Your children’s safety is paramount in this situation …your children don’t need to be around this period …
You clearly over reacting it’s nit an addiction if your worried about money then understandable I’m more of a zombie taking my klonpine than smoking. before eating understandable I have to sometimes just so i can eat some morning I need it cause neuropathy in my feet, have you even asked why he smokes all day and is it like 3 joints a day cause that’s 3 grams then that’s alot but if its a bowl here and there cashes it and later smokes another later I don’t see that smoking alit cause some are one hitters, smoking at night might need to Chill and use it to sleep I do that too my oldest child has learned about alot I educate them on all meds and she has straight up told ppl I’d rather her smoke she’s nice and calm and happy I have anxiety and adhd my other children don’t know as they are not old enough my kids are taken care of as well and plenty of food and clean house and it’s kept up locked in our room. Talk to him
I wouldn’t put up with it. Been there done that. No patience for irresponsible “parents.” That’s exactly what he is. Just because it’s legal they think it’s okay. You’re not allowed to show up to work drunk, why would they show up high? It’s just selfish and immature.
If you smoked it with him then yeah your over reacting
Well, I wouldn’t treat it as if he was doing pill or something. But just suggest maybe smoking only before bed if he likes it to sleep. Or maybe even once a day as a treat. But smoking all day after every thing is too much and it’s too much money. His kids need to be a priority. If he’s being a dad and doing what he needs to then he’s okay but just remind him and try to ease him off of smoking so often. It’ll cause him to be to depending on the weed and not focusing on other stuff instead
Stativa and indica are the strains you non smokers need to read the benefits of both they can be hybrid both body and mind or one for the body one for the mind
No not overreacting he needs help! I had a daughter that way she been rehab 7 times leads to other stuff addiction is addiction
No you are not overreacting! It would bother me too. I understand the medical purposes of weed but to need it constantly and to do anything is a bit much. You’re validated to feel however you want. Have a talk with him and keep your kiddos safe!
Legal? Yes. Medicine? Yep I agree with that too, for anxiety, depression, pain, eating disorders etc. does someone need to be high 24/7? No not at all. I wouldn’t put up with it
You can be addicted to non addictive things. Just because it isn’t a hard drug doesn’t mean that he isn’t causing harm to those around him by using it all the time. You don’t consume pornography but you can be addicted to it. Same goes for gambling or shopping. Behaviours that are compulsory for the person using it, and having negative effects on one’s self or those around them is a problem.
If something…anything…is a problem for you, speak up to HIM! Communicate your concern and your needs and listen to his. Go from there. Outside of legal or not/medicinal or not, any chemical (natural or otherwise) affects people differently. Only you know if this is an issue but he can’t choose whether or not make a change if he doesn’t know there’s a problem. If he brushes off your concerns without really listening, then his smoking isn’t the biggest problem.
Reevaluate your goals in life and from there see if your priorities line up still, if they dont then its time to move on for you if your not comfortable with who he is now. For me weed helps me focus, be productive and stay motivated to get things done. If he is constantly sedated and wants to be that way then there’s a reason for that and there’s underline issue that may not be easily seen.
Ya i wouldn’t allow that ever but thats me… i dont want another child for a boyfriend. I needed someone motivated and wants to get up and do things. But again thats me. I don’t like what weed does to me. It’s fine right before bed or for bad pain, but dont be a bum
Maybe he is doing it because he has stuff going on that he doesn’t talk about and that’s how he copes with everything !
Marijuana is a medicine…and nothing compared to any kinda drug imo. I mean, do ppl go to rehab for weed? Or prostitute to smoke weed?
Lol its recreational and medicinal in many places. If he takes care of his family, supports you, and treats you well, whats the problem. Many people function like he does without a problem.
What’s the age of your children?
That’s a no huge for me. But I wouldn’t date someone that smokes it to begin with. Smoking is gross all around.
Do not leave your children alone with him as you said its turning him into a zombie anything could happen! you would not leave them with an alcoholic so don’t leave them with him… Maybe tell him you don’t appreciate him smoking it in the day all day xxx
I’m sorry. Lawd .
