Am I overreacting or do I seriously have a reason for being mad?

It’s called respect. Been there done that. Leave this immature selfish BOY. No time for that inconsiderate crap.

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Your answer is written in your statement. Read it a few times.

Sounds like it’s just going to get worse when baby comes! I would 100% get out of there… that is not okay one bit! That’s NOT love if he can just leave like that and not come back for days… do not put up with that bullshit.

Put yourself and your kids first because he definitely isn’t. Your not a priority for him. You all deserve better

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He’s obviously self centered and immature.

8 months pregnant in a 10 month relationship….play stupid games win stupid prizes smh


However he was when you met him is how he’ll be no matter how much you want him to change. Even more so when you’re putting a child onto him, and I only say this because you have children and know it doesn’t always work out. If he’s not being responsible now while it’s easy, he’s not going to when the baby’s here

Maybe he got a drug habit you don’t know about the missing for days is one of the first signs of cheating or addiction


Pack and leave his being a dickhead.

Seems like you are the only one in the relationship. He obviously doesn’t care.


You stated ur standards, so be a woman of your word. Get outta there. It won’t get better after the baby


Leave this man.
He doesn’t respect you. He doesn’t obviously care about you the way you should be cared about.
Your better than that.


He’s showing you how he wants this relationship to go… believe him. It’s prob better to move on now and get yourself set up for coparenting. Leaving for days at a time with no communication by choice is not a great way to treat his family. You could have complications or go in to labor and need him and he’s been unreliable at best. I hope you have another supportive person to be with you!


Hate to say this but there’s most likely another woman in his life.

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Pack & leave. He is showing you who he is. Leave him.


Unfortunately love can make us do things we wouldn’t normally do,im sure you realize selling your house was a mistake but it sounds like he wanted you dependent on him and now that your at that point he thinks he can just treat you any way.Cut your loss n focus on the kids,I hate to say it sounds like he doesn’t care which im sure isn’t what you want to hear.Best of luck to you.


No effin way I’d put up with that shit!! It WILL get worse after the baby comes. He’s selfish and immature, he needs to grow tf up. Honey, u better go now, bc this type of childish bullshit don’t change.

You need to get out run while you still can


Control freak you need to leave

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Sounds to me like you already know the answer. Mainly because you know that you are tolerating exactly what you claim that you said you would never tolerate. Leave!


Been there!! Turns out my ex was cheating trust your gut I wish I did

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You let your expectations be known. He decided what he’s going to do, so you saw what he would rather do. He doesn’t respect your feelings or the pregnancy. He isn’t ready for a relationship or fatherhood it sounds like. You’ve made yourself clear. Now it’s time to stick to your boundaries. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. :pensive:you deserve better. Pregnancy is a vulnerable time and should be amazing not emotionally distraught. Positive vibes your way

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Hire an investigator or ping his locations during hours he’s working on the house. It’s great you told him what u wanted in this relationship but did you let him speak about what he’s ready for. It seems you all are living as a married couple with 2.5 children and building a house. That’s alot I think for someone that’s a “boyfriend” and not consistent. Get an investigator and or a lawyer in case financially and property wise you all need to take seperate paths. Don’t worry just get some truth from a neutral party.

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So you been with him 10 months and your 8 months pregnant :pregnant_woman: . Ya think he might feel trapped? You know someone two months and get knocked up plus you have two kids. He has made it quite clear . He don’t want you he wants his freedom. Make sure you get neutered after this one is born .


Ur with him 10months and 8 months pregnant obviously ur relationship was good at the start u were only together 8 weeks unless he feels he can go off now cus ur pregnant ur left alone with children and he can do what he wants if he’s not listening I’d let him go on to fuck let him be a child and have fun

Leave him, it will be the same old same old, if he leaves with no transportation that should tell u something, living out in nowhere’s, go & don’t look back for the sake of your children & your sanity


I hope you banked when you sold your house… time to go, get a real man who will help you raise children and maintain a steady household… leave the boys alone.

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When someone shows you their true colors. Believe them. Either accept that this is how it’ll be or leave. It won’t change.

