At least he isn’t strung out on heroin or meth or oxy…at least you don’t have to worry that he will overdose in front of you…at most you have to worry that he might get fat from the munchies. Totally overreacting to him smoking weed. It could be so much worse that weed remember that
Anyone who says you’re overreacting, has an addiction and doesn’t want to admit it. You can become addicted to literally ANYTHING. If he’s acting poorly when he smokes then he doesn’t need to be around the children when he does it.
Sounds like an addiction to me… I say time to move on.
As long as he is not doing it in the kids faces I don’t see a problem
My bf quit when I was pregnant w my eldest daughter but then he started again earlier this year… I always go get it for him too lol but it don’t bother me… we have 3 kids and he’s no danger to them… yes he’s slow too
it doesn’t bother me atleast he doesn’t do it in front of them… atleast he doesn’t go out drinking and coming back wasted now that’s danger… I don’t smoke either I stopped cause the way it made me feel…
Thank god it’s weed and not any other drug . My husband smokes all day everyday and takes care of our 5 kids and is a great dad .
This can’t be a serious post, you smoked with him… it’s not meth or hard drugs it’s marijuana. I think at this point it’s a control issue!!!
Some of these comments baffle me. My advise. You don’t sound truly happy. This will continue to be something that will almost always bug you. I say go your separate ways and learn to coparent in a healthy manner for the children. If he needs to rely on marijuana to function which is what it sounds like he may need therapy. He may be struggling deep down with a lot of things most likely from his past he’s unable to process himself and relies on the marijuana to be able to function from day to day.
It’s not normal but you can’t change someone. Expect it or move on. I personally won’t date any one that smokes weed. It’s fine if my friends do it but I don’t want that crap near me period. My ex before it was legal did it all the time and even around the kids. I hate the smell so bad it makes me want to vomit. He also could never get a good job because he couldn’t pass a drug test. People do get addicted to it. Makes them look old but hey what do I know
It would be a problem for me if he has my kids in the car and he is high af driving Thats where i would draw the line
My bf is the same way only difference is he’s soo high strung he doesn’t to calm down and he acts normal not slow he has severe adhd n some how this helps him so mine is complete opposite sorry I’m no help
someone that has to be high 24/7 to exist has some deep issues
it wouldn’t work for me either, especially being a mother i see concern for sure
He’s going to keep smoking, you either stay or go.
So he’s a zombie that works? You need to cut it out and stop trying to paint him as a addict you’re being dramatic and if you don’t like it then why do you socially smoke? You’re being a hypocrite
No your not over reacting that’s ridiculous he needs to grow up and have responsibilities like be there for his kids and you if they had to go to hospital he couldn’t take them grow up and be a real man I would leave him high and dry or kick him out and keep the place cause you have kids to take care of !!
He needs to smoke a Sativa during the day and an Indica at night. There are people who smoke all day and are fully functional. He is clearly not smoking the right strains for him to be functional.
I smoke daily and I am never anything close to a zombie, even when I’m “really” high I still function normally… I don’t know anyone that can’t function that smokes regularly…so IDK if your exaggerating or if he’s just actually lazy and uses weed as his excuse. I have 4 kids, bust my ass at a full time office job, take care of all my responsibilities and so does my husband. My opinion is it’s him not the weed…
People can have an addiction to marijuana. Not q stepping stone but an addict
I don’t smoke because the smell makes me want to puke alone, but I don’t care that people smoke UNLESS it affects how they are, especially with kids in the picture. You are not overreacting. I know people that get like this when they smoke and can’t take care of their own kids. I know people who smoke all day everyday and take care of their kids full time as a single parent and are phenomenal parents. Everything affects everyone differently. I would be concerned too.
I use THC all day everyday it’s hasnt effected my ability to parent what so ever. That being said if you don’t want to date somebody that using weed that’s your choice but for many people it’s medicine
I think it’s a safer route than any other substance available. But yes too much of a good thing can be bad. Weed has its benefits but like any other medicine it shouldn’t be over used or abused. As long as he isn’t neglecting his duties or spending too much money on it I wouldn’t be too hard. Definitely talk to him about it affecting his overall behavior, it’s bothering you and needs to be addressed.
