probably not something u fix. It’s on her to fix the way she is to u. My mom buys clothes for my kids without expecting to see them in it. Tho I do send her pictures when they do wear them. My MIL and I don’t get along. She hasn’t liked me from day 1 bc her son and I were originally friend with benefits. His choice btw. But then he got me pregnant. That was on us both bc we had too many drinks that night. But she blamed me. Saying I was trapping him. Things got a little better after our son was born. When we got pregnant w our 2nd son she stopped talking to me and acted as if I was in invisible. We planned our 2nd child. She treated me that way my entire pregnancy but once he was born she wanted to hold and see him and act like nothing ever happened. I’m saying this bc it’s not anything u have done to really cause her actions. It’s her own selfish behavior. There isn’t anything u can do to make her happy except do everything she wants and that’s not really living. So what if u took those clothes back for something ur child actually needed. She is your child. And husbands seem to be afraid of making their moms mad. My husband only stood up for me 2 times when his parents got way too out of hand and said hurtful things to me. Other than that he would say it was between me and her.
Sounds like Grandma needs to grow up.
If you MIL lives close enough and your going shopping for clothes for your daughter invite her to go with you maybe you can find things together for your daughter to wear and if she continues to be nasty to you especially if she’s says things to you in front of your daughter then you both leave and tell her you are tired of the way she talks to you and your not taking it anymore and then ask your husband if he’s going with you or staying it will make him think about this petty arguing it may not stop him from taking her side right away but it will make him stop and think about the way his mother is treating you and he just might see your point of view
I’m a grandma of nine. I would never be upset if any of them wanted to exchange a gift of any kind for something they would like better. When you give a gift, it is just that, a gift. It is not the givers right to control if the gift is used or not. It belongs to the person it’s given to do with it what they wish. I also want them to tell me if they don’t like a gift. Why should I keep buying things they do not like?
Give the gift then let it go
No but why not. It would make grand ma happy if you didn’t like it should be honest. Maybe she will find someone who appreciates it
My son is almost 50. When he was born I madwe it clear I detested boys n shorts and knee socks.edit The 1 st present my mil bought was a velvet short set with knee socks. I asked nowhere she bought it so I could return it for the rest of the pants. That took care of that.
She was a mean one
I have a bigger issue with your husband not backing you!
Pretty petty stuff with the MIL, if you ask me.
As a grandmother all I like to hear is a thank you … It’s just items ,clothes ,I think it’s sad she makes an issue about it …
I leave tags on all the clothes and tell my daughter in law that she is welcome to exchange them if the clothing is not suitable or doesn’t fit.
You have gone above and beyond to please her and she insults you for seeing to your child’s needs. If my mother in law called me a nasty name I would simply return to the car and leave. If my husband sided with such a monstrous person, I might leave him there.
I ask before I buy clothing for my grandchildren so that I buy something they need and actually want.
You married a mommas boy and a nut!Get over it.Avoid toxic relationships See her only when necessary, like at a funeral! Hint
I have this kind of mother. Take a picture of the child in said outfit, send to grandma and let it disappear after that hahaha If she ever gets a clothing gift I make her try it on and take pictures.
I’m a grandmother that buys clothing also, I don’t really care if I see them in them but if they could use something else instead I would be glad to know my money was used for what they needed. My problem is when there mom sales them to someone else before they out grow them to put money in her pocket. I think your fine in what you have done. If Grandma has a problem with it then she needs to not do it if there is so many strings attached.
Grandma sounds like a narcissist. I’ve never heard of this being a thing. This is absolutely ridiculous. You won’t be able to repair your relationship with you MIL unless she takes the initiative. Limit your interactions with her. MIL’s behavior is not healthy for your daughter to witness. You have to accept the relationship for what it is.
Don’t worry about it I’m a grandma and the gifts I give to my grandkids in clothes if I don’t see them in it it’s ok I know they got it forget what the old lady says or thinks it’s your kid let her keep her things at her house my grand daughter over here goes to her dad’s and wears the clothes her other grandma wears cause she got it threw her head it’s not her kid and I told her cause she was complaing about it who cares some grandma’s are over demanding and their sons are mama’s boys if they don’t change dump them both and enjoy your daughter and life you will never change them lol
If your MIL won’t talk to you… write her a note.
