Need to know if I over reacted sorry if this is long. So was seeing this guy back in September of last year. Within a month he broke it off because he was still in love with his ex. Well we started hanging out again January of this year. Things been going ok , he has said he has his ex blocked on his phone not sure about Facebook or tik tok (have seen her comment on some his tik toks). Well this morning I seen a new tik tok he posted and there was a women’s hand in it. (Had painted fingernails). So I asked if he planned on dropping out of my life again. As I had seen his tik tok and the women’s hand in it. And that I was scared he was gonna leave again. He admitted to her being there to drop off meds for the dog and presents for the dogs birthday. I was scared because he talked to her once last time then I didn’t hear from again for months. He said just because he talks to her doesn’t mean he wants her. Then he said he couldn’t believe I asked that all over a tik tok. He is supposed to come over later. But I feel that response is a red flag. Can you ask this in the groups for me
Totally a red flag. You’re definitely the rebound and it sounds like he hasn’t worked out his detachment from her, especially if he claimed she was blocked in his phone contacts… how else are they communicating?? Sounds like an eff boy, move on before he really burns you.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I overreacting about my boyfriend making a tiktok with another girl?
Girl drop his behind this time. Nobody got time for mess
Uh… for the dogs birthday … c’mon now that’s more than a red flag. You don’t need that.
The dogs birthday? Lol come on… know your worth and get far away from him as possible
He really tried you like that
My advice would be to listen to your intuition.
Drop off presents for his dogs birthday? HAHAHA WELL NOW IV HEARD IT ALL.
Yeah that’s gonna be a big no from me. I’m
Past behaviour is usually indicative of future behaviour. Be careful and trust your gut
I know it’s hard but as the rest have said it a big fat red flag. The dog’s birthday
Giiiiiirrrrrrlllllll please don’t be that naïve!!!? Leave his behind on the curb
Honestly I believe you already know the answer… you don’t need us to talk you through the break up…
I can see if it were a child’s birthday… a dog though lmao
You don’t seriously believe the BS he’s spoon feeding you, do you?
Just dump him, when you least expect your knight will come.
So you are back with a guy who has made it clear you are his second choice….?
Tell him to take a hike and don’t bother coming back she can have him honestly don’t be 2nd best to no one know your value and your worth
Stop being a doormat and be a WOMAN. REAL WOMEN don’t deal with little boys who don’t know what they want. They want what they can’t have and your just making it too easy for him to have his cake and to eat it too. Leave him know your worth stop being a doormat and find someone who is your person.
Girl tell him bye! You don’t need him.
If you cannot trust, you shouldn’t be in the relationship. At least he was honest with you about her being there, he could have lied to you about it all.
When he did you like that the first time you should have never given him a second chance to do it again…he is so whats your next move…he playing you.Dont keep on being his fool
Dogs mean a lot to people. You were up front and know the signs… but yea… what could it be next… does sound a bit like a gas lighter trying to make you sound like the crazy one… when you know how long can someone pretend to have a half ass friendship over a dog? At some point no contact… but being recent… I get it. But be sure this is known… like “uhh… 5 years from now with our new ‘blank’… I’m suppose to be cool with you meeting for the dogs bday?”
Oh my God WHY??? Why do women do this to themselves and then ask for validation???
Seriously, I want to see all my sisters succeed and be prosperous in love and life but holy Hell you’ve GOT to be tougher than this!!!
He’s not the one for you and as long as you’re entertaining him the right one will never come along.
Love yourself enough to break it off and never waste time on him again. Good lord.
Umm he has made it clear you are just a second choice in his life??
Are you surprised he is acting like this?? Clearly lying about his ex??
Why stay with him if him and his ex are still a thing waiting to get back together?? Your going to be f*cking with your own head trying to be with him
You people evidently do not have a dog in your family. My dog gets presents for every holiday and a birthday party too. And she can open her own gifts, so can the cat.
Girl, you’re the other woman in his life rn. It’s obvious. Leave, you can find better.
If there’s no trust in the relationship then there’s nothing
Let this man go.
Red flag. Let him go, but don’t be upset about it. He obviously has some issues he needs to work out with her. Maybe another time.
