Am I overreacting?

My son father smokes n it don’t stop him from doing what he needs to do . Worry if other stuff he’s using weed is legal in most states now . Many people smoke for pain or other medical problems


Maybe if you smoked all day every day you’ll chill out.


So you cant be addicted to weed however, you can Absolutly be addicted to the habit. He needs other things to fill his time I know this from first hand experince. I smoke daily all day but im still productive if he cant be productive then it would be a problem.


Sounds like an expensive day!

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You’re a hypocrite. So it’s okay as long as you’re smoking it with him, but when you’re not it’s a problem?


Honestly either your gonna get over it or it’s gonna end y’all.
Be glad it’s not meth and he’s not a dead beat :woman_shrugging:t2:


You are definitely over reacting. Long live weed! Maybe you should smoke a little more and calm down. There could be way worse things that he could be addicted too.


You’re overreacting.

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Yes, you’re overreacting.


Chill it’s just a plant lol

I guess this depends on how he’s acting stoned. I mean, I have met people that smoke and are just absolutely useless. But mostly not. Id lose my patience 50 times a day if I didn’t smoke. Him being “slow” and chill is a zillion times better than a lot of scenarios


honestly if it makes you a calmer person/parent it’s perfectly fine in my opinion. it’s not addictive physically it’s mentally so he’s literally using it for a good reason.

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I mean I stay high all day too but I’m functional and able to be present, if he’s not able to care for the kids it’s a problem tho.


With all the addictions ppl have right now, weed is the least of your worries! Trust me!!! I know you might be annoyed because your not really a big smoker but pick your battles on this one. If he was drinking or gambling or any other drug I would agree with u but not weed.


You’re way over reacting. Weed does not affect the body the same as other drugs would. You need to chill out.

If you love him, and he enjoys it, light it up

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That life gets so boring and the non smoker/occasional smoker often feels ignored or alone. Most will dismiss it because it’s just weed but if it’s bringing your mental health down then it’s not worth it. Life is so much better without someone stuck in that rut (speaking from experience). Just my opinion but thought I’d share.

I had a bf of 4 years that was the same way. Finally broke up and didn’t look back. Its been almost 20 years and his life is still.where it was then, if not worse.

I will say this, if he is productive, takes care of his responsibilities and you, maybe a talk about it affects your time together. But, if he is stuck in life and not being a functional adult, get rid him. Your kid doesn’t need that.

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I don’t smoke as much as I used to now that I’m a single mom and I’m just to busy to but unless it’s disrupting his ability to go to work and take care himself and the kids I don’t see anything wrong with it. I don’t even hear from my son’s dad so it could be worse. It’s just weed lol it’s not like he’s out doing heroin and spending all your money on stupid stuff :woman_shrugging:t3:


I smoke weed everyday :upside_down_face: I’m actually about to smoke rn before I finish wrapping a bunch of presents before I get my kids from school :joy::joy: I’m a wreck if I don’t though, anxiety, no appetite, intrusive thoughts, like it works wonders for some but, maybe talk with him, sounds like he needs a different strain. Indicas tend to make people mellow and couch logged lol maybe mention him switching to sativas for day time and indicas at night


Mine does the same. It inhibits the way he’s able to care for the house and children. If it’s interfering with safety and health then it’s a problem that needs to be addressed. Just because it’s a plant and not a drug doesn’t make it less of an issue if it’s affecting every day life

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If it’s his form of medication, let him be. If he smokes that much, he definitely shouldn’t be a zombie since his tolerance should be higher than that. If he cannot function, then yes, he needs to cut back.

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It’s not a problem. Let it go or let him go.

It sounds like he is over doing it. And that is a bad thing.

I would leave him over it. For my own reasons, but in your scenario, because he’s not respecting how you feel at all. You’re not asking him to stop altogether. Relationships are about compromise. He’s obviously unwilling.

People are saying they are fine doing it, that’s great. But obviously your man is not if you’re saying he turns into a zombie and your worrying about children’s safety.

If he was an alcoholic you would have a problem.


If it makes him a zombie he needs a different strain… time to switch dealers


Yeah been around enough pot smokers to see that they aren’t in any condition to care for a child .ur not over reacting


You are not overreacting. It’s not a healthy habit to get into. There is more things to life than sitting down with a joint or bong and smoking it up.

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Honestly weed isnt as bad as your making it out to be it’s a plant. Be grateful he isnt hooked on heroin or meth!


My boyfriend is the same been together 3 & half years I don’t smoke it but he looks after my kids I work nights & he smokes it all day everyday I don’t think it’s an issue that he’s smoking it for me it’s the issue of money constantly having to provide him the money to smoke it! Yea my kids yea my choice to stay with him but I didn’t know he smokes it when we got together he hid it from me for a while & by the time I knew I had already fallen for him!