Let her know that the fancy clothes are nice but impractical. List more appropriate clothes and even toys she would like. Tell her she outgrows clothes too fast to spend money on special occasion outfits anyway. If she ever in doubt have her call you for suggestions…
Your husband needs to stand up for your AND your daughter. It sounds like he is still afraid to confront his mom.
In the letter let her know that you know what your daughter wants and needs.
Do either one of you really want your daughter growing up feeling responsible for the tension in your family ???
For all you know she may already feel this way.
Think before both of you fight over such trivail things.
If you give a gift …there should never be strings attached…
Maybe it would be better if you asked the parents…first …what do they need…
Fancy dresses are nice …but a little impractical…
I ask their mom what is needed then I shop
It is in no way an obligation to dress the kids in the clothes grandma buys them, but rather an act of love and appreciation…which your mother in law doesn’t seem to realize. I always did as you described, but my own grandchildren are never dressed in the clothes I send. Nor do I get a thank you, or even that the clothes were received. It’s like sending gifts into a void. But I would never dream of creating drama or a possible rift over some stupid clothes. Life is way too short for that.
If I buy clothing for grands I also get a gift receipt. That way if it’s not right they can take it back easily. The presents are for the person they are given to. They are not an obligation that must be honored. As for MIL I doubt there is anything you can do. Her attitude is set in stone. As long as hubby is on her side in this issue there is no chance for change.
I always make a point of asking what the kids need as far as clothes they can wear when they want
I guess if it was your mother buying the dresses for your daughter would be OK but I think you have a problem with your mother-in-law
Does your daughter seem subdued or different when she gets back home from Grandma’s . Does she cry or act out , or otherwise resist
going to Granny’s ??
Think about it .
When a couple marries , they are to “forsake
all others and cleave only unto one another” !
NEVER let anyone outside of your immediate family cause conflict or stress in YOUR
Marriage ; NO ONE , but NO ONE , has that right !!
Your mil seems to be a control freak . He married you against her wishes , so she makes sure that you suffer for taking her little boy from her . Your husband needs to remember that he is married to YOU !
Have a good talk with your daughter and/or take her to a
professional .
There is a cancer , outside
your immediate family that needs to be excised !
Take your husband to see a counselor , if he refuses to go , your life will never change !!
Your husband is more afraid of his mother , than he has respect for you .
I don’t envy you . I’ve been through this with different people before .
I wish you luck
and good health !!
God Bless you , and those whom you hold dear .
Kick Grandma to the curb. I used to buy when they were small, but when they got older I gave money and they bought their own. She is being a mean grandma.
Dress them up. Take a pic. Send to grandparent. If you don’t want to wear it again fine, you did your duty.
I buy a lot of things for my grandkids. If they need something else or it doesn’t fit I have no problem with am exchange. That being said,I do love to see them using/wearing whatever I get them.
This grandmother is being ridiculous. She should ask daughter-in-law what kind of clothes she likes her daughter to wear. Then purchase them and tell her if they are not what she likes she can exchange them. Grandma should stop being so hateful. Sounds like you expect too much. Be grateful that she comes to visit you. After all that is the purpose of a grandma to really love her grandchildren and not be so petty.
I’ve never actually had this problem as I had boys Gammy bought clothes for and she always bought every day clothes. It sucks you’re dealing with this.
The first problem I see is that your husband should 1000% be backing YOU and not his mom! Have you mentioned to his mom that your daughter could use every day clothes or pajamas or whatever her need is and his mom just doesn’t care? Can you have a talk with his mom? Like mentioning that sometimes the dresses aren’t “visit appropriate”?
I think grandma should wuit sending clothes and ket you spend your own money
Yes it’s nice to see them wearing what you bought, but not to expect it every single time. Sounds like that family is a bit off anyhow. They must lead weird lives to let something so frivolous as clothing wreck their relationship with their family. I’ve bought tons of clothes for my grands, and as long as they wear the clothes at some point I don’t care if I see them in it.
The mother in law sounds like she has some narcissist qualities.
The son needs to stand up for his wife and cut the apron strings.
