Am I overreacting?

Nope… I agree… I would leave.


Damn, both me and my boyfriend are like this😂

Give him an ultimatum and if he still continues to pick his weed leave.


I just came in for the comments, it was as I expected :joy:
It could be so much worse, he could’ve picked up drinking or hard core shit like Meth or something, pot doesn’t even register on that scale.
Have you asked him WHY he smokes so much? I have Bipolar ( broad term for a handful of issues ) and smoking is the only non pharmaceutical treatment that does what i need it to do, without taking a handful of pills ( which some pills treat the side effects of other pills )

Girl, smoking weed is not substance abuse because it is impossible to be physically “Addicted”…Rather he smokes recreational or prescribed medical marijuana…weed is simply just a plant. That’s all it is. One simply smokes the bud that the flower provides. What makes that so horrible? Studies have and continue to prove the benefits marijuana has in a number of different scenarios. Being “Stoned” isn’t something he should be judged for. Marijuana is alot safer than alcohol for instance. I’d rather deal with a stoner then a drunk. :woman_shrugging: Atleast a stoner can control his actions. In the end its your choice, it’s your life, but to be so dramatic because your man smokes pot…give the guy a break. I think yall need to twist one up…sit on the back porch…puff, puff, pass and reminisce old times. :green_heart:


Count your blessings, he ain’t beating or cheating on ya , so what he needs something to feel relaxed :joy: at least he ain’t jerking off before everything, jk :grin::rofl:


Mine does this too… he smells like a walking bong. I am so annoyed too. He spends a lot of money on it. I mean he’s a hard working and a good father. But it stinks always!


To the people that say you cant get addicted to Marijuana…:rofl::rofl::rofl:


I would rather have someone smoking weed be around my kids., than a drunk …


It’s weed. It could be so much worse. He could be neglectful, ignorant or abusive. Weed is the least of the problems. Plus maybe talk to him about it? Have him cut back the THC percentage until he builds a better tolerance. Daily pot smokers are in general, happier than none. :woman_shrugging:t3::joy:


It doesn’t matter if it bothers anyone else. It bothers you. You’re the one that lives with him and trying to spend your live with him


People are meant to get their sh*t together when they have kids and often we automatically expect this to happen. On the other hand we shouldn’t expect people to change. He is being neglectful if he turns into a zombie and you deserve connection.
My kids dad was like this, he only got worse as he got older. It affects people differently, some people are able to be productive ect, some aren’t. I’d leave because it sounds like he knew you weren’t so keen on it from the beginning either.


There are so many things he could do that is worse than weed!

You are nicer than I would be. I would never be with someone who is constantly under the influence of anything.


He’s an addict so try and get him in addiction counseling


My kids are little but I think they prefer mama smoking.


If you don’t have to smoke to even begin dealing with your kids, that’s a super power.


Tf u saying…weed dont make u slow …ur boyfriend was already slow


I was going to watch the kids untill I got high,was going to love my wife,untill I got high.Now she left me and I know why,(Why),cause I got high because I got da dat dat da da da da!!


Some of y’all are just extra :rofl: throwing a fit about weed. If he’s a zombie ALL THE TIME, then it isn’t weed he’s smoking. I smoke and have four kids, never once have I been so stoned I was neglectful of any of them.


Do you have any idea how tolerance works? Just because you get super stoned when you smoke with him occasionally doesn’t mean he is. He smokes all the time. If he is smoking and going to work I doubt he js a zombie all the time. However, If it annoys you so much, why did you get with someone who smokes so much? Like did you expect it to stop? For the sake of your relationship ask him to slow down or leave him.