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You’re all missing the point…if he were a functional smoker I doubt it would be an issue. It’s the fact that he seems NOT functional and it’s his constant that seems to be the problem. I wouldn’t want someone like that around my kids either. If somone is functional or better for using it, than that’s perfectly fine. He doesn’t seem to be.


If he’s been doing this way before you two got together then you either need to deal with it or leave him. I’m not gonna say you’re overreacting but it wouldn’t be fair to try and force him to stop when it’s something you knew coming into the relationship and if you’re not happy with it then you deserve to be somewhere you are happy.

Before I give my 2 cents, I have some questions …does he drink or take ANY pills? do you? drink? take any pills?
Does he use the weed for medical use, or just to get high?

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I’m a mom and I smoke as ppl stop tryna take his peace instead of telling him not to smoke did you ever stop and asked why he smokes so heavy and it’s very hypocritical to ask him to stop something you do with him just because you don’t want to smoke doesn’t mean he has to stop just compromise and ask if he could smoke somewhere else or not in front of the kids people are to entitled to other ppls peace and happiness

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I stopped reading at addicted to smoking weed. Lol


Get in church and god will take care of any problem you have


No I don’t think your overreacting at all, weed slows you down… what you do when your not in charge of your children is your choice but looking after them while high has so many risks


Smoke everyday all day before and after work before nd after I eat before I leave while I’m gone before bed if I wake up to pee I smoke and I raised kids by my self nope weed don’t stop u from being a parent


As pricey as weed is these days, I don’t know how anyone can afford to smoke all day long. Unless you’re on government assistance? Perhaps us tax payers are covering your addiction? Who knows.


With all the stresses in the world right now, on top of parenting and even just adulting it is just difficult to live. We all need something to calm and sooth our stresses. Partner and i smoke it on a daily for the last 10 years and we still got our kids :100: He could be smoking meth… or Real Drugs ! Try talking to him about it tho he could be just drowning in stress or something maybe he could have some in the morning and then yous can both have it after kids are asleep or something.


I see no problem with ppl smoking weed. I do it sometimes to it helps me sleep.
If its effecting day to day life aka taking care of the kids/not being able to respond when they need you our to keep them safe and doing daily activities then its a problem. If hes just your boyfriend and you have voiced your opinion with him about this issue and he is showing interest in changing then maybe you should take a step back and evaluate your relationship.


I mean he was a stinker when you got together so I don’t know why you expected him to change. He is probably smoking idica if he goes full zombie. Maybe see if he will switch from indica to a hybrid or sativa. I don’t smoke but iam am married to a stoner ( for legit medical reasons and a little bit of enjoyment) and he smokes sativa and there is no issue whatsoever ever with his energy and capabilities. But every blue moon he will smoke a indica is the rare occasion he is having a hard time with sleep and he is out like a light. Also weed isnt addictive. There is nothing addictive in the flower.


At least it’s just pot and not all the other drugs under the moon too. Be grateful hes even there. Maybe smoke more with him and it wont be such a drag to you. Make it yalls thing. Instead of driving him to do it.


Everyone is so shitty :joy:

I agree with you. I think that if you feel like you have to smoke that frequently to get through your day to day life, you should seek help. Counseling/therapy something to get to the root of your problem. You should be able to function without always having to be high.

And if it bothers you that badly, dump him. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I would leave him over it if he can’t slow down some. No reason to be high all the time. Especially if you have kids.


Well he could be smoking crack :woman_shrugging:t2:

Your kids do not need to be around that . You need to get away from him. Only he can change himself


Everyone has a vice. Some people it’s chocolate, others it’s alcohol.

If that’s what he does I would either accept it, or you need to leave.

It’s his decision when to cut back or do it.

You can only control what you do.

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I wud rather trust someone with weed in their system rather than alcohol


Omg what happens if he took pills every day for medical reasons I smoke weed everyday. All day morning nights because it is my medicine! If he ain’t harming you or your kids let him be or leave :woman_shrugging:


Yes u are overreacting…


Looks like your kids did that lol

You already know the answer to this question.


Some people can function fine like myself and my fiancée but we never over do it when we have my son. If you can’t “hold your smoke” you shouldn’t do it with your kids around and you certainly shouldn’t do it if you can’t do the things you need to do in a day.

