I gotta smoke before I do anything too🤣 but I’m a single mom of 3 kids and still get everything done on my own .
Does he have anxiety? I know a lot of people who smoke rather than take meds
Life is ruff, take a puff
If it messes with his judgement or reflexes around the kids. Then yes he need to calm down. It isn’t worth being so dam slow that you never get to your kid drowning or being electrified. Like wth bruh
So do I
If he’s funding it what’s the problem??
You can be high and do things I’m a server and I smoke and my bf smokes whenever he has a free moment from the kids we have a vape pen so we just open the back door take a few puffs and get on back to what we’re doing I’m a major pot head and I got 2 kids sounds like he just doesn’t want to help with the kiddos
Hubs smokes all day everyday and he is absolutely wonderful daddy to our littles. He has normal reaction tome
That would be so annoying! I use to all day in high school and as a young adult… tell him grow up and smoke it at night like normal adults do.
I smoke all day every day and maintain a full time job plus raise my children by myself. So hes just LAZY, plain and simple
Wow it’s weed leave him alone
If he’s smoking until he’s incapable of caring for your kids or providing other ways of help at home or work then you absolutely aren’t over reacting. But I know plenty of people who smoke 24/7 and hold down jobs and are awesome parents so it could just be a him issue cause it doesn’t effect everyone this way … maybe find a different type of smoke?
Maybe he just smoking the wrong strain, heavy indicas will make me slow…or hes just plain lazy. I use medically as an alternative to opioids and Im actually MORE productive with a sativa and i use indica to sleep. I dont drive while high though so its usually an at home activity. Unless its a concert or other adult fun time place and my hubs is driving but like I said when I smoke, im more hyper because I have less pain. Depends on the person which strain affects them in certain ways. Best to have a professional recommend something.
I would worry more if it was even alcohol, bud is the least of the issue. If he has to be all the time maybe sit and talk with him about it
I don’t allow it in my home because my daughter is here, my partner getting high isn’t worth the trouble that could come. That said, I don’t mind weed or smoking but I understand not wanting your partner to be high all day everyday. They aren’t being attentive to you or the kids because they are out back all day instead. Who wants to go out to dinner or functions with a high partner. Never knowing if it’s in the car or on person so they can never haul the kids anywhere. Granted most of this applies because it’s not legal in my state. I’d have far less concerns if weed was legalized already, but until then I value my daughters home and childhood first.
Yes you are over reacting. It’s just weed and it may be medicine to him. I’m a medical paitent and I couldn’t function properly without it. And it doesnt take much to snap out of a high in a serious situation. Let the dude smoke his weed.
Date someone who doesn’t smoke. Easy fix.
Is he medical ? Because I am and if my gf didn’t support me in this she would be gone. Period . But she understands that I’m a disabled army veteran who has smoked weed since 2016 and I use concentrates and edibles but again my gf supports me in this. I have 3 kids and it affects me in making me more tolerable to the things they do that I know my grandparents would have beat the shit out of me for. Also it makes me superbly empathetic and want to spend tummy time with them or just draw or whatever they want to do. Also it helps me sleep at night otherwise I’d be up till 4am thinking of crap and my mind racing 100 miles an hr. I also used to smoke 15 to 20 cigarettes a day and dip and now I do no tobacco products PERIOD.
It ain’t the weed. I smoke 24/7 and still run a business full time with at least 50 hours a week as the sole employee, raise two kids, take care of my ill dad, and manage two households. It’s a motivation problem, not a smoking problem. Does he need therapy? I know when my mental health is rough I have a hard time staying motivated to do things.
He’s endangering the kids safety in many ways. He’s risking everything. Risking something happening to them while he’s high and is unable to care for them, considering it’s still illegal he’s risking getting caught and the kids being taken away depending on the severity of it! Not to mention if u are with him and it happens u will also be charged. So therefor it’s not “just pot” especially when you are a parent. You and your children deserve better.
what was the question
Full time smoker here. Any time of day any chance I get. I don’t drink alcohol or do other substances. But I love my weed. I’m a mom of one and love to play when Stoney. I also run an animal rescue full time, I can tell you weed doesn’t slow me down. Maybe he needs a different strain or something. Weed helps my soul
Try giving him concentrates if they are legal their higher Thc and less smell
OK first of all are you in a legal state that has a big part to play in it
Addicts never see the wrong in what they do.
