Not everyone breaks up and has to be super dramatic or hateful.
I still talk to my ex family because I have his son even tho I don’t talk to him and he ain’t around plus I still help with his daughter
Just because you break up doesn’t always mean you break up with the family. As long as the conversation isn’t about him and his ex then maybe you need to examine why you feel threatened.
If in your shoes, which I’m not, if contact with either of our ex’s caused us problems… We’d cut off contact.
When I see my ex’s mom from I’m highschool I always get a big hug from her and we talk and she always tells me how beautiful my family is and she loves me. I talk to her but I would never in a million years talk to my ex cuz of how he treated me but I have always had a great relationship with her. I also have a great relationship with my son’s father’s family too and we havent been a together for 10 years. So yeah you are being jealous and overreacting
i guess im one the few that this is weird. lol unless kids are involved.
You break up with your ex not the family.
I still talk to my exes family. Why should I have to stop talking to people who I like just cause we arent together. Its not that big of a deal fr.
My bf and his ex broke up over 15 years ago her dad still comes to family events lol they are family
it is what it is The relationship was built way before I entered the picture it doesn’t just go away
My grandpa divorced my grandma MANY years ago (like maybe almost 20yrs if it hasn’t been that long already), and he has all her family on his facebook as well as his new wives family on his facebook.
Still talk to my ex’s family they never done anything wrong so don’t see why we shouldn’t speak
Yes. Sometimes you like these people and you sometimes only want to know what happens in their lives. It has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the ex. Sometimes other people like you back and it’s nice.
You have nothing to do with your ex out of respect. I would not tolerate it. There is always a reason why…. You asking, you already no the answer.
If you were close and had created a bond with your boyfriend’s family while together, wouldn’t you feel some kind of hurt and upset if they kicked you to the curb because they saw no reason to keep you around and want nothing to do with you due to y’all broke up? Would you not feel as though the friendship(s) and memories you created with them didn’t matter to them if they pushed you away? It’s pretty messed up - so yup, I think you’re overreacting.
Tbh when I first got together with my partner 7 years ago I thought it was weird that he was still close friends with his exes mum and sister, especially since they ended on a horrible note. Buy he explained they were there for him during a rough part of his life and they became like family to him, 7 years on and I think his exes mum and sister are one of loveliest ladies I’ve ever met and they are both invited to our wedding this year.
Relationships are strange and beautiful! And they were apart of his life before you and it’s okay for them to still be friends
He’s probably still close with the family just not with her.
I have some of my sons fathers family on my Facebook and we have been broken up for 3 years I wouldn’t worry too much
my husbands family has his ex on fb still. it kinda pisses me off bc of how awful she was too him but it doesn’t really bug me too much. now if he was friends with her id be upset lol.
I still talk to my exes family but definitely not frequently. I don’t think my parner likes it though. So I make sure it’s minimal
Overreacting as long as he isn’t talking to the ex. I still have my ex’s family on social media and talk to them when I see them in public.
Definitely over reacting
He split from his ex not her family
YOUR bf… is still hung up on his EX ?? CLUE: He’s NOT your BF. You share him
I have 2 of my Dads Ex’s on my friends list… and especially 1, I love very much…
No big deal. Especially if they have kids together.
I still go over to my ex parents place for family get-togethers with my hubby and kids, she loves all my kids as there grandkids
You are overreacting.
Depending how in depth they talk and whatnot. Otherwise, those people are separate from ex. Its okay to like or talk to family and not talk to the ex that’s related.
I have my exes sisters and mom on my Facebook, it’s not weird I just have no reason to not be friends with them. The ex and I have been split up for 4 years and I never deleted his siblings or mom. They’re good people and I don’t speak to my ex at all, but I still love his sisters and we talk occasionally.
It would depend for me if there are children involved? If they had children he should keep contact, if not I personally don’t see issue with friendships.
So what . Don’t be crazy and a weirdo he’s close to them
My ex’s mom watches my son for me and I see her multiple times a month.
I don’t talk to my ex or have anything to do with him, only his mom.
Why am I seeing this page constantly? I really hate it! So many people asking for advice who obviously have zero common sense wtf! If you have to ask then ummm you should know the answer run! Blocking this now! Zero interest, smarten up!!!