As a grandmother of 4, I always buy my grandkids clothes be it for fun, school etc and never have I expected my daughter or my son to put them in them and show up wearing them when they visit. There should never be a price or strings attached to a gift. And as for returning, do it! They are your clothes now and your kids needs are a bit more than a selfish grandmas need to see the babies in clothes “they bought”. I think that grandma needs therapy as the world does not revolve around her. Also as far as repairing the relationship, why? If she wants to act like a brat ( lack of a better word) let her, she is missing out and your husband should and always have your back!
Maybe you could take a picture of your child dressed in the clothes before you take them back. I agree that if she needed the pjs that’s what you should get.
Give it up. Put distance between yourself and Grandma. 44 years I put up with same stuff. No more f oi r over 3 years. Feels great. My hubby would never defend me either
Doesn’t really matter what other grandparents do. You are dealing with yours. Families have to mesh together. You were brought up learning appropriate behavior, your husband was not. I would apologize and move on. The apology is not because you did wrong, it is to keep peace. After that if she is rude, just make your steps light around her. This is strictly my opinion. Always pray before you do anything.
This is a long post… over clothes? dang u really that perplexed? Smh…
Put the kid in grandma clothes when visiting or let the kid pick her own outfits… redirect this energy into stuff that actually matters - like manners n morals… #nowukno
It should never come with strings and your husband should stand up for you and his child. You two are his priority now!
Read Stacy reply. I had a mother in law that I could not please. She could not stop wanting my husband’s first wife in the picture. Seriously, they had lunch every Tuesday. She took her shopping. They talked every night. The ex called her mom. The MIL told me more than once that the ex would always be her daughter in law. I finally realized there was NOTHING I could do to please her and that she was a bully. Plain and simple. From that point on I just stopped running by, stopped driving her to the grocery, raking her yard (yeah I did that) etc. (Let the ex do it lol) I realized I did not have to do that. It was not essential that I go nuts trying to please her. Respect yes, please no. Anyway I started letting my hubby take over a lot. If she called I would say oh let me get Him for you in my sweetest voice before she could dig in. I just gave myself permission to step back. She may get worse initially, hoping to get you under her demanding thumb again. But you know that it is WRONG for anyone to treat you this way. Stop it. Your efforts are not appreciated. Your husband does not want to be in the middle. Do yourselves a favor and stop. Hold her accountable. I feel you, I do.
I have 3 kids ages 11, 7 and 6 and I no longer have qualms about returning clothing if my child doesn’t like it, already has many of the same item etc. I either buy what they need with the return $ or put it aside for when they need new clothing. I have never had family members make any kind of comment about not seeing them in gifted clothing.
All great comments. If you can sit down and have a conversation about this issue. Hopefully she will understand if not then don’t let it bother you. Or when she makes comments just say it is too small too large and doesn’t fit. Or that your child doesn’t like it. We all know how hard it is to get kids to wear certain items. Don’t feel bad you have tried
Dress them up snap a pic.i always tell my grand daughter if you want we can return items if they want and it does not hurt my feelings. And yes if they need soxs or undies I pic them up if I can.
I think having a frank conversation with MIL and husband is overdue! This is insane!! Will she stop undermining you beyond the clothes too? He and you need to be on the same page… Good luck! If there are strings attached, they’re not gifts. Maybe leave the outfits at her house.
There is another way to look at this. For you it seems impractical. Could be Grandma is giving her things she would have loved to have when she was little or her children never were able to wear. She has funds now and wants to give the child special memories. Make a memory quilt, have a “tea party”. Take grandma shopping and choose together what would work for the three of you. Celebrate the fact that she is part of your lives. Time is precious.
Well get the hint she doesn’t have to get nasty about it and you can dress you daughter how you wish:call_me_hand:
Next time if if fits or not let child wear it at Grandmas. If too dressy for grandmas she will notice.
Dress your child like you want to.
Your mother in law seems passive aggressive… just be kind.
Don’t let her steal your joy. If it wasn’t clothes it would be something else. You and your husband should seek marital counseling so she doesn’t ruin your marriage. He will listen to a counselor about his mom where he may not listen to you.
