I think k if you feel like it’s a concern or he can’t go without than he has a problem. It may not be addictive but I’ve seen guys spend tons of money on weed and super cranky without it. It can be addictive in the sense of it being routine or a mental crutch. I wouldn’t leave him but I’d definitely state my concern and see why he feels he needs it so much. It’s like a thing pop, eating Unhealthy not a true addictive can be additc6due yo your mental state and personality. I smoke it here a d there but I dont need it everyday all day.
What type of weed does he smoke. If indica then that’ll make him lazy and want to sleep. If it’s sativa then usually it hypes people up. My husband smokes just like that but he switches back and fourth threw them.
It’s just weed…I know I’m calmer and collected when I smoke. Hasn’t effected my parenting at all, actually makes me a better mom.
It’s weed. . .not a crack rock. Sounds like he just needs a good swift kick in the ass to give momma a helping hand at home, stoned or not. It’s an herb people, not a drug.
Amy Katrina Gabaldon-Nabors
Oh man this page
No, you are NOT overreacting! It’s extremely annoying to be with someone like this and at some point people need to GROW UP.
Idc what ANYONE says. It IS an addiction. Period
Smoking weed isn’t an addiction it’s a life style choice!
Being hooked on herion is much worse
You’re not over reacting, it might not be an issue for some but it’s an issue for you. You can’t change people who don’t want to change themselves. All you can do is work on accepting it or move on.
You’re definitely overreacting, it’s just marijuana have you stopped to ask him why he smokes? Most people do because of depression, pain and because overall it helps them enjoy life.
You’re definitely overreacting. From what you said, he has a job so obviously he’s not actually smoking all day everyday unless his job somehow allows their employers to smoke weed at work which I highly doubt. And bringing up the safety of your children. Really? You’re being so dramatic & making it a much bigger deal than it actually is.
You’re not overreacting. Regardless of whether we are pro or against weed, it still affects our mood and you have every right not to like it or to not want your kids around it. Talk to him about it. Explain how it makes you feel. Allow him time to express his thoughts about it also, If he loves you and respects you enough, he will consider dialing back or even quitting. Good luck and never be afraid to make a change if you aren’t happy, honey .
I think it’s you who is the problem.
Coming from someone who used to be the person smoking all day everyday & had no motivation, it’s unacceptable. It’s good that he still goes to work. But if this is something you have an issue with, you need to talk to him about it & tell him that being high 24/7 isn’t going to work. Smoking constantly & letting it be the only thing you are interested in doing is a problem. If he can’t see a problem, then you need to tell him this isn’t the lifestyle you want to live.
My husband smokes I quit for my own reasons 5 years ago but he still smokes daily he doesn’t do it in front of the kids he steps outside but he’s still an amazing dad works hard every day at his job and is an amazing husband as long as it doesn’t affect his ability to be at work every day and he’s still a good dad and partner I wouldn’t worry. You can’t change someone if you got with him while he smoked you knew that was a part of who he was and you still trusted him enough to have kids with him so now you have to work on accepting that this is who he still is if you love him you’ll find a way
I could see it if your husband is finding a way to leave to go smoke like you are having family time and he’s taking alot of time to go smoke I can see why it bothers you. But if he’s not using it to escape you it shouldn’t be a problem
Marijuana has endless medical benefits…education on the subject is the key!
Lol - I would not put up with that.
Lol its just weed , if anything ask him to change the THC level in the weed he gets , theres soooooo many different kinds
Your not over reacting at all. It’s easy to say it’s just weed it doesn’t make a difference because I was like this myself I’ve had to go through drug therapy to stop what these people are saying is ‘just weed’ I’ve not smoked in months now and I’m so much clearer headed, less anxious, less stressed there was a time it was the first thing I did when I woke up and the last thing before bed. Now I can see it really was a problem for me. I always thought you couldn’t get addicted to weed but you absolutely can.
As a fellow stoner who’s also a mother and smokes A LOT… Your children are fine. Worst thats gonna happen is he may eat their snacks.
I’m a stoner girl who found a stoner boy. 11 years later with 2 kids. I got lucky
My ex was like this and it was ruining our relationship. Also weed isn’t cheap and we were tight on money so it was hard.