Just wasted around your ldren
So many of these comments are prime examples of pure ignorance. Every relationship is different. If you’re uncomfortable with it then you need to communicate, and he needs to reciprocate, both in a healthy manner. Doesn’t matter if it’s marijuana or crack, it’s about the boundaries set in place within your personal relationship. I have friends who smoke all day and are great parents. I have friends who are aware when they smoke, they become zombies and parenting skills take a decline. There’s a time and place for everything… just let him know you’re frustrated. You’re not a hypocrite for knowing an appropriate time and place to smoke. You’re not calling him an addict by needing more structure. You’re not overreacting, you just sound fed up. Marijuana has benefits and isn’t a bad thing to partake in. Think of wine, cheeseburgers and television MODERATION! Moderation is always key. All day everyday is too much no matter what it is.
It’s an addiction if he can’t be sober, period. Cannabis isn’t detrimental to his health BUT if he can’t make fast and logical decisions with his kids, if he can’t contribute to the household, etc if he can’t function as an adult then he shouldn’t be smoking. Knowing your limit is the importance for cannabis. My husband has this issue too and ended up having to quit entirely because it takes over his time and wallet.
It isn’t funny and anyone thinking it is needs to really get a grip. Just because YOU don’t need it and aren’t addicted, doesn’t mean others don’t struggle. My husband was badly addicted, but stopped and swapped to vaping nicotine and drinking. He’s pulled back on drinking but now is puffing that vape and binge gaming all night.
It’s a problem to trade one addiction for another too.
No one is worth your kids safety, they come first Always!
You’re overreacting. Cannabis is medication for a lot of people. He’s prolly going through something mentally or even physically and here you are making him feel shitty for self medicating. Plenty of parents medicate w cannabis and lead wholesome, safe lives.
Yikes I read this while hitting my weed pipe
I just gave it up only because my breathing, but I smoked it all day everyday and it made me a better parent, more sociable, made my mental health so much better,
Educate urself on cannabis b4 u used ur brainwashed mind to judge! Ask the entire Pacific NW medical community for starters. Read the MORE Act. Geez…
I saw smoking pot lead to other drug addictions and break up a marriage as well as affect a family member. Another situation turned from pot to hardcore drug use and the loss of lucrative employment as they couldn’t leave the state and were on parole. Not to mention my daughters best friends brother, 14 and a drug addict because mom says pot is a medical necessity. 14 yo is now who knows where. A run away. Mom does pot and more. IT. IS. BAD.
Do not leave the kids with him like this…I also know someone like this and his marriage has broken down bc of it . I would leave as this will be his life until he wants to stop. Maybe you leaveing will be the key…
Both my husband and I smoke weed and use different THC products throughout the day. It all depends on what strains you’re using. We stick to Sativa during the day and indicas at night. It sounds like he’s smoking the wrong thing and way too much of it.
Weed keeps one sane nothing wrong with the holy herb
Looking through these comments you asked the wrong crowd, You and your SO should seek professional help not Facebook therapy How would you feel if he was in a group talking about his nagging wife, with so many people commenting to leave you?
I can tell you right now that weed is not going to effect the safety of your children. That’s just ridiculous.
Been there… in the end it didn’t turn out well for me. Ended up parting ways…
So you have been with him for 4 years and you occasionally smoke with him. I’m gonna go ahead and assume he has smoked since you met. You can’t get mad at him full well knowing he was probably like this from the beginning and that you do it to. You need to choose to deal with it or move on if you’ve asked him to slow down and he won’t. Maybe he uses it for pain, or for anxiety that he doesn’t want to tell you about. He can clearly function on it because he still has a job. This sounds more like a you problem especially when yiu say you smoke it to occasionally. You might as well say you can only do it when I want to.
You’re over reacting.
I suggest rolling up yourself.
I don’t necessarily think weed is addictive. With that being said I do believe people can certainly abuse it!
weed is not additive before you get mad at him look up positive properties of weed
Or ask him to cut back
Would you rather him be "addicted " to meth or another hard drug?
You are not overreacting. There is no way I’ll leave my kids with him.