It seems that the mother-in-law wants to be in control you do what is best for your kids and if your husband doesn’t like it well that’s his problem
I would be up front and tell her what you just said. I bought lotsof clothes for my grandkids when they were small. I went to garage sales and bought barely used or not used clothing. I took a trash bag full of clothes over there. I am sure she gave some to friends too. There was a lot. I didn’t care. Just glad I could help in some way. Maybe grandma should ask you what she needs. I don’t believe in games. Be up front.
put it on her, take a picture and hang it back up:}
This is not normal behavior. Most grandmas buy practical clothing as well. My mom always bought something for that season and practical. If my kid didn’t like it they would exchange it and show grandma. Grandma always told us where it was from and kept the receipt just in case. I’m hoping to be a grandma soon and plan to buy clothing that is practical and include a receipt in case they don’t need or like it. I want a beautiful relationship with the future daughter or son in laws. 2 of my kids don’t want children naturally, but one plans on adopting. I will also treat this child the same, because it WILL be my grandchild. GL
It is hard when something is continually thrown in your face. I’ve been in a family situation like that. You are not wrong. You have done nothing wrong. Just ignore what is said as if you didn’t hear it. And just go on in pleasant conversation. No behavior continues unless it is rewarded. Her reward is to upset you.(which says a lot about her). If you are not upset and her behavior is not rewarded eventually it will stop.(may take a long time.) But it will stop. If your husband can’t support you in a situation, ask him to remain neutral and say nothing. This worked in my marriage. If he doesn’t. Ignore him and keep on in pleasant conversation, as if you didn’t hear him. He should be aiding with you and protecting you. (We leave our parents and establish a new family when we marry) . Be secure in the knowledge that you are the bigger person. Your goals are for good…peace in the extended family. You are the loving one. They will not change they are dysfunctional. But you have a plan. You are the good in this situation. Keep that in mind everytime you interact with them.
Explain to GM that your daughter is growing so fast. It’s just not good financial practices to buy clothes for her that she can only wear a few times. Ask her to start a BANK ACCOUNT for “her grand- daughter”.
If it’s a gift and you’re giving it to me it’s mine to do with as I please if it has strings attached to it keep it I don’t want the damn thing And your husband is way wrong the next time he want something tell him sure and put strings attached to it see how he likes it
What’s up with your husband siding with his mother? There lies the problem.
Pack up all clothing from grandma and return. Inform her not to buy your child anymore clothing and walk away. Don’t take hubby with you.
Uhmmm…don’t sweat the small stuff? What a blessing to have multi generations, that support & care about your child. Life is short, and time is fleeting.
I am a Grandma and I have given gifts that the children do not play with or wear. That doesn’t bother me. For my own benefit, I have learned not to waste money on random stuff. I know people like your MIL and it is stressful. Just hang in there and now that your daughter is 5, if she does not want to wear something…she can address it with Grandma. If your daughter doesn’t get really excited about the gift, your MIL should know that it probably won’t be worn. I would just say, Thank you…it is so cute. I hope I can get her to wear it…HA!
I wouldn’t have exchanged the dressed for PJs. They are not that expensive anyway. But she does sound controlling. Not much you can do now, so let it slide.
As a grandmother and as a lady who had a controlling MIL , Grandparents don’t buy clothing so they can’t be worn, we are trying to save you money however there shouldn’t be expectations with the gift either, because let’s face it our daughter in laws have different taste. I’m very careful on what items I buy my grandkids that do not live near me because of that reason. My grandkids that I live near are different, I really pay attention to their moms taste so it’s easier. She had a wonderful great grandmother on her husbands side who when she sent clothing at times they would be impractical. But this lady was a sweetheart and my daughter would attempt to put her kids in what she could so it would make the lady smile. I think if you pick your battles and at least consider a few items but stand your ground on the ones that simply won’t work , you may see grandma be more reasonable. It’s possible that she won’t but you need to negotiate with hubby and make sure when you compromise that he 100%has your back . Because he shouldn’t allow her to put up battles with his wife. But set up compromises first in your plans, grandma could just be feeling like the “other “ grandma if that makes sense and that means there’s a disconnect , my husband says too many grandmas feel like they take over ownership, that’s inappropriate and I agree with him as well . No grandparents should bully their way in their grandchildren’s life and dismiss the parents decision making. My husband and I believe that if you’re honest about the item not fitting etc than the maybe the grandma can choose to buy other items instead however there should be no contingencies with a gift.
Get what you need. Fancy dresses are a once or twice a year thing. Grandma should know that.