I smoke weed and I completely understand your point. I personally don’t feel like I am high functioning while high, and I wouldn’t trust myself to appropriately take care of my children. I know just what you’re going through. People claim that being high is nothing like being drunk, but I found they’re about equivalent for me.
In my opinion I don’t think your overreacting i would feel the same way. Especially if doing and smell all the time.
You’re 1000% valid in your concerns. You’re with a stoner. That in itself isn’t a bad thing but I’d NEVER let anyone high drive my kid or even be alone with him if it’s a problem for you, it should be a problem for him.
Lots of eye rolls and making fun of you in this thread but just ignore that. Weed is seen as cute and natural and different somehow than pills and other things but it’s still just an escape and a coping mechanism like the rest of the vices. You don’t become chemically dependent but you can absolutely become dependent on weed. Been there
Lol. My husband smokes & is totally awesome with our kids. But he also doesn’t smoke all day either. So idk how that is. But he’s still acts like the same person when he smokes just calmer!
Leave! I have been in this situation and it doesn’t change! Just leave
Your priorities and preferences have changed. He’s where you were and you’ve grown past all that. That happens. He’s your boyfriend not husband, so just leave the relationship. It’s not saying he’s a bad guy, he’s just not the one for you. As for the kids, your maternal instincts tells you if your kids are safe with him or not. I don’t care who it is, never leave your kids with anyone they are not safe around. Period!
The comments saying you cant be addicted to weed are so wrong. And im not against it at all, but addiction to marajunna can and does happen. I believe that having an underlying Psychiatric disorder may play a huge role with a marajuna addiction none the less, it definitely happens. If this gets to a point where he prioritizes buying pot over paying bills, rent or providing for his family, then theres a problem.
Has your significant other always been like this or is the behavior of excessively using fairly new? I believe that you’re best option is to calmly and privately sit him down and discuss your concerns. Ask him if he believes if he has the ability to cut down and if he’s willing to do so… try an see if you two can come up with a compromise.
I seen a comment where a girl mentioned the sativa strand. Sativa will allow him to be more active and functional, if hes smoking indica he should stop, or only smoke it before bed when the kids are asleep.
Sativa strand-functional, active.
Indiga strand-
In the couch
Also, I would definitely lay a ground rule that he’s not to drive the children around while high. Smoking does impair your reaction time. Ive been in cars w people who can drive just fine while high and also been a passenger with people who cannot. When your children are involved its not even worth the risk. I Truly hope hes able to come to a compromise with you and you two are able to move forward.
It’s weed. Not crack. He works right? He supplies for the fam right? You aren’t going broke over it right? Then hmm. I know ppl who have mental illness and weed is the only thing that keeps them calm and from pain like headaches. I have a friend with ADHD (adult) and this is how she focuses. I don’t smoke weed myself but I get it and as long as no money is being stolen and kids are being mistreated I don’t personally see a deal with it
If he has to smoke to exist, it’s definitely a problem.
My advice would be to back off, it’s weed. If he starts putting white power up his nose then you should worry. If he’s smoking every day all day, like me, then I searously doubt he’s a zombie when he smokes. Weed is likely medicine for most adults that smoke. It’s great for ADHD. Go ahead and leave him over something so small and he will get 50/50 custody and will have the kids regardless.
I was more addicted to drinking then I have ever been from smoking weed. Smoking keeps me from drinking. Helps me sleep and eat. I could smoke all day every day. But I dont. What issues does he have going on that have never been addressed let alone diagnosed? I’d rather someone be high off weed then drunk or spun out on meth.
He is not “addicted”, he just loves it.
He sounds selfish and immature to be honest.
I would cut bait and find an adult to be with.
You are very much over reacting lmaooooooooo. As some call themselves “wine mom’s” I call myself a “weed mom” and my husband is very much a “weed dad” and he’s damn good at being a father.
There’s a line between addiction and recreational and he’s crossed it. Set firm boundaries and make sure the kids are safe
Weed affects everyone differently. I smoke 2 or 3 times a day everyday, and can care for my kids just fine. I firmly believe I’m a better parent in some ways while medicated, that being said it definitely doesn’t hold true for everyone.