Buy him some special weed,might wake him up

I understand a lot of people are laughing at this because they don’t associate marijuana with addiction. But chronic use of it is and overconsumption can cause an addiction. But after being a chronic user your body gets used to a level of high so you have to maintain to feel like you can eat sleep or go through the day. Your body does do withdrawals as well trying to stop chronic use of marijuana. He may also be depressed and just doesn’t recognize that. I would talk to him and tell him there needs to be boundaries or cutting back. If you say quit all together your going to scare him away from the idea completely. Relationships are all about communication and teaching each other what your not okay with. But slacking off on taking care of the kids and using weaponized ignorance to act like him being stoned 24/7 doesn’t interfere with his ability to take care of the kids is a problem. Both of you are in it together, I’m sure in a sense marijuana has become his thing so maybe don’t force him to stop all together immediately but just discuss maybe a schedule of sorts. Just so the day goes smoother and he can do his parenting to the best of his abilities


He needs sativa and not indica!


Marijuana is not addictive.


Me reading this thread. :sweat_smile:


He had an addiction and needs professional help.


You can get your kids taken away for smoking weed, just like any other drug. So my best advice is don’t do it. I definitely wouldn’t allow it in my home!


Why would you choose to date someone and have kids with them if they are a chronic? You can’t just choose to change someone because you up and decide something bothers you years into a relationship. Sounds like this is more of a you problem and you should get counselling to change your expectations because I would never expect him to change.


The amount of people commenting in this thread that scream “tell me you know nothing about marijuana without telling me you know nothing about marijuana” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I say you’re definitely overreacting and if you don’t like what he puts in his own body then leave.


Maybe you’re the reason he smokes so much…? My baby daddy is why I smoke… also the reason he’s still alive :joy:


Hahahahahaha funniest shit ive evr read thanks for this…my husband and i both smoke weed and raise not one but 3 kids and goto work and function nithing wrong

This was my life. Literally my ex smokes all day every day. Constantly. And in our house with our kids. It drove me fucking nuts. “WeEd IsNt AdDiCtIVe.” Is bullshit. It is addicting especially if someone already has an addictive personality. Moral of the story. I left him and he still hasn’t changed.

Weed is a drug and it interferes with every aspect of life. I’m reading excuses for smoking it 24-7 In a nutshell we have enough problems to deal with and don’t need a preventable one to deal with.


Went through that for 20 years with my Ex.Will never forgive myself for the damage it did to my kids

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Maybe explain from a different stand point. Instead of coming off like a safety issue (which I agree is valid if he’s not paying attention and zoning out) make it a presence thing. He isnt fully present and his energy is too low to actively engage. If he has and wants a good relationship as a family that will be important to him. If it’s not important to him and he doesn’t have an active relationship I say move on … It’s not your job to fix him and he’s not contributing to a healthy dynamic


As a person who also smokes 24/7 it does not turn you into a zombie and I smoke indica. The wrist it does is make me take a nap lmao you might think he’s a zombie but that’s just what getting high does. It relaxes you. He’s probably stressed TF out! Just ask him not to get high when he’s taking care of the kids. But some people just need to smoke or they are in pain physically or mentally. You CAN get addicted to weed. Just like you can get addicted to caffeine and chocolate and watching TV. Weed is better than being an alcoholic. If he is super sluggish and slow asf then he’s not JUST smoking weed… Weed has never made me slow in any way. Weed affects everyone differently but it sounds like to me he’s depressed or smoking something else. If he is only smoking weed and that’s just how it affects him then ask him to try SATIVA instead.


If he’s doing simple tasks and is doing them slowly then he’s definitely on something else… Weed doesn’t do that to people.


I parent my kids this way I smoke everyday thru the day or I wouldn’t make it thru the days with my kids. Is he actually slow to react when high or do u just say that cuz that’s what they say about weed? As long as he is doing his job. Being with his kids and is safe with them who cares when he smokes at least it’s only weed. My dad was into coke half my life trust me weed is fine


So did Michael Phelps. It’s weed. Chill


My mom has smoked pretty much all her life. And while it’s no excuse, after a while u NEED it to eat, sleep, work, move, do anything! Much like any other drug! It affects everyone different. U couldn’t even tell my mom smoked unless u saw her smoking and she was a full time nurse raising two kids. While it’s probably the safest one he can do it’s still a drug. Have u talked to him about it? If he’s actually acting high and is slow to react and u seriously fear for ur kids then talk to him! If he is dependent on it THEN IT IS ADDICTION! Dependency is a form of addiction. I would ask him to start cutting back that it’s making u uncomfortable. Don’t say quit. If he agrees to start cutting back then in a few months ask to cut back more and so on so forth. But if he freaks out when u ask then I say he’s on something else too. But when u talk to him about it don’t come at him like he’s an addict and actually tell him how ur feeling. Otherwise he’s not gonna do shit. U have to be able to talk to each other about the things that are bothering u. Now if u lay it all out and he won’t meet u halfway I would go. Relationships are build on trust, and u have to be able to talk, and compromise. If he can’t then go.

