Am I overreacting?

It’s all of us or none of us. Your boyfriend needs to grow up. The fact that he can’t see this is wrong is just disgusting. Like he thinks it’s ok to leave his children out of things?!?!
Smh. There’s something wrong with him.


Another red flag, why aren’t you two married? There’s a lot more red flags than the one that you brought up. You need to move on. He’s not even spending holidays w you. Move on.


Yeah screw that. But I have family the same way. If said person can’t keep them alone at their house, then they wouldn’t see them at all. It’s very hard to go through because you want them to be in your babies lives. But you can’t force anyone to do that. I would leave that man so fast his head would spin. :rofl: but really. That’s so disrespectful more on his part for allowing it to go on. Showing favorites isn’t cool. When your kids get older they will see it too. Good luck mama. My heart hurts for you


It isn’t right and will never change. Get out of relationship now!


I would be filing for divorce… big big big red flags


Run away from him!!!


Absolutely not! First off they should want to see their grandchildren. All of them! If my family behaved like that, best believe we wouldn’t be having a relationship with them. Second, the fact that he has no problem with the situation is just plain wrong. It seems like he favors the oldest one more than the younger ones. Tell him that he needs to correct his behavior and tell his family that they see them all or they see none of them. If they have a problem with that, well they can kick rocks


Why would you even want to be accepted by them in the first place? They sound like shitty people, just pretend they don’t exist

They sound toxic, they are knowingly hurting children over an adult disagreement. I would keep the kids completly away from them. Your boyfriend should be supporting you and your kids.


You need to find a man that puts you and your kids and his daughter all first. He is encouraging the separation there. My ex-mother-in-law treated my son like he was her first grandchild. And still sees him and buys him presents. That’s the kind of family you need to marry into.


Sounds like he nor they consider you and your kids family. Find a man that accepts you.


If you don’t want your kids to be corrected for wrong doing by others, keep them to yourself. It is simply. You don’t want them in their place but you want them there? You have to pick a struggle.


If you would never leave your kids with someone like that then why would you even want them around someone like that. You either don’t want them to be included or you do. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. It does sound like you’re the problem and it sounds like you’re the one being salty. If you want your kids included you need to mend that bridge because you’re the one that burned it.


No I don’t think your over reacting at all. You all are part of the family as well. It’s either all or nothing. And he needs to grow a pair and step up. I would have thought he would have done that way before now.


Your boyfriend is a douchebag


Girl that is wrong and I wouldn’t put up with it. You and your kids deserve better. I’m so sorry. Seems like he’s hiding something and the family is helping to do it in my opinion. Walk away. If you and your kids are not treated as family and he allows it walk away sis.

its one thing for his daughter to go there for thanksgiving thats up to her mom but for him to go and not you and his other kids is so pass wrong no man that loves you and all his kids would do that

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Open the door for him and tell him he can go live with them because he wouldn’t treat his own kids that way. Bye if everyone is not welcome then nobody is. Period he’s been more than rude to you and kids. Hell no.

Get rid of him if he can’t stand by you. That is ridiculous!! Disgusting behavior on his family’s and his part.

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Your boyfriend is a whimp and needs to sort his shit out.!!!

How is it ok. Woman after woman doesn’t get that if your relationship isn’t strong nothing else in your life is strong. How you keep putting up with men that don’t have your back. All these women that are fighting with their mother-in-law’s why doesn’t your husband or boyfriend have your back. Because they are the reason it’s happening by accepting it and teaching with their behavior that that’s okay and you are accepting it so you were teaching your boyfriends or your husband that their behavior is okay.

I think you are the problem, drop the kids off with them grandparents, your making the relationship all about you. Let them get to know those kids comfortably without your uncomfortable ass lingering over everything

He needs to man up an tell his family he has 3 kids not 1

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Omg, I would be livid


You’re not overreacting. He’s not giving all of his kids the same love and respect.