So if he is really turning zombie mode and slow to react and you feel he isn’t up to snuff, then trust that. He’s either smoking way too much, lying about what he’s really doing, or his body just reacts strongly to thc.
Regardless, If you don’t trust his care do not leave them in his care.
If you are going to discuss this with him educate yourself on the pros AND cons of marijuana and the DIFFERENT ways it can effect everyone. He may not want to admit it, but it may affect him in a way that means he needs to reevaluate his habit.
I’m pro cannabis, pro legalization, an avid supporter and user in many forms.
But it’s not for everyone, and it is something the adults in a household should be on the same page about.
I was in the exact same situation. It’s important to me to raise my kids in a drug free environment with sober parents and that is how it should be. Bottom line is you need a strong and present partner and this guys head is in the smoke and he’s useless to you. You will be miserable trying to force yourself to be okay with this. I’m guessing your kids are little but he is their influence so your kids will grow up to be pot heads too. I would definitely ask him to leave.
Some people in these comments don’t understand that you can be psychologically addicted to weed and they’re getting big mad
Everyone handles it differently… Alot of people you can’t even tell, then you have people like your husband who turn into zombies… Sadly until he admits he has a problem, there isn’t much you can do for him.
Many people who smoke daily use it to treat physical or mental illness. Would you feel differently if he went to a dr and got a medical diagnosis and a prescription card? It seems like you just don’t like smoking so you don’t want him to do it either… you pointed out that it’s fine when he’s doing it with you.
I’m a mom of two and smoke all day everyday and my kids a great🤣 I have ptsd and really bad anxiety so I definitely smoke a lot of weed but I also have my med card and do it legally. But as far as being a “zombie” that’s not me lol my kids don’t allow it
So I’m iffy on my opinion of this. First are you in a legal state? I know plenty of people in my state who are prescribed marijuana by a legal doctor and need it for mental illnesses, chronic pain etc. Also smoking it as prescribed or to help these things is different than doing it constantly. There’s also different strands for different times of the day. Honestly it’s not just a “weed is bad” discussion there’s a LOT more too it
Omg:joy: addicted to weed:joy: what a dumb statement
This whole post is comedy
leave him… there won’t be any amount of changing that type of addiction/use… and if it’s making you uncomfortable it’s time to say goodbye
Girl take a puff and chill the hell out🤣
You cant get with someone an accept it at first and even do it with them, then suddenly change and expect them to change. He hasnt changed, you have.
Weed parents are still good parents. As long as your child isn’t being neglected just let him relax how he chooses. Honestly, it helps me with my IBS-D in the mornings so I usually take a few puffs in the morning so I can stay away from the toilet. It’s a very helpful tool for a multitude of things. And it’s safe. Just keep it away from the kids
I’m guilty lol but I’m also the most productive pothead around
The amount of people that are saying it’s fine really worries me…
Sounds like my smoke schedule.
It’s what he enjoys, you knew this berfore you had children to him, mine was the same, but said he wanted to quit when baby arrived, which didn’t happen, and I was fine with that, as its his life and his choice, and he was mindful of where he smoked, and if I was leaving the kids with him, he wouldn’t smoke prior or while he was with them, so worked well, have a sit down and talk, telling him to stop is unreasonable, but asking him not to leave the kids unattended to go smoke it, is fair enough.
A lot of y’all are dependent on weed to get by and it shows.
id leave. i dont put up with this shit. im not against it but i am against it around kids. u gonna smoke fine but do it when kids are gone or asleep
Lol at least it’s not crack
Over reacting, I smoke a lot (aside from being at work) but if I didn’t have to work I’d be ’d 24/7.
If you aren’t happy, break up.
Also, y’all are only hearing one side of the story. Always two sides to any story.
I smoke all day every day and im a very functional adult and mom of 3 kids. Ive been smoking for 20 yrs. I think your boyfriend is just a lazy idiot. Dont blame the pot. Find you a real man!!