It really doesn’t matter what other people think about this. If you aren’t ok with it then you have every right not to be ok with it. I used to be with someone that smoked a lot too and he definitely wasn’t as “present” or motivated as he was when he didn’t smoke. I am not anti weed by any means and have smoked quite a bit in the past too and I for sure was way different when I did. I wasn’t motivated and it made me feel sluggish and tired a lot of the time. But the bottom line is, if you’re not ok with him doing it all the time and he won’t try to compromise with you on it then you should walk away. He may not see the issue with it but that doesn’t mean you have to be ok with it, or live with it, if it bothers you that much. It’s your choice and you have every right to decide if it’s something you cannot live with.


A lot of people smoke weed that have kids. It’s a hell of a lot better than smoking cigarettes around them at least there’s no bad long term side effects. Not saying you should smoke weed in front of the kids. To each their own. It seems like it’s really only an issue when the kids are around. You keep saying “kid free”. So, have him have a designated space to smoke weed, away from the kids.

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Seems to me like she should’ve have had this conversation about his habits BEFORE having children with him, because their opinions SHOULD mesh together. So honestly, she knew what his habits were and she’s JUST NOW having a problem? Sounds like she’s kicking herself and wants to blame him.


Put it in CHRIST hands! Any solution to any problem can be found at the foot of the cross :latin_cross:

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get ridof him…you are helping him feed his habit…


I think you should ask him to stop smoking weed for 2 weeks. Then when he isn’t high you can have a conversation about your experience with him being around you and the kids sober, and see if he agrees or noticed differences with his participation in the family and how you and the kids are happier etc
If he cannot agree to stop for a trial run or agrees but doesn’t stay drug free during that time at the least, I would walk. Relationships should be about compromise. He should be willing to have life experiences without the influence of drugs all the time. Getting high on weekends, after kids have gone to bed is reasonable. Every day all day isn’t.


I’m a daily pot smoker and so is my boyfriend. Sometimes we will get high early on the weekends and feel like bums because we don’t get anything done. Why don’t you try to plan more things as a family or a couple where he can’t be high to do them? Outings, hosting friends, play dates, etc.

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My dad smoked all my life but I had no idea till I turned 16 and he told me. It can be done away from kids and if the kids are none the wiser and it doesn’t take his priority over his work, life and kids then I say not the biggest deal. But if he is zombifiyed and its unsafe for your children thats a problem.


I used to smoke weed since I woke up till I went to bed. And hard to admit but I was addicted, it is a habit that is hard to beat. I did it for 21 years and it did not really help instead it made me lose valuable time with my family. Had to let it go and Rely on God to fulfill that emptiness that I had. It will not work if you nag at him but speak to him and explain to him that any substance even weed is addictive it becomes a habit and your body will keep asking for it specially if you use it constantly. There is something else that he is battling there and unfortunately you won’t fix this for him he needs professional help in order for him to realize what is going on here. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. May Our lord bless and help you with this. All will be ok put it in Gods hands


Tell him this is beginning to affect your life, his, and your family’s in a way you are not comfortable with and if he’s not willing to make the necessary changes needed to prevent that… then maybe he should find other living arrangements until otherwise. Weed is legal in many states now, it’s fine to smoke. But not if you can’t manage a life outside of it. That’s just my opinion though.

Yes, you’re overreacting… it’s just weed! :woman_facepalming:t2:


Lol, it’s a personal preference. It’s a game changer for some. Maybe it way mellows him out, like his vice. If that’s it, I wouldn’t worry about it. Not one bit.