In my opinion if he respects you enough he wouldn’t even have her around… please don’t give him anymore of your time. You’re worth more
Dogs birthday That’s the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard lol I’m not trying to be mean but I think you already know the answer tell him kick rocks
Girl… come on. 1) drop his Tiktok. 2) If you gotta ask, you know the answer already.
No sense in putting up with that mess. Reg flags everywhere.
do not be so invested if he isn’t. But I am a woman with male friends. Since hubby trusts me (as he should) there are no issues. Plus he has become good friends with everyone. He has some female friends - no issues. We have trust. If you do not trust then get out of the relationship. You are not ready for any relationship until you value and love yourself first.
Why are you letting him make your decision for you. LEAVE!!! IF YOU DON’T LIKE his actions…and he’s left you before, keep your self respect and get the f out and DONT LOOK BACK!!! EVER!!!
Girl where is your pride? Sense of self worth? He’s playing you because he knows he’s got his hooks in you.
I don’t know a single man that is in a relationship with someone else and still “friends” with an ex knowing it makes the gf uncomfortable! Clearly there’s more going on there he doesn’t respect you at all his excuse is lame! Don’t Waste your time that’s not a real man that’s a little boy trying to have his cake and eat it too.
Can you please add the tiktok here so we can see. For real, ghost him first
Just trust your intuition here!! What ever you feel is the right thing to do, do it. But don’t let Him drag you around by any means! Get out there and find who makes you happy!!
You already know the answer. Break up with him first!
Oh Look It’s a Bunch of Red Flags Sewn into the Shape of a Person
Kick his sorry ass to the curb! Know your value!
I wonder where else that hand went
Listen to your little voice, it never lies.
HUGE RED FLAGS… walk away.
You already know what you want.
Honey, go find a MAN. That boy is taken.
I wouldn’t mess with him. Leave him and move on to what you deserve
Why is this a question
Yeah I spend time with my ex too on his dogs birthday.
Oh wait no I don’t. Haha…
He’s playing you
The dog is the scapegoat for them to prolong their relationship. Who stoll maintains a relationship with an ex over a fucking dog… don’t be niave.
No way girl don’t let him make it seem like ur crazy or something. He did this stupid shit once to u and if he can’t understand why u would be feeling as u r then u need to run. He hasn’t changed and he’s probably going to hurt u again.
Girl, if you don’t stop being scared somebody is gonna leave you AGAIN! It sounds like you know the answer to what you’re asking. If you have to worry he’s gonna do it a second time, is it even worth it? Realize your worth and give that man back to the streets. Or ex.
Say bye to a non trusting J-E-R-K
There are too many trust issues already just go start fresh with someone else. You haven’t invested enough for it to be worth staying and working out. You haven’t been together barely a minute. Just cut your losses now.
His a dick head doesn’t know what he wants
His playing both of you
His doing the same to her
You are the other woman he is cheating on the real girl friend with it sounds like…Run!!
You deserve someone that really cares about You . Take your time find the right person . Don’t Settle just anyone .
You’re right a man would have described this situation in 4 sentences. A man would have also just dumped and cut our losses by now.
You know he’s not your % already,
Bye bye bye
Why are you still entertaining this dick? He will keep coming back with no intentions of having anything serious with you, because you keep allowing him access to you. Fuck him off, coz while he’s wasting your time you won’t be paying attention to the person who actually wants you.
Leave him for the streets
I remember my dude said something like this to me. He missed his dog and went to his ex’s house to visit the dog because he missed him so much… yeah… he was sleeping with her still lol
Even 1 red flag is too much. Get out while you still have some self respect
1st off I’m sooo glad I’m not this generation stressing over tik toks
2nd he never stopped entertaining her, leave him
He’s sneaking. I would dump him. Fast.
He only told you he was talking with her because he got caught. Who drops off gifts for a dog? No, he is lying. Do not trust a word he says.
Don’t force ppl to be a part of your life and don’t be scared to let them go. U deserve someone who makes grand gestures in showing u they want to be a part or your life no matter what… A true partner would respect relationship boundaries when discussed and would not compromise their relationship.its time for u to do some introspection on your part b4 months in this relationship turns into years and he still makes you feel this way. Complete disrespect
Cut him offffffff now!