Some of these comments are great. Lol. It’s weed FFS it’s not meth…
I Mary Jane and smoke regularly. I’ve never ever been to high to function. At most I get crazy ass munchies and make a buffet like I did today.
I always go by the adage “is it affecting your life to do it” qnd sounds like in your partners case it is.
Smoking pot shouldnot actually inhibit you that much so he’s definitely smoking WAY too much
Just ask him to slow it down and stick to at night before bed
My fiancé smokes weed he has a medical card. In Michigan one parent can be high but the other parent has to be sober just in case somethin was to happen. Yes I smoke to but I only do it at night when all my kids are in bed for the night it helps me sleep I don’t smoke during the day I wouldn’t be able to function with my five kids so I choose to do it at night only that’s before I go to sleep for the night.
Oh my gosh….You two should not be parents. Please take away these children. You two have no shame. You two are a POS. Children are precious , they are innocent . I feel sorry for them. Get help. You both need it.
He clearly can’t deal with reality. You aren’t over reacting
A zombie? I need some of that weed
you are not over reacting. You boyfriend had a serious problem. Please get out of that situation.
Um, u can get over it… I hope u don’t drink alcohol then… seeing as BOTH are legal in most states …
Constantly stoned and with your kids? I think you answered your own question here. You don’t need strangers to tell how how this works. Good luck using the back bone god gave you.
If he gets so high that he can’t care for the children properly, then he needs to cut back! Children should always come first. I’d sit down an try to talk to him. Share your concerns about the children.
So so many judgy asss ppl
Not overreacting. How annoying and frustrating
I bet that most of the women being judgy and rude prolly drink a bottle of wine a day and see no problem with that lmao
the only thing you “can do” is control your reaction. Which means, leave him. Don’t allow for him to be in charge of your children unsupervised. You can’t fix it, so fix you.
Damn i smoke all day every day and I do good!
Always remember Your kids come first 100%. Your choice
Are you sure its only weed he is doing?
That’s a big no for me! Anything that is all day everyday weather it’s legal or not is a problem. That’s addiction and a problem
Smoking marijuana does not make you a bad parent. Although, it’s not for everyone.
Maybe communicate with him; does it help him? Does he have anxiety, depression, etc?
Nothing wrong with smoking, but all day and to the point he’s like a zombie? That is a problem. Also that lazy zombie crap would get to me also. You need to talk to him and find out WHY he needs to smoke so much? Sounds like he trying to escape from reality have a deep talk.
I stopped reading at “addicted to smoking weed” yes you’re over reacting. Grow tf up. lol
Oh em geeeee lmfaoooo some of yall seem like you NEED to smoke a fucking blunt and re fuxking lax
So sorry for you and the kids. I know it must be difficult living with a zombie so my advice is to tell him he has to leave for the sake of the children, if you don’t before you know it the kids will be doing the same thing then you will have 3 zombies to live with
If he smokes indica strains then hes in da couch. Switch strains and get sativa it’s the pick up strains.
What example do you want for your kids? Where could the money and time go that’s spent on it? Where do you want your life to be with the kids?
I think you’re dating my ex lol!
Weed is harmless, and you sound like you need some lol
Get over it. He could be doing worse things
If he works and the bills are paid, who cares? If he smokes regularly then he’s not getting so stoned he can’t care for his children, trust me, his tolerance is high. Nobody has ever overdosed or died from weed but people die everyday from cigarettes or alcohol so pick your battles.
It’s annoying, and definitely something to worry about if he’s slow to react, however, weed in non addictive. He’s just a jerk. lol
Gosh I can’t stand the “get over it” dope heads. Like really? He’s going to work high, yall. That’s not ok. “He’s paying bills, leave him be.” Yeah, wait until there’s an accident and they pop his butt. Use your common sense.
I’m a smoker and I’m 100% behind the use of bud. But as with every thing in life- it should be in moderation. Being high all day every day is a problem. There may be an underlying mental issue. Maybe he should talk to someone? I don’t know. I don’t have much advice but your feelings are very valid and he needs to change it. Ignore all the other folks telling you different.