We are allowed to form bonds with the people we have been connected to in life. I’d be worried about someone who didn’t honestly. That’s normal, healthy, and you should respect it!
Yes you are over reacting. His relationship with his ex is over but that doesn’t mean the relationship with her family ends you don’t know what kind of bonds or relationships he has with them
He and she broke up not him and the relatives
My ex and I split up and he still seen my parents like they were his. His kid from another relationship after me even called my parents GMA and GPA.
I think it’s weird and unnecessary to keep in contact with ex’s family members. Like it would be so awkward if my mom or sister still talked to my ex boyfriend’s mom or had her on social media. It’s almost a way to watch what they are doing. Definitely don’t think it’s overreacting.
I’ve still got my exs family on my Facebook. There’s a few members I don’t have anymore because I was never close to them. I actually got rid of one of our mutual friends as they were telling my ex that I was out sleeping around and putting the kids in dangerous positions. They tried to tell my ex they seen something on my fb about a week later, I had already blocked them and my ex and I have a good co parenting relationship
You are definitely overreacting and if you don’t want to be his next ex you might not want to start with the jealousy thing. The break up was with his ex not every person she may know or her relatives who must think he is a pretty good guy to stay in touch with him.
Yes your overreacting. It’s been 10 years now since my oldest real dad and I were together and his mom likes me better and his brother’s and his family on both his mom and dad side still consider me family and my husband now and are 3 kids go to birthday partys and spend holidays with them too and his mom considers my husband as a son as well but her son isn’t and hasn’t been in my daughter’s life for 10 years as well
It’s weird in my opinion I wouldn’t like it if my husband had his ex and her family on his friends list
Maybe they had a good relationship and still can be friends, however i feel you, i too wouldnt like the idea of it
My exs dad still calls me after 12 years to tell me what an idiot his son is and that he misses me and is proud of the way my kids turned out and how proud he is of them and my kids and to tell them papa loves them.
Just because you and an Ex do not work out, doesn’t have anything to do with the rest of the family
Overreacting it’s been 13 years and I still have a lot of my ex’s family on my social media, I love them they were once part of my family. Just cause you break up with someone doesn’t mean you have to be immature about it. Your not a teenager where you need to cut off the whole troop. If they were toxic yes I would cut them off but if there isn’t bad blood then I don’t see problem trust is a big thing in a mature relationship
That depends on the situation…My fiancé’s ex wife is his best friend & I love that we can be friends.
Over reacting, I still talk to my ex sister in law everyday. We still spend holidays together. After almost 9 years of being family you dont just turn your back on them just because me and my ex didnt work out…
I’m pretty sure my boyfriends parents still are fb friends with his older brothers ex and he’s been married for 10 years. They also have pictures of my bf’s family photos on their walls with his ex wife. We’ve been together over 9 years, I’d say you’re overreacting a bit. I get it, but some things you have to let go.
My sister was MARRIED to a man. He was my son’s godfather. He pretty much adopted her son as his own. Once they divorced and he found another gf, she forced him to chose. Us, or her. He chose her and we were so hurt. My son loved him. I trusted him with my babies and don’t trust just anyone. He was best friends with my kids dad. He couldn’t even talk to him bc we had kids together, despite he has no blood with my sister. He hadn’t spoken to my sister in a long time but was still close with us. My dying father loved him. He was no longer allowed to visit him. Its not about the other girl or holding onto her. Sure, it can be. But sometimes things do get deeper and you literally form a bond that is like family. I still miss him even tho he hurt us. He was like a brother to me.
I still have all my ex’s family on mine from all of them grow up.
If they don’t have kids - it’s weird and needs to stop or you should find better.
It took me a while to let go of my exs family because they all love me, not because I still love him. I eventually did cut them out of my life out of respect for my husband. I think your partner will realize this as your relationship gets stronger and he should if he is loyal to you. Best of luck
i still get along with my former in-laws, & civil 2 ex. Our son is grown.
Honey mine kept his ex on call 24 7. Including in the middle of intimacy he’d stop to answer the daMN phone when she was calling
100% over reacting!!
He is allowed to stay in contact with whom ever he wants including ex’s and their family.
Its ok,i still have alot of my exs family on my social media,theres nothing wrong with it,we all still talk
I have my ex’s family on social media i don’t see any harm in it.