That’s the most silliest excuse iv ever heard of red flags means you should run to the hills if it was innocent he would of told you about it already
This manbaby is literally just human skin stuffed with red flags
Have some self respect! Let him go
What’s the huge deal with Tik Tok ? He’s sneaking so make sure he doesn’t hit his ass on the door when you throw him in the bin.
He should be worried about losing you. Instead you are the worried one. Dump him. He’s playing around and he expects you to be a good sport about it.
get rid of him.
I learned this the hard way. But it is my biggest regret and besides something else my only regret.
There is someone out there who will never name you question yourself, who will give you the respect you deserve, who will give you one of the greatest gift a partner can give a woman, and that is piece of mind.
You don’t have to be thinking every minute of your life, if he is talking to his ex, or if he is thinking about his ex, the guy still loves her. And the longer you stay with him, or allow him to stay in your life, the longer you’ll be unhappy.
You deserve better, get away while you still can
Why are women like this with these basic dudes that just like any new shiny thing that passes by? Why give this looser the time of day? Block him unless you want to be miserable.
I’m going to go easy on you because I can tell you’re young. I’m thinking possibly between the age of 18-21. Sweetheart that boy is not really interested in you at all. You are a rebound for when his girlfriend breaks up with him. Honey he didn’t block her SHE blocked HIM. Now it appears that you 2 haven’t known each other that long. Please have a little self respect for yourself and seek COUNSELING IMMEDIATELY. You should not be fearful of a guy that you really don’t know that well walking out of your life. BOTH of you are HUGE red flags. His red flag is that he’s a lying a** cheater. Your red flag is that you’re too needy and clingy. You really need to work on that if you ever want a serious relationship. You need to learn to love yourself and know that you are worthy of being loved.
They have a history, it seems like you need to just leave because the trust is broken and that ruins so much. Can’t build on a broken foundation.
run gurl that man playing u like a fiddle ain’t no way a man gon have time for exes if he wants to be with you
clearly he wants his bread buttered on both sides
Red flag. Dump move on.
Dump him. He isn’t honest, and he gaslighted you when you asked him a straight question. If you continue with this situationship you have to accept that it may cause more pain down the road, or things may work out for the both of you; you never know. As of now, you are worthy of so much more than what he is offering.
Red flag she’s on the roster
Sounds like he’s gaslighting you
Absolutely not okay. If he has her blocked how did she even contact him to set up this “drop off” ? Exactly. He’s lying. He thought he had no chance with her again so he got back with you, now he may have a chance so he’s only holding on to you for back up. He literally left you for her seven months ago and now she’s at his house? Okay. Also if it was just to pick up or drop off stuff to to finally end the relationship why the heck was he making tiktoks right then? He couldn’t wait the 10-20 mins tops it takes to make said exchange. No, because she was there hanging out like she probably does often. Tell him goodbye and move on.
You’re the side piece
If u need to ask the question, then theres ur answer im sorry to say
Be very careful of counting on this guy. He doesn’t know what he wants
Don’t be silly, he’s still into her
Don’t wait around for this dude he’s just using you
,Never go back to someone you already dated especially with some type of crazy history to it because if they can do something crazy to u 1 time it will happen again! Best wishes hope u find happiness
Run girl! There are plenty of other fish
You know it already girl. Red flag!! That thing is waving obnoxiously in your face! Don’t wait around and don’t expect anything from this guy. Just end things and do life. Then the right guy will come along.
Just end it and find better
read what you just posted. this is NOT a relationship, it is toxic and you need to get away from him. Don’t look behind you when you end things with ppl.
He needs to go. I’m sorry.
There are millions of guys in this world why are you worrying about one who isn’t sure stop worrying about one that doesn’t know what he wants and find someone that thinks you’re the best thing since sliced bread because you deserve to feel that way. Don’t try and convince somebody to choose you. You’re better than that doll
He made a TikTok video not porn. You need to chill. But he’s done the dirty on you before so obviously he’s going to do it again
Leave the trash at the road
Don’t let him come over sis. Bad news.