He’s probably trying to block some bad stuff out in his life , it’s a long hall but only he can help himself, an sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind , it can drag you down so if you got kids , get out an on with your life xxx
Your overreacting in my opinion … he has a job … If he wants to smoke after work than let him … like most of America has s beer let him have his doobies
It’s still harmful to your lungs to smoke .
Everyone saying you’re over reacting isn’t getting the picture that it isn’t smoking weed that bothers you. You’re not anti pot. You’re aware it’s legal and beneficial. Your problem is how much he’s smoking or spending money and time on it. I hear you. You’re valid. You’re not overreacting. Moderation is key. If it’s getting in the way of everyday life (as opposed to enhancing it or balancing it) that’s the problem. You can have your feelings. It’s a bummer he refuses to respect them.
It sounds like you guys could meet in the middle you would be a little more tolerant, and he tapers back quite a bit. compromise
Sounds like my partner except he can function normally while high and isn’t “like a zombie” but you have to put the safety of the kids first, if you can’t rely on the father of your kids to be able to watch them in a properly functional state of mind then that’s a big problem. Hope you find a solution
Lol this post reminds me of that one song “2 joints”
Have you asked him why he smokes? I’ve been smoking since I was a teen and it really helps me with appetite and anxiety I’m not much of a prescription drug user not even Tylenol I much rather smoke a bowl and it helps a lot. Might have something similar or maybe he can try edibles so he’s not constantly smoking. I’m also a mother of 4 and work in the business office of a hospital so…
Omg, he must smell so bad.
I have severe anxiety and depression smoking helps me alot
If hes not functional while smoking, then yes it is a problem & no youre not over reacting then.
Give him an ultimatum to compromise & slow it down, or kick him to the curb…
Those saying “let it be” obviously have a very different situation than you do. No one knows your relationship, but you.
It could be the strain he’s smoking. Different strains have different effects. I smoke all the time too to help with my anxiety because I’d rather not be on pills.
I don’t see the problem with smoking, I see the problem with the total lack of respect if you’ve communicated these issues.
If you haven’t, talk to him. Meet in the middle. Your children are still going to be safe, but that doesn’t mean he can’t compromise.
A lot of people smoke, and still take care of their children… but, if it’s bothering you… you guys need to get on the same page about it.
If he can’t compromise, there is a major problem with your relationship.
Weed isn’t the worst thing in the world. You need to give him more credit. He has a job, he seemingly cares about the kids, people who smoke weed often smoke before eating, going to bed, going anywhere it’s just what they do. If you knew he smoked and now you can’t handle it, it seems like a you problem more than a him problem. You knew who he was when you got with him.
If it turns him to a zombie, maybe he needs to try a different strain.
I think if you’re asking you already know there is a problem x I don’t have a problem with anyone smoking but it would never happen around my kids x
Mabie changeing the strand if hes smokeing indica it will make him tired an out of it try getting him to smoke sativa but really its better then him being an alcoholic or something worse
Is he still functioning? Leave him alone. As long as he’s still getting shit done.
Although I think it would be reasonable to ask he smokes less when alone with the kids. Like maybe half or a quarter of what he usually would. Just enough to be medicated but not stoned. That’s a reasonable ask I think.
Most of these comments are mainly irrelevant. She NEVER said she was against pot, nor did she ask if any of you smoke or why. It’s the way he’s using it as a crutch that makes him incapable of being present as a parent that is a serious issue. My son’s father is the exact same way. And honestly he’s gonna do what he wants so it all comes down to what we as mothers are willing to put up with.
I smoke but I think if it’s a thing where he HAS to be high no matter where or what your doing its a little excessive imo and if you think he reacts slow ect he shouldn’t be the one driving making decisions ect… personally I do not smoke and drive but I know many who do and drive perfectly safe but personally I won’t. I hope you find a way to address it with him though pot isn’t bad I use it for pain but I’m not so high I’m unable to make good decisions
addicted To Weed?? You Clearly Know Nothing about addiction. or Weed For That Matter.
addicted to smoking weed, LOL
I don’t care if people smoke weed. I’m worried about the zombie part. What if he was alone with the kids and there was an emergency. He wouldn’t be able to help his kids.