Honestly it depends on the person and hoa they handle weeed yes its addictive i smoke myself so does my husband it depends on the strain and how it affects people indica relieves pain but makes a lot of people irritable or zombies also setiva is more energizing some people have negative effects with weed and they don’t realize it my husband smokes but hes careful and i have had him limit himself it was hard but only fair we have a 14 mo old and about to have a newborn and we have to be responsible
If you smoked with him at different points and he’s been like this your whole relationship then you fell in love with what you viewed as his potential. He has not lived up to what you thought he would so youve disappointed yourself as you had a kid with this man and expected him to “grow up”
Do NOT try to paint people a different color when they show you who they really are.
Also there’s nothing really wrong with smoking weed. If he is truly being too slow to keep the kids safe then maybe it’s not just weed. It does effect everyone different but I have never met someone who smokes a blunt and can’t take care of a child
He fenna cheat cause you getting on his damn nerves
There is nothing wrong with smoking weed I have children and smoke every day so get over it or leave
No, you are not over reacting. My ex was the same way. Please note the word ex.
Anyone wo says you can not be addicted to it is wrong. I FULLY support its recreational use. But yes you can be addicted and it can turn you into qn ahole. He has to hit rock bottom b4 he gets better. Seek addiction help
Omg preach! My old man is the same way, I flip if he smokes and says let’s go do this or that because I’ve got the kids with us and I don’t wanna put them in the vehicle with him.
No, you are not over reacting. My ex was like this and I ended up leaving
Yes you’re over reacting. I highly doubt he’s so ripped that he slowly reacts to everything. I don’t smoke, used too, don’t anymore because it’s not for me. Husband smokes, it helps him A LOT. He’s smokes just as much as your boyfriend, he gets shit done, he goes to work, he takes care of the kids just fine, it helps with his back and neck pain from working out so hard, it makes him level headed and I truly believe it’s medicine for him as well as others. People who have problems with weed truly don’t understand that it’s not bad for you and it does help people in positive ways. I think you might be the only person who has a problem with it.
I’m in a similar situation with weed. To a point where smoking is starting to take over
These comments are wild!! Since when did it become okay to possibly put kids in danger? If this mom feels like her kids are unsafe with someone who is high, why is everyone saying it’s okay?
My ex was the same way. We started dating and he knew I smoked and then all of a sudden out of nowhere 2 years in, he didn’t like that I smoked anymore and told me to choose him or my weed. Well you can see now that he’s my ex. I have my medical card and I have my reasons for smoking.
Idk if the situation is the same for you, but Don’t ask someone to choose you over their mental health, because you will lose more often than not.
Weed CAN be mentally addictive for some people, because some people have naturally addictive qualities.
If you don’t want to be with him anymore because of the weed usage, then explain that to him and either ask him to cut back and help some more with the kids and if he can’t do that, then you have your answer.
Much love Momma!
Sounds about like my bio dad and my childhood. Both of my brothers and myself needed therapy as adults.
Recreational use is one thing. All the time is an addiction
You’re overreacting.
You need to try it, it’s not just to get stoned and stupid, it also helps with anxiety, socializing, depression, pain… and alot more. Research cannabis it’s the miracle plant.
Honestly you are not overreacting. I wouldn’t leave my kids with him either. I was in a similar relationship. You might try talking to him first because if you don’t it could get worse like other drugs.
I was raised by parents that smoke weed and nothing bad ever happened to us. Like it was mentioned probably the wrong strain and probably too much. I smoke weed to help my insomnia at night. It doesn’t affect my parenting abilities I still wake up when my children need me. Help him find the right strain and cut it down a little. Weed isn’t bad or dangerous. Besides my insomnia it helps my anxiety, depression, back pain, and bipolar.