Lmao sorry but that’s the stoner life. I have ptsd and have to smoke before eating but some people have to smoke before doing anything. He can have anxiety and thats his way to feel better. It’s natural and unlike anti anxiety/anti depressants. Its a plant so hes most likely not addicted but dependant or needs it to eat/sleep /socialize. If you don’t talk to him about it you can’t figure out why, also if you just judge him and think it’s annoying maybe there’s deeper cause than we think
if he’s working paying bills,in the house, being loyal!! THEN LET HIM SMOKE HIS BUD!
The slow to react thing is a bit confusing tbh. But anything that makes you feel all this anxiety is clearly a problem for the long term of this relationship. What you choose to tolerate is up to you. For me personally, I’ll put up with a pothead anyday, over a drunk.
I must be an unsafe mother and amount to nothing.
If he was smoking when you met, then you were okay with it. Quit whining about it now.
Maybe he’s using it to treat a medical problem (like depression or anxiety) without realizing why he feels he needs it all the time. I’d try to get him to see primary doctor to see if maybe there is something else he can take that doesn’t get him so out of it.
He should know then not to drive with them and only be with the kids if they’re old enough. He should be able to find a strain that doesn’t turn him into a zombie unless that’s what he’s specifically going for.
I personally don’t know how people function this way… when you’re smoking, you’re inebriated it’s plain and simple… I think it’s fine to do recreationally, weekends, socially stuff like that… but to smoke all day, everyday is a little much! That’s just my opinion anyway. I categorize it along with alcohol. It alters your state of mind.
I would be concerned as well. Mostly about how it affects him. My husband smokes all day, every day. He functions normally. No impaired abilities at all. Me, on the other hand, I only smoke in the evenings, after I’m home with no reason to leave the house and for me, I get serious munchies, dizzy and lazy. All I wanna do is sleep. So yes, I would be concerned. If that’s how he reacts to smoking weed, I wouldn’t leave the kids unattended with him. If he wants to sit around smoking after the kids are in bed, and zones out, then fine, but he needs to be a responsible parent and obviously, he can’t do that when smoking since it affects him that way.
If the guy doesn’t do it around kids, makes money, is around for the kids and is actually a good father well it’s fine but weed doesn’t just make you a zombie… there’s different strains for different things, some actually gives you energy, some strains just takes away anxiety… it’s for many different purposes but you can abuse it yes…
Maybe you need to evaluate the situation and accept thar your partner may not stop and if not you need to ask “is this the life for me? Can and will I be happy? Can I accept you for the way you are to right now?” And you will have your answer. This is the exact questions I had to ask my self. I had to stop trying to fix everything and respect who he was but if I wasn’t happy with what was in front of me I had to walk away. Good luck
My issue would be if it is ILLEGAL in your state. To me that would make it irresponsible to do, such as any other recreational drug, especially with babies. Weed in itself does not bother me though. It’s the legality of it & whether it could cause your babies to be taken from you or not! I live in Texas where it is absolutely illegal & refuse to partake while my babies are so young… but that is just me
Not over reacting. I would find that highly annoying:/ funny how when it comes to men watching porn everyone says if you voice your feelings about watching porn and they ignore hes a bad person… but if you voice your concern over his smoking habits YOUR over reacting. Me nor my hubby smoke weed and i have nothing against it but i would find that very annoying…almost like your not good enough for them to be “a little more sober”(by that i mean cut back)id feel something is wrong with me for yim to have to smoke so much🤷♀️ thats me. I dont think your over reacting
For 1, ma’am you met him that way, so you must accept him that way. You cannot paint someone a different color than the shade they have already chosen for themselves. 2, ask yourself if you would be this upset if it was alcohol or if you are just being biased because marijuana does not have the same social standing as alcohol? 3, does he give you crap if you drink, or whatever the hell it is you choose to do in your time? 4, as long as he’s still holding to his responsibilities, if not then you make a truce where he shows he’s dependable with said responsibilities or he is to only par take when he is not going to be responsible for anything within a few hour span
I have a feeling he’s been doing this since day one. Don’t expect to change him.
My kids father smokes all day … shit sometimes I smoke… but he takes care of his responsibilities he is a great father…sometimes I use to complain but then I met him smoking like that so why ask to change now…and just because I take breaks doesn’t mean he has too… As long as he taking care of his responsibilities and paying the bills taking care of yall kids what’s the issue…
Recreational drugs should be just that - recreationally - not ‘lifestyle’.
Most parents give it up once they have children -
You two should discuss it.
Golly, how much is it even costing you two?
I don’t function normally without smoking when I wake up.