If he wasnt doing this when you guys got together then its bait and switch on him, if he was like that when you guys got together then its bait and switch on YOU, decide who changed or “evolved” or “outgrew” and come to terms with it
He needs to find a sativa strain. He’s probably smoking indica strain.
Nope drugs are drugs period! If he’s constantly under the influence then give him a ultimatum
Well a person can smoke and still function if they WANT TO .
Everyone telling you that you’re over reacting or that it could be worse, ignore them. My fiancé smokes allllll day. Before he does anything, he’s gotta smoke. It doesn’t bother me, because he doesn’t turn into a couch potato. He’s stuck on his ass if he doesn’t smoke tho. The only thing that bothers me, is the money that goes towards it constantly.
I smoked with him a lot when I wasn’t pregnant, but only after kids are in bed because I’m the person that is useless af when I’m high. I smoke to chill out & relax. Doesn’t matter the strain, doesn’t matter if it’s flower, pens, edibles… I’m completely useless & just sit on my ass, stuff my face, laugh & fall asleep. I’m completely aware that I’m like this tho, so I only smoke at night after kids are put to bed & everything else is done.
A lot of y’all commenting are only half right. Yes, it may make YOU a better parent or more active. But, it doesn’t for everyone. It definitely makes me calmer & able to handle the tantrums better. But, I’m no where near active.
I’m not against pot, my fiance smokes during the day and at night, but it actually keeps him going, me it makes me sleepy but for those who are saying it’s not addicting that’s false.
Everyone is different, some condone it so they see no problem as for obviously others do not. It boils down to what you condone, and accept in your life. No one else. That said…
If you are not okay with it and it worries you and you have expressed to him your concern and he still sees no problem and is set on not quitting. Then that leaves two options (if he won’t change his mind and etc.) one.) leave him. Two.) stay and accept it.
Whatever you pick and whatever happens, I wish you the best either way.
So um that would be me. I’m a grown woman with my own business 6 kids and highly involved in my community . And I’m a smoker morning noon and night especially if I don’t have my kids. That’s just not your match maybe.
I love how everyone is laughing but literally everything can become addictive to the right person. Ever seen a benadryl addiction, yikes.
Unfortunately you can’t help him. He can only help himself. In the meantime he is not able to care for children.
Ya’ll never seen “My Strange Addiction” ? If someone can be addicted to eating furniture & dirty diapers I’m pretty sure it’s possible to be addicted to smoking weed
Habitual smoker here, and yeah I see this alot. There is a point where you get addicted. Even if you can function highly there’s a lot people spending their last dime to get high. Gotta be responsible with it.
If you knew about it before you two got serious than you can’t really complain
1-no one is addicted to weed. 2-tell him you are leaving if he doesn’t knock it off and start being an attentive partner, father and a productive member of society.
Idk … You say he’s a zombie and does nothing but you also say he smokes before he goes to work so he can’t be a zombie, zombies don’t have jobs and I’m pretty sure if he wasn’t functioning he would lose that job.
Do him a favor and leave him.
I do the same all day,every day…
I smoke sparingly, but I know someone like that and he doesn’t even work. The little money he gets goes on a sack. It’s sad.
I’m almost scared to comment lol
I’m 63…I dont smoke weed. I have tried it several times and just don’t like the effect but im open-minded and know several smokers
I’ve learned there are different types …dont know the names lol…some make you chilled out some wake you up. Ive learned its not addictive …but is often sprayed with dangerous chemicals that you can become addicted to and sometimes glass to make it look better …more crystals ? …choose your dealer carefully or grow your own .
I know several people who take it for pain, for seizures and for severe anxiety …all very effectively dealt with.
Does it smell…yes it does … Incense burner covers that
If you don’t like it or feel he is incapable of functioning then you have 2 choices…stay and talk to him in the hope of finding a compromise…or leave . Its unlikely you’ll make him stop and moaning at him will change nothing
Hooked on the Marijuanas … . .
I’m a full time mom and full time employee. And I smoke every chance I get. It’s the only thing that helps with the stress I carry. Let the man be or leave🤷🏻♀️ we all have an outlet.