I see where your coming from. My boyfriend smokes weed often and I smoke sometimes, but only when I’m kid free. My boyfriend was higher than a kite while changing our daughters diaper one day and she ended up falling off the bed because he was too stoned to know what was going on. He couldn’t react fast enough. Now, I don’t have a problem with weed at all. I love when I’m able to smoke. But I could understand not wanting your boyfriend to get high while tending to y’all’s child. I wouldn’t try getting him to stop all together because it’s just weed. But maybe ask him to not smoke when he’s going to have to tend to y’all’s baby


He obviously feels that it benefits him in some way. Honestly, weed really helps you to be in the moment and not stress and fixate on negative shit

Just be thankful it isn’t meth or anything else.


I smoke all day every day but I’m not a zombie. I’d rather a stoner than an alcoholic or junkie. You are overreacting imo

Be glad it is only weed but I will say that it is not ok. My concern is when he starts lying and hiding money. My ex started the lying and wasn’t “all in” with the relationship anymore. Just have a conversation with him about your concerns. It is an expensive habit, caused us to lose a house bc of his deceit.

I once lived with a man that did this 24/7 … It eventually came b4 food, necessities & bills :-1::-1: I’d say move forward & create a better life for yourself :blush:

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It is only weed… calm down and leave him be :joy:

Yes. Your overreacting


Yes ur overreacting lol, it’s not like they’re drunk … they’re more into reality, it’s like smoking cigarettes :woman_shrugging:

I’d honestly rather have weed than alcohol, with that being said before work seems crazy to me. I smoke and honestly I would NEVER drive right after smoking or even an hour before work.

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He should smoke sativas…


Yes I believe you are over reacting. At least it’s not meth or herion which is a drug. Weed is just that, a plant…

Tell hem to back off.

Personally, I smoke before I go in public to help with anxiety, better then getting hooked on pills. I also smoke to help with depression and it helps me sleep. I do not smoke all day everyday and I do not smoke around children. It’s better then being strung out on bad drugs or drunk all the time… but moderation is KEY


You’re definitely over reacting. I like to smoke just like he does it sounds like but I’m still a good mom. They don’t see me do it. But it’s there.

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I think it’s funny how many comments are “oh it could be worse” :unamused: Addiction is Addiction and I cannot stand how ppl try to categorize them to act as if one is above the other​:rage: My husband and I are in recovery from opiates and he still dabbles in bud time to time and I felt like the worst nag when he would get back to smoking like every day all day and I could see the differences it made in him, his attitude, his productivity, and it really bothered me. It’s taken us years and years to get to a mutual understanding with one another which is I don’t care that he smokes, I care that he let’s the addict part of him take over and let’s it start to get in the way of our life together and with our kids! He gets really moody, he’s not productive and very very forgetful, he starts not feeling well very often, I agree he doesn’t react as he would when sober, it’s a lot of things but it all basically adds up to we’re behind enough in life and we are trying to catch up so why get to a point of using ANY substance every single day that you know makes you a less productive version of yourself? Also I do think our kids deserve parents who are at Their best at least most of the time and for my husband personally it does not make him his best self and he says that​:woman_shrugging: The issue i see for you is that if he doesn’t see any issue with it its going to be quite hard to get him to unless he starts to see the downfalls himself, which becomes much harder without any consequences, at least that’s what they tell us in the Addiction community. Complaining at him will likely just make him resent you so I would try to find other routes. Maybe try alanon meetings?


You are overreacting. It is legitimate medicine for me. Daily.


Nothing wrong with smoking weed. It probably helps calm his nerves. Jeez my dad smoked weed my whole life he didnt neglect us kids he wasnt a dick and he wasnt a druggie he was a pot smoker thts it

You are definitely not over reacting…he needs help, that addition could lead to an alcohol addiction, stronger drugs? Sound like he can’t just have a little weed like you used 2…so he prob the type it’s “all or nothing”…of course he will say it’s not an issues cause he loves doing it, prob wouldn’t be so bad if he had some end of week, at night when kids in bed but stuff that him smoking all day everyday…I was in your situation…I hated it, they smell like weed all the time, not a good look for a dad either…Bet he moody if he doesn’t have it…I hope he gets off it so he doesn’t fark things right up🙏


You can not physically get addicted to marijuana. Your brain only lets you get so high and that’s it. Functional Stoners get their mind straight, help with pain or having a seizure. If your taking ANY Pharmaceuticals, Tylenol, Motrin you’re actually putting stuff in your body you don’t know what’s in it. So that would make you a hypocrite. If you don’t like what he’s doing . Make up your mind stay or bounce


Leave him alone. He isnt hurting anybody. Just have him go outside or the garage or something.


