i still get along with my former in-laws, & civil 2 ex. Our son is grown.
Honey mine kept his ex on call 24 7. Including in the middle of intimacy he’d stop to answer the daMN phone when she was calling
100% over reacting!!
He is allowed to stay in contact with whom ever he wants including ex’s and their family.
Its ok,i still have alot of my exs family on my social media,theres nothing wrong with it,we all still talk
I have my ex’s family on social media i don’t see any harm in it.
Yes I mean you have met him and he had a life before you it’s OK for you to grow up
Overreacting. In my family once you come in you are always family. If you wanna come over for the holidays come over bring your new family. Whatever. If he isn’t hiding anything and has never gave you any reason to believe that he would cheat or has then I wouldn’t worry about it
Do they share a child? It’s not uncommon to remain friends after a break up. If they have a child together, you better get used to it.
Overreacting. I’m still friends with a few of my ex’s family members.
What in the jealous toxic mess is this? He’s made bonds and friends with these people! Has zero to do with the ex!
Your boyfriend will not be your boyfriend long. Nobody trying to deal with your toxic controlling crazy. Geez.
Have a seat baby. Focus on better things before you get a grey hair🤨
I still have my exs family on my socials , I love the fuck out of them. Some of yall are really weird
You’re overreacting. It’s not the family’s fault plus they might have formed a friendship and there’s nothing wrong with that
I was with my ex for almost 10 years, of course it’s NORMAL to form a bond with their family or even have MUTUAL friends from past relationships. Just because he’s not with the ex does not mean he has to cut ties with everyone associated with her or who he met through her. I’d never in a million years considering talking to my ex again unless it pertains to our children but I still have all his brothers, nieces and nephews, sister in laws you name it on my page and we all still talk. Never about the ex so it shouldn’t be a big deal IMO, unless you are extremely insecure about the relationship and have trust issues.
I mean it was 4 years ago. If they was going to be together they would, but he chose you.
As long as they aren’t interfering with your relationship, I wouldn’t fret about it
Ur overreacting I still talk to my exs family and I haven’t been with him since 2014 lmao
Overreacting, don’t stress about it.
Totally overreacting. My ex is still on my social media, as well as alot of my family members.
You are overreacting.
Overreacting love, I still talk to most of my exs families! Doesn’t mean nothing just made friends in the process of being with their family members that’s all xx
My husband hired his ex’s nephew for a whole year. We had no problems at all. He was very chill and i never heard anything from that family.
Regardless of my daughter I still talk to my exs family even before we had a kid together I would always still talk to his family
It depends on the trust and respect in your relationship.
Definitely overreacting…
You are 100% overreacting, lmao. What exactly was he supposed to do in that situation?
Open your own bottle of whiskey
How about…… instead of video calling your boyfriend…… attempt to control the bleeding?
If someone facetimed me to show me puddles of blood i’d be taking shots of whiskey too……
Grow up. Jesus.
Wow definitely overreacting🤦♀️
at least he didn’t laugh
What was he supposed to do lol
He was probably already drinking his whiskey
Then you called
It happens but not a lot for me. Ive been shaving since 13 or so.Im a pro.Just recently I’ve been lazy with it.I came to realize men don’t care,they will do anything.
He was probably drinking before you called. You’re definitely over reacting. I get being depressed and having the worst day but raging out on him isn’t going to do anything other than cause problems. Stop. Breathe. Try again.
These stories are getting weirder and weirder…
Honestly, I would of laughed at you. I would of been laughing at myself.
Ummm what did you exactly expect him to say or do?? I think most men wouldn’t even know how to respond to something like this so yes, yes I think your over reacting
Girl just go drink some whiskey lol. You’re overreacting and I bet he don’t care if you got hair or not down there and that’s why he didn’t react to the news.
you hurt yourself and he didn’t care? that’s not nice. you did a hack job and he didn’t care? well just shows even ugly haired cat is ok lol
….Okay, ma’amchild - time to grow up a wee bit! No wonder he opened up a bottle of whiskey….
Ummm…I’m actually kinda lost. What exactly is the problem?..I’m not trying to be rude, but the story made no sense to me.
You said it was horrifying. What the fuck did you expect him to do? Tell you it looked lovely?
Your first mistake was video calling him to begin with. Who does that?
At least he didn’t laugh as hard as I did
I mean I would be drinking too if I had to deal with that nonsense
I mean. What do you want him to do? You showed him your slaughtered . He was probably lost for words. Felt sad, cuz he knows he can’t play with her until she heals. && he definitely needed that drink cuz he won’t be able to forget that image tonight.
Honestly I’d be laughing at myself if it was me
100% overreacting omg. Did she really just ask this?? What in the world.
LOL— little hard on the beav?