You got with him knowing he was addicted. If he works and provides for you all then I don’t see the problem. Nothing you say or do will change him only he can make the choice to quit if his not ready to he won’t.

It’s weed. People will quit, but only if they want to quit.
It’s nothing like an addiction to pills, heroin or meth where a person ends up sick.

Maybe you should start smoking weed again… Sheesh! :rofl:


Definitely overreacting. Eat an edible, sit back and relax and enjoy :wink:


It’s a game chamger for me. I don’t date pot heads. I don’t need someone wasting money on habits when they can go bills , family outings etc


Hell to the no people can say oh it’s over it’s only weed and that you’re overreacting you are not it’s a safety issue with kids if he’s totally checked out and God forbid something of an emergency would happen his reaction time is going to be slowed by the weed that’s a fact I think that’s a danger to kids and so does CYFD I know couples who have taken their kids away because both of them are potheads and smoke way too much


It might be only weed now, but it will lead to bigger stuff


Get over it. It’s just weed Could be worse.

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I don’t see a problem with weed. It’s doing it all day I have a problem with. My 21 year old does it. But he does it for pain relief. I prefer the weed over the pain pills any day. Mabie ask him to slow down during the day.

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If he can’t do anything without smoking weed he has a damn problem. You are not overreacting when it comes to your kids. I would talk to him about slowing down a little.


I think it’s a problem is he it’s literally all he does. You don’t need to be high 24/7. Maybe he needs to go get a prescription for it before there’s trouble involved


He works. He smokes at home. Atleast he has a job and is at home.


I smoke all day and function like normal . He must be smoking too much at a time a few hits here and there throughout the day and he can feel good and still function . He must be really overdoing it


He is overdoing it for sure I have family members that do it but still have jobs and function normally and u would never know they did it if u met them I have a ton of people that don’t know these family members do it even some of my other family members don’t even know so yes if he isn’t able to function on it he has a problem that needs to be dealt with for sure for the safety of the kids and if he drives for himself and u as well


If he needs it, it’s a problem


Is not a big deal UNLESS it’s a big deal to YOU, set YOUR limits, especially for your kids. Some people don’t care, some people do. If he respects you, he will at least cut down, if not, you don’t need your kids seeing you be disrespected for what you feel is correct


Get him to find a strain of bud that won’t make him feel lousy. My hubby won’t give up so a good strain that keeps him much aware but same high helps.


Sounds like he’s functioning to me. Relax Mama. Just try and keep him from driving.

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It’s not going to lead to harder drugs.
You can’t be physically addicted to it. You can prefer to be high all the time, but it’s not the same as your body physically craving it like it would harder drugs.
I know some people who function just fine while high… Me on the other hand, I can’t. I don’t trust myself when high to be in any sort of position where I may be needed to drive or make serious decisions. If you feel this isn’t working for you and your children, address it and come to a compromise or separate. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for wanting a sober person around your babies. I feel the same way about alcohol, which is less frowned upon by society.


Your feelings are valid. Others don’t have to agree for you to feel like you do. If it causes stress it’s a problem and honestly I would feel like you in the same situation.

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If it really bothers you that much then I would leave. Im literally in the same position as you my husband smokes all day everyday. I hate it but I learned to get over it because it’s something I knew I signed up for I can’t change his ways. Think about it like that

Mostly I would be concerned for your children. Unless he smokes in a well ventilated place the second hand smoke could cause more respiratory infections. I know as an adult I can’t be around any kind of second hand smoke because I have severe asthma. I assume my asthma was caused by second hand smoke due to both of my parents smoking all the time.

sounds like he doesn’t see this as a problem and you do? maybe time to move on.

Sativa strains make u more awake and alert. Indicas are for night time. He might be uneducated about the strains . A lot of people are.

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Weed is not addictive!

Just tell him to not smoke whilst he’s got the kids or at least smoke a lot less when he is with them

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I overreacting?

You’re not being too sensitive. You have every right to feel how you feel. I would leave if you’ve already tried to talk to him about this and he shows no care for your feelings


Your child is seeing ,hearing, and feeling this! Remember that!