Girl why the hell did you sell a house that was in your name?


O-k. Now it’s time to really face what’s really going on. He comes an goes when he want, no thought of anyone but himself, it’s time to put you an yours first before you become homeless, is there any way you could get or buy another house, look like you can’t depend on him, he don’t sound reliable, after the Baby, you get control of your Fertility, an try to get a another house, Bills an Situations will let you know if you have a Real Man or just Company, you choose wisely, for the kids.Just my Opinion. You need stability, commitment, honesty,an ma-na-ga-me, don’t know how to spell the word, he can’t be trusted.

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If talking isn’t working, I’d leave. I wouldn’t put up with that shit.

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He sounds like he is using you. Keeping you confined to your house by not fixing your car. Don’t wait for him find a mechanic to get it done. What if you go into early labor what does this fool think your going to do?! Never give up everything unless he is willing to meet you more than half way. I’d pack my kids up open a case for child support. He obviously doesn’t respect you or care you are carrying his child. You need to value yourself. It teaches your other kids what is not allowed. Good luck

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Why are you still there???

:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: he won’t change… leave.

Yeah why are you still there If you are a praying woman then you know God will make a way


You need to do just what you said - pack your bags and your kids and leave . He is irresponsible and doesn’t care about you . He could never be responsible for a child .

I went through the exact same thing…we were together 3 yrs and I kept telling him that one day I would just up and leave and that one day finally came…he regrets it but his lose and I’m happy again!! Move on and be with someone who appreciates you because it’s not gonna change it’ll only get worse.

Get the bleep outta dodge don’t go back you n your kids deserve more .

You need to find a real man who will step up and act responsible. This isn’t fair to you.

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Then leave. Why be with a guy who has no respect for you?!?


Whatever it is he doesn’t want you involved. If you aren’t aware of what he’s doing and have to ask yourself usually the answer is right in front of you. If his friends also don’t try to be nice and chat or anything that’s also a sign he’s hiding something and they don’t wanna slip up and tell on “their buddy”…you should find things to do with your kiddos…ignore him…if he keeps it up it’s definitely time to go. It’s certainly not easy but in the long run those kids really need parents that care and want to watch them grow!! They are #1 girl… always!!!

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Definitely be mad. Mine did that and your assumptions about what is happening are usually correct

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Girl run… he’s showing you who he really is. The kid being here won’t make him any better.


Give him an ultimatum cuz your obviously not happy in this relationship the way things are. It’s like you’re already a single parent anyways


But yet here you are tolerating his bullshit :woman_shrugging:t2:
And it is BS :poop:

There is No way a man’s going to get up leave and be gone all day not answer my phone calls or texts, especially not tell me where he’s going to begin with… smh it’s straight out disrespectful.

If he’s Not around now, what makes you think he will magically be a good dad & boyfriend in 2 months when the baby gets here?

When you say he’s working on our other house…
did u buy it with your money? From selling ur house? Did u buy a house with a man, that u only knew for 2 months before getting pregnant? Please tell me no…

Obviously leave. Dumbass. Why ask facebook. "Oh no nothing is working i dont want this "
God damn

leave him, save urself a lot of heartache now!..hes not going to change!..pleading n begging r a waste of time on his part to u!..yep, leave him, u dont need another child…been there, done that, aint worth it!..take care!


You’re overreacting. NOT!! Are you seriously asking that?? :roll_eyes:
Too bad you’re gonna have to put up with him forever now.


You teach someone how to treat you… if you’re wavering from what you’ve told him what you won’t tolerate… he’s called your bluff… actions speak louder than words no matter how loud or low you speak… take action!


Absolutely not acceptable talk to him about how you are feeling he doesn’t change then he doesn’t care enough about you and move on


First off let’s never mention this “in the beginning it was great shit ever again”!

It’s called the “Courting” or “Honey Moon” or " Infatuation" phase for a reason. Both sides usually physically attracted to something or someone new and try to show their best side/traits, some even fake ones to get what they want which is usually physical! Let’s just assume intelligently that if you got with this person that you must have thought something was good! This is what usually plays out when physical attraction is what dictates the early stages of a relationship!

