Am I obligated to throw my sister a baby shower?

No tell her to have her baby daddy’s family throw it. She’s toxic af and blood or not you don’t deserve to be treated in such a way

Nooooo noooooo get one of her friends to this time


Yeah. No. I wouldn’t do it.

Tell her to go f*** herself

Just say NO and move on

Please do not do it!

Get a girlfriend of hers to do it

Tell her to fuck off

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Stick to ur gut feeling.
Don’t do it.

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… fuck her and her entitlement. Throw yourself a party and take pics. Include sushi alcohol and lunch meats.


Tell her No and just leave it alone buy her a nice gift for the baby and be done with it.

Stick to your guns :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’d tell her to fuck off because she gave you such grief


Only thing you’re obligated to do are pay taxes and die. She obviously likes to complain, It sound’s like she’s done this for awhile to you. I have family like this and don’t talk to any of them anymore it’s not like they want,but don’t do like me try to keep a relationship with her just stand your ground good luck

Aren’t you only supposed to have one shower anyway for the first child? Or is multiple showers a thing? Lol I would just tell her no and explain exactly why!

You don’t owe her anything, plus the disrespect you received from her after the shower. Heck no! Go on and live your life and be happy. It’s not your job to please her.

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Does your sister not have any good friends to throw the party for her?

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you arent obligated to do anything

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You are not obligated to do anything you feel uncomfortable doing, sister or not! I would remind her of her actions regarding the last shower and explain that you were unjustly treated and life is too short for her drama. Her friends can host a shower and you will attend, but you are not obligated to do anything.


usually the bride maids throw the bridal party, So I am surprised you did all this, unless you were the only one in her party. And as for not inviting that person, to a point, I can understand why at that time, Yes she was mad because you didn’t invite that person, so It was obviously she was still friends with that person, even if you didn’t like them & it was about her , not you or anyone else. Now as for her baby shower, …just why is she asking you do throw it?? She doesn’t have any friends???

Just because you are her sister you aren’t obligated to throw her a shower! She’s manipulating you!

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Agreed the one friend should be more than willing and no your not obligated to do a shower for her he’ll your not obligated to show up if she has one. Lolo. Out the window with the drama. Tell her she complained for three years you thought you would really give her something to complain about. Loloo

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Uhh no you don’t especially after the last experience, tell her to plan it herself so she can’t be mad at anyone but herself. Tough love. Get it from my sister all the time.

My best friend threw my baby shower not my sister!!

What the hell is a household shower?

I didn’t even have a baby shower. Or a gender reveal. None of that.

Um, she can just go ahead and throw her own damn shower. Maybe when she looks around and sees she has no friends OR family who even remotely care enough to throw a damn shower, she’ll realize how gods awful her shitty personality is and change herself. She probably won’t but it’s a lovely thought….

Stick to what you want to do you in your heart no its right

I wouldn’t do anything for her, pass it on to someone else!!! Fuck her # sorrynot sorry

If she kept it going for three years, tell her to have that person throw it.


She sounds like a spoiled brat. I’d say ask someone else you’re not entitled to do anything that she asks your her sister not her mother.

Your Peace is more important that your sister’s baby shower. And why you have to pay for it? Listen you seem like you are a responsible and caring person because if she was soo upset with you not inviting that person, she wouldn’t come back a second time. Save your time and energy for when you meet persons who will treat you how you treat them. With Respect💯

Now that was the PG Clean version. What I really want you to tell her is “Haul ya sc**t gyal!” Start practicing your Caribbean voice if you choose to use this last option🙄

No, it’s got nothing to do with being a bigger person. You tell you can’t and tell her to have one of her friends do it.

You are not obligated just because she is your sister. If it were me, I’d tell her since she hasn’t let go of how you ruined the last shower, that she should ask someone else to do it. And a side note, who asks someone to throw them a shower? In my experience, someone has always offered to do it. I would never ask someone to do it. I didn’t even want a baby shower for my second child, but my family insisted because there are 16 years between my kids. I agreed, but my stipulation was that it remain a simple event.

I think you should tell her the reason why you don’t want to. As you have mentioned here and say especially because of your mums recent passing that you don’t want to risk your relationship with her over an event after what happened last time.