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Why do y’all have babies with men who don’t respect you?
I don’t get it. :woman_facepalming:
Girl, my husband flipped on his momma’s over here behavior towards my son. She has a choice, get right or stay gone. If he can’t do that… Way are you with him?


If he can’t stand up for you and your kids then leave him. He’s the toxic one for allowing them to play favorites and disrespect you.


I’m so confused so the two kids are both yours And his? That’s so strange that they don’t want to see them


Ew kick him to the curb… kick him hard too!


If you wouldn’t leave your kids alone with them, then your kids being around them even with your supervision should be off the table as well.
Toxic is toxic, no matter how you try to decorate it.
And please do not neglect the fact that you’re breeding the jealousy and envy into not only yourself, but your kids too, by being upset over this.
Yes, this situation is stupid, and you probably are overreacting. Because why in the world are you so desperate to be involved with a family that wants nothing to do with your kids or you?
I have children who have, technically, 6 grandparents total and only had 1 of them involved… it’s just how life is when you have children with a man who is toxic and has a toxic family. :woman_shrugging:t4:
Move on. Leave this entire situation alone. Create spectacular holidays for your kids, then they won’t feel any type of way about anybody else’s holiday celebrations.


Your SO,sounds like a douche bag.


No. I would leave. If he is already prioritizing his child from a previous relationship over the kids you have together and saying you’re the problem instead of seeing how insane his parents behavior is, than he is going to continue to do just that as they get older. The family you create with someone should always come before your parents, siblings, etc… They are toxic and it seems he may be as well. I wish you the best :heart:

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Your boyfriend is the problem, that’s why he didn’t see anything wrong with it. If he had the audacity to go over there for Thanksgiving and left you and the kids in the house… He’s the problem. If he didn’t talk to his family about the mistreatment of the other two children… He is the problem


If they’re as bad as you feel then let them stay away. A child is not aware of the things we are at those ages. Later when they ask. Have a heart to heart about salty people and let them know they don’t need it

This is not okay. my husband and I have one child together and we also raise my 5 siblings. they treat all of my kids like family and love them all the same. you are not in the wrong and your feelings are valid.


Your boyfriend is a spoiled mamas boy and his family is a piece of shit. RUN!!!

Generally families have more respect for wives than girlfriends.


It’s pretty obvious that your boyfriend values neither you or your shared children. Pack, walk out that door. Start a new life for you and your children. I would set life up as you being the main support, because he isn’t going to make sure child support is being paid


Obviously there is more going on than what’s detailed here.
If you love your boyfriend and want to be involved with his family, find out what the root problem is. If a family meeting needs to happen, so be it. The only way to fix it is to find out and talk about it. Clear the air. Good luck!


No your not over reacting but they sound toxic so you and your kids are better off without them


You are not wrong!!! your boyfriend needs to get a backbone and tell his family all his kids and you are invited, or none of them will show up!


Yeah, I would of walked away from the relationship the minute he went to his mothers without me and my children.


As said above… he is the problem. His tolerance is disrespectful. Even if you have mis-stepped his kids should be equal. Period. He needs to demand that with them. His tolerance says a lot. Time to leave.


something more is going on here. You guys have been together for 5 yrs, yet you & your kids don’t get an invite to their house …ever??? Then do something with your family & forget his. Plus, your son is only 3, he really won’t remember much, if not any of this bullshit

No you are right it’s sad that they do that

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How can he not see what’s wrong with this picture?? His family sounds rude n petty n so does he.

You’re right. He should step up, but if he isn’t going to, what are you prepared to do about it? You have two choices, be the bigger person and take steps to fix things with his family by having a conversation and reconciling… or leave. If it doesn’t bother him to leave you and his other two children home, that’s a massive red flag as to the state of your relationship. The fact that he does nothing says he has no respect for your, nor the two children you do share. You ALL deserve better.


get out of that relationship now. You are there merely for his convenience.Get out now and get a real life.