Now let’s get to the should you be mad… Signs and Red Flags:

Not letting you know where he is going and when approximately to expect to see him again; LACK OF COMMUNICATION!!!

Leaving a pregnant woman without transportation for extended periods of time; ASSHOLE and NOT SAFE.

Not responding to calls or texts or available to be contacted; Selfish, Unresponsive and Inconsiderate!

He needs to have fun because that is who he is; again, completely self centered. Who he is is an expecting Father to be. And. Shitty one at that not to mention a shitty boyfriend!

At this point you can’t possibly “overreact”, because you have substantially “Under reacted”.

I usually hate when people say leave for any and everything! He doesn’t want to be in this relationship! If he did he wouldnt be doing literally any of those abhorrent things with you in your current relationship situation!

Pack the fuck up and bounce. And do it epic like! Literally he doesn’t wait for or expect your calls anyways. And do it before the baby is born!

Literally as soon as he comes and showers and leaves for one of his “Imma go work on the other house” bullshit trips again, then pack up and bounce! When he gets back he will wonder what is what and try to call. This is very important! Don’t Answer!!! At all! Find a support group of friends or family! Hell, if you need advice etc I’ll help you with information and advice, but be sure to leave a note saying, "Was tired of being here alone in this situation and pregnancy. I’ll let you know when the baby is here and then I’ll see you in court to make visitation and support arrangements. And that is it. Don’t let him know where you are until court papers for support are delivered and that is it!

Next time get to know the person first because as the saying goes, “all that glitters is not gold, and all that’s Gold is not reality”.

Do this and be better to yourself and your three children moving forward!

Good luck and best wishes. You are worthy and not a doormat and that guy sounds like an immature sack of shit!

Boy is the operative word, and he doesn’t act very interested.


Why are you with HIM??? Please, go away and stay away. You are ruining your life as well as your precious childrens … is he really worth the torture he endures on you … he is such a waste of your time and life. Also, you are so loved and deserve so much more. Besslings. What about your beautiful children’s lives and future? … I know all about this as I have had the same experience. Xx


Are you that dumb kick him to the curb he isnot daddy material

Woman stand up for yourself and just leave. It will only get worse. Get out while you’re still young!


It’ll only get worse when the baby is here. I’d pack my sh*t and go.


Very poor choices! With 2 kids already, why get pregnant with another child with a man you have known less than a year? Was he committed to you in 2 months? If you sold your home, why can’t you fix your car yourself? Does he have your money? You set yourself up with a trickster, no one makes lifetime decisions in 2 months. You need to cut your losses, nothing is going to change and you don’t even know him well enough to figure out what you are dealing with.


Your not overreacting


He wants to just go out and have fun and unreachable and doesn’t come home for days, yet you wonder if you’re overreacting??
You’ve lost touch with reality. You have 2 children, one on the way. You don’t need a man child too. Put him out like the stray dog he wants to act like and don’t look back.


Family first to begin you shouldn’t sell your home you have children they would have inherited, secondly a real man would let you no where he’s at incase of emergency at all times family wake up smell the coffee u need to show him u would really leave

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If you can make it on your own, get the hell out of there, seriously!

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Not going to get better

Why tf is no one talking about the fact that she got knocked up by this man after 2 months, sold her home to move in with him along with her 2 kids -like she knows ANYTHING about him- and she’s expecting him to be a perfect partner now??
You were straight up w him about what you will and won’t tolerate, huh? So when he agreed you just decided it was time to go ahead and share a child with him?? Like that was enough?? Wtf? No one in this relationship seems prepared to raise children and yet there are soon to be 3 kids paying for that. Holy crap. My only advice to both of you is -for the love of Christ- STOP HAVING CHILDREN, and get your shit together! Omg.