You are under no obligation to throw a shower for her, especially the way she has acted over the wedding shower. Don’t let her bully you.

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I’d say no not worth the drama she can get her mates to throw it

To be honest you were never the bigger person but you didn’t invite someone your own child put on the list. You didn’t invite said person to avoid drama yet here you are 3 years later still dealing with the drama you caused.


Listen I would not give her a shower. I would say sister’s don’t talk bad about sister’s either. The last shower I done for you made you upset and was all over social media ECT. So you are on your own.


I didn’t know we could go around demanding extravagant parties from family members, I guess I’ve been doing it wrong…


You don’t have to do anything. I would tell her I ruined your other shower I threw wouldn’t wanna ruin this one either. Tell her a friend or someone else can do it

Absolutely not. 1 you don’t ask someone to throw you a whole ass party. You can ask for help but someone to throw the whole party and paying for the food? Absolutely not. Your sister sounds like she needs to grow up.

Tell her to piss off

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Sound like drama if you Do or if you Don’t
If you Do ALL THE TIME and energy spent Organising and preparing YOU CAN NEVER GET BACK
if you Don’t at least time and energy can be spent on what’s best for your life

Her friends could throw her a shower. If you know she won’t be happy save yourself the headache.

Of course you don’t have to.

No u do not have too.

Sorry but no you are not obligated in any shape way or form… Simply explain to her since you ruined her household shower and put so much stress on her wedding that she still feels the need to keep bringing it up 3 years later… You dont want to cause her extra stress during her pregnancy or screw up her birthing process since the last shower caused so much… So she kindly needs to find someone else to throw it… Like maybe have the person who you didnt invite throw it or have someone on her husbands side throw it…


Nope don’t do it. It’s a disaster waiting to happen. Seems like she just loves drama, and that kinda person will find any reason to start it

I would not do it, you’re not obligated at all, her complete lack of gratitude and behavior would be enough for me to say no. Do not let her bully you and don’t react to her crap.


It’s a no brainer. Tell your sister to jump!

Let her friends host her baby shower

I would say NO! Why because I already frigged up your first shower and hearing about it still 3 years later. Tell her to have her friend do it

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Absolutely would not do it!

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If its not in your heart to do it, don’t. You don’t have to do anything.


U don’t have to do anything let her do it herself !

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You’re not obligated to do anything for her. If she wants it that bad then she’ll find a way to have it done. Don’t stress yourself over it or her drama. While I understand she was mad you didn’t invite someone she wanted for something about her, to keep on about it years later is just immature. There’s people that are drama and I can’t stand in my family but if I was asked to plan something and their name was down to invite I would out of respect for who I was planning it for. However, this time she needs to learn you nor anyone owes her anything. She can figure it out, don’t stress it.

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Tell her nope get a friend to do it

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Stick with ur intuition. Friends can throw her a baby shower too. Does she have any??? Sounds like a spoiled brat.


Tell her to have the person she has been raising Hell about to give her a shower.


If she still holds a grudge I wouldn’t do it.




I was always told that it was rude to ask someone to throw you a shower (of any type). Sounds like that describes the sister.


Don’t turn the check as they say on this one , she maybe your sister , but she was very rude to you and did not appreciate what you did for her , so I would tell her I love you , but sorry I can’t do it this time , you’ll have to get one of your friends do it for you , and no matter what you say to me is gonna change my mind , and if she tries putting a guilt trip on you don’t say anything just turn around and walk away


You are not obligated.


You have a ungrateful sister


You are not obligated and you don’t HAVE to do anything you don’t want to. You are in charge of you, not your sister

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Well first of all it is a HUGE faux paux for a family member to host a shower.

You aren’t obligated to do anything you don’t want to.

Tell her to buy the things she wants for her baby shower, but you do not have to throw her a baby shower. Actually, with the way she acted towards you about that one person not being invited, I would have cut her off. Sounds like baby sister is a spoiled brat.

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I would not do anything else for. PERIOD!

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Nope, I wouldn’t. She sounds extremely childish and selfish and I wouldn’t have any that kind of stress and drama.