Anything can be dangerous if someone is using it to hide. Hide his true thoughts and feelings, hide from the shitty committee in his head, anything. More times than not men have things built up from childhood til now because they were told they have to be strong, crying is weakness and so they learn to shove it down at a young age but once that jack in the box starts opening it can be agony and that’s when addictive behaviors come about. Marijuana can help or hurt this process. Smoke for an enlightened soul not a numb one is always my go to advice
Nope to me drugs are drugs but I made it clear from the beginning if he does any of it Im out
First off he shouldn’t be a zombie, maybe he needs better weed🤷♀️ 2nd your kids will be fine, my bf smokes, I don’t, but never a problem an he’s a 24/7 smoker unless he’s working, been smoking for 25yrs, he provides for our family well we never go without n fact is id rather have a smoker than a 24/7 drinker or H user
You’re not going to find the answer that you need on Facebook, weed is extremely popular here and they could release studies showing it has negative consequences on certain people and they’d still deny it and we all know that’s the truth.
Anything can be addicting ANYTHING and if he’s putting a plant before his family or responsiblities it’s an issue.
You know the situation better than we do, if he’s slowed and not acting properly when on it tell him flat out it won’t be done when he’s responsible for the kids period their safety comes first and anyone who doesn’t agree that our childrens safety should come before any hobbies, jobs, medications or plants then they’re the ones with the issues.
My ex was the exact same way… I left
Took over his life… time to let him
And his habit go… tell him cya
Sounds like your husband is in a lot of pain, physical and /or emotional/anxiety and should probs see a doctor❤️
You cannot be addicted to smoking weed. If he smokes that much he would have a high tolerance. Maybe he should switch to strains that don’t make him sleepy. He’s gotta be doing something else besides smoking weed if he’s like that.
Courtney Ribbing Katarina Ann
Omg you are crazy over reacting. I think it is fine to smoke and most people who smoke do smoke the better part of the day. Maybe talk to him about switching to a Sativa to help him be active. Or possibly ask him to switch to Cartridges instead which is generally much more mellow.
I’m a smoker and a mother I have 3 kids, I have bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression and ptsd. When I was taking all the meds my doctor prescribed me I couldn’t even get myself out of bed in the mornings to make my kids breakfast. I started smoking weed and stopped all my meds and I can completely function and take care of my children and every other responsibility that I have. Smoking has made me a better parent I’m calm, collected and not feeling like I’m crawling out of my skin 24/7. There’s so many different reasons why people chose to Medicate with marijuana maybe ask him why he smokes.
U can’t get addicted to weed. Anyone who thinks u can is just against weed and an idiot. U are very much overreacting. Ur kids are just fine with him
Unpopular opinion weed is an addictive drug! And drugs should not come before wife and children! Praying for you all in this situation that God would restore your relationship!
Tell him to switch to sativa. If he’s like a zombie he’s most likely smoking indica.
My boyfriend smokes everyday and works full time so I have no problems as long as he isn’t forcing me to
Just dump him, he’s never going to be the perfect man for you! Nothing wrong with being on weed every minute of the day! I’m sure he was a pothead when ya met!
My husband has currently moved out of our house 2 weeks ago, because of the same issue! Where I live it is not legal, and if he were to get pulled over with it in the car and my kids that’s a problem. I personally have never had a problem with marijuana, I know a lot of people use it for medical reasons, but when it controls your life and it’s someone’s top priority over their spouse, kids, family, responsibility…. Then yes there is a problem!!
Shrinks your brain cells and causes paranoia
Not over reacting! Some people get so weird when they’re on weed (that’s why I don’t smoke it I don’t like the way I feel or act) some people are perfectly normal on it and some aren’t. If he’s acting this way then it sounds annoying for sure.
If he smokes that much he should be functioning just fine while he’s high.
You can 100% get addicted to anything. Anything that you HAVE to do before you do other things is an addiction. Even cleaning, drinking, ect. We create addictions. I had a boyfriend of 4 years who put weed before anything. Even finding a good job.
Notice I said HAD.
I’ve also dated guys who smoke and are completely capable of continuing to live life just fine. It just depends on the person. It’s not a weed problem, it’s a HIM problem.
If you don’t agree with smoking weed and fear for the “safety” of your kids, just break up with him.
Sounds like the strain indica it has a downer affect and sativa is an upper, hybrid can be a downer or an upper just depends on if it has more indica or sativa
Currently blazing and I’m a mom of two. Nothing bad has ever happened while I’m stoned. Best thing it does is make me a better patient mom. Have him smoke sativa strains as its more uppity up instead of couch potato.