Well he’s not going to take you seriously if you preach what You won’t tolerate, the entire time you’re tolerating it, also he’s your boyfriend of 10 months and you’re 8 months pregnant, babies don’t keep relationships together


You are not overreacting, especially when he says that you need to let him have fun and he is already never home. He seems immature and honestly would you want to raise kids around an immature man who is never home? If he was dating your daughter what would you tell her?


Time to leave him. Forget that. He does not love or respect you.

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Sounds like he’s as miserable as you are :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:


There is no way you can over react. You know when you are not happy. He is an asshole and you giving him a spot next to you. It won’t change, it will never get better with him. A healthy choice for a woman is to step out. Many of women will tolerate disrespect and luck of love for nothing.

Yikes, this is why you get to know someone before creating a child with them. Tell him to step up or you are going to step out. 10 months is such a short time frame to get to know someone… and you got pregnant after 2 months. Hes miserable, youre miserable…

Good luck


Sounds like you need to cut your ties. Narcissist. If you stay with this man you’ll end up broke and alone.


Out all night and for days… Girl he sleeping around on you. I knew a couple of guys in the past they did that.

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I Was With a Guy For 15 Years, He Started Staying Gone All Night, I Moved Out, Don’t Want to Be With A Man That Likes to Cheat on You

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Alarm bells are ringing love something is massively a miss here and you and your gut knows it, you need to make a decision and some changes before your baby’s here x


Time to leave dear !!

You’ve told him what you will and will NOT tolerate, now you have to either show him you meant what you said or let him continue doing what he’s doing and stay with him… It won’t get better, he’s already told you this is who he is.


I’m pretty sure deep down inside you already know what’s going on now you just have to trust your instinct and do what’s best for you and your children.

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Three child support checks would make things alot easier. Use the money from the sale of your house to fix your car and then get away from this toxic environment.

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Secrets aren’t a good way to do a relationship. I found out about my husbands secret gf (he says she’s his ex) but he secretly hung out with her and called her almost daily during our relationship and I didn’t find out about it for years and we had 2 living 1 angel and 1 on the way.

Congrats on your Man Baby! He isnt ready to grow up, is what he s saying to you. His fun is waaay more important than you and a mere baby. RUN!! Do NOT WALK away

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He may be trying to make things bad enough that you’re the one to leave first.


He doesn’t want you! He doesn’t want a family. He needs to grow up. You need to leave.

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Better make a decision before the baby comes. It’s a million times harder to leave with a newborn

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It WILL be like that when the baby comes, and maybe even worse. Leave.

You should leave before baby comes. Once baby is there you won’t be in any shape to move for at least 4-6 weeks. He has showed his true colors. Don’t let a miserable 10 months turn into a miserable 10 years.


Leave he cheating doesn’t want a family get out now

Pack up and go. Things won’t change. Hes proving that he can not and will not handle responsibilities of being a parent and partner.

Follow your gut instincts! You know he is up to no good!

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Sounds like my daughters dad come to find out he was an addict I dropped him and never looked back

Ohhh honey, plz don’t stay another second, minute, hour, month or year with a man who has NO respect for you!! You don’t deserve to be just taken off on with no explanation or no phone call or texts! Those are all red flags!! You deserve better! GOOD LUCK and always put you and your babies happiness 1st!!!


Boyfriend of 10 months & Ure 8 months pregnant?? :anguished::hushed::astonished::scream:

I would leave. He’s obviously not interest in being a responsible parent.


Leave, if he cares enough he will change because he wants to for his new family , you have to do something drastic

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He’s too immature. He faked his way to this point, but his true colors are coming through.
Most likely you’ll wish up before he grows up.
Im sorry

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But you are tolerating it you’re going to have to let that one go because he obviously does not want the family life sometimes we don’t want to believe what we see but actions speak louder than words


Sounds like you’re in a one sided relationship. That’s not going to get better.

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He’s either doing drugs or another woman.


You should leave and don’t go back not for anything. Stay safe and watch your back cause you never know with people these days.


I would get out now before you spend the next 20 years doing the same thing. Don’t ask me how I know.


He’s barely there helping you anyway. He sounds very immature, you should just leave.