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Not only should you not have to throw a shower you don’t wish to, you also are not obligated to absorb any expenses!!! Especially considering she’s picking everything herself…

I feel this. Only it’s not drama with my sister, it’s just no one else has even offered to throw her baby shower and I never said I would but yet I get stuck with throwing a gender reveal. And I’ve already spent 200 just on decor! And still have to get food and other stuff. When no one threw me a gender reveal. My aunt threw me a shower. I’m hoping she does hers. Cause I honestly can’t afford it and don’t want too. We’re their sisters not their baby daddy’s. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Tell her your unable to host a shower. Tell her to ask one of her friends. If she wants to know why tell her, you’ve taken her abuse long enough. DON’T LET HERCHANGE YOUR MIND


You don’t have to after all these. Say her that you would support her but not spend her a penny. She just enjoys that

Suggest that the friend she made such a fuss over does it :smile:

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You are not obligated. Usually friends do it.

You are NOT obligated to make her anything. :v:t2:

You are not obligated to do anything you don’t want to do. Is it nice if you do? Yes. But, you don’t have to do a thing you don’t want to do. If she has all these expectations, she can throw her own shower.

No obligation…be honest tell her you can not afford an added expense and after the previous shower you dont want or need the stress! Does she have a best friend? They could set up the shower for her…personally I would shut her down quick…I personally wouldnt even go but that is me I try to avoid all things like this I do a private gift drop off…best of luck on whatever you choose! Dont be guilted to do what doesnt make you comfortable

You don’t have to do anything that is not good for your mental health. Just tell her you kindly decline doing it.


She can throw her own baby shower

HELL NO you do not have to do anything you don’t wish to do. She can pay for her own shower

Nope. She sounds extremely ungrateful and I have NEVER heard the person throwing it pays for everything? Is this normal? She can ask her friends and that “one person” that wasn’t invited. Put your foot down, she’ll get over it.


I most definitely would do nothing for her since she obviously doesn’t appreciate it :woman_shrugging: it’s not your duty just because you are her sister


Pick Whatever Is Easier For You

Do what you can live with your self…

Tell her maybe if she was greatful the last time u did her a party then maybe you’d consider it but definitely not since all the drama and hurt last time! She will probably hit the roof and cause drama again but sounds like she will regardless! :woman_shrugging: might aswell bite the bullet now and get the drama started without the expense of a party!


My MIL threw my baby shower. And she offered to do it. I didn’t even have to ask

Dnt not saying in a mean way but I going through the same situation as u are just my story is different as. A twin my twin sister got surgery and I said yes I could help u around but her husband told me I would ll let u know when we need help I saw okay just or me.knw but from one day I was w my family at a pool enjoying our day she started saying things on tht I would rather have fun instead of helping her out from there on its been a couple of months tht she post things on media and out the rest of my family against me but it’s okay as long as I have my family w me thts all tht matters but if I was u I wouldn’t cause nothing is right for anybody now this days ma

Nope it’s covid time no functions she’s carrying a baby it’s risky! Stay safe for all!

Stick to your guns girl. She’s literally using you because you’re her sister she expects you to not only invite the people but book The venue and supply all the food what a nerve. Doesn’t she have any girlfriends tell them to give her a baby shower No way in hell

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Nope! Especially with her being unappreciative and causing a ton of drama the last time u did it for her.

Don’t do it. Her entitlements are not your problems.

You don’t owe a single soul on this earth anything! If giving isn’t done with a thankful and grateful heart then don’t do it period. Family so often takes advantage of unconditional love. If you felt Disrespected especially repeatedly, then you will probably continue to be disrespected and unappreciated.

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I can assume your sister uses this manipulative behaviour to get what she wants with you quite often :cry: she is your sister also and should be considering you. She can ask a friend. Pulling the ‘sister card’ is just manipulation. Don’t feel bad,stick up for what’s good for you, she won’t appreciate it anyway. Good luck!

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Tell her to do it herself, case closed

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After the first party ,No Way ! Keep your sanity ! You tried once.

You’re not obligated to throw anyone a baby shower. A baby shower isn’t a requirement and after the way she treated you after the last event I certainly wouldn’t do anything for her.

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