Oooh this is why I walked from my marriage he had no time for me and my children. It was all about his friends and drugs so I asked him to leave
my man smoked weed his whole life. we have a son together and he works. weed is not a drug.
No your not.
You need to tell him he has to stop doing it near or around your kids. You don’t want them to see it smell it or even see him like that. They will grow up thinking it’s ok. It’s not ok .
Weed r u kidding as I’m sitting here smoking a blunt I be more concerned if he was drinking
Suggest he smoke a different strain.
You are overreacting but he also needs to take it down a notch if it does bother you. He could smoke sativa as it doesn’t make you as tired, but let’s be honest here… If he is smoking that much it means his tolerance is high and therefore I’m sure he functions completely fine. I smoke throughout the entire day and my kids are taking care of beyond words and my home is spotless and meals are always on the table etc.
Weed is much safer than prescription drugs and I’m sure if he had a prescription for something you’d be okay with that because it came from a doctor.
Sit down and talk to him and maybe suggest a different strain or suggest having a few hours out of the day where he doesn’t smoke anything.
Not overreacting at all
Yes you’re overreacting.
Yes, you are not just over reacting you are giving him mixed signals because you made it seem as if it was ok when you smoked with him now you should try to explain the importance of being sober around the children other than that he is a grown man so you can’t tell him what to do but you can let him know how it is making you feel and your concerns
Is he self medicating? Is he just enjoying not being in reality? Why is he smoking so much is the question
It’s him watching the kids for me. Look you might be the type can smoke it and you are cool. I can’t hang. I hit and I’m bout to sleep that dead sleep. I cannot be watching no children. So please for the love of God stop trying to fit everything and everyone into a neat little box. Dated a guy who said he watched his ex wife throw away rat poison. Then watched from other room his toddler son pick it up out of the trash. He ran in and grabbed it right before he stuck it in his mouth. Wife was high and knee deep in her phone. Which maybe it is all the phone. Maybe the weed didn’t hurt the situation anyway. Idk. But again it’s just one scenario. If you are uncomfortable that’s all that is needed in my opinion. Don’t leave him with the kids.
There are so many different strains of weed now days. If your not happy and worried for the safety of your children then separate, but don’t keep his children from him. Personally, CBD oils have served a purpose to a lot of sickness and disease. People who have eating disorders smoke it to get a craving for food. Weed isn’t addiction. I smoked for years and quit, and had no withdrawal what so ever. I know plenty of people with behavioral issues that smoke or chew gummies instead of pharmaceutical drugs that cause them to sleep or too out of it and can’t function. I know plenty of Doctors and Nurses who smoke or gummies or oil . But, you knew how he was when you met him and laid with him to have children. So this decision is on you, not fb opinions.
I smoke everyday and I’m quick on my feet. I am pro weed but I personally would never leave my child with someone who was affected by it that much.
“Before he goes to work” he’s obviously not just sitting and eating and smoking. He’s being productive. It seems like this isn’t a new thing, so if it isn’t, why did you have kids with him if you didn’t want your kids around someone who has smoked weed? If you’re worried about him watching his kids after he smoked then let him know and don’t leave the kids with him if he’s smoked. Let him know when he is watching them and ask him to wait to smoke till you get home. Ultimately if you dont want him smoking and he doesn’t want to stop then it isn’t going to work out. But it doesn’t sound like he’s being a worthless pile of nothingness.
No she is not at all
I’m actually really shocked at how many of you are saying this is ok. Weed may not be a harsh drug, but the reality is that it does alter your mental state while smoking it. It affects EVERYBODY different. And If a women is concerned about her children and this being a problem, where is the support ? JC !! No I’m not a Karen. And no I’m not even saying smoking it is bad. But if someone needs it to get through the day, that’s a problem.
Mumma, if you are worried, aren’t comfortable, or concerned about his ability to father while high, speak up. Make him listen or seek family support.
Well he’s an addict.
It depends, because it’s not for everyone. I wouldn’t want to be around someone high 24/7 … That is self medicating idc what anyone says. My son is 18 and smokes non stop, he feels no emotion ever. What’s cool with one woman or family ain’t for everyone