Sounds like you need a joint
If you smoke too you have no say in it
He sounds like a bum, leave him
Sounds like an addiction & yes people can become addicted to weed, just like anything else.
I used to be like that. And dated someone who was like that. It got old. And it gets expensive. I hardly smoke now. It saves money. And I mainly smoked sativas. That got me going and motivated. We were never zombies. we were very high functioning. So that wasnt the problem. Ever. It never was a problem when it came to our jobs or caring for our kids. So if you feel its becoming a problem in those areas…I guess you need to have a serious talk with him and yourself…and see if youre willing to stay in the relationship. Like others are saying. Either deal with it or dont. Sorry hon.
I’d rather a man who smokes then drinks. Js
He should’ve passed it to you . It’s like a chill pill …… that’s HIS way of letting stress off , coping with thoughts , etc. . It’s his coffee , let him be . It’s not CRACK .
Some people do smoke and get really lazy and don’t be a parent. Just because you claim you smoke and can parent good doesn’t mean it affects everyone the same. I think if it’s that big of a deal then you should leave. Pot is addicting and most people wont admit that but also won’t quit smoking it.
What state is she in?
Well what you didnt say is does he work? I mean if that is the only thing… Then count your blessing.
Just cause one smokes weed doesn’t make then an inattentive parent…if he can’t smoke and accomplish normal stuff then he should knock it off but as u stated he goes to work he does things with y’all so maybe hit the weed and calm the f down!!
Be glad he isn’t a drunk
You knew he was a pothead in the beginning so it’s a little late to complain, I’m sure he still as high as he was 4yrs ago
I smoke weed and eat edibles all day everyday i do it for pain and sanity there is nothing wrong w weed… Would u rather him be drunk all the time or on hard drugs??? SO YES YOU ARE OVER REACTING My daughter knows i smoke and eat edibles and knows it as a medicine
Let the man be Karen!
I thought every parent smoked weed all day how else do you deal with the stress?
Weed is not addictive. It’s the feeling that’s addictive. If it is laced then yes it can be addictive…
I think you need to smoke! It will make you feel better promise
I agree with you. I wouldn’t want him caring for the kids either if his reaction time is affected. Sounds like he has a bit of a problem.
this group is for him not you
Please join this group! It’s for men and women in DV situations or that have been in a DV situation before. It’s used to find support, advice and resources from those who have been through the same trauma during a relationship. I hope it can help at least someone.
I smoked for 30 years raised 9 kids I run a business and still smoke at least a 1/4 a day , it may not be the weed making his reactions slow lol
I don’t smoke for me, oh no, no, no ,no! I smoke for the safety of my children, the things I would do if I didn’t smoke or if I didn’t know I had a smoke waiting for me during crisis! But FR.
You are with him and have been with his lifestyle for how long? That’s enough time to decide if you wanted to be with him or not. You can’t change a person but you can’t also nag someone to stop something they don’t want to stop.
He’s fine, let him be. You’ll be very annoyed with who they are when they’re not smoking.
Well I use to too…once I got pregnant I gave it up. But now that my kids are older 13 & 7, I’ll eat me a “brownie” when after working all day (I clean homes & vaca homes) I need something more to deal with my body aches. But it’s not an everyday thing. Maybe y’all can come to a compromise?
Omg slow to react. Just tell him to smoke sativa not indica or hybrids. you should too… maybe indica so you can relax
Okay my opinion is this If he puts smoking weed before everything else, then that’s a problem. It’s not the weed smoking,it’s the fact that he puts it as #1 priority I was married to someone like that And when I said anything he would Sorry you feel that way. He didn’t care
Alot of people smoke like that bc they have anxiety and don’t realize how bad their anxiety is. It’s ok to smoke but not all day every day especially if he has shit to do and needs to care for the kids tell him he needs to compromise
I’m thinking your ass needs to light a blunt smoke and chill the fuck out this is no different than drinking beer or liquor as an adult. Can you still parent when you drink a glass or bottle of wine, I’m very sure you can!!! Get off your high horse!!!
Maybe he is naturally slow with or without!
I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Just make sure he gets a medical card, if he doesn’t already, so he does not end up in jail if he ever got pulled over with it on him.
It’s a stepping stone to becoming an addict