No you’re not overreacting!! Weed is a drug! I can not function on it. Period. He needs to grow up


A drug, is still a drug. Addiction to anything that gets you high, is still addiction. Just seeing all the comments that it’s just weed, bothers me. I’m 6 months clean, from a lot of drugs, one of them being marijuana. If you’re not sober, you’re high. He’s not gonna change though, unless HE wants to change. You cannot force it. If he doesn’t see anything wrong with what he’s doing, then just leave. There’s no ring on your finger keeping you there. If you’re asking this question, then you already know the answer. Prayers girl!


I have my medical marijuana card, and I smoke the same way he does, I’m not zombied out tho or slow to react… I have two kids that only I care for, ever, and they’re great! This post really kind of annoys me. Tbh


I wouldn’t put up with it. It’s just as bad as drinking all day every day.


I smoke all day, every day, and run a million dollar company, clean my house, raise my kids and invest… it’s not the weeds fault he’s lazy :smirk:


Would you rather him turn to alcohol or something worse? My fiance smokes everyday for depression and anxiety. I’d rather him smoke weed than drink or any other drug.


My boyfriend of 5 years smokes weed same thing all day everyday. He is able to function great! It doesn’t bother me. I don’t like weed but he loves it! If you worry about the safety of your kids he zones out then yeah that can be concerning. But if he’s been fine with the kids in his care I wouldn’t worry about too much.


Now pair this with alcohol every day all day and you can see why I chose to kick him out

Cannabis can really improve symptoms and quality of life. Intentional use, not overuse or abuse is how such improvements are achieved. I don’t think you’re overreacting. Some resources that may help (may save money too!)
Guide: Cannabis 6-day Dosage Protocol | Healer


Unless he wants to stop letting a drug control his life there isn’t anything you can do.I know it’s hard .When I married my husband over 40 years ago he was a weed addicted.I knew he was before we got married.He spent a lot of money on weed and he missed out on a lot of things with the family.He didn’t realize how much he missed out on till he stopped.Your boy friend is the only one who can change his life.Now if he is just a boy friend you can always leave.Sorry I know that’s not what you want to hear.


I don’t think his smoking weed everyday, all day is a problem for him. Sounds like he has a job and it sounds like he does take care of the kids if you’re worried about the type of care he is or isn’t giving them. Honestly a long-term smoker isn’t going to have any problems taking care of kids that they wouldn’t also have sober, imo. I mean he shouldn’t be getting blitzed out of his mind and taking them for a drive or anything, obvs. But it sounds like you’re not happy. So maybe you should take a look at it if it’s the relationship that’s just not working for you, because I have a feeling that asking him to stop smoking weed isn’t going to work for him. So maybe you guys need to come up with an amicable resolution, including trial separation if it comes to that. Or instead of getting mad and finger-pointing, dig deeper into why he smokes weed all day everyday. Does he have depression? Does he have anxiety? Does he have chronic pain? Or maybe he’s just not happy either.


Sounds like my ex hope his name ain’t David

Sounds like he needs to switch from and indica to a sativa…


:rofl::rofl::rofl: probably smokes to deal with you.


Are you in a state where it’s legal? Maybe he could switch to carts instead of bud and sativa instead of indica I’m assuming if he’s a zombie :woman_shrugging:t3: it should and will be legal everywhere. I see no issue with weed other than I don’t like to reek of it, at least he’s not an alcoholic or hooked on opiates


I smoke all day every day. My partner eats edibles. It’s a personal choice and weather you want to deal with it or accept it is a personal choice. 2 way street. I don’t think it’s your right to ask them to stop doing what they have always done though. You don’t get with someone so you can change them into who you want them to be.

Alot of people do not have a problem performing any of their duties, on or off a job. It helps some people stay more focused.


Regardless, it’s an addiction. This is exactly why I have a divorce under my belt. My ex can function fine because he’s been smoking most of his life but it was constant. If he didn’t have it, he was a dick. Even though he was functioning and could drive fine and work, he was fired from the best job he’s ever had because of it. It was all he ever wanted to do, I got so tired of begging for his time for myself and our kids. It got to the point where I couldn’t stand being around him when he was high, which was all the time. If you were a pot head too, obviously you’d be fine with it. But you’re not. He’ll probably never change.

So he can only smoke when you want to? As long as he’s a good dad & still takes care of everyone I don’t see the issue.


Maybe hes depressed? maybe it helps him in ways you dont understand?does he do it in front of the kids? I’ve never known anyone who smokes bud an it led them to hard drugs.i been smoking everyday for 15 years an never once thought hey i wonder what crack is like since ive tried bud.

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The real issue is you knew how this man was before children. If it wasn’t a problem before it shouldn’t be now.

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The amount of rudeness in this comment section is shameful.


I don’t think you’re overreacting at all. If he’s not responding appropriately & it’s causing an issue & the safety of your children comes into question then I’d tell him he needs to slow down on it. If not then I would leave.