Stop wasting time with a man who has shown you he doesn’t value you, his kids with you or the relationship. It would appear he has no other plans for the future than to mark time with you. You and the kids definitely deserve far more. GOD BLESS

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Wow :hushed:, talk about disrespectful, it’s time to go & be with YOUR family & or friends. You need to spend time with people who are on yours & your children’s lives in a positive way. Kids should always come first, no matter what!! Give THEM the attention they deserve, that the other family isn’t giving them. Just don’t remind them of what they DON’T have with THEM, but DO show them what they DO have :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. Like you said, he doesn’t see anything wrong with it. So he’s just like his family in that way. I’d be extremely upset if I were you and I would not put up with it. That is a huge deal breaker for me personally. I could not be with someone with such low regard and respect for me and his children. I’m sorry you’re going through that. As well as sorry for your children that they have to experience that kind of treatment because his parents can’t grow up and be mature adults. They sound very abusive physically emotionally and mentally. I would run. And not look back for you and your children’s sake. If he doesn’t understand or care how you or the kids feel than he is not a good partner. Counseling really helped me. It might be worth a shot for you so you can talk to a professional regularly and take care of you and the kiddos the best you can. Hugs :purple_heart:


Sounds like your boyfriend treats the kids same as his family. To be honest I’d move out and move on with your life. Just you and your kids. File for custody and y’all live your lives without them.


Why are you with someone who doesn’t treat you as family? Leave with your children now.


Wow, kind of shows how he feels about his kids, definitely shoeing favoritism


Not at all. And if he doesn’t see the problem, he’s part of the problem


yaaaa he ain’t the one sis. any man that can’t stand up for his wife and children :triangular_flag_on_post:


Okay it sounds like you and his family don’t really care for each other. Now let me ask you this, you said that your kids can’t go over there without YOU. Would you be willing to let them go over there with your boyfriend, their father? I mean you already said you don’t trust the grandparents, you don’t trust their father either? TBH, if someone didn’t trust their child with me and the child can only come over if they’re there, I wouldn’t want to be around you either. :woman_shrugging:t4: Did you ever tell them how you felt about kids getting spanked? Did you let them know that you’re against it? Or did you just say that your kids can’t come over without you?


Im so sorry hun. First, sending big hugs. And 2nd, youre children are no less important than that 9 year old. Those hateful ppl are missing out and maybe its God’s way of protecting your littles.

The whole situation is toxic. You should stand up for your kids it’s the right thing to do he is being ridiculous and so are they that’s horrible shame on them


Screw that. Leave. My daughters grandparents are like that. I left her father in 2017 & our lives couldn’t have turned out better without them! I’m in a new relationship, together for almost 4 years now and just had a baby together. He’s been in my daughters life since she was 2 1/2 & looks at her as his own flesh and blood. She calls him daddy so that makes it even better for us :heart: it hurts to leave but trust me, you won’t regret it once your healed from leaving! Good luck mama

I agree totally with you

Ummm bye to all of them!


Don’t bother with them!!! They are missing out not you or the kids, maybe those ignorant asses will one day grow the f**k up and regret being such idiotic disrespectful morons! Adults that act worse than kids suck!!!

The level of dysfunction that the family is displaying should be unacceptable to you, dont forget that your boyfriend was raised in that environment and his dysfunction is a result, disfavored child status is a huge form of abuse and you shouldnt tolerate it from your inlaws or your boyfriend, protect your children from both


I would say Bye to them all!


That’s disgusting. Poor kids


Well this is way too relatable … forget about them and move tf on… people like that are certainly no loss to your children :100:


Toxic situation - do what is right and stand up for your kids - he should as well - I’m sorry your going through this - shame on them


Sounds like your more blessed than you think. Do you really want to associate your with people like that.


He is just as guilty as they are by not stepping up and telling them “I have 3 kids. They are a package deal accept all or accept none!”