ID be upset too. If for recreation, he needs go grow up. If medically, there’s a problem if he has to use that much that he’s a zombie cause not safe
If he’s turning into a zombie girl there’s more than just weed in what he’s smoking
Exactly no one has ever overdosed on pot! Should be legal anyways
Not overreacting and only other stoners would be okay with this. It is negatively effecting your life and thus is a problem that needs intervention. I would suggest counseling if it is available to you. If he is unwilling to change, leave.
Well I’m a daily smoker and I can function just fine. I mean yeah if he’s actually slow, maybe not before driving or anything critical but otherwise, what can you do?
I smoked a lot every day (I smoke a vaporizer now because I’m trying to quit) but I was completely functional. Especially considering people’s tolerances are different.
Sorry but the ones who are saying to leave him seriously it will make him worse been a smoker for 15 years quit 4 times completely given up and partner it’s taken a while but he has cut down heaps every now and then he smokes to chill which I don’t have a problem with try and compromise and keep reminding him that it drains money eats away your body as you get older it takes its effects on you there was even a snappy paranoid side that was scaring me he had to come to terms with it himself he’s stopped and is so much better now
Would you rather have him in a bar drink and being a alcoholic.
What kind of weed is he smoking to make him a zombie
Nothing wrong with pot. I wake and bake, smoke daily. Work and raise good kids. As long as he isn’t aggressive toward you when he’s run out and doesn’t have any. Than it all good.
That’s addiction. It’s not for fun or meds. It’s to get high. If he cannot realize that you need to leave. Addiction is a choice. He chooses to roll one and smoke it. it’s a choice.
We smoke everyday I’d rather him smoke than drink
The smell alone I would not be happy is husband had that smell on him 24/7. The fact that it turns you into somewhat of a slow motion zombie is another story. He just liked it more than you and thought he could control the addiction but now it’s controlling him. If you don’t like it, move on. You don’t need to stay with there. You are not a tree. But he will soon turn into one.
Get a new man if ur unhappy n bothers u tht much
I smoke 24/7. Saves me from shitting all over myself.
Ya’ll realize that not everyone is capable of being a “functional” stoner, right? Just b/c YOU can smoke all day & go to work, be with ur kids, etc., he obviously can’t. Just like not all ppl can handle having just one drink, everyone is different. And Marijuana is not physically addicted, I get that, but it can be psychologically addicting… best believe I’ve witnessed it. And I use to smoke all day every day, but I CHOSE to, I didn’t HAVE to, see the difference? I have no problem with ppl who smoke, but if it’s to the point where u can’t function without it, & ur affecting ur family & friends b/c of it, then u have a problem & u need to stop. But hey, what do I know, my ex would spend his last dollar on weed instead of formula or diapers for our son So to the OP, if he refuses to even cut down, cut ur losses & move on… b/c he’ll never change. Part of growing up IS in fact growing up, that comes with change & accepting that sometimes change needs to happen. Good luck.
Mayb get him to a medical clinic where they can assess him and give him flower for the day a sativa and flower for night an indica (so he can function to your liking). He Mayb smoking for pain or depression. Taking it away could make things worse. Slowly tapering down would b best.
He needs a different strain pot then! My husband and I smoke weed. Morning, lunch, few joints at night. We both work full time, raise a family, own our home, 3 cars and function just fine.
The amount of people saying addiction is a choice is just alot of addiction starts from trauma. Or long term effects of bodily injury. You don’t just wake up one day & say “I think I’ll hit a meth pipe today just to try it.” It’s a chemical imbalance in the brain and it’s literally been proven by doctors. Stop telling recovered & recovering addicts it’s a choice when it ISN’T.
I don’t blame you for feeling that way. Seems a lot commenting like to smoke all day and feel they function ‘just fine’. I respectfully but completely disagree. My husband likes to smoke at night when the kids are in bed. Not in the morning, not at lunch, not while driving, not while carrying for our children. If that was the case, for me, I’d be out. Why would I want to be with someone who can’t handle life to the point that they need to be high to function? And that they think that’s normal. That’s not normal. Sorry. Time and a place, moderation, safety, family first.
Lmao this is hilarous
Are you dating my husband?