You are not obligated to do anything but if you have to post to validate you don’t want to and you know it will her gmas feelings you got bigger problems than an outfit for your kid
You can’t fix a relationship with a mean, spiteful and hateful person. Nothing you did was hateful or rude. I hate when people have expectations. Women like her give mother in law’s a bad name.
Grandma to 9 here, I always pop in the recepit and tell them to exchange if the don’t like them. It’s your child do what you like x
It doesn’t have to be a special occasion to wear a fancy dress.
Me and my sisters were talking about this the other day it makes us feel bad that we never get to see the clothes we buy them it’s like they aren’t quite good enough so we are buying clothes anymore
Of course I would like to see the kids in clothes that I bought. However I hate to see money wasted. If they’re not going to wear it then return it for something else. That’s why they always get the receipt for anything I buy.
Me as a grandmother always ask first what they want or need before I buy presents. Otherwise I buy giftcards so they can pick for themselves.
Should have added when I was a kid clothes were outdoors clothes .Sunday clothes and school clothes. Hand downs were common but I was lucky my mother always asked me if I would wear them. Was a bit hard at times I loved the red ones but in those days redheads didn’t red that colour just the basics like green, blue, brown white. Even today I prefer to pick my own clothes so please remember every one is an individual.
I always told my DIL, “if this doesn’t work, just exchange it” & left the tags on. Then later on, I just gave money or my card so she could buy for them. Sounds like a petty MIL to me.
Wanna fix your relationship with mother in law buy her a gift to put in her china cabinet or something like that gramdmas always love cute things to show off in the house lol
My mother in law was the exact same way. I would put it on her anytime we were visiting. But some outfits were just not practical for a playing toddler/child. If she happen to see my daughter in clothes we bought her she would always say I had bad taste & my husband would never say anything. It wasn’t an argument I was willing to fight, her taste & my taste were never going to be the same so it wasn’t worth it to me. I did finally tell her we let our daughter pick her own clothes (when she was about 5). Yet, my mother in law NEVER offered to take my daughter shopping so she could pick out her own outfits & she stopped buying her clothes. My daughter never needed the clothes she would buy her but we did appreciate her gesture. When my son was born, she hardly ever sent him clothes. But, I have heard about my “bad taste” in clothes forever. My children are 26 & 21 now & she still remembers & mentions how I wouldn’t put the clothes she bought my children on. She doesn’t remember the outfits they would wear only the ones they didn’t. I don’t let it bother me. Her way isn’t the only way lol and she isn’t going anywhere & neither am I.
Now we have grandchildren & my granddaughter loves the fancy dresses she buys, my daughter was just never a fancy dress girl. My granddaughters loves playing in a tutus, the longer & fancier the dress is the better. Lol
It is what it is. Life goes on. You know she is going to talk, blow it off. If your daughter picks the outfit grandma sent great let her wear it, if not when gramma comments tell her your daughter picks her own clothes.
Don’t stress about it, it is just clothes she is going to out grow anyways!!
Best wishes…
Wow. It sounds like no compromise is coming from MIL and husband. Now that your dau is older can MIL take her shopping as opposed to buying whatever? Or maybe shop together online? Try to get MIL to agree by saying " oh I understand. The clothes you buy for my dau feels like a bonding experience to you. How about the two of you shop together? If you cant get to a store you could both go online and shop. That would be a great bonding experience that no one else has with her." Face it, for whatever reason the clothes are symbolic to your MIL. You are not in the wrong but it just sounds like no one will understand that within the family.
Depends would you feel obligated to put them on had your mom been the one who had bought them ? Well!
I sense a little resentment on both sides ! I would not worry about the clothes, but work on the relationship !
I always ask my daughters what did my grandchildren needed if I was getting them clothes. Unless it was something like a Gator outfit for our favorite football team. I always asked what size them were in at the time. When they wore the outfit for the first time my daughters would send me a picture of them in the outfit. But I never expected them to wear what I bought them every time I saw them. And if I did get something they could not wear I was happy for the girls to return it and get something they could wear. Now about your husband not backing you up when it comes to his mother. Shame on him. Sounds like he is insure when it comes to his mother. I would talk to him about how that makes you feel. Ask him how would he feel if you did that when your mom says something.
Stop being a person without a backbone. They see you as a weak Individual and using it to hurt you. If you would stand your ground I bet they would back off. You did nothing wrong! Your mother in law has low self esteem.