It’s called love bombing. It’s a tactic narcissist use to keep you confused. You can see how well it works until it doesn’t. Then the name calling and abuse will kick in. Cause see now your addicted to the love bombing. It’s a cycle of a chronic narcissist.


Lol… when I didn’t know mine was on the phone I got bashed so hard I couldn’t hear for 3 days… I feel you… I’m still stuck in mine. But it seems as you two have hit a bit of a rough patch… as you say only lately you have been arguing over financial etc so maybe it’s temporary, if you guys didn’t really have tension before hand and you have been through ups and downs before and everything has been smooth… if this is just behaviour that’s come up now then I would try and give you both space maybe take a day or two away from eachother or go a week away somewhere with your kids, if you only have started seeing eachother then this is the real him coming out and I’d walk away… but if it’s new behaviour I would suggest space apart until you start to miss eachother or financial things start easing and go from there …
The world will get more stricter with the way we live and problems will always come about, it’s how we sit through it and work it out and communicate is what makes us stronger and makes the relationship work… after you both just stay away from eachother for a few days, even if it’s to stay with a grandma or something… time apart because you only have eachother to take your stresses out on…see how it goes for 2 months and if you cannot rid the tension away… leave… otherwise you will end up like me… a year later and I fear love


Don’t put up with it, not good emotionally for you and your family

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No its not normal behaviour and you’re not being over sensitive.
Of course he may be stressed but im sure you are too and fighting is solving nothing
It also sounds as if he’s had anger management issues from the start and thats getting worse.
Aggressive behaviour always escalates. If he wont talk to you and seek help for his issues then id leave.
Dont get stuck for years with your child growing up watching you get abused…woman’s refuge will help you resettle and it may just be the action he needs to have a long hard look at himself .


Why are you being so sensitive? It’s exhausting and sad to make a problem out of life…


Sound like you’re in another abusive relationship! Either he needs help or you and your child need to get away from him!


It’s not “normal” for someone to take out their negative feelings on you in any circumstance.

Unfortunately most people are not taught this! You should talk to him and set a boundary. If he does this again, you’re out!


You don’t handle it and get out of there. You even said it yourself that it’s completely unfair your child has to witness this. So this isn’t about you anymore since your child is witnessing it.


Your child is acting out and getting into everything because they see how their father is acting. Pack your stuff and leave go stay with family. Or get a restraining order on him and kick him out . You and your kid deserve better you are being abused


As far as giving a 2 weeks notice for work did you have another job lined up? If you’re already having money problems that might be part of the problem.


He doesn’t sound like the sweetest most caring person like you stated at the beginning of your post.


Are you in my marriage? It is so exhausting. I’ve literally had enough and started sticking up for myself. However I work and since we are struggling will pick up hours. My thoughts are to have another job lined up before giving your 2 weeks. If it continues then you have to make some hard decisions

Its hard to say having limited information but one thing I know for sure… sometimes people just become overwhelmed with everything life throws at you, and taking a small break to breathe and get some rest might be a good idea. Maybe go away somewhere for 1-2 weeks and see how you both feel after it. Sometimes space gives clarity!

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Mama… you already know what you should do
Do it before it gets worse and your son gets older and witness more
And thinks that is a “normal” relationship

If you don’t want to leave him you both need to sit down and have a serious conversation and set your boundaries mama.


No that’s absolutely NOT normal. My ex acted exactly like that right before the physical abuse started…he should NEVER make you feel that way. Verbal abuse and emotional abuse are just as bad if not worst. My black eyes went away but words and actions stay forever. I suggest you two get counseling or part ways before it gets worst…I’m sorry you’re going through this.


it only gets worse been through all that

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Try counseling, sounds like not much communication going on.

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The Best advice I can give you is listen to your gut. Whatever it is telling you, do it. Your intuition (gut) is 100% correct 100% of the time. I wish you Love and Light and I hope this helps. And for the record, No your child doesn’t need to see what is going on. The kids feel deeper than what adults give them credit for and they know there is something wrong…