Yes I mean you have met him and he had a life before you it’s OK for you to grow up
Overreacting. In my family once you come in you are always family. If you wanna come over for the holidays come over bring your new family. Whatever. If he isn’t hiding anything and has never gave you any reason to believe that he would cheat or has then I wouldn’t worry about it
Do they share a child? It’s not uncommon to remain friends after a break up. If they have a child together, you better get used to it.
Overreacting. I’m still friends with a few of my ex’s family members.
What in the jealous toxic mess is this? He’s made bonds and friends with these people! Has zero to do with the ex!
Your boyfriend will not be your boyfriend long. Nobody trying to deal with your toxic controlling crazy. Geez.
Have a seat baby. Focus on better things before you get a grey hair🤨
I still have my exs family on my socials , I love the fuck out of them. Some of yall are really weird
You’re overreacting. It’s not the family’s fault plus they might have formed a friendship and there’s nothing wrong with that
I was with my ex for almost 10 years, of course it’s NORMAL to form a bond with their family or even have MUTUAL friends from past relationships. Just because he’s not with the ex does not mean he has to cut ties with everyone associated with her or who he met through her. I’d never in a million years considering talking to my ex again unless it pertains to our children but I still have all his brothers, nieces and nephews, sister in laws you name it on my page and we all still talk. Never about the ex so it shouldn’t be a big deal IMO, unless you are extremely insecure about the relationship and have trust issues.
I mean it was 4 years ago. If they was going to be together they would, but he chose you.
As long as they aren’t interfering with your relationship, I wouldn’t fret about it
Ur overreacting I still talk to my exs family and I haven’t been with him since 2014 lmao
Overreacting, don’t stress about it.
Totally overreacting. My ex is still on my social media, as well as alot of my family members.
You are overreacting.
Overreacting love, I still talk to most of my exs families! Doesn’t mean nothing just made friends in the process of being with their family members that’s all xx
My husband hired his ex’s nephew for a whole year. We had no problems at all. He was very chill and i never heard anything from that family.
Regardless of my daughter I still talk to my exs family even before we had a kid together I would always still talk to his family
It depends on the trust and respect in your relationship.
Definitely overreacting…
You are 100% overreacting, lmao. What exactly was he supposed to do in that situation?
Open your own bottle of whiskey
How about…… instead of video calling your boyfriend…… attempt to control the bleeding?
If someone facetimed me to show me puddles of blood i’d be taking shots of whiskey too……
Grow up. Jesus.
Wow definitely overreacting🤦♀️
at least he didn’t laugh
What was he supposed to do lol
He was probably already drinking his whiskey
Then you called
It happens but not a lot for me. Ive been shaving since 13 or so.Im a pro.Just recently I’ve been lazy with it.I came to realize men don’t care,they will do anything.
He was probably drinking before you called. You’re definitely over reacting. I get being depressed and having the worst day but raging out on him isn’t going to do anything other than cause problems. Stop. Breathe. Try again.
These stories are getting weirder and weirder…
Honestly, I would of laughed at you. I would of been laughing at myself.
Ummm what did you exactly expect him to say or do?? I think most men wouldn’t even know how to respond to something like this so yes, yes I think your over reacting
Girl just go drink some whiskey lol. You’re overreacting and I bet he don’t care if you got hair or not down there and that’s why he didn’t react to the news.
you hurt yourself and he didn’t care? that’s not nice. you did a hack job and he didn’t care? well just shows even ugly haired cat is ok lol
….Okay, ma’amchild - time to grow up a wee bit! No wonder he opened up a bottle of whiskey….
Ummm…I’m actually kinda lost. What exactly is the problem?..I’m not trying to be rude, but the story made no sense to me.
You said it was horrifying. What the fuck did you expect him to do? Tell you it looked lovely?
Your first mistake was video calling him to begin with. Who does that?
At least he didn’t laugh as hard as I did
I mean I would be drinking too if I had to deal with that nonsense
I mean. What do you want him to do? You showed him your slaughtered . He was probably lost for words. Felt sad, cuz he knows he can’t play with her until she heals. && he definitely needed that drink cuz he won’t be able to forget that image tonight.
Honestly I’d be laughing at myself if it was me
100% overreacting omg. Did she really just ask this?? What in the world.