You have a nasty Mother-in-law! So sorry for you.
Sounds like you mother in law is passage aggressive and her behavior won’t change I just wouldn’t accept her gifts tell her to put the money in an interest bearing account for the child’s education and be done with the gifts
I always ask what clothing is needed and wanted before I buy. If I ask for a few suggestions so I can actually choose what to give. there is something particular I ask where will I find it . And also double check for sizes.
Sounds like grandma is a controller. Don’t let that hurt your daughter. Too bad
When my grandchildren were babies or toddlers, I would buy clothing but then started to send money. If they were visiting, my daughter-in-law at the time and I would take the kids and she would pick out what they needed and I would pay for it. That was fine with me. I have no idea of today’s taste in clothing for little kids, lol. As a Grandmother, I would not attempt to buy my 10 year old or 21 year old granddaughters’ clothes or. They prefer money so they can buy what they want and so do I.
Tastes change and they like going to the store to spend Grandma’s gift. They send me pictures of what they bought and everyone is happy. Your Mother-in-law, husband and you need to sit down and work this out. Why allow something so small to damage a relationship unless it was damaged already before. Your MIL needs to understand that this is your child and you have a right to dress her as you wish. She should ask you what your daughter needs if she wants to buy her something. MIL doesn’t need to ask like a child and call you names for this unless she had it in for you before. I would ask her if there are some issues she has with you so both of you can work it out. Tell her that both of you love your husband and daughter so it is important to them and you that you get along. You don’t have to love each other, just respect one another and reduce any tension so others are not impacted. But you should understand that Grandmas have feelings so dressing her up in one of her dresses when you visit or other times is not going to hurt. Send her some pictures. I used to receive some funny looking clothing from older family members when my son was small. I would just laugh and dress him up in them when we visited and the family members loved seeing them in the clothing. They might not have been my taste but they gave it from their hearts and I would not hurt their feelings. There are certain standards and beliefs in certain families and I guess you did not know this as a first time Mom. One should not wonder what you did with the clothing they sent. Your hubby is caught in the middle and probably is afraid to go against his Mom like many men are, lol. But he needs to understand your feelings also. Separate from this meeting, I recommend that you both have a heart-to-heart talk about your relationship with his Mom. Find out if she has other issues with you since this might be the tip of something else going on and she is using this little incident to hold onto her negative feelings and call you nasty. She is being petty. Communication, compromise and setting boundaries is essential with families even if you all do not agree on everything. Not talking about the problems does not help, it only escalates problems. Good Luck
Why not just gift cards so mom can pick up what she wants
A gift should not have strings attached! You haven’t done anything wrong mama!
When I got my grand kids clothes I left tags on and wanted them to get whats needed a shopping trip on grams
I have returned clothes my Mil bought and bought what they needed or more practical. My ex Mil use to buy plaid clothes knowing I hated them so I would return them and she would buy more. So I bought my self a plaid shirt and when she came to visit I wore the shirt and dressed the kids in plaid saying how are seeing the clothes I starting liking plaid she didn’t buy anymore plaid clothes seeing her face was priceless when we all dressed in plaid. She hated the fact she didn’t get a reaction out of me. Lol
I like the idea of taking photos of your daughter in the dresses and then giving them to the MIL. If you’re a good photographer, and you can learn to be, take the photos yourself, enlarge and print them using your computer, then put them in a nice frame and give to Grandma. Take dirty face photos in play clothes too and give copies to the old witch. Then…tell your hubby that if he doesn’t shape up and start supporting you against his control freak mommy, that you’re going to get a lawyer and divorce his sorry ass. Show him the verse in the Bible that says, “When a man marries he is to leave his father and mother and cling to his wife.”. That verse does not just mean he is to leave them physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Your husband needs to grow the hell up!
The more I read the more I see the division between in-laws trying to push one out,he says she says ,not good ,there is enough fighting and arguing in this world,be grateful for what you have got and stop slagging each other off,no one is better than anyone else .
Grandma is still trying to have a little boy, son. You should have put your foot down first time grandma showed her colors. Yes he would choose me or mama. Who can live like this?
I’d have a bigger issue with your husband not supporting you.
you should have asked her could take them back
I always asked what they needed and what size.
I wonder if the issue here is less about clothes and more about the relationship you have with your mother-in-law.