The fact that he encourages this and sees nothing wrong it will never change. He has to put his foot down and stand up to his family. This is not doing your children any favors and they will face rejection issues from his side of the family even without dealing with them. They will feel like they are not good enough and that’s the last thing you want for these babies. You too I’m sure have suffered through rejection with this. I don’t see a future for your relationship where you not only can’t spend the holidays together since he’s a grandmas. Where you nor your children are not valued and respected. There’s so much division where you need to be unified. I know it hurts but let him go while the kids are young .


Shame on your boyfriend and his parents!

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i am in a similar situation but my husband tries to stand up to them for the kids but i’m usually left to defend myself, since i’m the full time carer for all the kids i’ve cut them out for most of the things the kids do.

I would want to keep my loved ones far from those hateful people


I would tell him that if his family doesn’t accept you all then no one should go. Including him. And if he does then don’t come back. He is disrespecting you and his children by letting this continue.
On the other hand, if this is the type of family they are would you want them in your lives at all? Not me.

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That would definitely be a problem

Why is your boyfriend not taking all his kids though? :thinking::face_with_monocle:


They aren’t just excluding you but your kids how inconsiderate and rude. Don’t count them as family if they don’t want to make the effort, he should be telling his parents that they need to accept you or they won’t be seeing them as you are the mother of his children and that’s just some TOXIC BS

Gonna end up making your kids feel like they aren’t good enough. You obviously feel that way. He won’t change for yall so you can change the situation if you truly want and as a mama bear I’d been done said something (politely at first because that gets heard better) and if they don’t change you know where you and your children stand.


Your boyfriend needs to get a pair and speak up for you and your children


I wouldn’t be with that guy


Oh hell no… :flushed: you wanna watch me go bad shit crazy on his ass then change the locks on the door?

You and your kids are better off in the long run because those are selfish vile and evil folks. Its sad the children arent being treated equally but if you make a big issue out of it then the children will be even more hurt and notice what you do. The times the other child is gone with your bf to see those evil people you should spend doing something special with your babies. Govisit relatives that care about them or go to the park or library etc. Your bf is in the wrong for not standing up for you and your babies.


I was in the same situation until I made a big scene about it and I kepted her from the for a while now my bonus daughter isn’t allowed over there period

I can’t believe he went to Thanksgiving when you were not invited. Count your blessings that you don’t have to go around those kinds of people.


He and his family are toxic AF. And he’s a crappy father. Id ask for a new man for Christmas.
Might want to reevaluate that relationship. Doesn’t sound like much of one to me. Get out and find somebody who’s going to treat you and your kids like a family


You should be happy you don’t have to invite or feed bad people. If your bf goes at his family you should always make your own parties girl. Invite people over in that way you don’t have to think of him going there. You need to start creating your own parties without your bf or his relatives. Treat them as they don’t exist at all.

Come on… you know the answer to this already. Not one person is going to say his behavior is acceptable lol


I know everyone is different, but I can tell you my husband wouldn’t stand for this. It’s absolutely not okay.


Girl there loss your kids will be growing and they will miss out but if your over protect of your kids the grandparents r not going to hurt them if they need a whooping for be disobedient it take a village o got whooping and it didn’t kill me

You need to voice your concerns, period!

Sadly this isn’t the first time I’ve heard of this happening
Hunni if that’s how they treat you and your kids
Your better off not having them in your kids lives


Time to put your foot down. Either this changes or you and your kids walk. No point being with someone who does not recognize you and his own kids as family. Not fair to raise them being continually rejected by grandparents. I’d be saying “Enough already, this changes or we’re out for good”.


You did nothing wrong by protecting your babies. At this point, he’s complicit. I’d say f*** em all and take them to your side for the holidays.


He sounds like a terrible partner and father.


If your don’t get along with the in-laws your relationship will never last period. I’d be walking out the door.

No your mans a weak ass bitch who needs tell him family all or nothing …its not right how it is

Time for a new boyfriend, one that will love your kids and treat.them well.

I am so sorry you and your babies have to go through this. Your man should honestly without hesitation have your back in this situation. There is no respect and he is feeding into it by allowing this to continue

Leave him…it’s only going to get worse.

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