Oh dear god grow up
Was he supposed to drop whatever he was doing and ride in on a white horse to save the day? I mean seriously, I would have had the same deadpan reaction to that
That would be my response to seeing someones terrible shave job lol immediately grabs my brown liquor at least he didn’t laugh or say ew.
It seems like this Pisces season/new moon water energy and heavy emotions are hitting you pretty hard! Release and let go…
This post makes me want to drink whiskey. just playing. He probably didn’t know what to say.
You’re over reacting. Be happy he just sat there and drank instead of roasting your texas chainsaw massacre Re-enactment.
What am I even reading!!??
Also wtf did you expect him to say I’d be m f laughing
Your fine grow up.
Nah girl, you right. That “man” should’ve just quit his job, changed his whole life around & RAN to your brutalized bits. wtf kind of question is this?
He was probably trying his hardest not to bust a gut laughing
What was he supposed to do over a video call lol
A trimmer or a straight razor? Sheesh.
1000000% over reacting. What is he supposed to do about YOU murdering the ? Now he knows it’s all cut up and sensitive so he won’t get to touch for a while. I’d drink too. You’re lucky he didn’t laugh because I definitely would have.
Get the weed wacker
Are you for real right now? I think you need to drink a glass of wine and take a chill pill!
I think you may be over reacting. What exactly is he supposed to say/do in that situation?
Ummm. Are you mad because he didnt laugh… Or that he didn’t share his whisky?
I think if it was me and my bf called me saying this, I would laugh lmao
What was he supposed to do? Start crying, grab the first aid kit, and rush over to baby your gordita? No wonder he drinks whiskey.
I’m sorry what was the question??? Was he suppose to jump out through the video and bandage said injury? I’m confused as to what you were expecting…
Also, you’re a grown a$$ woman. Deal with your slaughtered and go on with your life. The more i re read this, the harder I laugh
well, maybe this group should rethink their name?
What did you want him to do?? Girl just cut it all off. He would appreciate that.
Mari Mari I’m wtf did I just read
Where was he when you called him?Yes you’re overreacting big time
What did you want him to do?
You’re gonna be fine. Maybe just use a razor next time or something you’re comfortable using.
K to the people here saying “what did i just read” it clearly states that she was shaving herself and she got cut! She also said there was alot of blood so perhaps she got scared? And had anxiety? I can’t believe nobody has any compassion these days like telling her to grow up cause she was upset her bf didn’t show interest in her being upset…might be an overreaction but the way some people replied ffs it’s like jr high school
Is this for real?!!
one I would never have the nerve to call and show him two I would never have the nerve to put that on here wow
Screenshots! Get Your Screenshots! It’s Gonna Be A Dirty Delete!
A trimmer why not a shaver
Less than nothing over that? I don’t even understand what was wrong? Murder scene how? You cut yourself shaving? You said trimmers tho? So not a razor? How do u cut yourself with trimmers? Oh crap I always forget these are anonymous and I’m not gonna get any answers can someone explain for me? And I’ve said this on many and many posts in here…GUYS DON’T CARE ABOUT THAT KIND OF SH&T!!! The only thing I do see him caring about is how your insecurity and feeling like “less than nothing” over a shaving incident is a huge turnoff…not how your
What did you want him to do ? Cry with you
I’m confused what did you want him to do
He doesn’t GAF leave his ass
time to bandage up the mud flaps
I feelike you’re overreacting,but at the same time I feel like you’re feelings are justified. I was in the hospital last week,(found out gallbladder issues) And ims it ring there in huge amounts of pain, crying my eyes out, while my husband sits across the room on his phone the entire time, and I have to legit ask him to get off his phone to come and comfort me. Then when I cry or say it hurts, he just stares at me and says I’m sorry. Like I understand you don’t know what I’m going through, but if I have to ask to be comfortee, than I’d rather rjsut be alone ,because having someone there while you’re in pains nd they don’t even try, is worse. Men don’t understand, but then expect us to baby them and treat them like kings.
Forget God, I’m telling Olivia Benson
Imagine all this over cutting yourself shaving…
Ummm WTF
this can’t be something you are really upset about , please I can’t
prayers for u boo happens to the best of us:crossed_fingers:…call ur girls next time
This is awkward af
You’re definitely overreacting
Overreacting maybe he should’ve given you some validation at least but yeah.
What do you think he should have done?
Who the fuck puts a “trimmer” on their vag… seems like a good way to turn your beef curtains into shredded beef real quick…
Sounds like a page out of my book. All jokes aside, overreacting.
I am so freaking confused
You’ve probably done something like this one too many times and he’s just over it
Ur question “what kind of person does that to someone they love” should be directed at urself… U just showed that man a murder scene
Amanda Alyssa Hawkins
Is this a joke, or………??
what do you want him to do? I’d start drinking too