I mean it sounds like he is just lazy and you’re blaming it onnthe smoking. Me and my SO smoke daily, multiple times a day and we function just fine. Most peoplenwould never even know we had smoked. Maybe he is using something other than weed also?
I agree with the “just lazy” theory.
My husband smokes allday but he functions so I can’t help with the zombie part. He needs to find a sativa that works for him so he can stay awake
Actually the problem is seems like he doesn’t have the right smoking buddy
I’d say smoking it to relax n the evenings is fine with someone is watching kids. I would not agree to smoking it b4 work. Do they give drug test? He could lose his job. And if he is watching kids or you are out and about he needs to make a sacrifice to not do it then. Just solely for the purpose of being responsible and alert to be aware of what your kids are doing and being able to take care of them. And just out of respect for you he shouldn’t if you go out. But I see no problem with it in the evenings to relax.
Well contrary to a lot of peoples opinions you can get addicted to weed and since he’s choosing that over anything else it’s now a problem. You can try to reason with him but most addicts aren’t going to see your point of view and unless he can wean himself/ stop you may have to think of next steps without him because you are definitely right. I know people who just become goofy, sleepy and not safe ( forget food in stove , catching stuff on fire) just not ok. It’s sad and hard but it’s a problem for him if he can’t function in his opinion without it. Good luck. I hope he can slow his usage and be the partner parent you and your kids need…
Definelty wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving kids with him.
So what if he smokes weed. I medicate myself with weed instead of prescribed medications that do zombify me. There are people who can and cannot highly function on marijuana. I mentally and physically could not function on medication. I’m a Single mother to a two-year-old, he’s not bad for smoking weed. try sit down and ask him why he thinks he has to smoke so much as it could be physical pain mental pain or he might even find spending time with them a little bit better when he’s got the giggles. But personally don’t go out and thinking that your husband is a bad person just for smoking weed. Some people these days function better on it. It’s a hard world out there.
I feel like it would be fine in moderation- but all day every, ESPECIALLY around kids is a no from me. If he’s depended on it to get through the day, it may be an issue (in my opinion.) I would ask to maybe cut back on it a little bit because of not only how it makes you feel, but because of the children. If it’s a big issue- you may need to reconsider your relationship and where you stand with him. If you did something he was uncomfortable with im sure he’d feel the same way.
I know someone who smokes marijuana for debilitating pain because the meds they give him for his medical problem cause him horrible stomach ulcers. And then pain meds are addictive.
That being said , he is careful when he smokes it. And he would never smoke it when he had kids around even if he is in pain.
So….your boyfriend has a problem. It is so hard to get away from.
If he doesn’t see the problem there really isn’t much you can do.
Your number one job is to protect your children.
It’s sad that there’s so many laugh reacts. An addiction is an addiction. This person is asking for advice and laughing at them is uncalled for.
I personally have nothing against people that want to smoke but if it’s something that’s making this person concerned about the kids welfare why the fuck are we laughing at that.
If he’s bringing in money and getting all his responsibilities done, I don’t see a problem. Let him enjoy his life. However, if his habit is affecting bills or he slacking in his responsibilities then he needs to change his smoking habit.
Encourage him to find a new strain that works for him. Not all strains work for all people.
Yes you are over reacting. Leave him alone.
Agreeing with just lazy. My soon to be Ex husband. If he wants to smoke that much then he needs to motivate himself.
Some people self medicate with it which is a lot better for them then pills
Smoke a joint and relax
Is there a reason? Is he trying to mask pain? Anxiety? Depression?
Addicted?! Lol like have we not learned anything lately he just doesn’t want to do shit it has nothing to do with weed millions smoke and possibly way more than your husband and still function just fine
Its actually a mental dependance not an addiction and thats a him thing because i have a few friends the smoke for medical reasons and they all work and are raising beautiful healthy children and are happy and productive.
I can’t be with a man who smokes weed all day everyday, I tried and kicked his ass to the curb… I couldn’t do it. Like living with a little ass kid.
My ex did that, and if he didn’t have weed, would throw an all out temper tantrum. He won’t change unless he wants to.