How much is too much we talking ? My bf smokes a quarter up in 2 days & it pisses me off cause nobody has 90 dollars every 2 days for some damn weed
He has an addiction and it should be treated like any other addiction. It’s not acceptable bc it’s weed and it’s definitely not cool.
It affects everyone differently. I personally cannot smoke week but I wish I could for my anxiety. It gives me terrible panic attacks. I’ve tried about 6 different times and it’s always the same
I think a lot of people smoke at the same times he does , waking up, before eating, and before bed especially…the only reason before work would be a problem is depending on his job type
No you are not over reacting. Don’t anyone ever tell you that you are. When men smoke like that all day and have ur kids. They’re jeopardizing their safety. I would tell him he needs to quit. That shit ain’t good
1st off everyone laughing at these posts should be cut from this group, people come here for advice for their real life problems and situations, not to be laughed at…2nd you are not overreacting, I know people like this and it absolutely affects their decision making…(if it doesn’t affect you this way stay off this comment with your opinions)…you have every right to be concerned when the kids are involved… you just seriously need to have a conversation with him and make a decision for yourself if the relationship is worth it if he won’t stop
So Unattractive…a man who is a zombie everyday has nothing to offer me or my kids.
People will show you who they are. Believe him the first time. The only person you can change is you
People change, people grow, boundaries change, and well when it comes to children… There’s no questioning the matter. Just what your next choice is. Your kids are seeing everything in their lives for the first time. Every moment, every interaction, most conversations. What they see is “normal.” Its normal because the most important people in their lives are accepting of it. It’s what you decide you want their normal to be. Kids are never to young to understand. Everything you give to them is what they learn.
I mean is this a new behaviour or has he always been this way? Did you have kids with him expecting he’d change? That’s a big mistake if so.
It doesn’t matter if people think you are overreacting. If you are not happy with it and he won’t change, you have to do what is best for you. I want a partner, not a blob. I want a partner, not a project. I would end a relationship before I will tolerate a mans bullshit for one second.
The weed isn’t the problem in my opinion it’s your husband. Plenty of people out there smoke weed all day every day heavily. And are active non lazy people.
He’s addicted just like so many others. I know people like that it’s All day long. 24-7
He’s not gonna change unless he wants to. An he may some day. He needs to think of the kids. Children learn from what they see an hear. JS
My first baby daddy was exactly like that. Could not function at all on weed! Hated how stupid he would get honestly. Like no brain cells lol.
But my boyfriend/ baby daddy now can completely handle his weight and does everything high and smokes throughout the day. And functions perfectly.
Everyone is different. I don’t smoke by the way. Never cared for it.
And I wouldn’t say weed is addicting for some. Some people need it for back pain, epilepsy, headache etc. so I don’t judge on that matter.
Uh are you dating my ex? Lmao if so no it’s not normal
The fact that you told everyone about it means you are over reacting
He obviously is depending on a substance to get him through the day- that’s NOT normal. That is how my ex husband’s addiction got started. Eventually weed wasn’t enough so he moved to pills , and so on and so forth. By the time we broke up he was on meth… thats NOT the case with everyone. But it is definitely a red flag.
I honestly think you May need a break. If he can’t quit for his family. He’s got a problem. He may need counseling or something!
Marijuana is not addictive. Tell him to get sativa and not indica. Maybe you should ask him if he’s okay. Have you tried that? I know when mg husband is stressed he’ll do it more than normal. It helps with a lot of things.
I like to smoke weed and I smoke the same way. My husband hates that I can’t control it. I didn’t see the problem until I quit and cleared my head. It really is just like any other addiction. If he isn’t willing to quit you have to make decisions
I highly doubt it’s the weeds fault. He’s probably just a loser. Sorry
He definitely doesn’t have to smoke that much, maybe 2-3 times a day if that and u say he works, I mean that great for how much he smokes. U can tell him it’s bothering u but idk if it will help anything. Best of luck hun
Well if my man got caught with it in his system his great job would be done and his license too so I wouldn’t be happy so before work is a no and if I’m not home and he’s alone with kids no…otherwise I tell him to do him
You reckon he could me some
Maybe you should get him a medical card single mom of 2 im a stoner with a medical card my kids are well taken care of so yes your over Reacting you knew how he was and still had kids with him so now its a problem
No ur not over reacting,Hope u don’t marry him,